More Discussions for this daf
1. Carrying water between cities 2. The four Amos of an Eruv 3. The rationale for the prohibition of "Techumin"
4. Techum of an object that changes hands on Shabbos 5. 3 techumin next to each other

moshe rubin asked:

The Mishnah says on top of 45 that if there were 2 techumin with one overlapping in teh could not carry between the 2 on the end (i am referencing the picture on 45b1 note 3 in the artscroll).

R' Elievzer earlier said his din that as long as one was 2 (and not 3) amos from the techum you could walk into the next one. Seemingly R' Eliezer's din means that you could be exactly 2 away so that your two do not actually overlap the other techum, but rather just meet it.

So according to R' Eliezer, (if muvlah only requires that they meet and not actually overlap), would he argue on the mishnah.

moshe rubin, bklyn, ny

The Kollel replies:

Please clarify whether you mean to ask from the case that you actually cite, or from the previous case where the Techumin of two people interlap (Artscroll 45a note 38), as the latter seems to me more relevant. Once you clarify this, I shall be able to focus on your question.

be'Virchas Kol Tuv

Eliezer Chrysler