[16a - 34 lines; 16b - 43 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any OTHER important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.
[1] Gemara 16a [line 6]:
"Ela Aderaba" àìà àãøáä
The word "Ela" àìà should be removed (Rashash)
[2] Gemara [line 11]:
Should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #4 (and as suggested by the Rashash)
[3] Mishnah [line 19]:
Should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #9 (and as is found in the text of the Mishnayos, the Gemara (17a), and as is suggested by the Rashash)
[4] Mishnah [lines 20]:
Should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #10
[5] Mishnah [lines 23]:
Should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #11
[6] Mishnah [line 23]:
The words "Im Amrat b'Ketanos" àí àîøú á÷èðåú
should be "Im Amrat b'Va Al ha'Ketanos" àí àîøú ááà òì ä÷èðåú (as is found in the text of the Mishnayos)
[7] Gemara [line 28]:
"Ba'i Minei, Niba'i Minei" áòé îéðéä ðéáòé îéðéä
The words "Ba'i Minei" áòé îéðéä are out of place, because of "Ta'us ha'Domos" èòåú äãåîåú. They belong two lines later, before the words "v'Shabbosos Heichi Miba'i Lei" åùáúåú äéëé îéáòé ìéä (as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #17) (M. KORNFELD)
[8] Gemara [line 30]:
(a) Should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #18; this is also the Girsa of Rashi
(b) Similarly Rashi DH v'Shabbosos Heicha :ã"ä åùáúåú äéëà
should read DH v'Shabbosos Heida ã"ä åùáúåú äéãà
[9] Rashi 16a DH Ela Mai Is Lach ã"ä àìà îàé àéú ìê:
The words "Miha Beraisa" îéäà áøééúà
should be "me'Ha Beraisa" îäà áøééúà (Rashash)
[10] Rashi DH Al ha'Ketanos : ã"ä òì ä÷èðåú
"Ketanos d'Alma" ÷èðåú ãòìîà (Source: 17a)
[11] Rashi DH v'Shabbosos (Heichah) [Heida] : ã"ä åùáúåú äéãà
The words "b'Shigegas Shabbosos ... Peshita Lei" áùââú ùáúåú ... ôùéèà ìéä are the beginning of a new Dibur
[12] Gemara 16b [line 23]:
Should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #3
[13] Gemara [line 30]:
Should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #4
[14] Rashi 16b DH Chayav Al Kol Shabbos : ã"ä çééá òì ëì ùáú
Should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #10
[15] Rashi DH v'Ilu : ã"ä åàéìå
The words "d'Cheivan d'Osan" ãëéåï ãàåúï
should be "Keivan d'Osan" ëéåï ãàåúï
[16] Rashi DH v'Ha [at the end of the page]: : ã"ä åäà
The words "she'Patur mi'Kulam" ùôèåø îëåìí
should be "she'Patur mi'Klum" ùôèåø îëìåí
1)[line 14]áä' îéðé ÷ãéøäB'CHAMISHAH MINEI KEDEIRAH- cooked in five different dishes
(a)There are thirty-nine Avos Melachos (categories of creative acts) that are forbidden mid'Oraisa on Shabbos. Each Av Melachah has Toldos (sub-categories) that are also forbidden mid'Oraisa. A list of the Avos Melachos is found in the Mishnah Shabbos Daf 73a. The punishment for intentional transgression of the Melachos ("Mezid") differs from the punishment for unintentional transgression ("Shogeg"). The punishment for Shogeg is further subdivided depending upon which aspect of the sin was unintentional, as follows:
(b)A person who forgets the entire concept of Shabbos and does many Avos Melachos on many Shabbosos, only brings one Korban Chatas to atone for all of his sins. One who transgresses a Melachah and was unaware that the act was a Melachah, or he was unaware that the day was Shabbos, brings a Korban or Korbanos to atone for his sin, within the following guidelines:
1.SHIGEGAS SHABBOS V'ZADON MELACHOS - One who knows that the actions that he performed were Melachos of Shabbos but did not know that the day was Shabbos, and, as a result, did many Melachos on many Shabbosos, brings one Korban Chatas for each Shabbos that he transgressed.
2.ZADON SHABBOS V'SHIGEGAS MELACHOS - One who knows that the day was Shabbos but did not know that the actions that he performed were Melachos of Shabbos, and, as a result, did many Melachos, brings a Chatas for each Av Melachah (Shabbos 7:1) that he transgressed.
(c)If he had full intent to do the Melachah, he may be liable to Kares (his life is cut short and/or his children will die out) or Sekilah (Halachic stoning). Kares applies if he was not warned, and two witnesses did not see the act. Sekilah applies if he did the Melachah after receiving a proper warning not to do it and two witnesses saw him do it.
(d)Our Mishnah discusses the Halachah of a person who did many Melachos on many Shabbosos, as the Gemara later explains.
3)[line 16]îòéï îìàëä àçúME'EIN MELACHAH ACHAS- Melachos (Toldos — RASHI) that all stem from the same Av Melachah
4)[line 9]äùåëç òé÷ø ùáúHA'SHOCHE'ACH IKAR SHABBOS- one who forgets the concept of Shabbos entirely
5)[line 10]äéåãò òé÷ø ùáúHA'YODE'A IKAR SHABBOS- one who is aware of the concept of Shabbos. that is, he sinned b'Shogeg with regard to Shabbos, and b'Meizid with regard to Melachos (see above, entry #2:b).
6)[line 14]òì ëì àá îìàëä åîìàëäAL KOL AV MELACHAH U'MELACHAH- that is, he is liable for each and every one of the 39 categories of Melachah (RASHI to Shabbos 68a)
7)[line 37]äëåúáHA'KOSEV (SHABBOS: KOSEV)
One of the 39 Avos Melachos of Shabbos is Kosev, writing. When a person writes, with permanent ink, two letters that can be read together as a single word, he transgresses the Av Melachah of Kosev.