

úåñôåú ã"ä èäåø äîåôùè

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why once there is more skin than he can hold onto, it is no longer considered a Yad.)

ìîàé ãôéøù á÷åðèøñ ãñáø øá ãëì éã ùàéï îèìèìéï áå àú äàåëì àéðå éã


Explanation: Rashi explained that Rav holds that any Yad that is not used to carry the food is not considered a Yad.

úéîä ãàîàé òã ëãé àçéæä çùéá éã èôé


Question: This is difficult, as why is enough to be able to hold onto considered a Yad (and when there is more than this amount it is not)?

åðøàä îùåí ãáëãé àçéæä åàéìê éëåì ìàçåæ ááùø òöîå åìèìèìå


Answer #1: It appears that this is because enough to hold onto or more means he can hold the meat itself and (thereby) carry it.

àé ðîé îùåí ãëì æîï ùìà äôùéè ëãé àçéæä äåà ÷ùä ìäôùéèå åôòîéí ùîðéçå ëê åöøéê ìå ìèìèìå îî÷åí ìî÷åí àáì îùäôùéè ëãé àçéæä ùåá àéï ÷ùä ìäôùéè åàéï ææ îùí òã ùéôùéè ëåìå


Answer #2: Alternatively, it is because as long as he did not skin enough to hold onto it is difficult to skin it, and sometimes he will leave it this way and use this skin to carry it from place to place. However, once he skins an amount he can hold onto it is no longer difficult to skin it, and he does not stop skinning until he skins the entire thing.

åëï áçîú òã ùéôùéè àú äçæä ìôé ùäçæä ÷ùä ìäôùéè åìëê ìôòîéí îðéçå ëê ùòä àçú åúåê ëê éöèøê ìèìèìå àáì îùäåôùè äçæä àéï ãøê ìäðéçå ëê


Answer #2 (cont.): Similarly, if he skins it for the purpose of making a skin that will be a container for honey (see Rashi), the Mishnah says it is only a Yad if he has not yet finished skinning the chest, because the chest is difficult to skin. Since it is difficult, a person will sometimes stop skinning (in the middle of skinning the chest) for a while and in the meantime need to carry it. However, once he skins the chest, it is not normal to leave it like that.

åòåã éù ìôøù èòîà ãøá ãàîø îëàï åàéìê èäåø äîåôùè îôðé ùëãé àçéæä öøéê äòåø ìäéåú éã ìöåøê äôùèä àáì áéåúø îëãé àçéæä ìà


Answer #3: One can also explain that the reason of Rav who says that what was skinned is pure from then on because the skin has to be enough to hold onto due to the skinning. However, if it is more than the amount he needs to hold onto it is impure.

ìôé ùàí îçæé÷ áùôú äòåø àéï éëåì ìîùåê áëç åìäôùéè åáëãé àçéæä ñîåê ìáùø àéï éëåì ìäçæé÷ áéãå äòåø äéèá åìîùåê äìëê òã [ëãé] àçéæä éëåì ìäçæé÷ åìîùåê áùôú äòåø èôé ìà


Answer #3 (cont.): If he holds onto the edge of the skin, he cannot pull forcefully and skin. If he only has an amount of skin that he can hold onto next to the meat, he cannot hold the skin well in order to pull it. Therefore, until this amount he can pull forcefully at the edge of the skin, but not if there is more.

ëãôé' ä÷åðè' âáé äà ãîùðé áñîåê ääåà áèôç øàùåï ùëùäôùéè ùìùä èôçéí ùàéï éëåì ìäçæé÷ ìà áùôú äòåø åìà áàîöò äòåø


Answer #3 (cont.): This is as Rashi explains regarding the Gemara's answer later that, "this is regarding the first Tefach." When he skins three Tefachim, he cannot hold onto the edge of the skin nor the middle of the skin.

åé"î ëåìä îúðé' îùåí ùåîø ãòã ëãé àçéæä äåé çáåø åë"ù ôçåú àí ðâò ùøõ áòåø äîåôùè îëðéñ èåîàä ìáùø îùåí ùåîø


Opinion: Some say that the entire Mishnah is discussing the skin being a Shomer (not a Yad). When it is enough to hold onto the skin is considered a Shomer, and certainly when it is less. If a (dead) Sheretz touched this amount that was skinned, the skin causes the meat to become impure because it is a Shomer.

åàò"â ãàîø ìòéì (ãó ÷éç.) ãòåø ëðâã äáùø ãå÷à äåé ùåîø


Implied Question: This is despite the fact that the Gemara earlier said (118a) that only the skin opposite the flesh is a Shomer.

äëà çùéá ëðâã äáùø ëéåï ãçùéá äëì ëîçåáø åëï ìçîú ëì æîï ùäçæä îçåáø çùéá äëì îçåáø


Answer: The skin here is considered opposite the flesh since it is all considered connected. The same applies to skinning in order to make a container for honey, as long as the chest is connected it is all considered connected.

àáì îùåí éã àéï ìôøù ãìøá àñé ãàîø èôç ñîåê ìáùø èîà îùåí éã ãìçîú àîàé ëì äòåø çáåø ìà äéä ìèîà àìà èôç äñîåê ìçæä ãîàé ùðà áéï çæä ìùàø àáøéí


Proof #1: However, one cannot explain that the Mishnah is referring to Yados. This is because according to Rav Asi, who says that the Tefach next to the flesh is impure due to Yad, it is difficult to understand why all of the skin should be considered a connection. He should only say that the Tefach close to the chest is impure, as what is the difference between the chest and the other limbs?

àìà åãàé îùåí ùåîø äåé ãçùéá ëì äòåø îçåáø


Proof #1 (cont.): Rather, it must be that the reason is because it is a Shomer, and therefore all of the skin is considered connected.

åëï ìùåï ãäøé æä çáåø îùîò ãäåé îùåí ùåîø ãáéã îä ùééê ìùåï çáåø


Proof #2: Similarly, the phrase "this is a connection" implies that the reason is because of Shomer. How can this phrase apply to a Yad?

åäëé îåëç áú"ë ãúðéà äúí áðáìúä åìà áîôùéè ìùèéç ëãé àçéæä åìçîú òã ùéåöéà ëì äçæä éëåì ùàðé îåöéà ôçåú îëùéòåø ú"ì éèîà


Proof #2 (cont.): This is apparent from the Toras Kohanim that says, "with its Neveilah - and not skin that is being skinned for a carpet, as this is impure if it is enough to hold onto, and a skin for a honey container is impure until he skins the entire chest. One might think that less than this amount is excluded. This is why the Pasuk says, "it will be impure."

àìîà ãèòîà ãùèéç ëãé àçéæä äåé îùåí ùåîø ãäà îéèîà ãøùéðï ìòéì (ùí) ùåîø ãðáìä åéã ãøéù ìòéì îìëí ëê ôé' äøá øáéðå éò÷á îàåøìéð"ù


Proof #2 (cont.): This is why the reason that skin for a carpet is impure if it is less than the amount one would hold onto is because it is a Shomer, as we derive (118a) that a Shomer of a Neveilah is impure from the word "it will be impure." (This is also the Pasuk quoted by the Toras Kohanim regarding this case.) We derive Yad from "for you." This was explained by Rabeinu Yaakov from Orleans.

åàéï äâé' ëï áú"ë


Observation: We do not have this text in our version of the Toras Kohanim.

åìôé ôéøåùå ìà îèîà áú"ë åâí áùîòúéï àìà òã ëãé àçéæä åìà ëãé àçéæä áëìì ãäééðå ôçåú îëùéòåø ùîæëéø ìùí


Proof #2 (cont.): However, according to Rebbi Yaakov from Orleans (and his text - Maharam), the Toras Kohanim and our Gemara say that until one has enough to hold onto the skin is impure, as opposed to when one has enough to hold onto. This is what is meant by the phrase "less than the amount" mentioned in Toras Kohanim.



úåñôåú ã"ä áôéøåù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Gemara according to the text of Rabeinu Chananel.)

åôøéê ìøá ãàîø èäåø äîåôùè åîùðé äëà áîàé òñ÷éðï áèôç øàùåï ôéøåù èôç øàùåï ëùîúçéì ìäôùéè äòåø òã ëãé àçéæä åèôç äåé èôç ëôåì ëîå ùîôøù áñîåê åôøåùé ÷à îôøù òã ëîä ëãé àçéæä äééðå èôç ñîåê ìáùø


Explanation: This is a question on Rav who says that the skin is pure. The Gemara answers, the case is regarding the first Tefach. This refers to the first Tefach that comes off (partially) when he starts to skin the animal until he has enough to hold onto. This Tefach is a double Tefach, as the Gemara explains later. The Beraisa is explains that the amount one holds onto is a Tefach next to the flesh.



úåñôåú ã"ä èìéú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Talis becomes pure retroactively.)

ôø"ú ëéåï ùð÷øò øåáä äåéà èäåøä ìîôøò îúçìú ÷øéòä


Explanation: Rabeinu Tam explains that since most of it was torn it is pure retroactively from when it started to be torn.

åìùåï ùäúçéì ì÷åøòä îùîò ëôéøåùå


Proof: The terminology "that he started to tear" supports his explanation.

åîä ù÷ùä ìôéøåù ä÷åðèøñ îôåøù áôø÷ áäîä äî÷ùä (ìòéì ãó òá: ã"ä áùòú)


Observation: The difficulty with Rashi's explanation was explained earlier (72b, Tosfos DH "b'Sha'as").




úåñôåú ã"ä òåìú äòåó

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Gemara's question.)

åà"ú åîàé ÷åùéà ùàðé äúí ãâæéøú äëúåá äåà ùìà ìäáãéì


Question: Why is this difficult? The case there is different, as it is a Gezeiras ha'Kasuv not to separate!

åé"ì ãîùîò ãìà îöøéê àìà øåá îöåîöí åìäëé ôøéê ãìâæåø åä"ì ìàöøåëé øåá äðøàä ìòéðéí


Answer: The implication is that only a small majority is required. This is why the Gemara asks a question that a clear majority should be required.



úåñôåú ã"ä àáì ùééø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos notes when the Talis is impure according to Rabbinic law.)

áôø÷ ãí çèàú (æáçéí ãó öã:) àîøéðï àôéìå ùééø áä ëãé îòôåøú àéðå èîà àìà îãøáðï


Observation: In Zevachim (94b) we say that even if he left an amount that was enough for a scarf, it is only impure according to Rabbinic law.



úåñôåú ã"ä ìà ùðå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what amount of skin is equivalent to the importance of the size of a scarf regarding clothing.)

ðøàä ãø' éåçðï ìà ñâé áòåø ëãé îòôåøú ëîå áèìéú àìà ëì àçã ìîàé ãçùéá ìâáé ãéãéä ñâé åöøéê áòåø ä' òì ä'


Explanation: It appears that according to Rebbi Yochanan it is not enough to leave enough skin that is the amount of a scarf, as we say regarding a Talis. Rather, every item is going to have a different amount depending on what amount is significant for it. For skin, this amount is five by five Tefachim.

åäùúà ôøéê ùôéø áñîåê ëé àîòè ìéä îä' èôçéí èäåø ãàé áòåø ðîé ñâé ìøáé éåçðï ëãé îòôåøú ìà éúééùá áñîåê


Proof: It is now understandable why the Gemara asks later that the skin should be pure once it is less than five by five Tefachim. If skin would also suffice with an amount of a scarf, it is difficult to understand the Gemara later.

ãàé ëãé îòôåøú ôçåú îä' ëîå ùîùîò áàéëà ãàîøé ú÷ùä ìéä ìø' éåçðï àîàé èäåø ëé îîòè ìéä îä' åàí äåà éåúø îä' ëùéù áå ðîé ä' àîàé èîà äà àéï áå ëãé îòôåøú


Proof (cont.): If an amount of a scarf is less than five Tefachim, as is implied by the second version quoted by the Gemara, the Gemara should ask on Rebbi Yochanan why it is pure if he makes it less than five Tefachim. If the size of a scarf is more than five Tefachim, why is it impure when there is five Tefachim? It is not the size of a scarf!

åîéäå éù ìééùá ãìäàé ìéùðà ñâé ìø' éåçðï áòåø áçùéáåú îòôåøú ùäåà ôçåú îä' ëãîùîò ì÷îï


Implied Question: One can answer that this is not a proof, as according to this version Rebbi Yochanan holds that it is enough to have skin that is important like a scarf which is less than a size of five Tefachim, as implied later.

åäà ã÷àîø åëé îîòè ìéä îä' èäåø àò"ô ùéù áå ëãé îòôåøú


Implied Question: The Gemara later asks, "When he lessens the size to less than five it is pure" even though it is the amount of a scarf (as stated above).

ëâåï ã÷à áòé ìéä ìîåùá æá ëãàîø ì÷îï ìø"ì àáì ìàéëà ãàîøé ìøáé éåçðï åãàé áòé ä'


Answer: The case is where he wants it for a Zav to sit on (which is why it must be at least five Tefachim), as stated later according to Reish Lakish. However, according to the second version of Rebbi Yochanan, certainly it must be five Tefachim.



úåñôåú ã"ä ãìîà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Gemara's question.)

úéîä ìø"é ãîàé ôøéê äà ìà çééñ òìä ãîôùéè äáäîä åäéä øåöä ùéäéä ëåìä îåôùè


Question: The Ri finds this difficult. What is the Gemara's question? He obviously does not care about it as he is skinning the animal, and he wants the entire animal skinned!

åé"ì ãäëà çééñ ùìà ìäôùéè äøáä ùàæ äåà ðåç ìèìèì åìäôùéè


Answer: In our case he is careful not to skin too much, in order that it should be easy to carry and (later) skin.



úåñôåú ã"ä äà éåúø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the comparison between skin that is torn and skin that is skinned regarding Yados.)

úéîä ìø"é ãäéëé îãîä ãéï ãéã ìäà ãàééøé áéä ìòéì


Question: The Ri finds this difficult. How can the Gemara compare the law regarding a Yad to the case earlier?

åé"ì ãðøàä ìå ìãîåú ãëé äéëé ãàîøéðï ãòåø ä÷øåò çùåá ëîçåáø äëé ðîé ðéîà ãòåø äîåôùè ìéçùá ëîçåáø åìäåé éã ëàéìå ìà äåôùè


Answer: The comparison is that just as we say that skin that is torn is considered connected, so too we should say that skin that is skinned is considered connected, and it should be a Yad as if it had not yet been skinned.



úåñôåú ã"ä òåø ùòì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how it is possible that Rebbi Yochanan will say that skin from the neck is not considered connected.)

åà"ú ìøáé éåçðï ðîé ãàîø òåø ìà çìéí îåãä äéëà ùëáø úôø ùèîà åë"ù äéëà ùìà ð÷øò îòåìí


Question: According to Rebbi Yochanan who says that skin does not become strong (like it was originally), he will admit that if a person sowed it up it is indeed impure. This certainly is true regarding skin that was never torn!

åé"ì ã÷ñ"ã ùòì âá äöåàø àò"ô ùäåà ðéú÷ îàìéå ìà âøò îòåø ùòãééï ìà ðúôø åìà ðúçáø ãäåé ëîçåáø åëé äéëé ãòåø äð÷øò äåé ëçìéí òåø ùòì âá äöåàø ðîé àò"â ãðéú÷ îàìéå äåé ìéä ìîéîø ãäåé çáåø åîùðé ëéåï ãòùåé ìðú÷ îàìéå âøò îòåø äð÷øò åìà äåé çáåø


Answer: The Gemara currently thinks that skin on the neck, even if it becomes detached on its own, is not any worse than skin that is not sown and not connected, as it is considered connected. Just as skin that was torn can become strong again, so too skin that was on the neck, even though it comes off on its own, should be considered connected. The Gemara answers, since it is normal that it comes off by itself it is worse than skin that is torn, and is therefore not considered connected.