Mishnah 1
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(a)On what condition does the Tana Kama declare Tamei a woman who miscarries a piece of flesh?

(b)What if she does not see blood, but there is blood inside the piece of flesh?

(c)What does R. Yehudah say?

(d)What is the basis of their Machlokes?

(e)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)the Tana Kama declares Tamei a woman who miscarries a piece of flesh - provided she also sees blood.

(b)If she does not see blood, but there is blood inside the piece of flesh - she is Tahor (because it is part of the piece, and not connected with the birth).

(c)According to R. Yehudah - either way, she is Tamei ...

(d)... because he holds that - there is no such thing as the womb opening without an emission of blood (only for some reason they did not see it); whereas the Chachamim hold that it is possible for the womb to open without blood (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(e)The Halachah is - like the Chachamim.

Mishnah 2
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(a)What does the Mishnah say about a woman who miscarries a sort of ...

1. ... peel, hair or dust?

2. ... fish, locusts or insects?

(b)The former list includes a sort of Yavchushin. What are Yavchushin? What color must they be in order to render the woman Tamei?

(c)Who is the author of the latter set of items?


(a)The Mishnah rules that a woman who miscarries a sort of ...

1. ... peel, hair or dust - is Tamei provided it melts in water (see Rashash & Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'Im Nimuchu').

2. ... fish, locusts or insects - is Tamei, provided she also sees blood.

(b)The former list includes a sort of - red Yavchushin (ants).

(c)The author of the latter set of items - is the Chachamim of R. Yehudah (who hold that it is possible for the womb to open without an emission of blood).


(a)What does R. Meir say about a woman who miscarries a sort of Beheimah, Chayah or Of of a species that is ...

1. ... Tamei?

2. ... Tahor?

(b)What difference does it make whether the Nefel (miscarriage) is a male or a female?

(c)What if it a Safek?

(d)What do the Chachamim say?


(a)R. Meir - declares Tamei a woman who miscarries a sort of Beheimah, Chayah or Of (see Tos. Yom-Tov), irrespective of whether it is of a species that is ...

1. ... Tamei or one that is ...

2. ... Tahor.

(b)If the Nefel (miscarriage) is a male - she is Tamei for seven days and Tahor for thirty-three; whereas if it is a female - she is Tamei for fourteen days, and Tahor for sixty-six.

(c)In the event that it is a Safek, she adopts the Chumros of both (fourteen days of Tum'ah and thirty-three days [beginning from the eighth day after the birth] of Taharah [see Tos. Yom-Tov]).

(d)According to the Chachamim - it is only a Nefel that has no features of a human-being that is not considered Adam (as we will now explain).


(a)The above Machlokes is limited however. What will both opinions hold there where the Nefel has ...

1. ...the body of an animal but the face of a human-being?

2. ...the body of a human-being but the face of an animal?

(b)In which case are they then arguing?

(c)R. Meir holds that, since one eye is not of a human-being, the woman is Tahor. What do the Chachamim say?

(d)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)The above Machlokes is limited however, inasmuch as both opinions will agree that there where the Nefel has ...

1. ... the body of an animal but the face of a human-being - it is Tamei.

2. ...the body of a human-being but the face of an animal - it is Tahor (because it is the face that determines the Nefel's status).

(b)And they are therefore arguing in a case - where the entire face resembles that of a human-being, except for one of the eyes, which resembles that of an animal (see Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'va'Chachamim Omrim'.

(c)R. Meir holds that since one of the Nefel's eyes is not that of a human-being, the woman is Tahor; Whereas the Chachamim say that - since part of the face is human, she is Tamei Leidah (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(d)The Halachah is - like the Chachamim.

Mishnah 3
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Mishnah now discusses a woman who miscarries a Shafir that is full of water, blood or Genunim. What is a Shafir?

(b)Why is it called by that name?


(a)The Mishnah now discusses a woman who miscarries a Shafir - a piece of flesh that is full of water, blood or Genunim.

(b)It is called by that name - because it resembles an egg-shell (Sh'foferes shel Beitzah).


(a)Genunim may mean many colors (as if the Tana had said Gevanim [see Tos. Yom-Tov]). What else might it mean?

(b)What does the Mishnah say about the Shafir?

(c)What if the woman has a simultaneous sighting of blood?


(a)Genunim means, either many colors (as if the Tana had said Gevanim [see Tos. Yom-Tov]), or - little strips of cut-up flesh that look like worms.

(b)The Mishnah rules that - the woman need not be concerned about Tum'as Leidah.

(c)If the woman has a simultaneous sighting of blood - she is a regular Nidah, but not Tamei Leidah.


(a)The Tana concludes that if the Shafir is Merukam, she is Tamei Leidah. What does Merukam mean?

(b)How many days Tum'ah and Taharah must she reckon?


(a)The Tana concludes that if the Shafir is Merukam - it has a human form (see Tos. Yom-Tov) she is Tamei Leidah.

(b)She must reckon - [See Hagahos Rashash] days of Tum'ah and thirty-three (minus seven) days of Taharah.

Mishnah 4
Hear the Mishnah


(a)If a woman miscarries a Sandal or a Shilya, the Mishnah issues the same ruling as Shafir Merukam (in the previous Mishnah). What is ...

1. ... a Sandal?

2. ... the acronym of Sandal?

(b)What is a Shilya?

(c)What does it resemble ...

1. ... in its early stages?

2. ... in its later stages?

(d)It is hollow like a trumpet. What is its minimum size?


(a)If a woman miscarries a Sandal or a Shilya, the Mishnah issues the same ruling as Shafir Merukam (in the previous Mishnah).

1. A Sandal is - a flat piece of flesh that resembles both an ox's tongue and a sandal.

2. The acronym of Sandal is - 'Sanuy ve Dal' (loathsome and poorly).

(b)Shilya is - a placenta (the membrane that houses the fetus).

(c)It resembles ...

1. ... (in its early stages) - the thread of the woof (of the weaving-loom).

2. ... (in its later stages) - a Turmus-bean (a lupin).

(d)It is hollow like a trumpet, and its minimum size is - one Tefach.


(a)On what grounds does the Tana Kama declare Tamei a room that contains a Shilya?

(b)And on what grounds does R. Shimon declare it Tahor?

(c)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)The Tana Kama declares Tamei a room that contains a Shilya - (not because of the Shilya, per se, but) because if there is a Shilya, there must be a baby (which renders the room Tamei be'Ohel ha'Meis).

(b)R. Shimon declares it Tahor - because he assumes that the baby must have melted and mixed with the blood of the birth (where it is Bateil be'Rov).

(c)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

Mishnah 5
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Mishnah now discusses a woman who miscarries a Tumtum or an Androginus. What is the difference between them?

(b)How many days Tum'ah and Taharah must she observe if she miscarries ...

1. ... either one or the other?

2. ... either a Tumtum or an Androginus plus a boy?

(c)What is the Chidush in the latter case? What might we otherwise have thought?

(d)What if she miscarries either a Tumtum or an Androginus plus a girl?

(e)Why is that?


(a)The Mishnah now discusses a woman who miscarries a Tumtum - whose sexual organs are covered over, or an Androginus - who is has both sets of sexual organs.

(b)If she miscarries ...

1. ... either one or the other, she must observe the Chumros of both a boy and a girl (as we have explained a number of times). And the same will apply in the event that she miscarries ...

2. ... either a Tumtum or an Androginus plus a boy.

(c)The Chidush in the latter case is that - we do not assume that since the one baby is a boy, the other one is a boy too, in which case seven days Tum'ah would suffice.

(d)If, on the other hand, she miscarries either a Tumtum or an Androginus plus a girl - she observes two weeks Tum'ah and sixty-six days of Taharah ...

(e)... since both the days of Tum'ah and those of Taharah of the boy are absorbed in those of the girl.


(a)If a baby emerges cut up or upside-down (feet first), at which stage is it considered born?

(b)If it is born head first, then once the majority of the head has emerged, it is considered born. How does the Tana define the majority of the head?


(a)A baby that emerges cut up or upside-down (feet first [see Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'Yatza Mechutach' & 'O Mesuras']) is considered born - the moment most of it has emerged from the womb.

(b)If it is born head first, then once the majority of the head has emerged, it is considered born. The Tana defines the majority of the head as - the forehead.

Mishnah 6
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What does the Mishnah say about a woman who miscarries, but does not know whether it is a boy or a girl (see Tos. Yom-Tov)?

(b)What if she is not even sure that it is a baby?

(c)What are the ramifications of this ruling?


(a)The Mishnah rules that a woman who miscarries, but does not know whether it is a boy or a girl (see Tos. Yom-Tov) - must observe the Chumros of a woman who has given birth to a boy and of one who has given birth to a girl.

(b)If she is not even sure that it is a baby (see Tos. Yom-Tov) - then she must, in addition observe the Din of a Nidah ...

(c)... who has no days of Tohar (she observes fourteen days of Tum'ah and no days of Taharah [see also Tos Yom-Tov]).

Mishnah 7
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What does the Mishnah rule in a case where a woman miscarries on the fortieth day after having Toveled following her previous birth?

(b)Why is that?

(c)And what if she miscarries on the forty-first day?


(a)In a case where a woman miscarries on the fortieth day after having Toveled following her previous birth, the Mishnah rules that - she need not suspect that she miscarried a baby ...

(b)... since a baby's form is only completed on the forty-first day.

(c)If she miscarries on the forty-first day however - she must observe the Chumros of a woman who has given birth to a boy and of one who has given birth to a girl, and of a Nidah (as we explained earlier).


(a)R. Yishmael agrees with the previous ruling in the event that the miscarriage occurs on the eighty-first day, but not on the forty-first. What will he hold in the event that it takes place on the forty-first day?

(b)Why is that?

(c)The Chachamim maintain that both a girl and a boy are formed in forty-one days. Is that not the opinion of the Tana Kama?

(d)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)R. Yishmael agrees with the previous ruling in the event that the miscarriage occurs on the eighty-first day, but not on the forty-first - in which case, she ignores the possibility of it having been a girl ...

(b)... because, in his opinion, a boy is formed in forty-one days, a girl, in eighty-one.

(c)The Chachamim maintain that both a girl and a boy are formed in forty-one days, like the Tana Kama - only the Tana repeats it - to stress that they disagree with R. Yishmael's ruling, despite the fact that it is logical (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(d)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.

Hadran alach 'ha'Mapeles Chatichah'