[54a - 48 lines; 54b - 36 lines]

1)[line 17]בביקתיB'BIKASI- in my small hut

2)[line 19]ונתפייסהV'NISPAISAH- and she agreed

3)[line 22]כיחלהKICHALAH- if she painted her eyelids with a blue or tinted powder

4)[line 22]ופירכסהPIRKESAH- (a) if she colored her face red by applying mud or rouge to her face (RASHI to Kesuvos 4b; see TOSFOS to Moed Katan 9b DH Pokeses and RASHI to Shabbos 64b DH v'Lo Sifkos); (b) if she parted her hair with a comb or her hands (RASHI to Moed Katan 9b DH Pokeses)

5)[line 24]יצר אנסהYETZER ANASAH- her evil inclination (overpowered and) compelled her

6)[line 27]אפותיקיAPOTIKI

A person may designate one of his pieces of land or possessions as security for a loan that he received or a debt that he owes without placing it in the possession of the creditor. This creates a Shibud, or lien, on the object, such that if the debt is not otherwise repaid, the creditor can collect his debt from the security. Such a security is called an "Apotiki" (this is a contraction of "Apo Tehei Ka'i" — "from this shall the collection be").

7)[line 30]בבל וכל פרוודהאBAVEL V'CHOL PARVADAHA- the city of Babylon and all of the surrounding suburbs and villages (ARUCH)

8)[line 34]עד היכא דסגי קבא דנהרדעאAD HEICHA D'SAGI KAVA D'NEHARDE'A- until the outermost region where the Kav (a measure) of Neharde'a is used (for selling wheat)

9)[line 36]וחילופה בלקיטV'CHILUFA B'LAKIT- and the opposite with regard to a hired laborer (Rav rules Ein Shamin while Shmuel rules Shamin)

10)[line 37]יתמא וארמלתא שלח ופוקYASMA V'ARMALTA SHELACH U'FUK- (lit. "Strip the orphan and widow of their clothes and send them away") a way to remember that Rav rules that the value of their clothes are deducted from the wages of the "orphan" (the hired laborer) and from the value of the widow's Kesuvah

11)[line 39]המעריךHA'MA'ARICH (ERCHIN)

See Background to 37:14.

12)[line 40]בצבע שצבע לשמןB'TZEVA SHE'TZAVA LISHMAN- in a colored garments that were dyed for them

13)[line 42]לכאורה כשמואל רהיטאLICH'ORAH KI'SHMUEL REHITA- (a) at first glance, the Mishnah appears to follow Shmuel's opinion (RASHI, ARUCH); (b) according to the Girsa of l'Chi'ora (spelled with an "Ayin" rather than an "Alef") - to the ugly (i.e. unlearned) person, the Mishnah appears to follow Shmuel's opinion (TOSFOS RID)

14)[line 44]אדעתא למשקל ולמיפקA'DA'ATA L'MISHKAL UL'MEIPAK- with the intention that she should take them and leave him

15)[line 45]קא ממטי להו לבי דינאK A MAMTI LEHU L'VEI DINA- she made them come to Beis Din

16)[line 45]זילא לן מילתא דתיזלי הכיZILA LAN MILSA D'SEIZLI HACHI- it is a disgrace to us that you should go to Beis Din in such a manner (wearing such degrading clothes)

17)[line 46]לבישתינהו ואיכסתינהו לכוליה מנאLEVISHTINHU V'ICHSETINHU L'CHULEI MANA- they clothed her and dressed her in all types of garments

18)[last line]נדוניא לברתNIDUNYA LI'VERAS- part of my assets should be set aside as a dowry for my daughter

19)[last line]זל נדוניאZAL NIDUNYA- the value of those assets went down

20)[last line]פורנא ליתמיPURNA L'YASMEI- the profits should go to the orphans (i.e. they should not suffer a loss; they do not have to provide her with the value of the dowry at the time of the father's stipulation)


21)[line 1]מן חמראMIN CHAMRA- from (my) wine

22)[line 3]איתת אבאITAS ABA- a father's wife (a stepmother)

23)[line 9]מפיקנא לכו רבי יוחנן מאונייכוMAPIKNA LECHU REBBI YOCHANAN ME'UNAICHU- (a) (lit. "I will remove Rebbi Yochanan from your ear") I will inform you that Rebbi Yochanan will not be able to help you, since I will excommunicate you (RASHI to Yevamos 60b and to Sanhedrin 8a DH Mapikna; (b) I will refute all of his proofs [such that his statement will no longer strengthen your claim] (RASHI to Chulin 132b DH Mapikna)

24)[line 11]שכנגדי חלוק עליSHE'KENEGDI CHALUK ALAI- my peer disagrees with me


25)[line 25]התקבלתי ממך מנהHISKABALTI MIMCHA MANEH- I received from you a Maneh, 100 Zuz

26)[line 29]קיצותאKITZUSA- a fixed amount

27)[line 35]למורדתL'MOREDES- to a woman who rebels against her husband (a) refusing to have marital relation with him; (b) refusing to work for him

28)[last line]ולפוגמתUL'POGEMES- and to a woman who receives partial payment of her Kesuvah