[55a - 41 lines; 55b - 34 lines]

1)[line 1]בפול המצריPOL HA'MITZRI- (a) (O.F. feisol) the haricot bean (RASHI Rosh Hashanah 13b); (b) the Egyptian bean (colocasia)

2)[line 7]כל דמידגןKOL D'MIDGAN- any food that is heaped into a pile

3)[line 7]"וכפרץ הדבר הרבו בני ישראל ראשית דגן תירוש ויצהר ודבש וכל תבואת שדה ומעשר הכל לרב הביאו. ובני ישראל ויהודה היושבים בערי יהודה גם הם מעשר בקר וצאן ומעשר קדשים המקדשים לה' אלקיהם הביאו ויתנו ערמות ערמות""VECHI'FEROTZ HA'DAVAR, HIRBU B'NEI YISRAEL REISHIS DAGAN TIROSH V'YITZHAR UD'VASH V'CHOL TEVU'AS HA'SADEH, U'MA'ASER HA'KOL LAROV HEVI'U. U'V'NEI YISRAEL VI'YEHUDAH HA'YOSHVIM B'AREI YEHUDAH GAM HEM MA'ASER BAKAR VA'TZON U'MA'ASER KODSHIM HA'MEKUDASHIM LA'SH-M ELOKEIHEM HEVI'U, VA'YITNU AREIMOS AREIMOS" - "And when the king's word prevailed, the B'nei Yisrael brought large amounts of the first of their corn, wine, oil, date-honey, and all the produce of the field, and Ma'aser of everything in abundance they brought. And the B'nei Yisrael and Yehudah, who resided in the cities of Yehudah, they too brought the Ma'aser of cattle and sheep as well as the Ma'aser of the Kodshim which was sanctified to HaSh-m their G-d (the Ma'aser Min ha'Ma'aser which the Levi gives to the Kohen, Rashi), and they placed it in piles." (Divrei ha'Yamim II 31:5-6) (CHIZKIYAHU REVIVES TORAH LIFE IN THE LAND)

(a)Following the reign of his wicked father, Achaz, Chizkiyahu revived Torah study and Torah life in Yehudah. He had just organized a magnificent communal Korban Pesach, the likes of which had not been seen since the days of Shlomo ha'Melech. That sparked the enthusiasm of the people who went out en masse and destroyed all of the Matzeivos (altars of one stone), Bamos, Asheiros (idol trees), and the altars from Yehudah, Binyamin, Efrayim, and Menasheh.

(b)Chizkiyahu had just reinstated the twenty-four groups of Kohanim and Leviyim, who served weekly in the Beis ha'Mikdash in rotation. He personally donated a large stock of burnt-offerings for the Korban Tamid, as well as for the Korban Musaf of Shabbos, Rosh Chodesh, and Yom Tov. He urged the people to give to the Kohanim and Leviyim their dues. As the above verses teach, his efforts bore fruit, and the people gave willingly. They even gave Terumos and Ma'asros from all fruits and vegetables, something which the Torah did not require.

4)[line 22]עללתא דנהר פניאALALTA D'NEHAR PANYA- the produce of Bar Mar Shmuel's possessions along Nehar Panya, a canal in Bavel

5)[line 28]שכר בתיםSECHAR BATIM- rent money

6)[line 29]דפחתןD'PACHATAN- that they depreciate

7)[line 29]דלא ידיע פחתייהוD'LO YEDI'A PACHASAIHU- their depreciation is not noticeable

8)[line 30]מאחר דלא צריך לןME'ACHAR D'LO TZARICH LAN- since he does not need us (i.e. me)

9)[line 31]במעלי יומא דכפוריB'MA'ALEI YOMA D'CHIPUREI- Erev Yom ha'Kipurim

10)[line 34]למיזגא דרבא בריה דרב יוסף בר חמאL'MIZGA D'RAVA BREI D'RAV YOSEF BAR CHAMA- [this tastes like] the wine diluted the way that Rava brei d'Rav Yosef bar Chama dilutes wine (which had three parts water to one part wine - Shabbos 77a)

11)[line 35]לא תיתיב אכרעךLO SESIV, A'KAR'ICH!- do not sit down, [but rather stand] on your feet! (TOSFOS Nazir 24b DH Amar)

12)[line 36]"...וממדבר מתנה""... UMI'MIDBAR MATANAH"- "... and from the wilderness they went to [a place called] Matanah." (Bamidbar 21:18)

13)[line 37]כמדבר שהוא מופקר לכלK'MIDBAR SHE'HU MUFKAR LA'KOL- like a wilderness that is Hefker for all passersby, i.e. he teaches his Torah-learning to all, without asking for compensation

14)[line 38]נחלו אלNACHALO KEL- he becomes HaSh-m's inheritance

15)[last line]ונשקפה על פני הישימוןV'NISHKAFAH AL PENEI HA'YESHIMON- He will sink him into the ground (the Gemara is comparing the word "v'Nishkafah" with the word "Iskufah," a doorstep, that is sunken into the ground and all who enter the house tread upon it --TOSFOS DH she'Shokfin)


16)[line 3]באורזOREZ- (a) (O.F. mil) millet (RASHI Berachos 37a); (b) rice (TOSFOS ibid.)

17)[line 3]בחילקאCHILKA- wheat kernels that are split in two in a mortar

18)[line 3]בטרגיסTARGIS- wheat that is split in three

19)[line 3]ובטיסניTISANI- wheat that is split in four (see Berachos 37a and see Background to Berachos 37:3d, where this is called "Zariz")

20)[line 8]בכמהין ופטריותKEMEHIN U'PITRIYOS- types of boletes, such as mushrooms, morels, and truffles

21)[line 11]הזמיתZAMIS- (a) (O.F. salmuire) brine (RAN, ROSH and MEFARESH, RASHI to Berachos 36a); (b) soup (ARUCH); (c) the foam that collects at the top of a pot of cooked food (RAV HAI GAON); (d) salt water (TUR)

22)[line 13]מירבא רבו מארעא מינק מאוירא ינקיMIRVA RAVU ME'AR'A; MEINAK ME'AVIRA YANKEI- they grow out of the ground, but unlike plants that absorb nutrients dissolved in water in the soil, a mushroom or fungus finds its own food from its immediate environment. Enzymes that the fungi excrete dissolve the food, and the nutrients are then absorbed directly through the thin cell walls. Chazal use the term "me'Avira Yankei" (lit. they get their nourishment from the air) to refer to plants that do not take their nourishment from the ground, as is apparent from the Gemara Eruvin 28b. Since fungi grow on rocks and dead wood, they also fall into this category.

23)[line 17]ובחמילהUV'CHAMILAH- and with a thick, coarse blanket

24)[line 18]בגיזי צמרGIZEI TZEMER- shearings of wool

25)[line 19]באניצי פשתןANITZEI PISHTAN- (a) bundles of flax that have been pounded but not carded (freed of hard substances) (MEFARESH); (b) bundles of flax that have been pounded and carded with a flax comb (RASHI to Sukah 12b)

26)[line 20]טען והזיעTA'AN V'HIZI'A- if he loaded upon himself wool or linen and started to sweat

27)[line 25]בפונדאPUNDA- a hollow belt used for holding money

28)[line 25]ובפסקיאPISKIYA/PESIKYA- (O.F. faisole) a wide belt worn by women around the legs with strings at the ends with which it is tied

29)[line 25]ובסקורטיאSEKORTIYA- a leather cloak or apron

30)[line 25]ובקטבליאKATABLIYA- a hardened sheet of leather used to cover a table or a bed

31)[line 26]ואנפליאANPILYA- (a) (O.F. hoses) leather boots or moccasins (MEFARESH); (b) (O.F. chalcon) woolen socks (TOSFOS)

32)[line 26]ופליניאPELINYA- (a) (O.F. porceint) a leather apron (MEFARESH); (b) knee breeches (ARUCH, RASHI to Nidah 13b)

33)[line 27]כיתונא דצלאKITUNA D'TZALA- a leather cloak worn over the garments of a tanner (RAN) or that is used as a raincoat (TOSFOS)

34)[line 28]ובסגוסSAGOS- (a) a thick sack-like cloth (MEFARESH); (b) a shaggy woolen bedspread (ARUCH, RAMBAM PEIRUSH HA'MISHNAYOS to Nega'im 11:11)