
A GET GIVEN WITH A PROBLEMATIC STIPULATION (Yerushalmi Perek 9 Halachah 1 Daf 50a)

א"ר יוחנן [דף נ עמוד ב] הלכה כרבי שמעון בן אלעזר היא. דר' שמעון בן אלעזר אמר לעולם אינו גט עד שיאמר בשעת מתנה הרי זה גיטיך.


(R. Yochanan): The Halachah follows R. Shimon ben Elazar [in Mishnah 8:2; also in a Tosefta, Rebbi says that if he gave a Get with an improper Dibur, he can fix his words while she holds it]. R. Shimon ben Elazar says that it is not a Get unless he tells her at the time he gives it 'this is your Get.' (Also here, Chachamim hold that he must take it back, say 'you are permitted to every man' and give it again - ME'OR HA'SIMCHAH.)

רבי יעקב בר אחא בשם רבי ינאי אף ריח פסול אין בה.


(R. Yakov bar Acha citing R. Yanai): [Chachamim hold that] there is not even the scent of a Get (to forbid to Kehunah).

כהנא אמר זאת אומרת (לא חשו. אין תימר חשו) [צ"ל חשו. אין תימר לא חשו - ספר ניר] עד שהוא בידה (דאמר) [צ"ל יאמר - ספר ניר] לה הרי את מותרת לכל אדם.


Inference (Kahana): This teaches that [Chachamim] were concerned for [this divorce]. If you would say that they were not concerned for it, while it is in her hand, he should say 'you are permitted to every man'! (Rather, because it already took effect to forbid her to a Kohen, he cannot fix it without giving it again.)

אמר רבי אחא זאת אומרת (שחשו אין תימר לא חשו) [צ"ל לא חשו. אין תימר חשו - ספר ניר] כל מה שבידו לגרש יגרש.


Rebuttal (R. Acha): This teaches that they were not concerned for [this divorce at all]. If you would say that they were concerned for it, can he divorce [with the same Get] as much as he wants to divorce (e.g. if he remarried her and wants to divorce her again)?!

אמר רבי זעירא תני שילא בר בינה כל שאילו בתניי על מנת פסול. כל שאילו נתנו על מנת פסול:


(R. Ze'ira - Shila bar Binah's Beraisa): Any Tenai that [if it was written in the Get 'on condition that...'] disqualifies, if he [did not write it in the Get, but] gave it [and said] 'on condition that...', it is Pasul.