
TOSFOS DH Bishlama Rabanan ka'Savrei Yesh Bilah

úåñôåú ã"ä áùìîà øáðï ÷ñáøé éù áéìä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses how we infer this.)

ôé' àôéìå ñáéøà ìäå éù áéìä î''î ôñåìéï ãäæàä öøéëä ùéòåø åàéï îöèøôéï ìäæàåú


Explanation #1: Even if they hold that Yesh Bilah, in any case it is Pasul, for Haza'ah requires a Shi'ur, and we do not join Haza'os.

åä''ð ä''î ìîéîø àéï áéìä åàéï äæàä öøéëä ùéòåø åëâåï ùðôìå îéí áöìåçéú ëùéòåø îé çèàú


Observation: Likewise, we could have said that Ein Bilah, and Haza'ah does not require a Shi'ur, e.g. and water fell in the flask like the Shi'ur of Mei Chatas.

åá÷åðèøñ ôéøù ãøáðï ñáøé éù áéìä ëãúðï îúðé' àí ìà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã) ðîìê åðúï ëùø àìîà ñîëéðï àáéìä åàîøéðï ìç äîúòøá áìç îúòøá áëåìï åàéï ìê èéôä îæä ùìà éäà [áä] îçáéøå ÷öú


Explanation #2 (Rashi): Rabanan hold that Yesh Bilah, like our Mishnah teaches "if he did not consult and put, it is Kosher. This shows that we rely on Bilah, and say that wet that mixes with wet, it totally mixes. There is no drop [of the mixture that contains only] from this [liquid that became mixed] that does not have a little of the other [liquid that became mixed].

å÷ùä àí ëï îàé îñô÷à ìéä ìøáé àìéòæø ìãéãé' ðîé ðéãå÷ îîúðéúéï ãéù áéìä ãäà îëùø ìëúçéìä


Question: If so, what was [the Gemara's] question according to R. Eliezer? Also according to him, we may infer from our Mishnah that Yesh Bilah, for he is Machshir l'Chatchilah!

àìà òì ëøçéï îîúðéúéï ìéëà ìîéã÷ ããéìîà áòìéåðéí øåáà îëùø øáé àìéòæø åëâåï ùðúï ìîòìä ëùéòåø úçúåðéí åòåã ëãîå÷é ì÷îï ìøáðï ðîé àí ìà ðîìê åðúï ëùø äééðå ãîéí äòìéåðéí


Answer: You are forced to say that we cannot derive from our Mishnah. Perhaps R. Eliezer is Machshir when the upper blood is the majority, and he put above more than the Shi'ur of lower blood, like we establish below (80b). Also according to Rabanan, if he did not consult and put it is Kosher, i.e. the upper blood;

îéäå ì÷îï îåëéç éù áéìä îã÷úðé àìå åàìå (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) òìå ìå


However, below it proves that Yesh Bilah since it taught that both of them count for him.


TOSFOS DH Amar Reish Lakish l'Olam ka'Savar Yesh Bilah...

úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øéù ì÷éù ìòåìí ÷ñáø éù áéìä...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos confirms that this is the correct text.)

ôé' á÷åðè' éù áéìä âøñéðï áøéù ì÷éù


Explanation #1 (Rashi): The text says "Yesh Bilah" in Reish Lakish.

ãëéåï ãàîø äæàä öøéëä ùéòåø îàé ãåç÷éä ìîéîø ãìøáé àìéòæø àéï áéìä ìà÷ùåéé îúðéúéï åìàå÷îé îúðéúéï áùéðåéé ãçé÷é ëãì÷îï


Source #1: Since he says that Haza'ah requires a Shi'ur, what would force him to say that according to R. Eliezer that Ein Bilah, in order to ask from our Mishnah and to establish our Mishnah with difficult answers like below (80b)?

åòåã éù ìã÷ã÷ àé àéï áéìä ìîä ìéä ìîéîø öøéëä ùéòåø àôé' àéï öøéëä ùéòåø ðîé


Source #2: If Ein Bilah, why must he say that [Haza'ah] requires a Shi'ur? Even if it does not need a Shi'ur [the water is Pasul. Whenever he sprinkles, perhaps it is not the Mei Chatas!]


TOSFOS DH Kegon she'Nis'arev Achas b'Achas

úåñôåú ã"ä ëâåï ùðúòøá àçú áàçú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why the second Haza'ah helps.)

ä÷ùä ä''ø çééí ãáéåîà (ãó éã.) åáðãä [ô''à] (ãó è.) àîø àôé' ìî''ã àéï äæàä öøéëä ùéòåø ä''î àâáà ãâáøà àáì áîðà öøéëä ùéòåø


Question (R. Chaim): In Yoma (14a) and Nidah (9a), it says that even according to the opinion that Haza'ah does not require a Shi'ur, that refers to on the person, but he requires a Shi'ur [of Mei Chatas] in the Kli [from which he sprinkles];

åà''ë ëùðúï àçú áàçú åäæä äæàä øàùåðä ìéëà áùðéä ùéòåø áîðà


If so, when he put (i.e. became mixed) one [drop of water] with one [drop of Mei Chatas], and he sprinkled once, there is not [at the time of the second Haza'ah] a Shi'ur [of Mei Chatas] in the Kli!

åúéøõ ëéåï ãáúçéìú äæàä øàùåðä ùäéà úçéìú èäøúå àéëà ùéòåøà áîðà àéï áëê ëìåí ùäæàä øàùåðä îöèøôú ìäæàä ùðéä


Answer #1: Since at the beginning of the first Haza'ah, which is the beginning of his Taharah, there was a Shi'ur in the Kli, this is not a problem. The first Haza'ah joins with the second.

åëé äàé âååðà àîøéðï âáé ðèéìú éãéí (çåìéï ãó ÷æ.) ãîøáéòéú ðåèìéï ùðéí åáçöé øáéòéú àéï àçã ðåèì


Support: We say like this about Netilas Yadayim (Chulin 107a). Two may wash from a Revi'is, but one may not wash from half a Revi'is.

åòåã é''ì ãàçú áàçú ìàå ãå÷à ëãôé' á÷åðèøñ ãàí äéä îï äëùéøéï äøáä ëì ùëï ãëùø ãëé îæä ùúé äæàåú ãèåôééðà ãëùéøéï îäéëà úéúé ìîéôñì


Answer #2: One [drop] with one is not precise, like Rashi explained, for if there was much [Mei Chatas], all the more so it is Kosher. When he sprinkles two Haza'os, there is more Kosher [Mei Chatas in them]. What would be a source to disqualify?!

àìà îùåí ôñåìéï ð÷è ìä


Rather, it mentioned [one with one] due to Pesulim (to teach that Chachamim disqualify even when only one drop of Pasul water fell into the Mei Chatas).


TOSFOS DH Rav Ashi Amar Kol she'Hu Tanan

úåñôåú ã"ä øá àùé àîø ëì ùäåà úðï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains his opinion, but questions it.)

åàéï áéìä åñáø äæàä àéï öøéëä ùéòåø åàé éäéá çãà ãéìîà îï äôñåìéï äï


Explanation: He holds that Ein Bilah, and that Haza'ah does not require a Shi'ur, and if he did [only] one [Haza'ah], perhaps it is [all] from the Pesulim;

àáì ëé éäéá úøúé àé àôùø ãìéëà îï äëùéøéï


However, when he gives two, it is impossible that there is not any of the Kosher.

å÷ùä ãìîà ëì ùäåà ãìéëà àìà (äâäú ìùí æáç, îùîøåú ëäåðä) ùéòåø äæàä åäæàä öøéëä ùéòåø åîöèøôú åñáø éù áéìä ãäùúà áéï ùúé äæàåú òì ëøçê àéëà ùéòåø äæàä îï äëùéøéï


Question: Perhaps "Kol she'Hu" means that there is a Shi'ur only for one Haza'ah, and Haza'ah requires a Shi'ur, and it joins, and he holds that Yesh Bilah! Now, between the two Haza'os, you are forced to say that there is a Shi'ur of Kesherim!

ãìãáøéå ðîé äéàê éåëì ìäéåú ùìà éåëìå ìçìå÷ äëì ùäå ìùúéí. áøå''ê:


Also according to [Rav Ashi's] words, how can it be that the Kol she'Hu cannot be divided into two?! This is from R. Baruch. (L'Shem Zevach - do not say that a Haza'ah must be totally Kosher, and he said Kol she'Hu so that if he sprinkles twice, at least one is totally Kosher. Surely one can split Kol she'Hu, and each Haza'ah is partially Pasul!)



TOSFOS DH v'Od Tanya ha'Nisnim l'Ma'alah v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä åòåã úðéà äðéúðéï ìîòìä ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Makshan asked from a Tosefta.)

àìîà éù áéìä áúåñôúà ãæáçéí àéúà


Inference: This shows that Yesh Bilah. This [Beraisa] is in the Tosefta of Zevachim (8:8).

åäà ãìà ôøéê îîúðé'


Implied question: Why didn't he ask from our Mishnah?

ðéçà ìéä ìà÷ùåéé îáøééúà îùåí ãéå÷à (äâää áâìéåï îöàï ÷ãùéí) ãúçúåðéí òìå ìå


Answer: He prefers to ask from the Beraisa due to the inference that the lower blood counted.


TOSFOS DH Hacha b'Mai Askinan b'Ruba Elyonim...

úåñôåú ã"ä äëà áîàé òñ÷éðï áøåáà òìéåðéí...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we could not say oppositely.)

ìà îöé ìàå÷åîà áøåáà úçúåðéí åéäéá ìîèä ùéòåø òìéåðéí (äâäú ç÷ ðúï, ìùí æáç) åòåã


Implied question: Why couldn't we establish that the majority is lower blood, and he put below more than the Shi'ur of upper blood?

ãàé øåáà úçúåðéí ìà äéä àåîø øáé àìéòæø éúï ìîòìä


Answer: If the majority were lower blood, R. Eliezer would not say to put above. (That is like intent to put lower blood above.)


TOSFOS DH Nasan l'Matah v'Lo Nimlach... Yachzor v'Yiten l'Ma'alah

úåñôåú ã"ä ðúï ìîèä åìà ðîìê... éçæåø [ö"ì åéúï - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ìîòìä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos changes the text.)

ðøàä ãâøñéðï [ö"ì éçæåø åéúï ìîòìä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] åéçæåø åéúï ìîèä îãîñé÷ òìå ìå ìùí ùéøééí ãîä ùðúï ìîèä ÷åãí ðúéðúå ìîòìä ôùéèà ãàéï òåìä ìùí ùéøééí


Correction: It seems that the text says "he returns and puts above, and he returns and puts below", since we conclude that it counts for Shirayim. What he put below before putting above, obviously it does not count for Shirayim!


TOSFOS DH Matan Arba b'Matan Achas (pertains to Mishnah, 80a)

úåñôåú ã"ä îúï àøáò áîúï àçú (ùééê ìîùðä, ô.)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Matan Arba means two Matanos that are four.)

äééðå ùúéí ùäï àøáò ëâåï òåìä àå ùìîéí ãìîèä


Explanation: This refers to two Matanos that are four, e.g. Olah or Shelamim, which are put below;

ãàé àøáò îîù ëâåï çèàú àîàé éðúï îúï àçú ìø' éäåùò äà øáðï ñáøé éùôê ìàîä ìôé ùæä ìîèä åæä ìîòìä


If it were truly four Matanos, i.e. Chatas, why would he put one Matanah according to R. Yehoshua? Rabanan hold that he spills it to the Amah, since this (Matan Achas) must be put below, and this (Chatas) must be put above!


TOSFOS DH Hagahah Bal Tosif mi'Heicha (pertains to the coming Daf)

úåñôåú ã"ä äâ''ä áì úåñéó îäéëà (ùééê ìãó äáà)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the question.)

úéîä ìé äìà áîúðä àçú ùì áëåø àé àôùø ùìà éåëìå ìçì÷ ìùúéí


Comment - Question: In [the Shi'ur of] one Matanah of Bechor, it is impossible [to say that] that it cannot be divided into two;

åàí ëï ãéìîà éäéá îéðéä ìùúé ÷øðåú ãàò''â ãàéï áéìä æäå ùéëåì ìäéåú îæä äãí ìáãå åäåà äãéï áîúðä àçú éëåì ìäéåú áä îãí æä åîãí æä


If so, perhaps he puts from it on two Keranos (opposite edges of the Mizbe'ach)! Even though Ein Bilah, this means that it can be from this blood alone, but likewise one Matanah can be from [both] this blood and this blood. (Why do we say that Bal Tosif does not apply?)

åàé ìéëà ùéòåø ðúéðä ìùúé ÷øðåú ãìà äéä øéùåîå ðéëø ìùúéí


Implied suggestion: Perhaps there is not a Shi'ur of Nesinah [of Dam Bechor] for the two Keranos, that its impression would be recognized on two [Keranos].

àí ëï äéàê ä÷øáï ðàëì ãéìîà çì÷å ìùúé ÷øðåú åìà äåòéì ëìåí


Rejection: If so, how is the Korban (Bechor) eaten? Perhaps [its blood] was divided on the two Keranos, and [there was less than a Shi'ur on each corner, so Zerikah] did not help at all!

åé''ì ãéù ùéòåø ìùúé ÷øðåú åëéåï ãàéï áéìä àéï ëàï ø÷ ñô÷ áì úåñéó åîùåí ñô÷ æä ìà éðéç ÷øáðå


Answer: There is a Shi'ur for two Keranos. Since Ein Bilah, it is only a Safek of Bal Tosif. Due to this Safek, he should not leave his Korban [without Zerikah].

åàôéìå ëé äåä ðîé ãîéí øáéí (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) îòåøáéí éçã äåä ñô÷


And even when much blood is mixed together, it is [only] a Safek. (Taharas ha'Kodesh - there is an implied question. Also in the Havah Amina, that much blood became mixed, it is a Safek Bal Tosif. Why did the Gemara say "Iy Hachi" (if so)?)

åäëé ôøéê ðäé ãðúòøá àøáò áàçã ìà úé÷ùé îàéï áéìä àëúé [úé÷ùé] ÷åùéà àçøéúé ãìà îúøõ ãáì úåñéó áåãàé ìéëà. áøå''ê.


[The Gemara] asks as follows. Granted, when [a Shi'ur for Matan] Arba is mixed with [a Shi'ur for Matan] Achas, [the first question, that perhaps no blood of one Korban was thrown] is not difficult due to Ein Bilah. Still, a different question is difficult that he does not answer. It is not Vadai that Bal Tosif applies (so this is not a reason to refrain)! This is from R. Baruch.

åàí úàîø àéæä áì úåñéó éù åìéäåé îúðä ùðéä áùáéì ùéøééí ùì áëåø åàé òáéã òåã ùéøééí áùáéì òåìä àéï áëê (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ëìåí àìà éòùä ùéøééí áùáéì òåìä


Question: What Bal Tosif is there? The second Matanah can be for Shirayim of Bechor, and if he also does (throws) Shirayim for Olah, this is not a problem. Rather, he does Shirayim for Olah!

åé"ì îúðä øàùåðä îùúé îúðåú ùäï àøáò (äâää áâìéåï) ùì òåìä ðëøú îùúé öããéï åæäå áì úåñéó ãîúðä ùì áëåø àéðä ø÷ îöã àçã


Answer: The first Matanah of the two Matanos that are four of an Olah is recognizes on two sides [of the edge against which it is thrown]. This is the Bal Tosif of Bechor, for the Matanah of Bechor is only on one side.

åàé (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí, ç÷ ðúï) ðîé ùéøééí äåå áàåúå ÷øï ùì îúðä àçú (àøáò) îúðä ùðéä ùá÷øï ùðé äåé úåñôú. äâ''ä


And even if [what came on the second side of] that edge were [considered] Shirayim of the first Matanah, the second Matanah on the other (opposite) edge is an addition. This is a comment.


TOSFOS DH Ha ka'Tani Elu v'Elu Alu Lo

úåñôåú ã"ä äà ÷úðé àìå åàìå òìå ìå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we cannot explain that he is Yotzei also Shirayim.)

åìéëà ìîéîø ìùí ùéøééí


Implied question: We should say that [the latter Zerikah] counts for Shirayim!

ãàìå åàìå ÷úðé îùîò éåöà éãé ãîéí òìéåðéí åéãé ãîéí úçúåðéí


Answer: It was taught "these and these." This connotes that he is Yotzei [Zerikah of] the top blood and the bottom blood.


TOSFOS DH Kegon she'Nis'arvu Achas b'Achas

úåñôåú ã"ä ëâåï ùðúòøáå àçú áàçú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses this answer.)

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ ùéòåø îúðä îæä åùéòåø îúðä îæä


Explanation #1 (Rashi): The Shi'ur for one Matanah of this and the Shi'ur for one Matanah of this [became mixed];

åã÷úðé åðúï áîúðä àçú áùáéì ëì àçã ÷à àîø ãäééðå ùúé îúðåú ãðîöàå ùúéäï áîæáç


It teaches that he gives one Matanah, i.e. for each one, i.e. two Matanos. It turns out that both of them are on the Mizbe'ach.

åúéîä îàé ÷ùéà ìéä ðéîà ùðåúï ëì äãí áîúðä àçú ãàéëà îúøåééäå îîä ðôùê


Question: What was the question? He should say that he puts all the blood in one Matanah. There is from both, no matter what you will say!

åëé úéîà îùåí ãáòé îúðä ìùí ëì àçã


Suggestion: He puts in two Matanos because he requires a Matanah for the sake of each one.

ìéîà ùðåúï çöé äãí åçåæø åðåúï çöé äàçø åìîä ìéä ìîéîø ëìì àçú áàçú


Rejection: He should say that he puts half the blood, and returns and puts the other half! Why must he say at all "one and one"?

åëé úéîà ãôøéê îùåí ãöøéê ìùééø îùðé äãîéí ìùôéëú äùéøééí åôøéê ããéìîà îä ùðúï äéä îàçã îäï åäùéøééí îï äùðé


Suggestion: He asks because he needs to leave over from both bloods to pour Shirayim, and he asks that perhaps what he put was from one of them, and the Shirayim from the second;

ãàò''â ãúçéìú òåìä î÷åí ùéøééí îëì î÷åí ìà òùä ëòé÷ø îöååúä


Even though the initial [Matanah] of Olah is [in] the place of Shirayim (so Zerikah was done also for the other Korban), in any case he did not do the primary Mitzvah. (Here we discuss two Korbanos that require one Matanah, and not Olah. "Techilas Olah" is not precise. It means the initial Matanah of any lower blood, i.e. of any Korban except for Chatas. Tosfos calls it Techilas Olah like the Gemara below (81a).)

àé ðîé ÷ñáø úçéìú òåìä ìà î÷åí ùéøééí


Alternatively, he holds that Techilas Olah is not [in] the place of Shirayim (so Zerikah was not done for the other Korban at all).

àí ëï îàé ÷à îùðé ùðúòøáå áå àçú áàçú


Rejection #1: If so, what was the answer "one became mixed with one"? (Still, perhaps neither Korban had both initial Zerikah and Shirayim!)

åòåã ìéîà ãéäéá ìîòìä ùéòåø äàçã åòåã (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí)


Rejection #2: He should say "he puts above the Shi'ur of one, and more"! ("Above" means the first Matanah on the Yesod, l'Shem initial Zerikah - Yad Binyamin.)

åòåã àîàé ìà ôøéê îøéùà ðúòøá áãí äôñåìéï àå áãí äúîöéú ãéìîà îàé ãéäéá îãí äôñåìéï åùéøééí îï äëùø (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí)


Rejection #3: Why didn't he ask from the Reisha "if [Kosher blood] became mixed with Dam Pesulim or with Dam Tamtzis"? (Also there he must leave over for Shirayim.) Perhaps he put from the Pesulim, and the Shirayim was from the Kosher!"

àìà ëéåï ãùéøééí ìà îòëáé àéï ìðå ìôñåì úòøåáú îùåí îöåú ùéøééí


Answer #1: Rather, since Shirayim are not Me'akev, we should not disqualify a mixture due to the Mitzvah of Shirayim. (I.e. we can put all the blood in two Matanos!)

åîéäå ì÷îï îùîò ùéù ìôñåì îùåí ùéøééí àò''â ãìà îòëáé ã÷àîø ùéøééí öøéëéï àéöèáà


Objection: Below (81a) it connotes that we should disqualify due to Shirayim, even though they are not Me'akev. It says "Shirayim need [to poured on] the roof of the Yesod!

åðøàä ìôøù ãäëé ôøéê ãìîà îäàé ÷à éäéá ëå' ãäáà ìéúï ìà éúï àìà ùúé îúðåú àçú îùåí æä åàçú îùåí æä


Answer #2: It asks as follows. [The Makshan thought that the Mishnah says "one Matanah", i.e. all the blood, but] perhaps he will give [only] from this one... for one who comes to give, he gives only two Matanos, one for this and one for this;

åàí ðàîø ìå ùéúï ëì äãí ìà éùîò ìðå


And if we will tell him to put all the blood, he will not heed us;

åìà ãîé ìðúòøá áãí ôñåìéï ãùí (äâäú èäøú ä÷åãù) îà éùîò ìðå ëéåï ãéãåò ããí ãôñåì îòåøá áå àáì äëà ãùðéäí ëùéøéï ìà


This is unlike if [Kosher blood] became mixed with Pasul blood. Perhaps he will heed us, since it is known that Pasul [blood] is mixed with it. However, here that both are Kosher, no (he will not heed us. The Gemara answered that only a Shi'ur for one Matanah from each was mixed, so he knows that he must put it all.)

åîéäå ÷ùä ãàí ëï ìòéì ã÷àîø ãéäéá ìîòìä ùéòåø äúçúåðéí åòåã ìà éùîò ìðå ëéåï ãùðéäí ëùøéí


Question: If so, above that it says "he puts above the Shi'ur of lower blood, and more", he will not heed us, since both of them are Kosher!

åòåã éù ìåîø ãìùåï îúðä àçú îùîò ùéòåø îúðä (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) àçú åìà éåúø


Answer #3: The expression "[he puts] one Matanah" connotes the Shi'ur of one Matanah, and not more;

åëé îùðé îðé ùðúòøáå àçú áàçú áòé ìîéîø ëôøù''é ùéòåø (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) îúðä àçú îëì àçú


Also when it answers "one became mixed with one", it means like Rashi explained, the Shi'ur of one Matanah from each.

åìà ãîé ìääéà ãìòéì ãéúï ìîòìä åîå÷îéðï ãéäéá ìîòìä ùéòåø úçúåðéí åòåã


Implied question: Why is this unlike the case above "he puts above", and we establish that he puts above the Shi'ur of the lower blood and more?

ãñúîà ÷úðé éúï ìîòìä åìà îôøù ëîä åëï áãí äôñåìéï åáãí äúîöéú:


Answer: It taught Stam "he puts above", and does not explain how much, and similarly regarding Dam Pesulim and Dam Tamtzis.