

úåñ' ã"ä ëàï áâæéìä ÷ééîú

(Summary: Tosfos explains how 'Gezeilah Kayemes' is applicable to 'Ro'im'.)

úéîä, øåòéí îàé 'âæìä ÷ééîú' àéëà?


Question: How does 'Gezeilah Kayemes' apply to 'Ro'im'?

åé"ì, ãàééøé áøåòä áäîä ùì àçøéí åâðá îäï âéæä åçìá, åìàå îùåí ãçùåã ìäøòåú áùãåú ùì àçøéí...


Answer: It is speaking about someone who is shepherding an animal belonging to somebody else and who stole the wool or the milk, and not because he is suspect on allowing the sheep to graze in other people's fields ...

ãëéåï ùàéï äáäîä ùìå, 'àéï àãí çåèà åìà ìå' ,ëãàîø áôø÷ ÷îà ãááà îöéòà (ãó ä:).


Reason: ... because, since the animal does not belong to him, 'A person does not sin with something that is not his', as the Gemara states in the first Perek of Bava Metzi'a (Daf 5a).



úåñ' ã"ä îùìí ãîé ôøä äòåîãú ìéìã

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement.)

åëì ùáç ùîùòú âæìä òã ùúìã, ìâæìï.


Clarification: And all the Sh'vach from the time that he stole it until it gives birth belongs to the Gazlan.



úåñ' ã"ä çîùä âåáéï îï äîçåøøéí

(Summary: Tosfos cites two cases that the Tana omits, despite the fact that he (the Tana) mentioned the number of cases, and discusses a Kashya on Shmuel from a Gemara in Bava Metzi'a.)

àò"â ãúðà îðéðà, úðà åùééø ä)ð(ê ãúðï áäðéæ÷éï (âéèéï ãó îç: åùí ð:) 'àéï îåöéàéï ìîæåï äàùä åäáðåú îðëñéí îùåòáãéí îôðé úé÷åï äòåìí' ...


Clarification: Even though the Tana mentions a number, it nevertheless 'lists and omits' - the case mentioned in ha'Nizakin' (Gitin, Daf 48b & 50b) 'Ein Motzi'in l'Mazon ha'Ishah ve'ha'Banos mi'Nechasim Meshubadim Mipnei Tikun ha'Olam' ...

åäúí ðîé ùééø 'äî÷áì òìéå ìæåï áï àùúå åáú àùúå' , å'âè çåá ùàéï áå àçøéåú' .


Clarification (cont.): And there too, it omits 'ha'Mekabel alav Lazun ben Ishto u'Bas Ishto' and 'Get Chov she'Ein bo Achrayus'.

åîäëà ÷ùä ìùîåàì ãàîø áô"÷ ãá"î (ãó éâ.) àåîø äéä ø"î 'ùèø çåá ùàéï áå àçøéåú ðëñéí, àéï âåáä ìà îðëñéí îùåòáãéí åìà îáðé çåøéï' .åäëà îùîò ãâáé îáðé çåøéï?


Question: From here there is a Kashya on Shmuel who says in the first Perek of Bava Metzi'a (Daf 13a), citing Rebbi Meir that one may claim neither from Nechasim Meshubadim nor from B'nei Chorin with a Sh'tar-Chov that does not contain Achrayus Nechasim', whereas here it implies that he can claim from B'nei Chorin?

åîéäå áìàå äëé àéúåúá ùîåàì äúí îáøééúà àçøéúé.


Refutation of Question: In any event however, Shmuel is proved wrong there from another Beraisa.

åéù ìãçåú ãùîåàì äåä îôøù ù'àéï áå àçøéåú' äééðå ùîôåøù ùìà ÷áì òìéå àçøéåú.


Answer: It is possible to refute the Kashya in that Shmuel would have answered that 'Ein bo Achrayus' means that it is specifically stated that he does not accept responsibility.

åäà ãîå÷é ìä äëà ëø"î...


Implied Question: ... and the reason that it establishes the Beraisa like Rebbi Meir is ...

îùåí ãìëàåøä ëååúéä àúéà.


Answer: ... because it seems to go like him.



úåñ' ã"ä îàï ùîòú ìéä ãàîø àçøéåú ìàå èòåú ñåôø ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos discusses why the Gemara needs to come on to this reason, seeing as Rebbi Meir anyway holds that 'be'Shogeg Kaneis'.)

åà"ú, áìàå äàé èòîà ä"î ìîôøê 'îàï ùîòú ìéä ã÷ðéñ, ø"î, ' åù"î ã'áùåââ ÷ðéñ... '


Question: Without this reason, the Gemara could have asked that, since Rebbi Meir is the one who penalizes him, we see that 'be'Shogeg Kaneis' ...

åàæ ìà äåä öøéê ìàúåéé áøééúà àìà îúðé' ãäðéæ÷éï (âéèéï ãó îç: åùí) ã'àéï îåöéàéï ìàëéìú ôéøåú' ?


Question (cont.): ... in which case it would not be necessary to cite the Beraisa, only the Mishnah in 'ha'Nizakin' (Gitin Daf 48b & 49a) 'Ein Motzi'in la'Achilas Peiros ... '?

åé"ì, ãîëç æä ìà ä"î ìàåëåçé ãàúéà ëø"î...


Answer: From there, it would not have been possible to prove that it goes like Rebbi Meir ...

ãäà øáé éäåãä ðîé îöéðï ìîéîø ã'÷ðéñ- ' ìøá æáéã ãàîø ãìøáé éäåãä 'ùáç ùòì âáé äâæéìä äåé ãðâæì, àò"â ãðùúðéú ò"é...


Reason: ... seeing as Rebbi Yehudah too, may well penalize him - according to Rav Z'vid who says that, according to Rebbi Yehudah, 'the improvement that is on the Gezeilah goes to the owner', even if the Gazlan changed it...

ëâåï ðèòðä àå ðúòáøä àöì âæìï...


Reason (cont.): ... where for example, he planted it or where the animal became pregnant whilst under his jurisdiction ...

åäàé 'ùáç ùäùáéç äìå÷ç' äééðå ðîé ùáç ùòì âáé äâæìä, åé÷ðåñ áå ø' éäåãä...


Reason (concl.): And the case where the purchaser improved it is also considered 'Sh'vach that is on the Gezeilah' and there too, Rebbi Yehudah will penalize him.

ëîå áääéà ãì÷îï (ò"á) ìøá æáéã.


Precedent: ... like the case that is cited later (on Amud Beis) according to Rav Z'vid.

åàò"â ãëé ðå÷é ìä ðîé ëøáé éäåãä, àëúé îöé ìàåëåçé ãäùúà ø' éäåãä ãìà ÷ðéñ ìéä ëåìé äàé, ÷ðéñ áùáç æä ùò"â ÷ø÷ò, ø"î ã÷ðéñ èôé, ìà ë"ù... !


Implied Question: ... in spite of the fact that, even if we establish it like Rebbi Yehudah, one can still prove that, if Rebbi Yehudah, who does not penalize him so much, does penalize him in the case of 'Sh'vach which is on the land' - Rebbi Meir who does penalize him, how much more so!

îëì î÷åí èôé ðéçà ìéä ìàåëåçé îø' îàéø âåôéä. ø"é.


Answer: Nevertheless, the Gemara prefers to cite the proof from Rebbi Meir himself. Ri.



úåñ' ã"ä ãàúà áòì àøòà åù÷éì àøòà åùáçà ù"î áùåââ ðîé ÷ðéñ

(Summary: Tosfos presents an alternative answer that the Gemara could have given, and elaborates.)

ä"î ìùðåéé ãáùáç äéúø òì äéöéàä îééøé...


Implied Question: The Gemara could have answered that it is speaking about where the Sh'vach is more than the Yetzi'ah ...

ãääåà ìà äåä ÷ðñ, ãëéåï ã÷ø÷ò àéï ðâæìú, áøùåúéä ãîøéä àùáçéä, åìà ãîé ìîèìèìé...


Implied Question: ... since there he would not penalize him, because, since land cannot be stolen, he improved it in the domain of the owner, in which case it is not comparable to Metalt'lin ...

åàôéìå ìùîåàì ãàîø áô"÷ ãá"î (ãó éã: åùí) ã'ìå÷ç îâæìï ìéú ìéä ùáçà' ...


Elaboration of Question: In fact, even according to Shmuel, who says in the first Perek of Bava Metzi'a (Daf 14b & 15a) that somone who purchases from a Gazlan does not take the Sh'vach ...

àéëà ìàå÷îé ëâåï ù÷ðå îéãå, ëãàîø äúí...


Elaboration of Question (cont.): ... one can establish it where he made a Kinyan, as the Gemara says there (Daf 15a) ...

àìà ãáìàå äëé îùðé ùôéø.


Answer: Only the Gemara answers well anyway.

àáì ìéëà ìîéîø ãñúí 'ùáç' îùîò äëì -áéï ëðâã äéöéàä áéï îä ùéúø òì äéöéàä...


Refuted Answer: One cannot however answer that S'tam Sh'vach implies everything - irrespective of whether it is equal to the expenses or whether it exceeds them (See Hagahos ha'G'ra) ...

ãäà äúí âáé ôìåâúà ãøá åùîåàì á'îåëø ùãä ìçáéøå åðîöàú ùàéðä ùìå' ãôìéâé àí éù ìå ùáç àí ìàå ...


Refutation #1: ... because there, in the Machlokes between Rav and Shmuel, in connection with someone who sells his friend's field and it is subsequently found to be not his, they argue over whether he takes the Sh'vach or not ...

äééðå ò"ë áùáç äéúø òì äéöéàä, ãéöéàä ìîä ìà éèåì îï äðâæì...


Refutation #1 (cont.): ... and that must be speaking where the Sh'vach exceeds the expenses, because otherwise, why should he not claim the expenses from the owner ...

îé âøò î'éåøã áùãä çáéøå ùìà áøùåú' ... ?


Source: ... Why is it any worse than 'Reuven who goes down to Shimon's field without permission ... ' (Bava Metzi'a, 101a)?

åòåã, ãòãéôà îéðéä îùðéðï áô' îé ùîú (á"á ãó ÷ðæ:) 'îàé ùáç? çöé ùáç' .


Refutation #2: Moreover, the Gemara answers better than that in Perek Mi she'Meis (Bava Basra, Daf 157b) 'What does "Sh'vach" mean? Half the Sh'vach'.

åîéäå äî÷ùä åãàé ñ"ã ãèøéó ëì äùáç, àó ùëðâã äéöéàä.


Clarification: The Makshan however, certainly thought that he claims all the Sh'vach, even what corresponds to the expenses.

åìôé ñáøúå, äà ãúðéà áô"÷ ãá"î (ãó èå.) 'àí äùáç éåúø òì äéöéàä, ðåèì äùáç îáòì ä÷ø÷ò åäéöéàä îá"ç' åàå÷îéðï áâåæì åðâæì, ìà àúéà ëø' îàéø...


Explanation #1: And according to his S'vara, when the Beraisa in the first Perek of Bava Metzi'a (Daf 15a) states that if the Sh'vach exceeds the expenses, he takes the Sh'vach from the owner of the field and the expenses from the creditor - and we establish it by a Gozel and Nigzal, that does not go like Rebbi Meir ...

ãìø"î àôé' éöéàä îðâæì ìéú ìéä, îùåí ã÷ðéñ.


Reason: ... according to whom he cannot claim even the expenses from the owner, because he penalizes him.

à"ð, éù ìçì÷ -ãäúí àééøé áìà éãò ùäéà âæåìä, ãáùåââ ëé äàé ìà ÷ðéñ.


Explanation #2: Alternatively, one can draw a distinction in that it speaks there where he did not know that it was stolen, and by such a case of Shogeg, he (Rebbi Meir) did not penalize him.




úåñ' ã"ä ãéìîà áìå÷ç ú"ç ãéãò

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this with the Sugya in Bava Metzi'a.)

åà"ú, åàîàé âåáä ùáç îðëñéí áðé çåøéï ...


Question: On what grounds does he claim the Sh'vach, even from B'nei Chorin ...

ãáô"÷ ãá"î (ãó èå:) àéôìéâå á'äëéø áä ùàéï ùìå åì÷çä' ,àí îòåú îúðä àå ô÷ãåï, àáì ìë"ò àéï ìå ùáç?


Question (cont.): ... when in the first Perek of Bava Metzi'a (Daf 15b), they argue over a field that one purchases, knowing that it does not belong to the seller, whether the money is a gift or a Pikadon, but both agree that he cannot claim the Sh'vach?

åé"ì, ãäúí ùìà áàçøéåú åäëà áàçøéåú, ãáàçøéåú ìà ùééê ìîéîø ìà îúðä åìà ô÷ãåï.


Answer: That speaks purchased it without Achrayus, whereas here it speaks that he purchased it with Achrayus, in which neither a gift nor a Pikadon is applicable.



úåñ' ã"ä áùáç ùòì âáé âæéìä ÷îôìâé ãøáé éäåãä ñáø ãðâæì äåé

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies Rebbi Yehudah's opinion, according to both Rav Papa and Rav Z'vid.)

àáì ùáç ùìà ò"â âæéìä äåé ãâæìï...


Clarification: But Sh'vach that is not actually part of the Gezeilah belongs to the Gazlan ...

àå îùåí ãäåé ùéðåé âîåø àå îùåí 'ú÷ðú äùáéí' .


Reason: ... either because it is a proper Shinuy or on account of 'Takanas ha'Shavim'.

åàí âæì òöéí åòùàï ëìéí àå àôé' ðñøéí åòùàï ëìéí ãäåé ùéðåé ãäãø, ùîà îåãä ø' éäåãä ãîùìí ëùòú äâæéìä...


Chidush: And if one steals wood or even planks and manufactures Keilim, which is a retractable Shinuy, it may well be that Rebbi Yehudah will agree that one pays like the time of the theft ...

àó òì âá ãäåé ùáç ùò"â äâæéìä...


Implied Question: ... even though it is a Shinuy that is part of the Gezeilah ...

ãëéåï ãèøç áäàé ùéðåé, ùééê áéä 'ú÷ðú äùáéí' .


Answer (Explanation #1): ... because, since he took the trouble to effect the Shinuy, 'Takanas ha'Shavim' applies ...

åàó òì âá ãâáé 'ðúï ìöáåò ìå àãåí åöáòå ùçåø' ,÷àîø øáé éäåãä ã'àí äùáç éúø òì äéöéàä ...' ?


Implied Question: ... despite the fact that in the case where one gave his shirt to the dyer to dye red and he dyed it black (later, on Daf 100b), Rebbi Yehudah rules that if the Sh'vach exceeds the expenses, he pays him the expences ... '?

äúí ãìà ðçú áúåøú âæéìä, ìà ùééê ú÷ðú äùáéí.


Answer: There, since he did not perform an act of Gezeilah, Takanas ha'Shavim is not applicable.

åëï ö"ì ìøá ôôà ò"ë ãàîø ìøáé éäåãä 'ùáç ùòì âáé âæéìä ãâæìï äåé' ãäééðå îùåí ú÷ðú äùáéí...


Answer (Extention): And this is how we will also have to explain according to Rav Papa, who says that, according to Rebbi Yehudah Sh'vach that is part of the Gezeilah belongs to the Gazlan - that it is on account of 'Takanas ha'Shavim' ...

ãäà ñ"ì áääéà ã'ìöáåò ìå àãåí' ... ùéðåé ìà ÷ðé ,åáääéà ìà ùééê ú÷ðú äùáéí, ëãôé' .


Answer (Extention [cont.]): Seing as in the case where one gives one's shirt to be dyed red ... he holds that Shinuy is not Koneh, and there 'Takanas ha'Shavim' is not applicable, as Tosfos just explained.

åäùúà äåé ñáøà äôåëä, ãø' éäåãä îãø"î -ãáöáò ìø"î 'ùéðåé ÷åðä' åáâæìï 'àéï ÷åðä' îùåí ã÷ðéñ; åìøáé éäåãä áöáò 'ùéðåé ìà ÷ðé' åáâæìï '÷ðé' îùåí ú÷ðú äùáéí.


Observation: It now transpires that Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Meir hold opposite S'varos, since in the case of dyeing, Rebbi Meir holds 'Shinuy Koneh', and by Gazlan, 'Eino Koneh', due to the K'nas; whereas, according to Rebbi Yehudah, by the dyes Shinuy is not Koneh, whereas by a Gazlan, he is Koneh, on account of Takanas ha'Shavim (See Hagahos ha'G'ra).

åø"ú îôøù ãàéï àðå öøéëéí ìø' éäåãä èòîà ãú÷ðú äùáéí, àìà ñáøà ãø"é 'ùéðåé ÷åðä' .


Answer (Explanation #2): Rabeinu Tam however, explains that according to Rebbi Yehudah, we do not need to come on to Takanas ha'Shavim, since his reason is because 'Shinuy Koneh'.

åìøá æáéã ùáç ùìà ò"â âæéìä ãìà äãøà äåé ãâæìï, àáì ùáç ùò"â âæéìä ãùéðåé ãäãø äåà åìà ÷ðé, äåé ãðâæì.


Rav Z'vid: According to Rav Z'vid, Sh'vach that is not part of the Gezeilah that is irreversible belongs to the Gazlan, whereas Sh'vach that is part of the Gezeilah, which is a reversible Shinuy is not Koneh and belongs to the owner.

åìøá ôôà àôé' ãò"â âæéìä ãùéðåé ãäãø äåà, ÷ðé, åäåé ãâæìï.


Rav Papa: Rav Papa however, maintains that Sh'vach that is part of the Gezeilah, which is a reversible Shinuy, is Koneh and belongs to the Gazlan.

åäà ãìà ÷ðé áöáò...


Implied Question: And the reason that he is not Koneh in the case of dyeing is ...

ìôé ùàéï îúëåéï ì÷ðåúå.


Answer: ... because he did not intend to acquire it.

åëï ðøàä, ãìà öøéëé äùúà ìàå÷îà ø"é ëá"ù.


Proof #1: This seems correct, because then we will not need to establish Rebbi Yehudah like Beis Shamai (who holds that Shinuy is not Koneh).

åà"ù ðîé ãìà çùéá ø' éäåãä ìòéì (ãó öâ:) áäãé äðé úðàé ãñáøé 'ùéðåé àéï ÷åðä' ,ëé äéëé ãçùéá ø"ù ãöáéòà.


Proof #2: And it also explains why the Gemara earlier (on Daf 93b) does not reckon Rebbi Yehudah among those who hold 'Shinuy is not Koneh', as it does with Rebbi Shimon.



úåñ' ã"ä îðé ìà ø' éäåãä åìà ø"ù

(Summary: Tosfos explains why it cannot be Rebbi Shimon.)

åà"ú, ìòåìí ø"ù äéà ìøá ôôà, åðéîà äëé 'éìãä àéï, ìà éìãä ìà, àìà äåé ìîçöä ìùìéù åìøáéò' ?


Question: Really the author is Rebbi Shimon according to Rav Papa, and we will explain the Beraisa as follows: 'Yaldah, yes; Lo Yaldah, no - only he will receive a half, a third or a quarter'?

åé"ì, ãø"ù àôéìå 'éìãä' ÷àîø ãìîçöä åùìéù åøáéò ÷ù÷éì âæìï...


Answer: Rebbi Shimon holds that even by 'Yaldah' the Gazlan receives a half, a third or a quarter ...

ã÷àé à'ø"î ãàééøé á'éìãä '.


Answer (cont.): Seeing as he is referring to Rebbi Meir, who is speaking by Yaldah.



úåñ' ã"ä ìø"ù ëé îñì÷ ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Gemara mentions specifically Rebbi Shimon.)

ìà áòé ìø' éäåãä...


Implied Question: He is not asking according to Rebbi Yehudah ...

ëéåï ãîú÷ðú äùáéí îå÷îé' ìä ëåìä ùáçà áéã âæìï, ôùéèà ãâåôà ù÷éì.


Answer: ... because, seeing as, due to Takanas ha'Shavim, we place the entire amount in the hand of the Gazlan, it is obvious that he takes the actual body of the animal.



úåñ' ã"ä ùìùä ùîéï ìäï äùáç

(Summary: Tosfos Points out that the Tana has omitted some cases.)

àò"â ã÷úðé â' ,úðà åùééø 'âæìï... '


Clarification: Even though the Tana says 'three', he nevertheless omits 'Gazlan' ...

åùééø ðîé 'àøéñ, ' ùàí áà ìñì÷å îàøéñåúå, îñì÷å îï äùáç áãîéí.


Clarification (cont.): ... as well as 'Aris', in that, should he come to remove him from his Arisus, he removes him from the Sh'vach with money.



úåñ' ã"ä ùáç äîâéò ìëúôéí

(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's explanation of 'Sh'vach ha'Magi'a li'Kesafim'.)

ëàï ô"ä 'ëâåï úáåàä ùâãìä ëì öøëä, å'ùàéï îâéò ìëúôéí ' , ùöøéëä ì÷ø÷ò.


Explanation #1: Rashi explains here 'Produce that is fully grown', and 'she'Ein Magi'a li'Kesafim' - 'that still needs the ground'.

å÷ùä, ãàí ëï ìôéøåùå âáé á"ç, àôé' îúáåàä ùàéï öøéëä ì÷ø÷ò, ëãàîø 'åäà îòùéí áëì éåí å÷îâáé ùîåàì àôé' áùáç äîâéò ìëúôéí? '


Introduction to Question #1: In that case, a creditor takes even produce that no longer needs the ground, as the Gemara states when it cites daily occurences where Shmuel claimed even 'Sh'vach ha'Magi'a li'Kesafim'?

åáôø÷ ðòøä ùðúôúúä (ëúåáåú ãó ð:) îùîò ãìà âáé á"ç àìà îîéãé ãöøéëà ì÷ø÷ò -âáé äà ã÷àîø 'æéìå äáå ìä îúîøé ãòì áåãéà' ãôøéê 'ìà éäà àìà á"ç ,åëä"â îé äåé ù÷éì? ... '


Question: Whereas in Perek Na'arah she'Nispatsah (Kesuvos, Daf 50b) it implies that a creditor may only claim produce that still needs the ground - in the case where 'He said "Give her from the dates that are lying on the mat" ... 'If he would be a creditor, would he take the dates from the mat?' ...

àîø ìéä 'ãçæå ìáåãéà ÷àîéðà. ' 'ñåó ñåó "ëì äòåîã ìéâææ ëâæåæ ãîé'?" ' ãöøéëé ìãé÷ìà ÷àîéðà' .


Question #2: So he said to him "I mean dates that are fit to go on the mat" ... 'When all's said and done "Whatever stands to be shorn is considered as if it has already been shorn"? ... 'I mean that they still need the tree'.

åé"ì, ã'ùáç äîâéò ìëúôéí' ÷åøà ãáø ùñåôå ìéúìù åìéùà áëúôéí, àôé' ëâåï ôâéï àå áåñø ãöøéëé ìàøòà.


Explanation #2: The Gemara calls 'Sh'vach ha'Magi's li'Kesafim' whatever stands to be picked and carried on the shoulders, even for example, young figs or half-ripe grapes that still need the ground.

åø"ú îôøù ã'ùáç äîâéò ìëúôéí' ëâåï ãáø äáà áèåøç.


Explanation #3: Rabeinu Tam interprets 'Sh'vach ha'Magi's li'Kesafim' as something (Sh'vach) that comes as a result of hard work.

åáçæ÷ú äáúéí (á"á ãó îá: åùí ã"ä ùáç) îôåøù.


Conclusion: It is explained in Chezkas ha'Batim (Bava Basra, Daf 42b DH 'Sh'vach')