More Discussions for this daf
1. A woman's immersion 2. Rav Nachman 3. השחיז את הסכין ועף

Barry Epstein asked:

Rav Nachman: Mundane matters do not require intent.

R' Yochanan: Mundane matters do require intent (e.g., a menstruant who finishes and then falls in a mikveh is not permitted to her husband?

By the way, is a woman immersing in a mikveh Biblical or Rabbinic (given that in my former question it said that a woman immersing in a mikveh is not a mitzvah)?

Barry Epstein, Dallas, USA

The Kollel replies:

The Halachah is like Rav Nachman with regard to being allowed to be with her husband. (It is actually Rav Yehudah in the name of Rav who holds of this view.)

The woman's immersion is certainly a Biblical requirement. Her failure to perform the immersion before being with her husband is a very severe Torah transgression, punishable with Kares (spiritual excision from the Jewish people). See my answer to your earlier question.

D. Zupnik