
TOSFOS DH Minayin Lerabos Sak v'Chol Minei Begadim v'Chulei (cont.)

úåñôåú ã"ä îðéï ìøáåú ù÷ åëì îéðé áâãéí ëå' (äîùê)

åëì ùëï àé âøñéðï òã ùìà äåôùè ùéù äåëçä ùìàçø äôùè î÷áì èåîàä áìà ùåí îòùä òã ëàï äâä''ä


Observation: All the more so if the text says "until it was flayed", there is a proof that after flaying it receives Tum'ah without any action. Until here is a comment.

åúéîä áô' (ãáôø÷ - ùéèä î÷åáöú) áîä èåîðéï (ùáú ãó îè:) îùîò ãàéï òåø î÷áì èåîàä òã ìàçø òéáåã


Question: In Shabbos (49b) it connotes that no hide receives Tum'ah until after tanning!

ãúðéà òåøåú áéï òáåãéí áéï ùàéðï òáåãéí îåúø ìèìèìï áùáú åìà àîøå òáåãéí àìà ìòðéï èåîàä áìáã


Citation (49b - Beraisa): Hides, whether tanned or not tanned, one may move them on Shabbos. "Tanned" was said only regarding Tum'ah.

åôé' ùí á÷åðèøñ ãàéï òåø î÷áì èåîàä òã ìàçø òéáåã


Rashi explained that a hide does not receive Tum'ah until after tanning.

åùîà éù ìôøù ãàçø òéáåã àôéìå îçùáä ìà áòé àáì ÷åãí òéáåã áòé îçùáä


Answer #1: Perhaps we can explain that after tanning, even intent is not needed, but before tanning, intent is needed.

åä''ø çééí îôøù áùí øéá''à ãäúí îééøé áàåúí ùòåøåúéäí ëáùøí


Answer #2 (R. Chaim citing Riva): There we discuss those skins [of certain kinds of animals] that are [Tamei] like the flesh;

ãúðï áô' äòåø åäøåèá (çåìéï ãó ÷ëá.) åëåìï ùòéáãï àå ùäìê áäï ëãé òáåãä èäåøéï


Citation (Chulin 122a - Mishnah): All of them (skins that are Tamei like the flesh) that were tanned, or he walked on them the time for tanning, they are Tehorim;

åä''÷ ìà àîøå ùéù çéìå÷ áéï òáåãéï ìùàéï òáåãéï àìà ìòðéï èåîàä åáàåúí ùòåøåúéäï ëáùøí


It means as follows. They said that there is a difference between tanned and not tanned only regarding Tum'ah, and regarding those hides that are like the flesh;

ã÷åãí òéáåã èîàéï áëæéú ëãéï áùø (äîú åðáìä) (ö"ì ùðúðáìä - ùéèä î÷åáöú) åãùøõ áëòãùä


Before tanning they are Tamei if there is a k'Zayis, like the law of meat that became Neveilah, or of a Mes if there is k'Adashah (the volume of a lentil);

åìàçø òéáåã èäåøéï òã ùéäà áå çîùä òì çîùä ëãéï òåø


After tanning they are Tehorim, unless there is five by five [Tefachim], like the law of leather.

åà''ú ãîùîò äëà ãòåø îùäåôùè àôéìå ìç î÷áì èåîàä áîçùáä ãäà ãåîéà ãòåø ùìà äåôùè ÷îøáé ãäåé ìç


Question: It connotes here that hide, after it was flayed, even if it is moist, receives Tum'ah through intent, for it includes similar to a hide that was not flayed, which is moist;

åîãçùéá îðà áîçùáä ìòðéï èåîàä àí ëï îåúø ìèìèìå áùáú ëãàùëçï áôø÷ ëì äëìéí (ùáú ãó ÷ëâ.) áîçè ùàéðä ð÷åáä áâìîé


Since for Tum'ah it is considered a Kli through intent, if so it is permitted to move it on Shabbos, like we find in Shabbos (123a) regarding a needle without a hole regarding unfinished Kelim;

ãëéåï ãæéîðéï ãîéîìê òìä åîùåé ìä îðà ùøé ìèìèìå


Since sometimes he reconsiders about it and makes it a Kli, it is permitted to move it.

å÷ùä îëàï ìø''ú ãîôøù ááîä èåîðéï (ùí ãó îè.) âáé èåîðéï áùìçéï åîèìèìéï àåúï ãîééøé áéáùéï àáì ìçéï ìà


This is difficult for R. Tam, who explains in Shabbos (49a) regarding "we are Tomen (insulate) in hides and move them" - it discusses dry [hides], but if they are moist, no;

îùåí ã÷ùéà ìéä ääéà ãëì ëúáé ä÷ãù (ùí ãó ÷èæ:) âáé îôùéèéï àú äôñç òã äçæä ã÷àîø ìà ðèìèì òåø àâá áùø àáì áìà áùø ìà


[He said so] because it was difficult for him in Shabbos (116b) regarding flaying Pesach until the chest, it says "may we not move hide along with meat?" [This implies that] without meat, no (we may not move hide).

åëï áô''÷ ãáéöä (ãó éà:) âáé òåø ìôðé äãåøñï ãäúéøå ñåôï îùåí úçéìúï


Also in Beitzah (11b) regarding [on Yom Tov putting] hide in front of people who will trample on it, [Beis Hillel] permitted the end (moving the hide) due to the beginning (so people will slaughter for Simchas Yom Tov. If they could not move the hide, perhaps they would refrain due to concern lest it rot)...

÷àîø îäå ãúéîà èòîà ãá''ä îùåí ãçæé ìîæâà òìéä åàôéìå áòé''è ÷î''ì ëå'


It says "one might have thought that Beis Hillel's reason is because it is proper to lie on it, and even [if it was slaughtered] from Erev Yom Tov [they permit. The Gemara] teaches that this is not so. (Rather, they permit only if it was slaughtered on Yom Tov, lest people refrain from Simchas Yom Tov.)

åé''ì ãàò''â ãî÷áì èåîàä áîçùáä ëàï (ãìà ùëøä) ùééçãä ìéùéáä áòåã ùäåà ìç àñåø ìèìèì


Answer: Even though it receives Tum'ah through intent, here that he designated it for sitting while it was still moist, one may not move it.

åëï ö''ì âáé îçè ùðéèì çøøä àå òå÷öä ãàñøéðï ìèìèìä àò''â ãàí àéú÷ðà ìîúåç èîàä ëãúðï áîñ' ëìéí (ôø÷ éâ î''ä)


Support: So we must say about a needle that its hole or point was removed. We forbid moving it, even though if he fixed it for stretching [garments while laundering them], it is Tamei (receives Tum'ah), like a Mishnah (Kelim 13:5) teaches.

åá÷åðèøñ ôé' áô' ëì ëúáé ä÷åãù (ùáú ãó ÷ë.) ãääéà ãáîä èåîðéï ãòåø áäîä âñä


Answer #3 (to Question (b) - Rashi in Shabbos 120a): The case in Shabbos (49a, of insulating) refers to the hide of a big (work) animal.

åìôéøåùå öøéê ìàå÷åîä ðîé ääéà ãáéöä ááäîä ã÷ä ëé ääéà ãëì ëúáé ãâáé ôñç


Consequence: According to this, we must establish also the case in Beitzah to discuss a small animal, like the case in Shabbos (120a) regarding Pesach (which is a lamb or kid);

åèòîà ãòåø áäîä ã÷ä ìà çæéà ìîæâà ëåìé äàé


The reason is because the hide of a small animal is not so proper to lie on.

åäà ãúðï áôø÷ ëì ëúáé (ùí) ôåøñéï òåø ùì âãé ëå'


Implied question: A Mishnah (Shabbos 120a) teaches that we may spread hide of a kid [over a box that caught fire, lest it spread]!

öøéê ìäòîéãä (ë''ù) ëùééçãå ìéùéáä


Answer #1: We must establish it when the hide was designated to sit on.

àé ðîé áãìé÷ä äúéøå èôé ëãàîø äúí


Answer #2: Regarding a fire Chachamim permitted, like it says there.

åìôø''ú àúé ùôéø ãîééøé áéáùéï ëé ääéà ãáîä èåîðéï (ùí ãó îè.)


Answer #3: This is fine for R. Tam. It discusses a dry hide, like in Shabbos (49a).


TOSFOS DH Mai Beinaihu

úåñôåú ã"ä îàé áéðééäå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the question.)

ôéøåù ìøáé éäåãä òì ëøçéï àééøé ÷øà ááâã ãàéðå î÷áì èåîàä àìà ãøàåé ì÷áì


Explanation: According to R. Yehudah, you are forced to say that the verse discusses a garment that does not receive Tum'ah, but it is proper to receive;

åìøáé àìòæø àééøé ÷øà ááâã ãî÷áì èåîàä àáì ááâã äøàåé åàéðå î÷áì ìà áòé ëéáåñ


And according to R. Elazar, the verse discusses a garment that receives Tum'ah, but a garment that is proper but does not receive, it need not be laundered.

åäùúà àéæä áâã äåà æä äøàåé åàéðå î÷áì åàéëà áéðééäå ìøáé éäåãä áòé ëéáåñ åìøáé àìòæø ìà áòé ëéáåñ


Now, we ask which garment is proper to receive but does not receive Tum'ah, and they argue about it - R. Yehudah obligates laundering, and R. Elazar does not.


TOSFOS DH Lishleshes

úåñôåú ã"ä ìùìùú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives the Aruch's Perush.)

ôéøù áòøåê öåàú úøðâåìéï


Explanation (Aruch): This is chicken excrement.


TOSFOS DH Mekanchah bi'Smartut

úåñôåú ã"ä î÷ðçä áñîøèåè

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the Isur of laundering in water.)

àáì ìéúï îéí àñåø îùåí ãùøééúå æäå ëéáåñå


Explanation: One may not put water on it, for soaking it is laundering it.

åäà ãàîø áô''÷ ãáéöä (ãó éç.) ðãä îòøîú åèåáìú ááâãéä


Implied question: It says in Beitzah (18a) that a Nidah may scheme and immerse in her clothes [on Yom Tov, to be Metaher them, even though normally one may not immerse Kelim on Yom Tov. This should be forbidden due to laundering!]

àåîø ø''ú ãìà çùéá ëéáåñ îùåí ãäåé ãøê ìëìåê åéåúø îúìëìëéí áâãéí ëùðëðñä áðäø ìáåùä îîä ùîúëáñéï


Answer (R. Tam): It is not considered laundering because it is the way of getting dirty. Her clothes get dirtier when she enters the river wearing them than they get cleaned;

åëï úéëé çìéìúà ãáøéù áîä àùä (ùáú ãó ðæ.) ìà àñøéðï àìà ùîà úèìí åúòáéøí àøáò àîåú áùáú (îëàï îòîåã á) áøùåú äøáéí åìà îùåí ùøééúï æäå ëéáåñï ããøê èéðåó äåà


The same applies to woven chains in Shabbos (57a. Even according to the opinion that forbids going out with them when they are dirty,) we forbid only lest she remove them [in order to immerse] and carry them four Amos in Reshus ha'Rabim, and not [lest she immerse while wearing them] because soaking it is laundering.


åîäàé èòîà ðîé ùøé ì÷ðç éãéå áîôä áùáú


Support: For this reason one may clean [even wet] hands on a cloth on Shabbos.


TOSFOS DH Iy Hachi Shelachim Nami

úåñôåú ã"ä àé äëé ùìçéí ðîé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos brings another text.)

ä''ø çééí âøéñ ùçìéí


Alternative text: R. Chaim's text says Shechalim (cress, and not Shelachim, i.e. hides).


TOSFOS DH Ela Chad mi'Trei Telas Chumri Nakat

úåñôåú ã"ä àìà (ö"ì çã - âîøà òåæ åäãø) îúøé úìú çåîøé ð÷è

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the connotation that this is the only stringency.)

úéîä î''î ÷ùä æä çåîø ãîùîò æä çåîø åúå ìà ëããéé÷éðï áô' äæäá (á''î ãó ðæ:) [âáé] àìå ãáøéí ùàéï ìäí àåðàä


Question: In any case it is difficult. "This is [more] stringent" implies that it is the only stringency, and there are no others, like we infer in Bava Metzi'a (57b) regarding Ona'ah does not apply to the following...

áùìîà äãéåè æä çåîø åúå ìà àìà ä÷ãù æä çåîø åúå ìà


It says "granted, regarding a person, this is [more] stringent, and nothing else. However, regarding Hekdesh, is this the only stringency, and there are no others?!"

åîéäå áìàå äëé ÷ùä äúí îàé ÷àîø áùìîà äãéåè æä çåîø åúå ìà


Answer #1: However, even without [this question] it is difficult there, why does it say "granted, regarding a person, this is [more] stringent, and nothing else"?

àëúé àéëà (áòé) úùìåîé ëôì ãàéúéä áäãéåè åìéúéä áä÷ãù åùåîø çðí ùðùáò ìäãéåè åàéï ðùáò ìä÷ãù


There is payment of Kefel (a thief pays double), which applies to a person, and not to Hekdesh! And a Shomer Chinam swears to a person (if the deposit was lost due to Ones), and he does not swear to Hekdesh!

åàéú ãìà âøñ äúí åúå ìà åäëé ôéøåùà áùìîà áäãéåè ùééê ìîéúðé æä çåîø ìôé ùîåòèåú çåîøåú ùì äãéåè îùì ä÷ãù åëùîåöà [çåîøà] ùééê ìîéúðé æä çåîø òìéä


Answer #2: Some texts there do not say "and nothing else." It means as follows. Granted, regarding a person, it is appropriate to teach "this is [more] stringent", for there are few stringencies of a person over Hekdesh, and when one finds a stringency, it is appropriate to say "this is a stringency over it";

àáì çåîøé ãä÷ãù îùì äãéåè ðôéùï åàéðå ùåí çéãåù ãìéúðé òìä æä çåîø


However, there are many stringencies of Hekdesh over a person. It is no Chidush to teach about [a stringency] "this is a stringency [over a person]."

åìôéøåù æä ðéçà äëà åëï áîñëú òøëéï áôø÷ äàåîø îù÷ìé òìé (ãó éè:) ã÷úðé æä çåîø áðãøéí îáòøëéï åáâî' çùéá èôé îáøééúà


Support: According to this Perush it is fine here, and also in Erchin (19b), in which it teaches "this is a stringency of Nedarim over Erchin", and in the Gemara it lists more [stringencies] than the Beraisa.

åàé âøñéðï åúå ìà éù ìôøù îùåí ãçåîøà áàåðàä ùëéçà àáì çåîøà ãçéåá ã' åä' åëôì åùáåòú ùåîø çðí åúùìåîé ùåîø ùëø ìà ùëéç


Answer #3: And if the text there says "and nothing else", we can explain that it is because the stringency of Ona'ah occurs frequently, but the stringency of Chiyuv four or five (for one who steals an ox or Seh, and then sells or slaughters it), Kefel, the Shevu'ah of a Shomer Chinam or payment of a Shomer Sachar are not frequent;

(çåîøà áäãéåè) (ö"ì åìäëé ôøéê áùìîà äãéåè æä çåîø åúå ìà ãìéëà ãùëéç àìà - ùéèä î÷åáöú) àìà ä÷ãù æä çåîø åúå ìà àëúé àéëà èåáà ãùëéçé


Therefore, it asks "granted, regarding a person, this is [more] stringent, and nothing else", for there is nothing else common. However, regarding Hekdesh, is this stringent, and nothing else? There are other common [stringencies]!

åìôéøåù æä ìà îéúøöà äê ãùîòúéï åääéà ãòøëéï


Observation: According to this Perush, it does not answer our Sugya and that in Erchin.


Note: Tosfos (Erchin 20a DH Chomer) says that we ask "are there no other stringencies" only in Bava Metzi'a, for it is proper to be more stringent about Hekdesh, so it is no Chidush to find a stringency of Hekdesh.


TOSFOS DH Lo Shanu Ela she'Lo Shiyer Bo Kedei Ma'afores...

úåñôåú ã"ä ìà ùðå àìà ùìà ùééø áä ëãé îòôåøú...

(SUMMARY: 1. Tosfos discusses when tearing a garment is totally Metaher it. 2. Tosfos discusses when puncturing a Kli Cheres is Metaher it.)

îéìúéä ãø''ä àéúîø áäòåø åäøåèá (çåìéï ãó ÷ëâ:) àääéà ãèìéú ùäúçéì áä ì÷åøòä ëéåï ùð÷øò áä øåáä ùåá àéðå çéáåø åèäåøä åîùîò ãèäåøä ìâîøé


Reference: Rav Huna's teaching was said in Chulin (123b) regarding a Talis that one began to tear. Once the majority was torn, it is not connected, and it is Tahor. This connotes that it is totally Tahor.

åúéîä àîàé àéðä èîàä îâò îãøñ ëãàîø áô' áäîä äî÷ùä (ùí ãó òá:) ùìùä òì ùìùä ùðçì÷ èäåøä îï äîãøñ àáì èîà îâò îãøñ ãáøé øáé îàéø


Question: Why is it not Tamei Maga (due to touching a) Midras, like it says in Chulin (72b) that if [a garment Tamei Midras] three by three [Tefachim] was divided, it is Tahor from Midras, but it is Tamei Maga Midras! R. Meir says so.

åîñé÷ äúí áùìù òì ùìù äáàåú îáâã âãåì ìëåìé òìîà áùòú ôøéùúï îàáéäï î÷áìåú èåîàä îàáéäï


It concludes there regarding three by three [fingers] that come from a large garment, all agree that at the time [the parts] separate from their source (the initial garment);

åàôé' îééøé äê ãèìéú áùìà ðèîàä îãøñ àìà îâò èåîàä áòìîà î''î ëì ëîä ãàùúééø áä ùìù òì ùìù ùäåà ùéòåø èåîàú îâò ìà ô÷òä îéðä èåîàú îâò


And even if this case of a Talis is when it was not Tamei Midras, rather, it merely touched Tum'ah, in any case, as long as three by three fingers remain, which is the Shi'ur of Tum'as Maga, Tum'as Maga is not uprooted from it!

åàé ìàå äê ãùîòúéï äåä îöéðï ìîéîø ãèäåøä ã÷úðé îï äîãøñ ÷àîø åäà ãìà ÷úðé àáì èîà îâò îãøñ ëã÷úðé ááäîä äî÷ùä îùåí ãìà ðçú ìäùîéòðå çéãåù ùì (èäøä) [ö"ì èåîàä - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí]


Answer #1: If not for our Sugya, we could have said that "Tehorah" means from Midras, and the reason it did not teach "but it is Tamei Maga Midras", like it taught in Chulin (72b), is because it did not come to teach a Chidush of Tum'ah;

àìà ÷î''ì àò''â ãèìéú âãåìä (äøáä éåúø) òãééï éåúø îâ' òì â' àô''ä èäåøä îï äîãøñ äåàéì åìà çæéà ìîìàëúå øàùåðä [ìäúòèó]


Rather, the Chidush is that even though the big Talis is still more than three by three, even so, it is Tahor from Midras, since it is not proper for its initial use, to wrap himself in it.

àáì ÷ùä îäê ùîòúà ãàé ìà ô÷òä îéðä èåîàú îâò äéàê îëðéñå äà àëúé èîà äåà


Question: However, it is difficult from our Sugya. If Tum'as Maga was not uprooted, how can one enter it [to the Mikdash]? It is still Tamei! (This Dibur continues on the next Daf.)