Meir Eliezer Bergman asks:

The Gemoro on 40a (half-down) says that R' Shimon learns from "b'Ohel Moed" regarding a break in the ceiling that no Hazo'os may be done. The Gemoro then asks "V'Idach" and answers "MeAsher".

I assumed the Gemoro was asking where R'Yehuda learns the halocho of ceiling break from, and answering that he learns this from the word "Asher". (This is also how I understand your Point-By-Point Outline).

However, Rashi seems to say something different (DH MeAsher), that he is learning 4 Matonos on the 4 keronos. Am I missing something?

Meir Eliezer Bergman

Manchester UK

The Kollel replies:

A little earlier, Rebbi Yehudah learned from "b'Ohel Mo'ed" the Din of "Keren Keranos Arba."

The Gemara informs us that Rebbi Shimon learns from there the Halachah of ceiling break.

On this, the Gemara asks "v'Idach?" -- meaning from where does Rebbi Yehudah learn that?

When it answers "from Asher," it means that Rebbi Yehudah concurs with Rebbi Shimon, and he actually learns the Din of "Keren Keranos Arba" from "Asher" and not from "b'Ohel Mo'ed" as we initially thought.

Admittedly, the Gemara's wording here is very terse, but this is how I think Rashi explains it.

B'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler