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& Revach l'Neshamah -

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1. The Gemara analyzes the status of the obligation of Terumah and the obligation of Chalah nowadays.
2. The Mishnah discusses the three stages of a girl's growth, from a minor to a Na'arah to an adult.
3. The Gemara discusses the various opinions of the Amora'im about the permitted relationships of their Kena'anis maidservants.
4. Beis Hillel and Beis Shamai disagree about the status of a woman or man who did not yet see two pubic hairs.
5. Rebbi Eliezer rules that both Beis Hillel and Beis Shamai are partially correct.


1. The Gemara entertains three possibilities: They are both Torah laws, they are both Rabbinic, or Terumah is a Torah law while Chalah is a Rabbinic law.
2. The Mishnah states that when a girl is a minor and a Na'arah, her father owns any lost object that she finds, he has the rights to her earnings, and he may annul her vows.
3. Shmuel would make sure that each of his maidservants would be together only with a certain slave. Rav Nachman would switch his maidservant's partners (as they have no Yichus). Rav Sheshes would allow them to be together with Nochrim.
4. Beis Hillel: If, after she reaches the age of twenty, her husband dies childless, and she can prove that she never had two hairs, she does not require Yibum or Chalitzah because she is an Ailonis. Beis Shamai: This applies even if she is eighteen years old. The same argument applies to a man's obligation to do Yibum, as he is a Seris.
5. Rebbi Eliezer says that a man is declared a Seris only at the age of twenty (in accordance with the view of Beis Hillel). However, a woman is considered an Ailonis at the age of eighteen, since these hairs develop sooner on a woman than on a man.

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