[9a - 23 lines; 9b - 19 lines]

1)[line 9]ואמטו להכיAMATU L'HACHI- that is why [the Beraisa does not count those years]

2)[line 10]אי טעי האי תנאIY TA'I HAI TANA- if the person reciting the Beraisa (which concludes with the words, "From here onward, go and calculate the number of years that have passed since the destruction of the Beis ha'Mikdash") makes a mistake

3)[line 10]ולא ידע פרטי כמה הוהV'LO YADA PERATEI KAMAH HAVAH- and he does not remember the specific number of years that have passed [since the Churban] (that is, he remembers the number of centuries (hundreds of years), but he does not remember the tens and single years)

4)[line 11]לישייליה לספרא כמה כתיבLI'SHAILEI L'SAFRA KAMAH KESIV- he should ask the scribe what year he writes. When a scribe would write the date in a Shtar (deed of sale, loan, or other transaction), he would write the year according to the number of years that had passed from the time that the Yevanim ascended to power over the entire world (380 years before the Churban (which occurred in year 3828), and six years after they took control in Eilam; see Chart). For example, a scribe writing a Shtar in the year 4100 (from creation, or 272 years after the Churban) would write in the Shtar, "Year 652 of the dating of Shetaros."

5)[line 11]וניטפי עלייהו עשרין שניןV'NITFI ALAIHU ESRIN SHENIN- and he should add to them (the specific number of tens and single years) 20 years. For example, if the scribe is writing in his Shetaros, "Year 652" (see previous entry), then the person who wants to know how many specific years have passed since the Churban should add 20 years to the specific integer 52 (the tens and units), to arrive at 72. He will then know that 272 years have passed since the Churban.

6)[line 12]ומשכח ליה לחומריהU'MASHKACH LEI L'CHUMREI- and he will then find his full number of years (see previous entry)

7)[line 12]וסימנך, "זֶה לִּי עֶשְׂרִים שָׁנָה בְּבֵיתֶךָ"V'SIMANACH "ZEH LI ESRIM SHANAH B'VEISECHA"- and your sign (mnemonic) to remember [the number 20] is the verse, "It has been twenty years for me in your house" (Bereishis 31:41).

8)[line 14]ספרא בצירא, תנא תוספאהSAFRA BETZIRA, TANA TOSFA'AH- the scribe subtracts, the Tana adds. This is a mnemonic to remember that the specific number (the tens and single years) of the scribe's count of years is less (20 years less) than the Tana's. This phrase means that the scribe always writes less letters, omitting letters that are part of vowelizations (such as the "Vav" when there is a Cholam Chaser) and writing the words based on the tradition received from Sinai. The Tana, in contrast, writes words in the Mishnah and Beraisa fully, without omitting any letters (ARUCH). Alternatively, the Tana is the author of the "Tosefta," which literally means "addition[al teachings]."

9a)[line 15]שני אלפים תוהוSHNEI ALAFIM TOHU- two thousand years of void, emptiness

b)[line 15]שני אלפים תורהSHNEI ALAFIM TORAH- two thousand years of Torah

c)[line 15]שני אלפים ימות המשיחSHNEI ALAFIM YEMOS HA'MASHI'ACH- two thousand years of the times of Mashi'ach

10)[line 17]עד השתא ליכא כוליה האיAD HASHTA LEIKA KULEI HAI- until now (the end of the two millennia of Torah, or year 4000), there are not so many [years]. That is, from the time that the Torah was given at Sinai (in the year 2448) until the end of the second set of two millennia (year 4000), there are not 2000 years.

11a)[line 17]דכי מעיינית בהוD'CHI ME'AINAS BEHU- for when you examine them

b)[line 18]תרי אלפי ופרטי דהאי אלפא הוא דהויTREI ALFEI U'FERATEI D'HAI ALFA HU D'HAVAI- two thousand and a few years (i.e. 448) [of the first two millennia, those of "Tohu"] belong to this [second] set of millennia. (According to the DIKDUKEI SOFRIM, the Girsa is: אלפא וחמש מאה וחמשין ותרתין, פרטא דאידך אלפא הוא ALFA V'CHAMESH ME'AH V'CHAMSHIN V'TARTIN, PERATA D'IDACH ALFA HU - it is 1552 years [from the giving of the Torah until year 4000), with the remaining years (448) belonging to the next millenium.)

12)[line 18]"... וְאֶת הַנֶּפֶשׁ אֲשֶׁר עָשׂוּ בְחָרָן...""V'ES HA'NEFESH ASHER ASU V'CHARAN..."- "... and the souls that they made in Charan..." (Bereishis 12:5) - These "souls" refer to the people to whom Avraham and Sarah taught Torah (as TARGUM ONKELUS explains), thus beginning the two millennia of Torah. At that time, Avraham was 52 years old. Since he was born in the year 1948, the two thousand years of Torah started exactly in the year 2000, and ended in the year 4000, 172 years after the Churban of the second Beis ha'Mikdash.


13)[line 5]כמה שני בשבוע הוא עומדKAMAH SHENEI BA'SHAVU'A HU OMED- [he does not know] in what year in the present Shemitah cycle he is standing

14)[line 6]ניטפי חד שתאNITFI CHAD SHATA- he should add one year (because the Churban occurred in year 1 of a Shemita cycle - RASHI; see, however, the Girsa of RABEINU CHANANEL and RABEINU TAM cited by Tosfos)

15a)[line 7]ונחשוב כללי ביובליV'NACHSHOV KELALEI B'YOVLEI- and calculate the hundreds [of years] into sets of Yovel cycles (e.g. 100 years is counted as two Yovel cycles)

b)[line 7]ופרטי בשבועיU'FERATEI B'SHAVU'EI- and the specific numbers (tens and single years) into sets of Shemitah cycles

16)[line 8]ונשקל ממאה תריV'NISHKAL MI'ME'AH TREI- and he should remove two years from each set of 100 years (since the Yovel cycle is 49 years, and not 50 - see Rosh Hashanah 9a)

17)[line 8]ונשדי אפרטיV'NISHDEI A'PERATEI- and place them (the two years) on the specific numbers

18)[line 8]ונחשובינהו לפרטי בשבועיV'NACHSHUVINHU LI'FERATEI B'SHAVU'EI- and calculate the specific numbers into sets of Shemitah cycles. (See Insights.)