

úåñôåú ã"ä àí éù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the opinions of Rebbi Meir and Rebbi Yosi.)

úéîä àé öåàøå ùì ëìá çùéá ãáø ùàéï î÷áì èåîàä ëé éù áöåàøå ôåúç èôç îàé äåé


Question: This is difficult. If the neck of a dog is considered something that does not become impure, even if the neck has a diameter of a Tefach it should not make a difference!

ðäé ãøáé îàéø àéú ìéä çå÷÷éí ìäùìéí î"î äà îîòè äáùø àú äàåéø îèôç åàéðä éëåìä èåîàä ìáà


Question (cont.): Even though Rebbi Meir holds that one can view an area as carved away in order to complete an amount, the flesh here is lessening the airspace from being a Tefach (inside the neck) and this blocks the impurity from coming.

åàé çùéá ãáø äî÷áì èåîàä äéëé ÷àîø ø' éåñé øåàéí àú çìì äèåîàä äà àí àéï áçììä èôç àéðå îáéà åàîàé åäà àéðå éëåì ìçåõ åäøé äåà ëôúåç ìáéú


Question (cont.): If the dog is considered something that could become impure, how could Rebbi Yosi say that we look at where the impurity is located (in relation to whether it is inside or outside the house)? This indicates that if there is not a Tefach of airspace, it would not bring impurity. Why? If the dog cannot interrupt the impurity (as it itself can become impure, and therefore it cannot act as an interruption), it should be as if it is in the airspace of the house!

åîéäå àôùø ãî"î ìøáé éåñé äáéú èäåø ãëéåï ùàéï áçìì èôç àéï ëàï àäì ùéîùåê èåîàä ìáéú åôåñ÷ú äèåîàä áçåõ


Answer: However, it is possible that the house will still be pure according to Rebbi Yosi. Since there is not a space of a Tefach, there is no Ohel that causes the impurity to go to the house, and the impurity stops outside.

àê ÷ùä ðäé ãáùø àôùø ùàéðå çåöõ òöîåú àîàé àéï çåööéí


Question: However, there is a difficulty. Even if the flesh does not interrupt the impurity, why don't the bones interrupt the impurity?

åé"ì ëéåï ãàéú ìéä ìø"î çå÷÷éï åéù áäí àåéø ÷öú ãäòöîåú àéï ñåúîéí ëì äð÷á àìà îîòèéï åîñúîà àéï îáèìéï åñåôå ìäåöéàí îùí ìà çééöé ëãôøéùéú ô' ìà éçôåø (á"á ãó éè:)


Answer: Rebbi Meir understands that we can view an area as carved away in order to complete an amount, and there is some air as bones do not close the entire whole but rather lessen it. Together with the fact that the person probably does not nullify them and will eventually take them away, the bones cannot be considered an interruption. This is as I explained in Bava Basra (19b).



úåñôåú ã"ä îàé ìàå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the concept "we see.")

åøåàéï äééðå øåàéï àú äèåîàä àí äéà ëðâã äù÷åó àå ìà


Explanation: "We see" means that we see if the impurity is laying in the airspace of the doorway or not.



úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øáà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Rava did not say "we see" refers to the neck of the dog.)

ìà äåä îöé ìîéîø ãàéù áöåàøå ôåúç èôç ÷àé åìà áà ìçìå÷ àìà ãìà çùéá ìù÷åó àäì åøåàéï àöåàø ëìá ÷àé


Implied Question: Rava could not have said that Rebbi Yosi was referring to a dog that has a neck that is a diameter of a Tefach, and that he is not arguing but rather stating the doorway is not an Ohel. Additionally (according to this possibility), "We see" would be referring to the neck of the dog. (Why didn't Rava give this explanation?)

ãìà ùééê ìîéîø ìùåï øåàéï àäà ãäà îåðç ÷îï àìà àèåîàä ùäéà áôðéí àå àçìì ùééê ìåîø øåàéï


Answer: It is not possible to say "we see" refers to the neck of the dog, as it is in front of us! Rather, it is clearly either referring to the impurity inside the dog or the airspace inside the neck.



úåñôåú ã"ä àðï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains when Rebbi Meir views an area as carved away, and discusses the amount of space under the doorway.)

åø"î ãìà áòé çìì èôç ìèòîéä ãàéú ìéä áô"÷ ãùáú (ãó æ:) ãçå÷÷éï ìäùìéí âáé æø÷ åðç áçåø ëì ùäåà


Explanation: Rebbi Meir does not require airspace of a Tefach based on his reasoning in Shabbos (7b) that we can view an area as if it is carved away in order to complete an amount. He says this (ibid.) regarding a case where a person threw something on Shabbos that landed in a small hole.

åðäé ãáô"÷ ãòøåáéï (ãó éà:) âáé ëéôä ìà àîø çå÷÷éï ìäùìéí àìà ëùéù áøâìéä àøáò


Implied Question: This is despite the fact that when the Gemara in Eiruvin (11b) discusses a round doorway, we do not say that we view the area as carved away in order to complete an amount unless there is a space of four Tefachim before it starts to become rounded.

ä"î âáé îæåæä ãëúéá (ãáøéí éà) åáùòøéê åáòéðï ùòø çùåá àáì áòìîà àôé' àéï ùí ã' çå÷÷éï åö"ò ùí


Answer: It is possible that this is specifically regarding Mezuzah, as the Pasuk states, "And in your doorways" and we (derive from here that we) require an important doorway (before one is obligated in Mezuzah). However, normally if there would not even be four we would say we view the area as carved out. The Gemara there requires study.

åðøàä ãäê ùîòúà îééøé ëùàéï èôç îï äù÷åó åìçåõ åëùñåâøéí äãìú äåà ëàäì áôðé òöîå åàéï àäì ôçåú îèôç


Explanation: It appears that the Gemara is discussing a case where there is not a space of a Tefach under the doorway. When the door is closed, the area under the doorway is like an Ohel of its own, but an Ohel cannot be less than a Tefach (and therefore it is not a proper Ohel regarding impurity).

åø' àìòæø àîø ôéå ìôðéí äáéú èäåø ìçåõ äáéú èîà îôðé ùèåîàä éåöàä ãøê ùåìéå


Explanation (cont.): Rebbi Elazar is saying that if the mouth of the dog was inside the house it causes the house to be impure, as the impurity is deemed to leave through the mouth into the house.

åðøàä ãø' àìòæø ìàå àëìá ãøáé éåñé ÷àé ãø' éåñé áëìá ùéù áöåàøå çìì ôåúç èôç àééøé åøáé àìòæø ùàéï áçìì ôåúç èôç îã÷àîø ôéå ìôðéí äáéú èäåø àìîà áñúí ëìáéí àééøé ùàéï áöåàøí ôåúç èôç


Explanation (cont.): It appears that Rebbi Elazar is not referring to the same case of the dog as discussed by Rebbi Yosi. Rebbi Yosi is referring to a dog that has a neck that is a diameter of a Tefach, while Rebbi Elazar is referring to a dog that has a neck that is not the diameter of a Tefach. This is apparent from the fact that he says that if its mouth is towards the inside of the house, the house is pure. This implies that he is referring to any dog, even if it does not have a neck the diameter of a Tefach.



úåñôåú ã"ä îàï úðà

(SUMMARY: Rashi and Tosfos argue regarding the explanation of the Gemara's question.)

ô"ä îàï úðà ãàîø ìòéì ðåâò áçöé æéú åãáø àçø îàäéì òìéå åòì çöé æéú èäåø ãìà îöèøó àìîà úøé ùîé ðéðäå ãàäì ìàå äééðå ðâéòä


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that the question is, who is the Tana who said earlier that if one touches half a Kzayis and something else is over him and another half a Kzayis that he is pure? This Tana holds that they do not combine because Ohel is not touching. This shows that these are two different ways of contracting impurity.

å÷ùä ãäúí àôé' øáé éåñé îåãä áéï ìàáéé áéï ìøáà ãäà ìîòìä îèôç àäì áäîùëä äåà


Question: This is difficult, as even Rebbi Yosi admits there according to both Abaye and Rava (125b) that if the item is more than a Tefach away from something covering it, it is not called "touching."

åðøàä ìôøù ãàîàé ã÷àîø ìòéì îàï äàé úðà ãçùéá ìàäì ðâéòä ø' éåñé îëìì ãàéëà ãôìéâ òìéä å÷àîø îàï äåé äàé úðà


Explanation #2: It appears that since the Gemara earlier asked who the Tana is who considers Ohel "touching" and it answered that this is Rebbi Yosi, this implies that there is a Tana who argues on him. The Gemara wants to know the identity of that Tana.




úåñôåú ã"ä òöí ëùòåøä

(SUMMARY: Rashi and Tosfos argue whether the law of a bone causing impurity through carrying and contact is a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ ãäìî"î äåà


Explanation: Rashi explains that this is a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai.

åàé àôùø ìåîø ëï ãî÷øàé éìôéðï ìä áðæéø ôø÷ ëäï âãåì (ãó ðâ:)


Question: It is impossible to say this, as we derive this from a Pasuk in Nazir (53b).

åìà äåé äìëä àìà îä ùäðæéø îâìç òìéå àò"â ãìà îèîà áàäì


Observation: The only Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai regarding this law is that a Nazir has to shave his hair for carrying or touching such a bone, even though he did not come in contact with them through Ohel.



úåñôåú ã"ä âåìì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the source for the laws regarding Golel and Dofek according to the opinion that derives these laws from a Pasuk.)

ìî"ã áôø÷ áäîä äî÷ùä (ìòéì ãó òá.) ãâåìì åãåô÷ äåå îäìëä àéëà ìîéîø ãäëé âîéøé ìä àìà ìîàï ãîééúé ìä îòì ôðé äùãä ÷ùä îðà ìï


Question: According to the opinion earlier (72a) that a Golel and Dofek cause impurity due to a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai, it is possible to say that this is part of the Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai. However, according to the opinion that derives this from the Pasuk, "on the face of the field," how does he know the details of this law?

åðøàä îùåí ãääåà ÷øà ãëì àùø éâò òì ôðé äùãä îå÷îéðï áðæéø (ãó ðâ:) áàäì äéìëê îèîà áàäì åáîâò ðîé îèîà îùåí ãàô÷éä áìùåï ðâéòä àáì áîùà ìà îöéðå ùéèîà


Answer: It appears that this is because the Pasuk, "Anyone who will touch on the face of the field" is said in Nazir (53b) to be referring to impurity through Ohel. Therefore, it is impure through Ohel. It is also impure through contact, as the Pasuk uses the word "touch." However, we do not find any indication in the Pasuk that they should be impure due to carrying.



úåñôåú ã"ä áðáìúä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the actual source for the derivation regarding the thighbone.)

îäàé ÷øà ðîé îîòèéðï áô' áäîä äî÷ùä (ìòéì òæ:) òöîåú åâéãéï


Observation: We used this Pasuk earlier (77b) to exclude bones and sinews.

å÷ùä ãà"ë äéëé ðîòè îéðéä ÷åìéú ñúåîä


Question: This is difficult, as how can we also use the Pasuk to exclude a closed thighbone?

åîéäå ëéåï ãìà îøáéðï ùåîø àìà áð÷åáä ùéëåì ìéâò îîéìà ëé àîòéèå òöîåú àîòéè ðîé ÷åìéú ñúåîä


Answer: However, since we do not include a Shomer unless the thighbone has a hole in it that one can touch the marrow inside the bone, this must mean that when we exclude bones in general we also exclude a thighbone that is closed.

àò"ô ãùåîø äåé ëñúåí ëâåï çèä á÷ìéôúä


Implied Question: This is despite the fact that a Shomer can be considered to close off the item it is guarding, just like the shell of a kernel of wheat protects it by enveloping it (see 117b). (Why can't a bone be the same way?)

äúí îøáéðï î÷øà ãæøò àùø éæøò ëãøê ùáðé àãí îåöéàéí ìæøéòä àáì äëà âìé ÷øà ãùåîø ìà äåé àìà áùàôùø ìéâò


Answer: The Gemara there (117b) includes such a Shomer from the Pasuk, "seed that is planted." The Gemara derives that this is how people take it out to be planted. However, regarding a bone the Pasuk has revealed that it can only be called a Shomer if one can touch the marrow inside.

åëï âáé ùøöéí îøáéðï ì÷îï îéèîà ãùøöéí ÷åìéú äùøõ ð÷åáä


Observation: Similarly, regarding Sheratzim we include later from the Pasuk, "he will be impure" that a thighbone of a Sheretz that has a hole is impure.

åàò"â ãîäèîàéí ãøùéðï ì÷îï ìøáåú ÷åìéú äùøõ åáéöú äùøõ


Implied Question: This is despite the fact that we derive later from the Pasuk, "that are impure" that we include a thighbone of a Sheretz and the egg of a Sheretz. (Which Pasuk is the actual derivation?)

òé÷ø ÷øà ìà àúà àìà ìáéöú äùøõ àáì ÷åìéú ðô÷à îéèîà


Answer: The main part of the Pasuk is regarding the egg of a Sheretz. However, the thighbone is indeed derived from "he will be impure."

åàò"â ãîäèîàéí ãøùéðï ãøùåú èåáà


Implied Question: This is despite the fact that from "that are impure" we derive many other teachings. (How can we derive many teachings from one Pasuk?)

àôùø ããøùéðï îèîà èîàéí äèîàéí àå èåáà èîàéí ëúéá äúí


Answer: It is possible that this is derived from breaking down the word into "Tamei," Temei'im," and "ha'Temei'im." It is also possible that the word "impure" is stated many different times (and we derive one teaching from each word).



úåñôåú ã"ä éëåì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we require a Pasuk to teach that the egg is impure.)

åà"ú åìø÷îä ìîä ìé ÷øà ìòðéï èåîàä äà ìòðéï àëéìä ôùéèà ìï áìà ÷øà áôø÷ àìå èøôåú (ìòéì ãó ñã.) ùàí ø÷îä åàëìä ìå÷ä îùåí äùøõ äùåøõ òì äàøõ àìîà ùøõ àé÷øé


Question: Why do we need a special Pasuk to teach that such an egg is impure? It is obvious that it is considered like eating a Sheretz without requiring a Pasuk to teach us that! This is as the Gemara states earlier (64a) that if a baby Sheretz was forming in the egg and one ate it he would receive lashes due to the Pasuk, "the Sheretz that is crawling on the land." This indicates it is clearly called a Sheretz!

åéù ìåîø ãåãàé ø÷îä ùøõ àé÷øé àáì öá åòëáø ìà àé÷øé


Answer #1: If it certainly was formed in the egg, it is indeed called a Sheretz. However, it is not called a Tzav or Achbar (specific type of Sheretz).

åëä"â àîøéðï áô' áäîä äî÷ùä (ìòéì òä.) âáé çìá ãìà àé÷øé çìá ùåø ëùá åòæ òã ùéöà äòåáø ìàåéø äòåìí


Answer #1 (cont.): We similarly say earlier (75a) regarding forbidden fat that it is not called the fat of an ox, sheep, or goat until the fetus comes into the "air of the world."

àé ðîé î÷øà ãäëà ÷éí ìï áàìå èøôåú ìòðéï àëéìä ùìå÷ä


Answer #2: Alternatively, the Pasuk in our Gemara is the source for the Gemara earlier (64a) to say that one receives lashes if he eats it.