

úåñôåú ã"ä ôøä æå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives three explanations of the Mishnah.)

ëâåï ùäéúä ôøä øáåöä ìôðéå îùîò ìéä ãäéúä øáåöä îã÷úðé àí òåîãú àðé


Explanation: The case is, a cow was crouching in front of him. It connotes that it was crouching, since it taught "if I will stand."

ìùðåéà ãøîé áø çîà éù ìôøù ìéùðà ãîúðé' äëé àîø ôé' àîø àãí äøåàä äôøä äøáåöä àîøä ôøä æå (ôé' ñáåøä ôøä æå) ëìåîø ñáåøä ôøä æå áìáä (äâäú áøëú øàù)


Explanation #1: According to Rami bar Chama's answer, we can explain our Mishnah as follows. "Amar", i.e. a person who saw the cow crouching [said] "this cow said", i.e. this cow thinks in its heart...

îçîú ùøáåöä ë"ë ùàéðä éëåìä ìòîåã îàìéä


Because it is crouched so much, [it thinks that] it cannot stand by itself.

åìà ùäôøä òöîä îçùáú ëï ùäøé àéï ìä ãòú ìñáåø åìçùá àìà ëìåîø áðé àãí äòåáøéí åøåàéí àåúä øáåöä ëì ëê áëç ñáåøéí áìáí ìåîø ëï


Clarification: [He does] not [mean] that the cow itself thinks so, for it has no understanding to reason and think. Rather, people who pass by and see it crouched so much, they think in their hearts to say so;

åìôé ùäøåàä äôøä çåùá ëï áìáå òì äôøä ìôéëê úåìä äîçùáä áôøä òöîä


Because one who sees the cow thinks so in his heart about the cow, therefore he attributes the thought to the cow itself.

ëîå åäàðéä çùáä ìäùáø (éåðä à) åìà ùäàðéä çùáä ëï àìà äàãí äøåàä äàðéä çåùá òìéä ìäùáø åúåìä äôñå÷ äîçùáä áàðéä


This is like "the boat thought to be broken." The boat did not think so, rather, a person who sees the boat thinks that it will break. The verse attributes the thought to the boat;

ä"ð úåìä äîçùáä áôøä


Also here, he attributes the thought to the cow.

äøéðé ðæéøä (ëï äåà áãôåñ åðöéä) àí òåîãú äøéðé îåñá òì äàãí äî÷áì òìéå äðæéøåú


Explanation #1 (cont.): "Hareini [I am] a Nezirah if it stands." "Hareini" refers to the person who accepts Nezirus on himself;

ìäëé ÷àîø äøéðé ðæéøä îôé÷ ä"à äøéðé ðæéø îáùøä àí òåîãú


The reason he said Hareini Nezirah [with a] Mapik Hei (the Hei at the end has a dot in it to show feminine possessive, i.e.) I am a Nazir (I will refrain) from its meat if it stands.

åøîé áø çîà îåñéó òì ìùåï äîùðä àí òåîãú îàìéä ëé îàìéä àéðå îìùåï äîùðä


Rami bar Chama adds to the text of the Mishnah "if it stands by itself." "By itself" is not from the text of the Mishnah.

àðé öøéê ìãçå÷ åìôøù ùîåñá òì äàãí äî÷áì äðæéøåú åä"÷ àí òåîãú îàìéä àðé ðæéø îáùøä


With difficulty, we must explain that "Ani (I)" refers to the person accepting Nezirus. He says "if it stands by itself, I am a Nazir from its meat.

åàò"â ãëáø àîø (äâäú ÷äéìú éò÷á) äøéðé ðæéøä


Implied question: He already said "Hareini Nezirah"! (It is clear from "Hareini" that he refers to himself. There is no need to say "Ani".)

ëôì îìä äåà òì äàãí äî÷áì äðæéøåú


Answer: This is a superfluous word, i.e. another reference to the person accepting Nezirus.

ìëï ðøàä ìîäø"ó ð"ò ãìôåí øéäèà ãîúðé' îùîò ùäôøä òöîä àîøä äøéðé ðæéøä àí òåîãú àðé


Explanation #2 (R. Peretz): The simple reading of our Mishnah connotes that the cow itself said "I am a Nezirah if I will stand."

åäéä ðåôì àæ áèåá áìùåï àðé ((äâäú úåøú ðæéø) åìëê ðùðéú áîùðä ìùåï àðé


If so, the word "Ani" would fit well. Therefore, it says "Ani" in the Mishnah.

àáì ìùðåéà ãøîé áø çîà ìà äéä öøéê ìùðåú àðé ùëáø àîø (äâäú áøëú øàù) äøéðé ðæéøä åéúåø ìùåï äåà àìà ùäîùðä ùðåéä ëàéìå äôøä îãáøú


However, according to Rami bar Chama's answer, there was no need to teach "Ani", for he already said "Hareini Nezirah." "Ani" is superfluous. Rather, the Mishnah was taught as if the cow speaks;

åëé äéëé ãîééøé ìéùðà ãîúðé' àôøä ä"ð éù ìôøù àãìú,


Just like the wording of the Mishnah applies to the cow, we can explain similarly regarding the door.

åäø"ø éåñó àéù éøåùìéí ôéøù ãä"ô ãîúðé' àîø ôéøåù àîø äàãí ëùøàä ôøä øáåöä ëîãåîä àðé ãàîøä ôøä æå äøéðé ðæéøä àí òåîãú


Explanation #3 (R. Yosef, Ish Yerushalayim): The Mishnah means as follows. "Amar", i.e. the person said when he saw the cow crouching "it seems to me that this cow said 'I am a Nezirah if I will stand'";

ùäéà úåàáú ìòîåã åàéðä éëåìä åáøöåï úãåø ðæéøåú àí úòîåã àðé àùìéí ìä ãáøéä ëé äøéðé ðæéø îáùøä àí úòîåã


It craves to stand, but it cannot. It would willingly vow Nezirus if it will stand. I will complete its words. I am a Nazir from its meat if it will stand.

åëåìä îúðéúéï àîìúà ãôøä åäù"ñ îåñéó áä îéìúà ãàîø äàãí


Our entire Mishnah is the cow's words. The Gemara adds the words that the person said.

å÷öú ìúîåä òì ùèä æå ãàé àééøé ùäàãí àåîø áôéøåù äøéðé ðæéø îáùøä àí äéà òåîãú à"ë äåé ëåìéä òðééðà ãàîøä ôøä áëãé ãàéï ãéáåøä îåòéì ëìåí


Question: If the person explicitly said "I am a Nazir from its meat if it will stand", there was no need to teach what the cow said. Its words do not help at all!

åðøàä ìôøù ùàéï äàãí àåîø ëìåí ø÷ ùäéä îñôø îéìúà ãôøä åìà ùééê áä ðæéøåú ø÷ ùúäà îåôøùú ìàéñåøà ùìà éäðä îáùøä


Explanation #4: The person does not say anything, just he says the cow's words. Nezirus does not apply to it, just it is separated for Isur, that he will not benefit from its meat;

äìëê ëùàãí îñôø ìôðéðå ëê áãòúå ì÷ééí òìéå ùéäéä ðæéø îáùøä


Therefore, when a person says so in front of us, he intends to accept on himself that he will be a Nazir from its meat.

åôìéâé á"ù åá"ä ëàéìå àîø äàãí áôéøåù àðé ðæéø îáùøä àí úòîåã


Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel argue as if the person explicitly said "I am a Nazir from its meat if it will stand."

åîéäå ö"ò ãîàé ôøéê åäàîøé á"ù çãà æéîðà [äà] àéöèøéê ìàùîåòéðï àò"â ãìà äæëéø ëìì ðæéøåú


Question: What was the question "Beis Shamai already taught this!"? We need to teach this even though he did not mention Nezirus at all [regarding himself]!


TOSFOS DH Parah Zu (part 2)

úåñôåú ã"ä ôøä æå (çì÷ á)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains what Beis Shamai taught similar to here.)

åäìëå áéú ùîàé ìùéèúï


Citation of Gemara: Beis Shamai are consistent with what they taught [elsewhere].

ãëé äéëé ãìà ùééëé âøåâøåú ìðæéøåú åàô"ä ðæéø äëé ðîé ìà ùééê áùø ìðæéø.


Explanation: Just like [they taught that] dried figs do not apply to Nezirus, and even so he is a Nazir (9a), also here, meat does not apply to a Nazir.


TOSFOS DH Tartin Telas

úåñôåú ã"ä úøúéï úìú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why the Gemara taught three cases.)

ëìåîø áá' áâ' î÷åîåú áâøåâøåú åáôøä åáãìú åöøéëé ëãîôøù åàæéì


Explanation: [They taught this] in two and three places, regarding dried figs, a cow and a door. All of these are needed, like the Gemara proceeds to explain;

ãàé àéúîø áâøåâøåú îùåí ãîçìôé áòðáéí ãúøååééäå ôéøé ðéðäå åùîà áãòúå äéä ìåîø òðáéí åòìä áôéå âøåâøåú


If only dried figs were taught, [one might have thought that] this is because they can be confused with grapes, for both of them are fruits. Perhaps he intended to say grapes, and "dried figs" came out of his mouth;

åáùø åçîøà æå äéà òé÷ø äñòåãä åîéçìó áìùåï áðé àãí æä ìæä


Meat and wine are the primary part of a meal. The way people talk, they are confused with each other;

åà"ú åìéôìåâ ááùø ìçåãà (äâäú àåøç îéùåø) áìà òîéãú äôøä åìéæìå ìùéèúï (äâäú áøëú øàù)


Question: They should argue about meat alone, without the cow standing, and they will hold like they taught elsewhere!

åé"ì ãàä"ð àìà àâá àåøçéä ÷î"ì ãëååðúå ùòîãä ø"ì îàìéä


Answer: Indeed, [they could]. However, in passing [the Tana] teaches that he intends that it stand, i.e. by itself;

åì÷îï àôøù (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ùæäå áëìì ÷åùéú äù"ñ ãôøéê àùéðåééà ãøîé áø çîà.


Below (DH Mi, 10b DH v'Amar) I will explain that this is included in the Gemara's question against Rami bar Chama's answer.


TOSFOS DH Mi ka'Tani Me'eleha

úåñôåú ã"ä îé ÷úðé îàìéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is difficult for Rami bar Chama.)

àí òåîãú ÷úðé ãåãàé àé äåä îàìéä áîúðé' îôåøù äééúé îåãä ìãáøéê


Explanation: It taught "if it stands." Surely, if the Mishnah explicitly said "by itself", I would agree to your (Rami bar Chama's) words;

àê îãìà ÷àîø îàìéä ù"î ãìéëà ìôøåùé ëãéãê ãàé ëãéãê (äâäú áøëú øàù) ìéúðé äøéðé ðæéø îáùøä åìà ìéúìé ðæéøåú áäòîãä


However, since it does not say "by itself", this shows that we cannot explain like your [Perush], for if like yours, it should teach "I am a Nazir from its meat", and not attribute Nezirus to standing!

[åìëï ä÷ùä] ìå ùîåñéó òì äìùåï äîùðä îàìéä


Therefore, [Rava] challenged him for adding the word "by itself" to the Mishnah.

[àáì] äà ìà ÷ùéà îàé ãîåñéó øîé áø çîà åòîãä îàìéä


Implied question: It is also difficult that Rami bar Chama added "and it stood by itself"!'

ùæä äìùåï àéï öøéê ìäåñéó àìùåï äîùðä àìà òé÷ø äãáø áîä ùúåìä ðãøå öøéê ìùðåú äúðà


Answer: [This is not difficult, for] he need not add this to the text of the Mishnah. However, the fact that he attributes his vow [to standing], the Tana must teach this;

åîä ùòùúä äôøä àçøé ëï à"ö ìùðåú àìà áòì ôä àåîø àéê ðòùä äîòùä àçøé ëï


What the cow did afterwards he need not teach. Rather, orally he says how the episode happened afterwards;

ãåãàé ùúìä ðãøå áòîãä äôøä îàìéä ãìà äåé ðæéø àí ìà òîãä îàìéä åìëê äåöøê ìôøù åòîãä


Surely, he attributed his vow to the cow standing by itself. He is not a Nazir if it did not stand by itself. Therefore, he needed to explain that it stood.

åìéëà ìôøù áéï îàìéä áéï îàçøéí


Suggestion: Perhaps [the Noder] means [whether it stands] by itself, or through others!

ùàéï ãøê áðé àãí ìúìåú áãáø ùéåãò ùéòùä ùàí ãòúå ìäéåú ðæéø ìîä úìä áùåí ãáø


Rejection: It is not normal for people to attribute to a matter that he knows that it will happen. If he wants to be a Nazir, why does he attribute it to anything?

åà"ú åîàé ÷ùéà ìéä îé ÷úðé îàìéä åäà ëîä îùðéåú ãîùðéðï çñåøé îéçñøà åäëé ÷úðé


Question: What was difficult "the Mishnah does not say 'by itself'"? Many Mishnayos, we say that they are abbreviated, and we add words to them!

îåëç äçéñøåï àæ éù ëç ìäåñéó òì ìùåï äîùðä


Answer: That is when it is clearly deficient. Then, we may add to the text of the Mishnah;

àáì ìôé' ãøîé áø çîà ìà îåëç ëìåí ãáîùðä çñø îàìéä ëéåï ãàéðä úåìä îçìå÷ú äúðàéí ëìì áòîéãú äôøä


However, according to Rami bar Chama's Perush, it is not clear that the Mishnah lacks "by itself", since he does not attribute the Tana'im's argument at all to the cow standing;

àìà ëì äîçìå÷ú áðåãø îï äáùø àé çééì òìéä ðæéøåú ìëì îéìé àé ìà ìëê ôøéê îé ÷úðé îàìéä ãàéï ìå ìäåñéó òì ìùåï äîùðä ëéåï ãìà îåëç îôìåâúà ãúðàé ãçñø ëìåí.


Rather, the entire argument is about one who vows from meat, whether or not Nezirus totally takes effect on him. Therefore, we ask "does it say 'by itself'"? We should not add to the text of the Mishnah, since it is not clear from the argument of the Tana'im that anything is missing.


TOSFOS DH Harei Alai Korban

úåñôåú ã"ä äøé òìé ÷øáï (äâäú äøù"ù)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains what Rava meant from the beginning.)

ôé' äôøä åø"ì àí òîãä àí ìà òîãä ëãîñé÷ ì÷îï àìà ãìà ùá÷éä ìñéåîé ìîéìúéä òã ãôøéê ìéä.


Explanation: [He says that] the cow [will be a Korban]. "If it stands" means if it will not stand, like we conclude below, just [the Makshan] did not let [Rava] finish before he challenged him.


TOSFOS DH Beis Shamai Savrei Torfei deha'Hu Gavra Mishum Ukmah b'Yadei Hu

úåñôåú ã"ä á"ù ñáøé úåøôéä ãääåà âáøà îùåí [àå÷îä] áéãéä äåà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he will bring Korban Nazir if it does not stand.)

åàí ìà òîãä ø"ì àí ìà àòîéãä (åäëà) [åäà] ìà àå÷îä åçééá ìäáéà ÷øáï


Explanation: "If it will not stand" means "if I will not stand it up." He did not stand it up, so he must bring a Korban;

åá"ä [ñáøé] àí ìà òîãä ëìì îùåí ãøáåöä åäà ÷îúä åëéåï ã÷îúä àéðå çééá ìäáéà ÷øáï


Beis Hillel hold that [he means] "if it will not stand up at all", for it was crouching, and it stood, so he need not bring a Korban.

åà"ú åäà áìéùðà ãîúðé' ÷úðé äøéðé ðæéøä åäéëé îùúîò ÷øáï


Question: The text of our Mishnah says "Hareini Nezirah." How does this connote a Korban?

åé"ì ãä"÷ äøéðé îáéàä á÷øáï ðæéøåú àí ìà òîãä


Answer: He means "I will bring it for Korban Nazir if it will not stand."

åàò"â ã÷øáðåú ðæéø àéðí áàéí îáäîä âñä


Implied question: Korbanos Nazir do not come from large (i.e. work) animals (i.e. cattle)!

[ä"î] çåáåúéå ùì ðæéø àáì äéå øâéìéí ìäáéà ðãøéí åðãáåú òí ÷øáðåú ðæéøåú åàåúí áàéí àó îá÷ø åöàï äëì ìôé ðãøå åðãáúå.


Answer: This refers to obligatory [Korbanos] of Nazir, but people normally brought Nedarim and Nedavos with Korbanos Nazir, and those may come from cattle or Tzon (sheep and goats), according to his vow or Nedavah (designation of an animal to be a Korban).



TOSFOS DH v'Amar Hareini Nazir mi'Yayin Im Lo v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä åàîø äøéðé ðæéø îééï àí ìà åëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he accepts Nezirus for the cow's sake.)

îúðé' ã÷úðé äøéðé ðæéøä ôé' äøéðé ðæéø îééï (äâäú äøù"ù) áùáéìä


Explanation: Our Mishnah, which teaches "Hareini Nezirah", i.e. "I am a Nazir from wine for its sake."


TOSFOS DH v'Amar (part 2)

úåñôåú ã"ä åàîø (çì÷ á)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains Rava adds to the text of our Mishnah only the word "Lo".)

åòîãä îàìéä


Citation of Gemara: It stood by itself.

æä àéðå îåñéó òì ìéùðà ãîúðé' àìà ìà áìáã ãáìùåï äîùðä àí òîãä åäåà îåñéó úéáú ìà


Explanation: [Rava] adds to the text of our Mishnah only the word "not". The text of the Mishnah says "if it will stand", and he added the word "not";

àìà îîéìà àîø ùëê ðòùä äîòùä ùòîãä îàìéä.


However, by himself [Rava] says that so it occurred, that it stood by itself. (He does not say that this is in the text of the Mishnah.)


TOSFOS DH Beis Shamai Torfei deha'Hu Gavra Mishum Ukmah b'Yadei Hu v'Ha Lo Ukmah

úåñôåú ã"ä á"ù úåøôé' ãääåà âáøà îùåí àå÷îä áéãéä åäà ìà àå÷îä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that they argue about what he made Nezirus dependent on.)

ôé' úåøôéä âéìåé ãòúå ëìåîø á"ù ñáéøà ìäå ëé àîø äàãí ëé äàé ìéùðà ãòúå ìåîø ëï


Explanation: "Torfei" is the revelation of his intent. I.e. Beis Shamai hold that when a person says such an expression, he intends to say so [as follows]:

äòåìí ñáåøéí ùäôøä øáåöä ëì ëê áçåæ÷ ùàéï àãí éëåì ìäòîéãä äøéðé ðæéø


Everyone thinks that the cow is crouching so firmly that no one can stand it up. I am a Nazir...

ëìåîø àò"ô ùàéï øöåðé ìäéåú ðæéø ãèøéçà ìé äøéðé ðæéø àí ìà òîãä


I.e. even though I do not want to be a Nazir, for it is a burden to me, I am a Nazir if it does not stand;

ôé' àí àéï ëç áéãé ìäòîéãä áëç åàí ìà òîãä îùîò ìá"ù (äâäú áøëú øàù) àí ìà éòîéãðä


Explanation: [I am a Nazir] if I do not have the strength to force it to stand up. "If it will not stand" connotes to Beis Shamai "if he will not stand it up."

åìáñåó ðòùä îòùä ùìà èøç áä åìà éâò áä ìäòîéãðä åòîãä îàìéä á"ù ñáøé àí ìà éòîéãðä ÷àîø åäà ìà àå÷îä äìëê çééì ðæéøåú ãäà îééï ðæø (äâäú áøëú øàù)


In the end, it occurred that he did not toil or exert to stand it up, and it stood up by itself. Beis Shamai hold that he meant "if I will not stand it up", and he did not stand it up. Therefore, Nezirus takes effect,

åá"ä ñáøé àí ìà òîãä îùåí ãøáåöä äéà áëç ëìåîø àäà ðæéø àí [ìà] úòîåã åäéà ÷îúä äìëê ìà çééì òìéä ðæéøåú


Beis Hillel hold that [he meant] "if it will not stand up", because it was crouching firmly. I.e. I will be a Nazir if it does not stand, and it stood. Therefore, Nezirus does not take effect on him.

åà"ú åäùúà ðîé ú÷ùé îéãé àí ìà òîãä ÷úðé


Question: Also now, we may ask "the Mishnah does not say 'if it will not stand up'!"

åé"ì ãëîä îùðéåú îùåáùåú åîùðéðï ìäå áçñåøé îçñøà


Answer: There are several Mishnayos with mistakes, and we answer that they are missing words;

ãäëé úåìä øáà ôìåâúà ãúðàé áòîéãú äôøä åà"à ìå ìôøù ôìåâúà ãúðàé áòîéãú äôøä àí ìà éåñéó ìà áâéøñú äîùðä


Rava establishes the Tana'im's argument about standing up the cow. It is impossible to establish the Tana'im's argument about standing up the cow without adding the word "not" to the text of the Mishnah;

åäåé îåëç ãçñø ìà ëàï ãàé àôùø ìå ìôøù ôìåâúééäå áò"à


It is proven that "not" is missing here, for he cannot establish the argument in another way.

àáì ìùðåéà ãøîé áø çîà àéðå úìåé îçìå÷ú äúðàéí (ëìåîø) [ëìåí] áòîéãä àìà áðåãø îï äáùø àé çééì òìéä ðæéøåú àé ìà


Distinction: However, according to Rami bar Chama, the Tana'im's argument does not depend at all on standing it up, rather, on vowing from meat, whether or not Nezirus takes effect on him;

åìãéãéä åãàé ÷ùä îéãé îàìéä ÷úðé ãìà îåëç îôìåâúà ãúðàé ãçñø îàìéä åìëê àéï ìå ëç ìäåñéó òì ìùåï äîùðä


According to him, surely it is difficult that the Mishnah does not say "by itself'", for it is not proven from the Tana'im's argument that "by itself" is missing. Therefore, he cannot add to the text of the Mishnah.

åà"ú åìéôøåê ìéä áäãéà ìîä ìé ôøä øáåöä åìúðàé (äâäú äøù"ù) æä àí òîãä îàìéä


Question: He should explicitly ask, why does [the Mishnah discuss] a crouching cow and this stipulation if it will stand by itself?

ìéôìåâ áäãéà áðåãø áðæéø îï äáùø àé çééì òìéä ðæéøåú åìéæìå á"ù ìùéèúï åá"ä ìùéèúï


They should explicitly argue about one who vows from meat, whether or not Nezirus takes effect on him. Beis Shamai hold like their opinion, and Beis Hillel hold like their opinion!

åé"ì ãä"ð ôøéê îéãé îàìéä ÷úðé åìà äå÷ùä ìå òé÷ø ÷åùéà æå


Answer: Indeed, this is the question "the Mishnah does not say 'by itself'!" This question itself was not difficult to him;

àìà ìâìâì òìéå åìåîø ëéåï ãàéðä ôìåâúà ãúðàé ëìì áòîéãú äôøä àéï ìê ëç ìäåñéó òì ìùåï äîùðä îàìéä


It was only to lead to the next attack, and say that since the Tana'im do not argue at all about standing up the cow, you cannot add "by itself" to the text of the Mishnah.

åëéåï ãúðàé ìà ôìéâé áòîéãú äôøä à"ë ú÷ùé ìê èôé (à"ë) ìîä ìúðà ìäæëéø ëìì áòîéãú äôøä ìéôìâå áðåãø îï äáùø åìéæìå ìùéèúï


Since the Tana'im do not argue about standing up the cow, if so this is more difficult for you. Why did the Tana mention at all standing up the cow? They should argue about one who vows from meat, and each school will follow their opinion!

åìà äæëéø ÷åùéà ãîàìéä àìà ìäæëéø ìå ãôìåâúà ãúðàé ìà úìéà áòîéãú äôøä ëìì


He mentioned the question from "'by itself'" only to arouse that the argument of the Tana'im does not depend at all on standing up the cow;

åîòúä ú÷ùé ìê ÷åùéà çæ÷ä èôé ãìéôìéâå ááùø ìäãéà åìéæìå ìùéèúï.


Now, there is a stronger question against you. They should explicitly argue about meat, and each will follow their opinion!


TOSFOS DH Eima Seifa Mi Ka Matfis Bah Midi

úåñôåú ã"ä àéîà ñéôà.îé ÷à îúôéñ áä îéãé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how Rava explains the Mishnah in the conclusion.)

ëìåîø àîàé ôìéâ øáé éäåãä (äâäú àåøç îéùåø) àú"÷ ãäôøä ìà äåéà àìà ë÷øáï áòìîà


Explanation: Why does R. Yehudah argue with the first Tana, [to say that Beis Shamai hold] that the cow is like a regular Korban?

äøé ìà äúôéñ áìùåðå ÷åðí ìåîø ôøä æå ë÷åðí àå ë÷øáï àìà ðæéø îééï ìäãéà àí ìà òîãä ëå'


He was not Matfis in an expression of Konam, to say "this cow is Konam or Korban", rather, he accepted Nezirus from wine if it will not stand!


TOSFOS DH Eima Seifa (part 2)

úåñôåú ã"ä àéîà ñéôà (çì÷ á)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how Rava explains the Mishnah)

äëé âøñéðï àìà (äâäú áøëú øàù) ëâåï ãàîø äøéðé ðæéø [îáùøä] àí ìà òîãä åòîãä îàìéä åëå'


Citation of Gemara: The text should say 'rather, the case is, he said "I am a Nazir from its meat if it will not stand", and it stood by itself...'

åäùúà ðçì÷å áìùåï ëãôøéùéú ìòéì åðçì÷å ðîé ëé ðãø îï äáùø àé äåé ðæéø ìëì îéìé


Now, they argue about his expression, like I explained above. They argue also about one who vowed from meat, whether he is a Nazir for everything.

åà"ú åäùúà ëéåï ãàå÷é øáà ôìåâúééäå áòîéãú äôøä ìîä ìå ìäâéä åìäåñéó úéáú ìà òì ìùåï äîùðä


Question: Now, since Rava establishes the Tana'im's argument about standing up the cow, why must he alter the text and add the word "not" to the text of the Mishnah?

åäà éëåì ìôøù áìà äâää åúåñôú ëâåï ãàîø äøéðé ðæéø îáùøä àí òîãä åäòîéãä á"ù îùîò ìäå àí òîãä àí àòîéãðä áëç éãé


He could explain without altering the text, e.g. he said "I am a Nazir from its meat if it will stand", and he stood it up. To Beis Shamai, "if it will stand" connotes that he will force it to stand up;

åëï òùä èøç åéâò ìäòîéãðä áëç äìëê äåé ðæéø îáùøä åëéåï ãçééì ðæéøåú àáùøä çééì ðîé àëì îéìé ãá"ù ìùéèúï


And so it happened. He toiled and exerted to force it to stand up. Therefore, he is a Nazir from its meat. Since Nezirus takes effect on its meat, it takes effect also on everything. This is like Beis Shamai hold elsewhere;

åá"ä ñáøé àí òîãä îàìéä îùîò åäåà äòîéãä åìà òîãä îàìéä åìà çééì ðæéøåú àôé' àáùøä


Beis Hillel hold that "if it will stand" connotes by itself. He stood it up, and it did not stand by itself. Nezirus does not take effect even on its meat.

é"ì ãàé äëé (äâäú áøëú øàù) åãàé ìà äåå ôìéâé á"ä ìåîø ãìà ìéäåé ðæéø ãëéåï ã÷àîø éäéä ðæéø àí (àîø) òîãä îùîò áëì òðéï ùúòîåã áéï ò"é òöîä áéï ò"é àçøéí äåé ðæéø


Answer #1: If so, surely Beis Hillel would not argue to say that he is not a Nazir, since he said that he will be a Nazir if it stands, which connotes any way it will stand, whether by itself or through others, he is a Nazir.

åòé"ì ãàéï ãøê äðåãøéï ìåîø áäàé ìéùðà ìá"ù ùúìä ðæéøåúå àí òîãä ôéøåù àí àòîéãðä ãèøç áä áòì ëøçå ìäòîéãä ëãé ùéçåì òìéå ðæéøåú


Answer #2: It is not normal for people who vow to say like this, according to Beis Shamai, that he attributed his Nezirus "if it will stand", i.e. he will toil to stand it up b'Al Korcho (against its will), so that Nezirus will take effect on him;

ãëéåï ãçôõ (äâäú áøëú øàù) ìäéåú ðæéø [ìéîà] áäãéà äøéðé ðæéø ìîä úìä ðãøå áòîéãú äôøä


Since he wants to be a Nazir, he should explicitly say "I am a Nazir"! Why did he attribute his vow to standing up the cow?

àáì áìùåï æä ãøê äòåìí ìéãåø àäéä ðæéø àí ìà òîãä ôéøåù àí ìà àòîéãðä


Distinction: However, it is normal to vow "I will be a Nazir if it does not stand", i.e. if I will not stand it up;

ëìåîø àò"ô ùàéðé ðæéø áøöåï äøéðé î÷áì òìé ðæéøåú àí ìà éäéä ìé ëç ìäòîéãðä åàí éäéä ìé ëç ìà àäéä ðæéø (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) ùàéðé (äâäú úôàøú öéåï) çôõ áðæéøåú


I.e. even though I do not want to be a Nazir, I accept on myself Nezirus if I will not have strength to stand it up. If I have strength to stand it up, I will not be a Nazir, for I do not desire Nezirus.

ìäëé îåñéó òì ìùåï äîùðä ìà ëãé ìôøù áìùåï ùøâéìåú ìåîø åìéãåø


This is why [Rava] adds to the text of the Mishnah "not", to explain the expression that it is normal to vow.

åà"ú åîàé ÷à òáéã öøéëåúà ìòéì îúøúéï úìú åäà áäà ðçì÷å ëàï îçìå÷ú çãù áàí ìà òîãä îàìéä


Question: Why did the Gemara make a Tzerichusa above from two and three cases (show why they needed to argue in all of these)? Here they argue about a new argument, if it does not stand by itself!

é"î ãùîà ëì äúéøåöéí ùúéøõ äù"ñ áùí øáà ìà úéøõ îòåìí åìéú ìéä áúøé åúìú


Answer #1: Some say that all the answers the Gemara gave in the name of Rava he never answered. He does not hold that there are two and three cases. (This is a new argument.)

åìà úéøõ øáà ë"à úéøåõ àçøåï îáùøä àí ìà òîãä àáì úéøåöé ÷îàé ìà øáà úéøõ àìà îùåí ãä÷ùä àøîé áø çîà äåæëø áù"ñ áùîå


Rava gave only the last answer, [I am a Nazir] from its meat if it will not stand. Rava did not give the first answers. Rather, because he challenged Rami bar Chama, his name is mentioned in the Gemara.

ãä"ð àùëçðà áéáîåú ôø÷ äçåìõ (ãó ìä:) ã÷àîø îéúéáé äëåðñ åááéàä ìà ôìéâ ëìì òìéä


Support #1: We find like this in Yevamos (35b. R. Yochanan is Machshir Chalitzah when a Yevamah is pregnant, and Reish Lakish disqualifies. The Gemara said that they argue similarly about Yibum. R. Yochanan) challenged [Reish Lakish] from a case of Yibum, and [really, R. Yochanan] does not argue with him about Yibum! (We must say that really, the Gemara itself asked the question);

ãäà ÷àîø áúø äëé ááéàä ãë"ò ìà ôìéâé


[There, Abaye] said afterwards that all agree about Yibum [that it is Pasul].

åëï ì÷îï ô"â (ãó éæ.)


Support #2: Similarly, below (16b, Reish Lakish says that accepting Nezirus in a cemetery has no effect. R. Yochanan challenged him, and below Mar bar Rav Ashi said that all agree that it takes effect. We must say that the Gemara asked the question.)


Note: One could dispel Support #2 and say that R. Yochanan himself asked, based on his mistaken understanding of Reish Lakish's opinion.

åà"ú (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé) åáìéùðà ãáéú ùîàé ñáøé úåøôéä ãääåà âáøà åëå' ìà ùîòéðï äà ôìåâúà îâøåâøåú


Question: In the version that Beis Shamai hold that his intent was [to stand it up by force], we do not learn this from the argument about dried figs!

åéù ìåîø ãò"ë ôìéâé ðîé áðåãø îï äáùø ãàí ìà ëï ìéôìâå îï äééï áäãéà áòîéãú äôøä


Answer: You are forced to say that they argue also about one who vowed from meat. If not, they should argue about explicit [Nezirus from] wine dependent on standing up the cow!

åîãøáé éäåãä îåëéç ãìà áðåãø îï äééï ôìéâé ãàäà ìà äåä ôìéâ øáé éäåãä


From R. Yehudah it is proven that they do not argue about one who vowed from wine. R. Yehudah would not argue about this!

àìà òì ëøçê áðåãø (äâäú áøëú øàù) îáùøä åäìëå ìùéèúï åàäà ÷à òáéã öøéëåúà ìòéì


Rather, you are forced to say that they argue about one who vowed from its meat, and they hold like their opinions elsewhere. Regarding this we gave a Tzerichusa above;

åîëì î÷åí âí áòîéãú äôøä ôìéâé ãàí ìà (äâäú úôàøú öéåï) ëï ìéôìåâ ááùø ìçåãéä ìîä ìéä (äâäú áøëú øàù) ìäæëéø ôøä àí òîãä áîúðé'


In any case, they argue also about the cow standing. If not, they should argue only about [Nezirus from] meat. Why did [the Tana] mention in the Mishnah if the cow stands?

àìà ò"ë âí áòîéãú äôøä ðçì÷å


Conclusion: You are forced to say that they argue also about the cow standing.

åàí úàîø åîàé ãåç÷éä ìîéîø åáéú äìì ñáøé úåøôéä ãääåà âáøà ëå' åöøéê ìåîø ãáéú äìì ìèòîééäå ãáéú ùîàé ÷àîøé


Question: What forced [Rava] to say that Beis Hillel hold that hold that his intent was [that it stand], and Beis Hillel speak according to Beis Shamai' reason?

ìéîà ãá"ä [ñáøé] ãìà äåé ðæéø áîä ãðæø îï äáùø


He should say that Beis Hillel hold that he is not a Nazir through his acceptance of Nezirus from the meat!

åé"ì ãò"ë á"ä àúé ìôìåâé ðîé áòîéãú äôøä ãàé áðåãø îï äáùø åìèòîééäå ìéôìâå ááùø ìçåãéä


Answer: You are forced to say that Beis Hillel come to argue also about the cow standing. If they argued [only] about one who vowed from the meat, and they hold like their opinions elsewhere, they should argue only about meat!

ãìéëà ìîéîø ùðä òîéãú äôøä ìàùîåòéðï èòîà ãáéú ùîàé ãäåé ðæéø îáùø ëé úìä ðãøå áòîéãú äôøä


Suggestion: Perhaps the Mishnah teaches about the cow standing to teach the reason of Beis Shamai, that he is a Nazir from the meat when he made his vow dependent on the cow standing.

åëé èòîà ãá"ù ìçåã àúà ìàùîåòéðï


Rejection: Does he come to teach only the reason for Beis Shamai?!

àìà òì ëøçê èòîà ãá"ä àúà ìàùîåòéðï ëé úìä ðãøå áòîéãú äôøä ãìà çì ðãøå àôéìå òì äáùø


Conclusion: You are forced to say that he comes to teach the reason for Beis Hillel when he made his vow dependent on the cow standing. His vow does not take effect even on the meat.

åà"ú ñåó ñåó îàé ðô÷à îéðä ìáéú äìì åäìà àôé' çì ðãøå ëùðæø æä [îï] äáùø ìà çééì ëìì (äâäú áøëú øàù) îéìé ãðæéøåú ëãîùîò ìäå áâøåâøåú


Question: In the end, what difference does it make according to Beis Hillel? Even if his vow would take effect, when he vowed from the meat, matters of Nezirus do not take effect at all, like it connotes that they hold regarding dried figs!

åé"ì ãðô÷à îéðä äéëà ãðãø îï äééï áôé' åúìä ðãøå áòîéãú äôøä ãìà çééì òìéä ðæéøåú


Answer: It makes a difference when he explicitly vowed from wine, and made his vow dependent on the cow standing. Nezirus does not take effect on him;

ãìáéú äìì îùîò ìäå îùåí ãøáåöä äéà åäà ÷îúä.


This is because Beis Hillel understand that [he vowed because he was upset] that it is crouching, and [now] it stood.