
A DOUBTFULLY TAMEI NAZIR [line before last of previous Amud]


Question #2 (Rami bar Chama - Mishnah): If a Nazir became Safek Tamei (Mes), and was a Safek Metzora Muchlat, he can eat Kodshim after 60 days, and can drink wine and be Metamei after 120 days. (He must shave twice for Safek Tzara'as, once for Safek Nazir Tamei, and once for Nezirus Taharah. Each time he must wait 30 days before shaving, lest he is now a Nazir Tahor.)


(Beraisa): This applies to a 30 day Nezirus. If he accepted Nezirus for one year, (he must wait a year each time, so) he can eat Kodshim after two years, and drink wine and be Metamei after four years.


If days of Tzara'as counted towards Nezirus, he would be able to drink wine and be Metamei after three years and 30 days (the third shaving could be 30 days after the second)!


Question #3 (Rav Ashi - Beraisa). We know that days of Tum'ah (Tum'as Mes) do not count towards Nezirus;


Question: What is the source that days of Muchlat do not count?


Suggestion: When he becomes Tamei, he must shave and bring Korbanos. The same applies to a Metzora Muchlat. Just like days of Tum'ah do not count, also days of Muchlat!


Objection: We cannot learn from days of Tum'ah. They are more stringent, for they cancel previous days, unlike a Muchlat!


Answer: We learn a Kal v'Chomer from one who accepted Nezirus while Tamei (Mes);


His hair is fitting to be shaved for Nezirus (Taharah, for Tiglachas Tum'ah is only for one who was Tahor and became Tamei), yet his days of Tum'ah do not count. All the more so, the days of a Muchlat, whose hair will not be shaved for Nezirus (rather, for Tzara'as), do not count!


Question: What is the source that the seven days of Sefirah (after the Tzara'as goes away) do not count towards Nezirus?



Answer: Just like he must shave after Tzara'as Muchlat, also after Sefirah. Just like the former days do not count towards Nezirus, also the latter.


Suggestion: Perhaps this should also apply to days of Hesger (a Metzora before a Siman of absolute Tum'ah).


A Muchlat makes a Kli (intended to sit or lie on it) an Av ha'Tum'ah (the Kli can be Metamei people and Kelim) by sitting on it, also a Musgar;


Just like days of Muchlat do not count towards Nezirus, we should say the same about days of Hesger!


Rejection: No. A Muchlat must shave and bring a Korban, therefore his days do not count. These do not apply to a Musgar, so his days count!


Conclusion: Days of Muchlat and Sefirah do not count towards Nezirus, but days of a Zav, Zavah or Musgar do count!


(Summation of question): The Beraisa said that days of Tum'ah cancel previous days, unlike a Muchlat.


If the case is a short Nezirus, he must grow 30 days of hair after Taharah from Tzara'as (so previous days would be lost)!


Rather, it is a long Nezirus, and the Beraisa says that the days of Muchlat do not count! (Rav Chisda is refuted.)




(Mishnah - R. Elazar, citing R. Yehoshua): If one became Tamei in a way that requires a Nazir to shave, he gets Kares if he enters the Mikdash. If he became Tamei (Mes) in a way that does not requires a Nazir to shave, he is exempt for Bi'as Mikdash;


R. Meir says, the latter Tum'os are no more lenient than touching a Sheretz, and one who did so gets Kares for Bi'as Mikdash!


(Gemara) Question: R. Elazar did not learn this from R. Yehoshua, rather from R. Yehoshua bar Mamal!


(Beraisa - R. Elazar): I heard R. Yehoshua ben Pasar Rosh say that one is liable for Bi'as Mikdash only for those Tum'os of Mes for which a Nazir shaves. R. Meir replied, even those for which he does not shave are no more lenient than Tum'as Sheretz, for which one is liable for Bi'as Mikdash'!


R. Elazar (to R. Yehoshua ben Pasar Rosh): Are you familiar with R. Yehoshua bar Mamal?


R. Yehoshua ben Pasar Rosh: Yes.


R. Elazar: I received from him like you said, and he received it from R. Yehoshua.


Answer: This teaches that when a teaching was transmitted through three (or more) Chachamim, it suffices to mention the first and last.


(Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak): A Mishnah also teaches this!


(Mishnah - Nachum ha'Lavlar): If one plants dill and mustard in two or three places, he must leave Pe'ah (a corner of the field for the poor) from each. I received this law from R. Miyosha, and he from my father, and he from the pairs (the Nasi and head of the Beis Din), and they from the Nevi'im, and they from Moshe who received this on Sinai.


He did not mention Yehoshua and Kalev. This shows that one may omit intermediate steps in the chain.




(Mishnah - R. Akiva): A bone k'Se'orah is not Metamei Tum'as Ohel, yet a Nazir shaves for touching or moving it. A Revi'is of blood is Metamei b'Ohel, all the more so a Nazir should shave for touching or moving it!


R. Eliezer: No, you cannot make a Kal v'Chomer from a tradition from Sinai.


R. Yehoshua: R. Akiva would be correct (Gra - normally, we can make a Kal v'Chomer from a tradition), but here the tradition opposes it.