

úåñ' ã"ä æàú àåîøú øéãééà òìééä ãîøä äåà

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Nizak cannot claim the animal itself.)

úéîä, ìéâáå àú äùåø ìâîøé ìðéæ÷, åìà ú÷øé éåúø 'òìééä ãîøä' ?


Question: Let the Nizak claim the ox completely, in which case it will no longer be called the Aliyah (best property) of the owner?

åé"ì, ãàí äåà âåáäå ìâîøé, ìà äéå îîúéðéï ìå òã ùéùúìí îï äøéãéà...


Answer: Were he to claim it completely, we would not wait until he has been fully compensated from the plowing ...

ëîå ùàéï îîúéðéï ìáòìéí àí äéå àåîøéí 'äîúéðå ìé òã ùàçøåù áå îòè, åàç"ë úñ÷ìåäå '.


Precedent: ... just as we would not wait for the owner, if he were to request to wait until he has plowed with the animal before stoning it.



úåñ' ã"ä ìà îùåí ãàîøé' àéäå ãàáòéú àðôùéä

(Summary: Tosfos queries a. why the Beraisa says specifically 'on his eye' and 'on his ear', and b. the reason that the Gemara gives.)

úéîä, à"ë àîàé ð÷è 'òì òéðå åòì àæðå' ,àôéìå ëðâã òéðå åàæðå ðîé, àí àçæå?


Question #1: Then why does the Tana say 'on his eye' and 'on his ear', seeing as, if he seized him, he is Chayav even next to his next to his eye and his ear?

åòåã úðéà áúåñôúà (ô"è) 'äëäå ëðâã àæðå åòéðå, ìà éöà áï çåøéï, ùðàîø "åëé éëä," òã ùéòùä áå îòùä' .


Question #2: Moreover, we learned in the Tosefta (Perek 9) that if he struck next to his ear and his eye, he does not go free, as the Torah says "ve'Chi Yakeh", 'until he performs an act on the Nizak' ...

îùîò ãèòîà îùåí âæéøú äëúåá äéà, åìà îùåí ãàéáòéú àðôùéä.


Question #2 (cont.): ... implying that it is because of a Gezeiras ha'Kasuv, and not because 'he scared himself'.



úåñ' ã"ä çîùä ãáøéí àåîãéí àåúå åðåúðéï ìå îéã øôåé åùáú òã ùéúøôà

(Summary: Tosfos corroborates the text and explains the Chidush.)

æå äéà âéøñà ðëåðä...


Corroborating the Text: This is the correct text ...

å÷î"ì ùàåîãéí àåúå ëîä øàåé ìòìåú ùáúå åøôåàúå òã ùéúøôà, åðåúðéï ìå îéã.


The Chidush: It teaches us that one assesses the cost of the Sheves and the Ripuy up to the time that he is cured, which he must pay immediately.

åëï ä' ãáøéí, ëîå ùôé' á÷åðèøñ.


The Chidush (cont.): And the same applies to the five things, as Rashi explains.

åëï îåëç áúåñôúà (ô"è) îãúðé 'àîãåäå åäéä îúðåðä åäåìê ' ...


Support: And this is evident in the Tosefta (Perek 9 [See also Mesores ha'Sgas]) which states 'If they assessed him and he was steadily deteriorating' ...

àìîà éù àåîã áøéôåé.


Conclusion: ... from which we see that Ripuy is subject to assessment.




úåñ' ã"ä äçåáì áòöîå àò"ô ùàéï øùàé ôèåø

(Summary: Tosfos discusses the term 'Patur'. )

úéîä, îàé çéåá ùééê áéä ?


Question: How is Chiyuv is applicable here?

åàé ôèåø îîì÷åú ÷àîø...


Refuted Answer: If he means Patur from Malkos (See Hagahos ve'Tziyunim) ...

ò"ë 'ä÷åöõ ðèéòåúéå àò"ô ùàéï øùàé, ôèåø' ìàå äééðå ôèåø îîì÷åú...


Refutation: ... in the case of 'ha'Kotzetz Neti'osav, Af-al-Pi she'Ein Rashai, Patur' - 'Patur' cannot possibly mean Patur from Malkos ...

ãäà çééá îùåí ÷åöõ àéìðåú èåáåú...


Reason: ... since he is Chayav for cutting down fruit-trees ...

åàæäøúéä î"åàåúå ìà úëøåú" ...


Source (Pasuk): ... which we learn from "ve'Oso Lo Sichros" ...

ëãàéúà áô' áúøà ãîëåú (ãó ëá.).


Source (Shas): ... as the Gemara states in the last Perek of Makos (Daf 22a).

åöøéê ìãçå÷ åìåîø 'ãôèåø 'ä"÷- àò"ô ùàéï áå öã çéåá ëùàéï çñ òì âåôå, àçøéí ùçáìå áå, çééáéï.


Answer: We will therefore need to push and to say that 'Patur' means - even though there is no aspect of Chiyuv for someone who does not care about his body, nevertheless, others who wound him are Chayav.

'åàçøéí ù÷ööå ðèéòä, çééáéï' öøéê ìàå÷îä ëø"î - ãàîø (ëúåáåú ãó ìá:) 'ìå÷ä åîùìí' ,ãìå÷ä îùåí "ìà úëøåú" .


Explanation #1: ... and the case of 'others who cut down his sapling are Chayav', we will have to establish like Rebbi Meir - who says (in Kesuvos, Daf 32b) that 'Lokeh u'Meshalem', since he receives Malkos on account of "Lo Sichros".

àé ðîé, áãìà àúøå áéä.


Explanation #2: Alternatively, it speaks where they did not warn him (in which case Malkos is not applicable).



úåñ' ã"ä àìà úðàé äéà

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the Machlokes Tana'im, and elaborates.)

ëìåîø ø' ò÷éáà ãîúðé' åøáé ò÷éáà ãáøééúà ôìéâé, åùðåéé ãìòéì ìéúðäå.


Clarification: This means that Rebbi Akiva in the Mishnah and Rebbi Akiva in the Beraisa argue, and that the answers that the Gemara gave earlier do not stand.

åäùúà ðéçà, ãîùåí ãàîø 'úøé úðàé åàìéáà ãøáé ò÷éáà,' ÷áòé 'îàï úðà ãîúðé'? 'ãàîø àìéáà ãø' ò÷éáà 'àéï àãí øùàé ìçáåì áòöîå? '


Clarification (cont.): According to that, it fits nicely, since, because it said 'Two Tana'im according to Rebbi Akiva', the Gemara asks who is the author of the Mishnah which says that according to Rebbi Akiva a person is not permitted to wound oneself?



úåñ' ã"ä àìà äàé úðà äåà ãúðéà î÷øòéï ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies what the Gemara is coming to teach us.)

åà"ú, åîàé ñ"ã äùúà? åëé òì æä öøéê ìäáéà øàéä ãî÷øò áâãéí òåáø îùåí 'áì úùçéú?'


Question: What does the Gemara currently think? Does one need to prove that someone who tears clothes transgresses the La'av of 'Bal Tashchis'?

åàåø"é, ãàéï îáéà øàéä àìà ùàñåø ìçáåì àôé' ìöåøê...


Answer: The Ri therefore explains that the Gemara is merely coming to prove that one is forbidden to wound oneself even where there is a need to do so ...

ëâåï 'àùä ùèôçä òì øàùä ... '


Example #1: Such as the case (in our Mishnah) of Ishah she'Tafchah al Roshah' ...

åëï ääéà ã"àê àú ãîëí" -ùäøâ àú òöîå áùáéì ùåí ãáø ùéøà.


Example #2: ... and the case of "Ach es Dimchem" - a person who commits suicide out of fear ...

åëï 'î÷øò òì äîú , ' æäå ìöåøê.


Example #3: ... and also that of someone who rents a garment over a dead relative - all of these are considered 'for a need'.



úåñ' ã"ä òåáø îùåí áì úùçéú

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this with the Gemara in Mo'ed Katan.)

åäà ãàîø áîå"÷ (ãó ëã.) 'ùîåàì ÷øò òìéä ãøá úìéñø àöèìé ãîéìúà' ?


Question: And when the Gemara relates in Mo'ed Katan (Daf 24a) how Shmuel rent over Rav thirteen (See Mesores ha'Shas) fine woollen garments?

éù ìåîø, ãöåøáà îãøáðï ùàðé, åìà äéä éåúø îãàé.


Answer: ... a Talmid Chacham is different; nor was that even considered excessive.



úåñ' ã"ä àìà ùöéòø òöîå îï äééï

(Summary: Tosfos extrapolates that a Nazir Tahor too, is called a sinner and elaborates before reconciling it with the Gemara in Nazir, which implies otherwise.)

ìëàåøä îùîò ãáðæéø èäåø ðîé ÷àîø ãð÷øà 'çåèà.'


Inference: This seems to imply that even a Nazir Tahor is branded 'a sinner'.

åáôø÷ îé ùàîø äøéðé ðæéø îâìç (ðæéø ãó éè.) ÷ñáø øáé àìòæø ä÷ôø 'ðæéø èäåø çåèà' .


Support: In Perek Mi sha'Amar Hareini Nazir Megale'ach (Nazir, Daf 19a) too, Rebbi Elazar ha'Kapar holds that 'A Tahor Nazir is a sinner'.

åäééðå èòîà ãëúéá ÷øà áðæéø èîà...


Implied Question: And the reason that the Torah writes it in connection with a Tamei Nazir ...

îôðé ùùðä áçèà...


Answer: ... is because he sinned twice.

åëï áô"÷ ãðãøéí (ãó é.).


Support: And so it says in Nedarim (Daf 10a).

åúéîä, ãáô"÷ ãðæéø (ãó â.) ôøéê 'ðæéøåú îéìúà ãòáéøä åàîøéðï ìéä "ðàä " ?'


Question: In the first Perek of Nazir (Daf 3a) the Gemara asks that 'Since Nezirus is a sinful act, how can we refer to him as 'nice'?

åîùðé 'àôé' ìøáé àìòæø ä÷ôø ãàîø "ðæéø çåèà äåà" ,ä"î èîà, ãàééãé ãáòé îéñúø...


Question (cont.): And it answers that, even according to Rebbi Elazar ha'Kapar, who calls a Nazir a sinner, that is only one who is Tamei ...

ãìîà àúé ìîòáø òì ðæéøåúéä, àáì ðæéø èäåø ìàå "çåèà" ÷øé ìéä' ?


Question (concl.): ... who is likely to transgress his Nezirus, but a Tahor Nazir is not branded a sinner?

åàåø"ú, ãäà ã÷àîø ãìà äåé çåèà, äééðå ùîöåä âãåìä îï äòáéøä, ãîöåä ìéãåø...


Answer: When the Gemara says that he is not a sinner, answers Rabeinu Tam, it means that the Mitzvah is greater than the sin, since it is a Mitzvah to take on Nezirus ...

ëãàîø (øéù ñåèä) 'äøåàä ñåèä á÷ì÷åìä, éæéø òöîå îï äééï' .


Proof: ... as the Gemara states (at the beginning of Sotah) 'Whoever sees a Sotah in disgrace should abstain from wine'.

åîëì î÷åí ÷öú éù çèà...


Answer (cont.): Nevertheless a slight sin there is ...

îéãé ãäåé à'îúòðä úòðéú çìåí áùáú, ù÷åøòéï âæø ãéðå åðôøòéï îîðå úòðéú ùì ùáú...


Precedent: And it is comparable to someone who fasts a Ta'anis Chalom on Shabbos, whose evil decree is torn up on the one hand, but who is punished for fasting on Shabbos, on the other.

îàé ú÷ðúéä? ìéúéá úòðéú ìúòðéúà,' -ùäîöåä âãåìä îï äòáéøä.


Precedent (cont.): What should he do? He should atone for having fasted by fasting!' - But the Mitzvah is greater than the Aveirah.

åä"÷ áðæéø- àôé' ø' àìòæø ãàîø ðæéø çåèà, ä"î ðæéø èîà, ùäåà òé÷ø çåèà...


Conclusion: And what the Gemara means with regard to Nazir is that even Rebi Elazar ha'Kapar who calls a Nazir 'a sinner', that refers specifically to a Tamei Nazir, who is the main sinner ...

àáì ðæéø èäåø ìà çùéá øáé àìéòæø ë"ë çåèà.


Conclusion (cont.): But not to a Tahor one, whom he does not consider so much of a sinner.



úåñ' ã"ä ëì ëîéðéä ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this with the Sugya in Bava Basra, which in a similar case, rules that he is believed.)

åäà ãàîø áçæ÷ú äáúéí (á"á ãó ìå.) 'äàé îàï ãð÷è îâìà åúåáéìà åàîø "àéæéì åàâãøéä ìãé÷ìà ãôìðéà ãæáðéä ðéäìé " ...


Implied Question: When the Gemara in 'Chezkas ha'Batim' (Bava Basra, Daf 36a) rules, in the case of a man who takes a scythe and a rope and announces that he intends to cut down the date-palm that so-and-so sold him ...

îäéîï- ãìà çöéó àéðéù ìîéâæø ãé÷ìà ãìàå ãéìéä'! ?


Implied Question (cont.): ... that he is believed - because a person would not have the Chutzpah to cut down someone else's date-palm?

äúí áì÷éèú ôéøåú àééøé...


Answer: It speaks there with regard to picking the fruit ...

îãð÷è 'âãéøä' ,åð÷è ðîé 'îâìà åúåáéìà' ùäí ëìé àåîðåú ùì ìå÷èé úîøéí , åãøê àãí ìîëåø ôéøåú, àáì àéï ãøê ìîëåø äã÷ì ì÷åõ.


Proof: Since he uses the term 'Gedirah' (to pick dates) and talks about 'a scythe and a rope', which are tools that are used by people who pick dates, and also one tends to sell dates, but not date-palms to fell.

åàí á÷öéöú äã÷ì äéä îãáø, äåä ìéä ìîéð÷è 'ðøâà' ,åä"ì ìîéîø 'åà÷èìéä' ...


Proof (cont.): And if it was talking about cutting down the date-palm, he ought to have used the term 'Narga' (an ax), and he should also have said 'va'Akatleih' (and I will cut it down) ...

ëãàîø áôø÷ ëì äðùáòéï (ùáåòåú ãó îå: åùí) 'ãàîø øá ðçîï, "äàé îàï ãð÷è ðøâà åàîø àéæéì åà÷èìéä ìãé÷ìà ãôìðéà, " åàùëç ã÷èéì åùãé, ìà àîøéðï 'ääåà ÷èìéä'


Source: ... as Rav Nachman states in Perek Kol ha'Nishba'in (Shevu'os, Daf 46b [See Tosfos there, DH 'Avid']) 'Someone who takes an ax and declares that he will go and cut down so-and-so's date-palm, which is subsequently found felled, we do not assume that he felled it ...

ãòáéã àéðéù ãâæéí åìà òáéã.


Reason: ... because people tend to make rash statements, and not carry them out.



úåñ' ã"ä åçééáå øáï âîìéàì ìéúï é' æäåáéí

(Summary: Tosfos establishes this by payment for the B'rachah and elaborates.)

áôø÷ ëñåé äãí (çåìéï ãó ôæ. åùí) îåëç ùæäå ùëø áøëä.


Clarificcation: In Perek Kisuy ha'Dam (Chulin, 87a & 87b) it is evident that this refers to payment for the B'rachah.

åàí úàîø, ùëø ãîöåä òöîä äéëà àæéì?


Question: What happened to the Mitzvah itself? (Why does he not pay for that)?

åé"ì, ãîöåä åáøëä äëì àçã.


Answer: The Mitzvah and the B'rachah are in fact one and the same.

åàò"â ã'ùåø äòåîã ìäøéâä' å'àéìï äòåîã ì÷öéöä' éù ùëø îöåä àò"ô ùàéï áøëä?


Implied Question: Even though in the case of an ox that stands to be killed and of a tree that stands to be cut down', one pays for the Mitzvah despite the fact that there is no B'rachah to recite?

îëì î÷åí äúí ùëø îöåú ëéñåé åáøëä ìà äéä ëé àí é' æäåáéí, åùëø áøëú äîæåï àøáò áøëåú î' æäåáéí.


Answer: ... nevertheless, the combined payment for the Mitzvah of Kisuy plus that of the B'rachah is only ten gold pieces.

åîòùä áàçã ù÷øàå ù"ö ì÷øåú áñ"ú, åáà àçø å÷ãí å÷øà - åùàì ìø"ú åàîø ìå ùéúï ìå úøðâåìú ìùçåè úçú àåúí ùúé áøëåú.


Rabeinu Tam's Ruling: It happened once that the Shatz (the Gabai) called up Reuven to the Torah and Shimon came and Leined; and when they asked Rabeinu Tam what to do, he ordered Shimon to give Reuven a chicken to Shecht in payment for the two B'rachos.

åàéï ðøàä ìø"é èòí æä, ãàí ëï ìîä çééáå ø"â òùøä æäåáéí?


Refutation: The Ri however, disagrees with that reasoning, because if so, why did Raban Gamliel order the man to pay ten gold coins?

åòåã ôèøå ø"ú, îùåí ùéòðä àîï, åâãåì äòåðä àîï éåúø îï äîáøê.


Rabeinu Tam's Reasoning #1: Furthermore, Rabeinu Tam exempted him from paying, since he was able to answer 'Amen', and someone who answers 'Amen' is greater than the one who recites the B'rachah.

åòåã àîø ø"ú, ãáááì àéï ãðéï îéìúà ãìéú áéä çñøåï ëéñ, ëãàîø ìòéì (ãó ôã:).


Rabeinu Tam's Reasoning #2: Moreover, said Rabeinu Tam, in Bavel one cannot litigate on any case where there is no loss of pocket, as the Gemara said earlier (on Daf 84b).