More Discussions for this daf
1. Bikur Cholim 2. Source for Bikur Cholim 3. Bikur Cholim as Gemilus Chasadim
4. One Daughter Receiving More than the Others 5. Madir may be Mevaker Choleh 6. דרש רבא אם בריאה גינהם מוטב

Daniel Gray asks:

Is bikur cholim already included in Gemilus Chasadim in Elu Devarim she'Ein la'Hem Shiur?

Daniel Gray, Toronto Canada

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara in Shabbos (end of 127a) asks a form of your question. The Gemara (beginning of 127b) answers that Bikur Cholim is part of the larger group of Gemilus Chasadim, as Rashi explains there.

The Gemara in Bava Metzia (30b) has a special Pasuk to derive Bikur Cholim besides the general category of Gemilus Chasadim, and explains that the second Pasuk is a special Mitzvah for someone who is a Ben Gilo (born at the same time) as the sick person, who can make the sick feel better by taking 1/60th of his illness. We see here that sometimes Bikur Cholim can be an extra special Mitzvah when one can offer medical help and not just mental strengthening.

The Maharal (Nesivos Olam, Gemilus Chasadim 4) explains the difference between the Mitzvah of Tzedakah and the Mitzvah of Gemilus Chasadim. Tzedakah is when the need arises from the Mekabel. When there is a poor man with a need, filling that need is the Mitzvah of Tzedakah, while Gemilus Chasadim is doing deeds that do not start from a need, but from the giver's heart. He goes on to explain that Bikur Cholim, although it comes to fill the sick person's need (since usually the sick person is unable to ask for people to come visit him), it is a Chesed that starts from the giver's side who decides to come visit.

According to this, we can say that if the visitor is a Ben Gilo of the ill, he might be doing Tzedakah too, besides the Chesed.

Kol Tuv,

Aharon Steiner

Daniel asks:


So we don't need to come onto/borrow lamdanus type answers like those in start of Peah explaining why Terumah isn't on that list. Eg, Terumah does have a minimal shiur, just not a max shiur.


The Kollel replies:

Yes, I agree.

Aharon S.