
TOSFOS DH R. Meir Omer R. Eliezer Omer v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä ø''î àåîø øáé àìéòæø àåîø ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses how the law is different for Isurim mid'Rabanan.)

úéîä ìø''ì ãàîø ìòéì âáé çáéìé úìúï ìø''î ëì ùãøëå ÷ùéà ãø''î âåôéä ÷ñáø ãìéèøà ÷öéòåú áèìä ãàò''â ãäåéà ëì ùãøëå


Question: According to Reish Lakish, who said above (72b) that bundles of clover according to R. Meir is Kol she'Darko, this is difficult, for R. Meir himself holds that a Litra of dried figs is Batel, even though it is Kol she'Darko!

îéäå áô' äòøì (éáîåú ôà.) îùîò ãìà àîø ø''ì ëì ùãøëå î÷ãù àìà úøåîä ãàåøééúà àáì áúøåîä áæîï äæä ãäéà îãøáðï ìà


Answer: However, in Yevamos (81a) it connotes that Reish Lakish said that Kol she'Darko is Mekadesh only Terumah mid'Oraisa, but not for Terumah nowadays, which is mid'Rabanan.

åà''ú àí úøåîä áæîï äæä ãøáðï à''ë áèìä ÷ãåùú äàøõ à''ë ëìàé äëøí ðîé ãøáðï åàîàé úðé ëì ùãøëå


Question: If Terumah nowadays is mid'Rabanan, if so Kedushas ha'Aretz is Batel. If so, also Kil'ai ha'Kerem is mid'Rabanan. Why did he teach Kol she'Darko?

åé''ì ãëìàé äëøí äåà çã ãøáðï ãàí ìà áèìä ÷ãåùú äàøõ äéä ãàåøééú'


Answer #1: Kil'ai ha'Kerem is mid'Rabanan for only one reason. If not that Kedushas ha'Aretz is Batel, it would be mid'Oraisa;

àáì äëà úøúé ãøáðï çã ãáèìä ÷ãåùú äàøõ åòåã ãúøåîú úàðéí îãøáðï ãìà îéçééá îãàåøééúà àìà ãâï úéøåù åéöäø


However, here it is mid'Rabanan for two reasons. Firstly, Kedushas ha'Aretz is Batel. And further, Terumah of figs is mid'Rabanan, for the Torah obligates only grain, wine and oil.

à''ð ãìòéì äëé ôéøåùå ùäéä ø''î àåîø ëì ùãøëå ìéîðåú î÷ãù îãàåøééúà åëéåï ãáãàåøééúà ëì ùãøëå î÷ãù ãéï äåà ùé÷ãù áãøáðï àú ùãøëå ëâåï çáéìé úìúï ùì ëìàé äëøí


Answer #2: Above, it means as follows. R. Meir said that Kol she'Darko Limnos is Mekadesh mid'Oraisa. Since mid'Oraisa Kol she'Darko Limnos is Mekadesh, it is proper that for [Isurim] mid'Rabanan, Es she'Darko, such as bundles of clover, is Mekadesh.

à''ð ëìàé äëøí ëéåï ùéù áäï àéñåø äðàä àò''â ãáèìä ÷ãåùú äàøõ çîåø ëîå îãàåøééúà


Answer #3: Since Kil'ai ha'Kerem is Asur b'Hana'ah, even though Kedushas ha'Aretz is Batel, it is stringent like mid'Oraisa.

åà''ú åáô''÷ ãîâéìä (ãó é.) äéëé áòé ìîéîø ã÷ñáø ø''à ÷ãåùä øàùåðä ÷éãùä ìùòúä å÷éãùä ìòúéã ìáà


Question #1: In Megilah (10a), how did [the Gemara] want to say that R. Eliezer holds that the first Kedushah was permanent?

åòåã ãøáé éäåùò âåôéä ÷àîø äúí áäãéà äëé àìîà ÷ñáø ìà áèìä ÷ãåùú äàøõ åäéëé ìøáé éäåùò ãìéèøà ÷öéòåú áèìä ìø''ì


Question #2: R. Yehoshua himself, it says there explicitly that he holds that the first Kedushah was not Batel. According to R. Yehoshua, why is a Litra of dried figs Batel according to Reish Lakish?

åäééðå éëåìéï ìôøù ãìø' éäåùò ÷ãåùú äàøõ ìà áèìä åî''î ìéèøà ÷öéòåú òåìä îùåí ãúøåîú úàðéí ãøáðï


Answer #1: We can say that according to R. Yehoshua, Kedushas ha'Aretz is not Batel, and even so, a Litra of dried figs is Batel, because Terumah of figs is mid'Rabanan.

ãîèòí æä ä÷éìå áä ìåîø ùäúçúåðåú îòìåú àú äòìéåðåú åàò''ô ùìà ðúòøáå áëì äòéâåì


Source: For this reason they were lenient to say that bottom figs help to [comprise a Shi'ur] be Mevatel, even though they were not mixed with the ring.

åäà ãîùîò áôø÷ äòøì (éáîåú ôà.) ìø''ì ãàé úøåîä áæîï äæä ãàåøééúà ìà äéä òéâåì áòéâåìéï òåìä


Implied question: In Yevamos (81a) it connotes that according to Reish Lakish, if Terumah nowadays were mid'Oraisa, a ring [of dried figs] would not be Batel in rings;

ã÷àîø ø''ì åäìà àðé ùåðä òéâåì áòéâåìéï òåìä àìà úøåîä ãøáðï


Reish Lakish said "I teach that a ring is Batel in rings only for Terumah mid'Rabanan";

åàéæä äåëçä äéà åäìà ø' éäåùò ñáø î÷øéáéï àò''ô ùàéï áéú ã÷ãåùú äáéú ìà áèìä åë''ù ÷ãåùú äàøõ åàôé' äëé ñåáø ãòéâåì òåìä åáèì


What proof is this? R. Yehoshua holds that we offer even though there is no Mikdash, for Kedushas ha'Bayis is not Batel, and all the more so Kedushas ha'Aretz [is not Batel], and even so he holds that a ring is Batel!

åéù ìåîø ãø' éäåùò éñáåø ãìà î÷ãù àìà å' ãáøéí åø''î ãñáø ëì ùãøëå ìà ñáø ëååúéä áäà


Answer #1: R. Yehoshua holds that only six matters are Mekadesh, and R. Meir, who holds that Kol she'Darko [is Mekadesh] argues with him about this.

à''ð é''ì áãåç÷ ãäúí áôø÷ äòøì (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) äééðå áúøåîú áéëåøéí ãäåé ãàåøééúà áúàðéí åîöéðå ñúí úøåîä ãàééøé ááéëåøéí


Answer #2: With difficulty, we can say that there in Yevamos discusses Terumas Bikurim, which is mid'Oraisa for figs. We find that [it says] Stam Terumah and it refers to Bikurim;

ãúðï áîñëú ôøä ô' é''à (î''â) ãáéìä ùì úøåîä ùðôìä ìîé çèàú ðèìä åàëìä àí éù ëáéöä áéï èîàä áéï èäåøä äîéí èîàéí åäàåëìä çééá îéúä


Citation - Mishnah (Parah 11:3): If a Terumah fig-cake fell into Mei Chatas, and he took it and ate it - if it was [the size of] k'Beitzah, whether it was Tamei or Tahor, the water is Tamei, and the one who eats it is Chayav Misah;

ôé' ëùðèìä àãí îéã ðèîà âåôå îçîú ðåùà îé çèàú åà''à ìäéåú äàåëìä çééá îéúä áñúí úøåîä ãúøåîú ôéøåú ãøáðï àí ìà ðàîø ãáúøåîú áéëåøéí îééøé


Explanation: When the person took it, immediately his body became Tamei due to carrying Mei Chatas (what was on the cake). He cannot be Chayav Misah for Stam Terumah, for Terumah of Peros (i.e. not grain, wine and oil) is mid'Rabanan, unless we say that it discusses Terumas Bikurim.

åîùåí äëé ðîé (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) îã÷ã÷ ø''ì îäà ãòéâåì áòéâåìéï òåìä àôéìå ááéëåøéí ãàåøééúà


Also due to this, Reish Lakish deduced from here that a ring is Batel in rings even for Bikurim mid'Oraisa.

åãåç÷ äåà æä àìà éù ìçì÷ ãìòðéï ÷ãåùä äúìåéä áîçéöåú ëâåï ÷ãåùú äáéú ÷àîø ø' éäåùò ãìà áèìä ëããøéù äúí áîâéìä (ãó â:) àùø ìå çåîä àò''ô ùàéï ìå òëùéå åäéä ìå ÷åãí ìëï


Rebuttal (and Answer #3): This is difficult. Rather, we can distinguish that regarding Kedushah that depends on Mechitzos, e.g. Kedushas ha'Bayis, R. Yehoshua said that it is not Batel, like he expounds there in Megilah (3b) "Asher Lo Chomah" - even if it does not have [a wall] now, but it had before.

åëï öøéê ìçì÷ [ðîé ìòéì] ëîå ùôéøùúé ìòéì áôø÷ ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí (ãó ñà. ã''ä îàé)


Support: We must distinguish like this also above, like I explained above (61a DH Mai).


TOSFOS DH veha'Tachtonos Ma'alos Es ha'Elyonos

úåñôåú ã"ä åäúçúåðåú îòìåú àú äòìéåðåú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is a leniency for Terumah mid'Rabanan.)

àò''ô ùàéðï áñô÷ ãéîåò ä÷éìå áúøåîú ôéøåú ãøáðï


Explanation: Even though [the bottom figs] are not in the Safek of what is mixed, [Chachamim] were lenient about Terumah of Peros, which is mid'Rabanan.

åäà ãúðï áîñ' úøåîåú áô''ã (î''è) úàðä ìáðä ùðôìä ìúåê ìáðåú åùçåøåú ìáðåú àñåøåú äùçåøåú îåúøåú åàéï äùçåøåú îòìåú àú äìáðåú


Implied question: A Mishnah in Terumos (4:9) says that if a white [Terumah] fig fell into white and black [figs], the white are forbidden and the black are permitted, and the black do not help to be Mevatel the white!

ìà ãîé ãäúí àéðï äùçåøåú øàåéåú ìäéåú áñô÷ ãéîåò ùìòåìí äùçåøåú ðéëøåú îúåê ìáðåú


Answer: There is different, for the black are not proper to be in a Safek of Dimu'a (a mixture of Terumah and Chulin), for they are always recognized from the white.


TOSFOS DH R. Yehudah Omer v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä øáé éäåãä àåîø ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when we say that Min b'Mino is not Batel.)

åà''ú ìø' éäåãä îàé àéøéà ãáø ùáîðéï àôéìå ëì îéìé àåñø áëì ùäåà ãäà ùîòé' ìéä ìø' éäåãä ì÷îï áôéø÷éï ãîéï áîéðå ìà áèéì


Question: According to R. Yehudah, why do [R. Eliezer and R. Yehoshua] discuss something that is normally counted? Everything forbids any amount, for R. Yehudah holds below (79a) that Min b'Mino is not Batel!

åáñéôà ðîé ã÷úðé ãáøé äëì ìøáé éäåãä éòìå àîàé éòìå


Also in the Seifa, which teaches that R. Yehudah says that all agree that it is Batel, why is it Batel?

åëï ì÷îï ãð÷è ø''é øéîåðé áãï àôéìå ëì îéìé ðîé


Also below (74a), why did R. Yehudah discuss pomegranates of Badan? The same applies to everything!

åëï áô' äðæ÷éï (âéèéï ðã:) ðôìå åðúôöòå áùåââ éòìå ãáøé øáé éäåãä àîàé åäà îéï áîéðå ìà áèéì ìø' éäåãä


Also in Gitin (54b), if [nuts of Parech] fell and broke b'Shogeg, they are Batel according to R. Yehudah. What is the reason? R. Yehudah holds that Min b'Mino is not Batel!


Note: In our text there, R. Yehudah says that whether they fell b'Shogeg or b'Mezid, they are not Batel, and so Tzon Kodoshim corrects the text of Tosfos in Menachos (22b). Tosfos there adds that it connotes that mid'Oraisa, there is Bitul in a majority, and it is only a fine to say that there is no Bitul.

åòåã úðï áô' ðåèì (ùáú ÷îà:) øáé éäåãä àåîø îòìéï àú äîãåîò áàçã åîàä


Also, in a Mishnah (Shabbos 141b), R. Yehudah teaches that we may remove [an amount equal to the Terumah from] Meduma if there is 101 (times as much as mixture as Terumah)!

åàåîø ø''ú ãìà à''ø éäåãä îéï áîéðå áëì ùäåà àìà áãáø ìç ãåîéà ããí äôø åãí äùòéø ãéìéó îéðä ì÷îï ããáø äîúòøá äåà


Answer #1 (R. Tam): R. Yehudah said that Min b'Mino forbids any amount only regarding something wet, like blood of the bull and blood of the goat, from which he learns (Menachos 22b). It is something that mixes.

åäà ãàîøé' áñåó áéöä (ãó ìç:) ãçèéï áçèéï ìà áèéì ìø' éäåãä


Implied question: It says in Beitzah (38b) that wheat in wheat is not Batel according to R. Yehudah!

á÷îç îééøé ãäåé ãáø äîúòøá


Answer: That discusses flour, which mixes.

úãò ãâáé çèéï áùòåøéï ÷àîø äúí ãáèì îùåí ãäåé îéï áùàéðå îéðå


Proof: Regarding wheat in barley, it says there that it is Batel, for it is Min b'Eino Mino;

åàîàé äà îéðëøé îäããé àìà åãàé á÷îç îééøé


Why is it Batel? They are recognizably different from each other! Rather, surely it discusses flour.

åìà âøñé' áâéèéï ðôìå ìâú åðúôöòå àìà ðôìå åðúôöòå ãìà îééøé áìç àìà áéáù


The text in Gitin does not say "they fell into the winepress and broke", rather, they fell and broke. It does not discuss something wet, rather, something dry.

åáòðéï æä îôøù ø''ú äà ãà''ø éåçðï áñåó ò''æ (ãó òâ:) á' ëåñåú àçã ùì çåìéï åàçã ùì úøåîä ùîæâï åòøáï æä áæä ñì÷ àú îéðå ëîå ùàéðå åùàéðå îéðå øáä òìéå åîáèìå


Support: Like this, R. Tam explains R. Yochanan's teaching in Avodah Zarah (73b). If there were two cups, one of Chulin and one of Terumah, and he diluted them (with water) and mixed them together, remove Mino (the Chulin wine) as if it is not, and b'Eino Mino is the majority [over the Terumah], and it is Mevatel it.

å÷ùéà ìéä ëéåï ãúøåîä òåìä áà' åîàä à''ë îéðå ðîé éñééò ìùàéðå îéðå ìáèì äúøåîä


Question: Since Terumah is Batel in 101, if so also Mino should help Eino Mino to be Mevatel the Terumah!

àìà ù''î ãáîéðå áîùäå


Answer #1: This teaches that b'Mino forbids any amount.

åäà ãà''ø éåçðï äúí (ãó òâ:) ãëì àéñåøéï ùáúåøä áîéðå áðåúï èòí çåõ îèáì åééï ðñê åìà çùéá úøåîä


Implied question: R. Yochanan taught there (73b) that all Isurim in the Torah, Min b'Mino forbids if it is Nosen Ta'am (gives taste), except for Tevel and Yayin Nesech. Why didn't he mention Terumah?

îùåí ãáëìì èáì äéà ãëéåï ãáçã èòîà äåà ãîôøù äúí èòîà ãèáì ãëäéúøå ëê àéñåøå ãçéèä àçú ôåèøú àú äëøé


Answer: It is because it is included in Tevel, since there is one reason [for both]. It explains there that the reason for Tevel is that its Isur is like its Heter. One wheat [kernel] exempts a stack [of Tevel of any size];

åäåà äãéï úøåîä ëòìééúä ëê àéñåøä åáëì ãåëúà ãúøåîä òåìä áàçã åîàä áãáø éáù


The same applies to Terumah. Its Isur is like its Heter. Everywhere that Terumah is Batel in 101, this is for dry [mixtures].

åîúðé' ãä÷åîõ øáä (îðçåú ëâ.) ùúé îðçåú ùìà ð÷îöå ãìà îáèìé ìéä ùéøéí ìèéáìà ãîå÷îéðï äúí ëø' éäåãä


Implied question: The Mishnah in Menachos (23a) of two Menachos from which Kemitzah was not taken [that became mixed together. If one can take a Kometz from each by itself, they are Kesherim. After taking one Kometz], the Shirayim [of that Minchah] is not Mevatel [some of] the Tevel (the Minchah that still needs Kemitzah, even though surely some of the Tevel is mixed among a majority of Shirayim.) We establish it there (23b) like R. Yehudah!

áîðçú ñåìú àééøé ùîúòøá ìâîøé ëãáø (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ìç åìà áîàôä úðåø åîçáú åîøçùú


Answer #1: It discusses Minchas Soles, which totally mixes, like a wet matter, and not [Menachos] baked in an oven or cooked in a shallow or deep pan. (He would agree that Bitul applies for those Menachos.)

åääéà ãðáéìä áùçåèä áä÷åîõ øáä (ùí ëâ.) áùðéîåçä


The case of Neveilah that became mixed with a majority of Shechutos (Amora'im argue about whether Bitul applies only if the Mevatel can become like the Batel (minority), or vice-versa, and we establish them like R. Yehudah - Menachos 23a-b), is when they melted. (If not, he agrees with Chachamim that Min b'Mino is always Batel.)

åä''ø éåí èåá îôìðö''é ä÷ùä ìø''ú îääéà ãôñçéí (ãó èå.) ãçáéú ùì úøåîä ùðùáøä áâú äòìéåðä åäúçúåðä çåìéï èîàéï ãàîøé' äúí (ãó ëà.) ãàí ðôìä ì÷' çåìéï ãáøé äëì úøã åúèîà


Question (R. Yom Tov of Plantzi, to R. Tam): In Pesachim (15a) it says that if a barrel of Terumah broke in the upper winepress, and the bottom winepress has Tamei Chulin, we say there (21a) that if it fell (i.e. is falling) into 100 [times as much] Chulin, all agree that [we let it] descend and become Tamei (if he has only a Tamei Kli, and he cannot stop the Terumah from mixing without overtly being Metamei it).

àìîà ãàôé' ìç òåìä áàçã åîàä


Inference: Even something wet is Batel in 101! (Since the mixed together will be permitted, all forbid to overtly be Metamei the Terumah.)

åðøàä ùëîå ëï äéä éëåì ìä÷ùåú îääéà ãùàåø ùì çåìéï åùì úøåîä ùðôìå áòéñä ãàéï ìç îúòøá éåúø îîðå


Observation: He could similarly have asked from the case of Se'or (sourdough) of Chulin and of Terumah that fell into a dough. Wet does not mix more than that!

åòåã úðéà áîñëú úøåîä áúåñôúà ôø÷ ñàä úøåîä ìåâ ééï öìåì ùðôì ìúåê ÷' ìåâéï òëåøéï


Also, a Tosefta in Terumah (6:9) teaches that if a Log of clear [Terumah] oil fell into 100 Lugim of cloudy [Chulin] oil (it is Batel).

åçæø áå ø''ú ãåãàé àéï çéìå÷ áéï ìç ìéáù


Retraction: R. Tam retracted. Surely there is no difference between wet and dry.

åúéøõ ãäà ãúøåîä òåìä áà' åîàä áðôìä ìúåê çåìéï îúå÷ðéï ãàé àôùø ìîáèì ãäééðå çåìéï ìäéåú ëáèì ãäééðå úøåîä


Answer (to Question (h), and Answer #2 to Question (a) - R. Tam): Terumah is Batel in 101 when it fell into fixed Chulin (from which Terumah was taken). It is impossible for the Mevatel, i.e. the Chulin, to be like the Batel, i.e. Terumah;

åääéà ãá' ëåñåú à' ùì úøåîä åà' ùì çåìéï ùàéðï îúå÷ðéï ãàôùø ìäí ìéòùåú úøåîä


The case of two cups, one of Terumah and one of Chulin [discusses Chulin] that was not fixed. It is possible for the Chulin to become Terumah;

÷ñáø ìä ø' éåçðï ëîàï ãàîø áä÷åîõ øáä (ãó ëâ:) áúø îáèì àæìéðï åäåé îéï áîéðå


R. Yochanan holds like the opinion in Menachos (23b) that it depends on the Mevatel (if it can become like the Batel, it is Mevatel), so it is [considered] Min b'Mino.

åääéà ãôñçéí (ãó ëà.) ì''÷ àôéìå (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ìî''ã áúø áèì àæìé' ãîù÷éï ìëé ñøéçé àéï ùí îù÷éï òìéäï åìà àôùø ìä ìúøåîä ùúéòùä çåìéï


The case in Pesachim (21a) is not difficult even for the opinion that it depends on the Batel, for when liquids spoil, they are not considered liquids, so Terumah cannot become like Chulin. (Even though the Isur vanishes when it spoils, then it is not like Chulin wine.)

åà''ú åèáì áîéðå áîùäå äéëé îùëçú ìä äà à''à ìîáèì ãäééðå äçåìéï ùéòùå èáì


Question: What is the case that Tevel forbids b'Mashehu? The Mevatel, i.e. the Chulin, cannot become Tevel!

åé''ì ùðôì èáì èáåì ìúøåîä áèáì ùàéðå èáåì ìúøåîä ãäåé îéï áîéðå ëéåï ãùí èáì òìéäí òì ùðéäí


Answer #1: Tevel from which Terumah was not taken fell into Tevel from which Terumah was not taken (but Ma'aser was not taken, so it is considered Tevel). This is Min b'Mino, since both are called Tevel.

à''ð èáì ùøàä ôðé äáéú áèáì ùìà øàä ôðé äáéú


Answer #2: Tevel that was brought into the house [became mixed with] Tevel that was not brought into the house.

à''ð ðôì ìúåê çåìéï îúå÷ðéï åáòåãä ìúøåîä áéã áòìéí ãàôùø ìàéúùåìé òìä


Answer #3: Tevel fell into fixed Chulin, and while the owner still has the Terumah. It is possible to ask (retract his declaration of Terumah, like Hataras Nedarim, and the Terumah reverts to be Tevel).

åäùúà ãàúéðï ìäëé àéëà ìàå÷åîé ääéà ãá' ëåñåú áçåìéï îúå÷ðéï åëâåï ãúøåîä áéã áòìéí åääéà ãôñçéí áúøåîä áéã ëäï


Answer #2 (to Question c:1): According to this, we can establish the case of two cups to discuss fixed Chulin, e.g. the owner still has the Terumah. The case in Pesachim is when the Kohen has the Terumah (one cannot ask then).

åòåã éù ìééùá úéøåõ ÷îà ãø''ú åääéà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ãôñçéí (ãó ëà.) ëø' çééà ãàéú ìéä ìø' éäåãä ðáìä åùçåèä áèìåú æå áæå


Defense #1 (of Answer #1 of R. Tam): The case in Pesachim (21a) is like R. Chiya, who holds according to R. Yehudah that Neveilos and Shechutos are Batel in each other. (It suffices that the Mevatel can become like the Batel, or vice-versa);

åìäëé çùéá äúí îéï áùàéðå îéðå ìòðéï îùäå àò''ô ùçùåáéï îéï áîéðå ìòðéï àçã åîàä ãìà ñâé ìäå áñ'


Therefore, it is considered Min b'Eino Mino regarding Mashehu (Mashehu does not forbid), even though they are considered Min b'Mino regarding 101, and 60 does not suffice (like it does for Min b'Eino Mino. Ayeles ha'Shachar did not understand the distinction. Yad Binyamin explains that this is because they have the same taste.)

àáì øáé éåçðï ãìà ëøáé çééà ãä''ð îåëç áä÷åîõ øáä (îðçåú ëâ:) ãìàå ë''ò àéú ìäå ãø' çééà


However, R. Yochanan does not hold like R. Chiya. It is proven in Menachos (23b) that not all hold like R. Chiya.

åääéà îùðä ãàéï ãí îáèì ãí ôéøù á÷åðèøñ áä÷åîõ øáä (â''æ ùí) ìøá çñãà ãàæéì áúø îáèì äåéà ãìà ëøáé çééà


Rashi in Menachos explained that the Mishnah (below, 78a) that blood is not Mevatel blood, according to Rav Chisda, who says that it depends on the Mevatel (if it can become like the Batel, there is never Bitul), [the Mishnah] is unlike R. Chiya;

åàôéìå ìøáé çðéðà ãàæéì áúø áèì ðøàä ãàéëà èåáà ääéà ãàéï øå÷ îáèì øå÷ åàéï îé øâìéí îáèì îé øâìéí ì÷îï áôéø÷éï (îëàï îòîåã á) åâáé ãí ëñåé (çåìéï ãó ôæ:) ùðúòøá áãí áäîä ãà''ø éäåãä àéï ãí îáèì ãí


And even according to R. Chanina, who says that it depends on the Batel, it seems that there are many [Tana'ic teachings unlike R. Chiya, e.g.] saliva is not Mevatel saliva, and urine is not Mevatel urine (below, 79a), and regarding blood of (a bird or Chayah, which requires) Kisuy ha'Dam that became mixed with Dam Behemah (Chulin 87b), R. Yehudah said that blood is not Mevatel blood...


ëåìäå à''à ìæä ìäéåú ëæä àôéìå ìøáé çðéðà


In all of these, one cannot become like the other, even according to R. Chanina;

ãìà ãîé ìãí ÷ãùéí ãàôùø ìäéåú ëçåìéï ëîå ùôé' á÷åðèøñ áä÷åîõ øáä (îðçåú ëâ:) ãëùéìéï ìéìä àçú éöà î÷ãåùúå ëçåìéï


It is unlike Dam Kodshim which can become Chulin, like Rashi explained in Menachos (23b) that after Linah of one night it loses its Kedushah, and it is like Chulin.

åëåìéä ñúîà ãäù''ñ ìøá çñãà ãìà ëøáé çééà ãàîø áô' âéã äðùä (çåìéï ÷.) çúéëä òöîä ðòùéú ðáéìä åàåñøú ëì äçúéëåú ìøáé éäåãä


According to Rav Chisda, the entire Stam Gemara is unlike R. Chiya, e.g. what [Rav] says in Chulin (100a) that a piece itself [that absorbed the taste of Isur] becomes Neveilah (i.e. like pure Isur) and forbids all the pieces according to R. Yehudah...

åâáé æøåò áùìä (ùí ãó öç:) ã÷àîø ìà ðöøëà [àìà] ìø' éäåãä ãàîø îéï áîéðå ìà áèéì


And regarding the cooked foreleg (of Eil Nazir - Chulin 98b, Abaye) said that it is a Chidush only according to R. Yehudah, who says that Min b'Mino is not Batel.

åâáé öéø (ùí öè:) ã÷àîø øáé éäåãä ùéòåøå áñàúéí (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) åôøéê åäà à''ø éäåãä îéï áîéðå ìà áèì [åîùðé ùàðé ëå']


And regarding [fish] brine, R. Yehudah says that its Shi'ur for Bitul is [one Revi'is in] two Sa'im (192 Reviyos), and it asks that R. Yehudah holds that Min b'Mino is not Batel, and answers that [brine] is different...

åääéà ãáéöä ãîéï áîéðå ìà áèì ìø' éäåãä åãí úáåñä ãàîøéðï áðãä (ãó òà:) ãàéï ãí îáèì ãí ìøáé éäåãä åàôéìå ìøáé çðéðà ö''ò ãðøàä ùéù îäðê ùäáàúé ãìà ëøáé çééà


Question: The case in Beitzah of Min b'Mino is not Batel according to R. Yehudah, and Dam Tevusah, which we say in Nidah (71b) that blood is not Mevatel blood according to R. Yehudah, and even according to R. Chanina - this requires investigation, for it seems that there are [Tana'ic teachings] from those that I brought unlike R. Chiya.


Note: Even Rav, the Talmid of R. Chiya, was a Tana, and he can argue with Tana'im! It seems that it is difficult to say that R. Chiya argues with all the sources Tosfos brought, and says that they all erred about R. Yehudah's opinion.

åòåã éù ìééùá úéøåõ ø''ú ùîçì÷ áéï ìç ìéáù åìà ÷ùéà ääéà ãôñçéí (ãó ëà.) ìø' éåçðï ãìàå àìéáà ãëåìé òìîà ÷àîø èáì åééï ðñê áîùäå ãîåãä ø' éåçðï ãìøáðï ãø' éäåãä áðåúï èòí


Defense #2 (of Answer #1): R. Tam distinguished between wet and dry. The case in Pesachim (21a) is not difficult for R. Yochanan, for he did not say according to everyone that Tevel and Yayin Nesech forbid any amount. R. Yochanan admits that according to Rabanan of R. Yehudah, b'Nosen Ta'am [forbids];

àìà øáé éåçðï ñáø ëãøáðï áùàø àéñåøéí åëø' éäåãä áèáì åééï ðñê åëï áøééúà ãúðéà ëååúéä ãøáé éåçðï


Rather, R. Yochanan holds like Rabanan regarding other Isurim, and like R. Yehudah regarding Tevel and Yayin Nesech, and so [holds] the Beraisa like R. Yochanan.

åäùúà ääéà ãôñçéí (â''æ ùí) ëøáðï ãîéï áîéðå áèì áëì î÷åí (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí) åàéëà äùúà â' îçìå÷ú ùì úðàéí áãáø


Consequence: Now, the Gemara in Pesachim (about Terumah wine falling into Chulin) is like Rabanan, that Min b'Mino is Batel everywhere. There is a three-way argument among Tana'im about this:

ãäà úðéà ëååúéä ãøáé éåçðï


There is a Beraisa like R. Yochanan (only Tevel and Yayin Nesech forbid any amount);

åäà ãúðéà áôø÷ äðåãø îï äéø÷ (ðãøéí ðç.) ëìì àîø ø''ù [ëì] ãáø ùéù ìå îúéøéï ëå'


And the Beraisa in Nedarim (58a) "R. Shimon said a general rule. Anything that has Matirin [is not Batel. Anything without Matirin has a Shi'ur for Bitul.]"

àîøå ìå äøé ùáéòéú ùàéï ìä îúéøéï åúðï äùáéòéú àåñøú ëì ùäåà áîéðå àîø ìäí ìà àîøå ùáéòéú áîéðå àìà ìáéòåø àáì ìàëéìä ìà


They said to him, "Shevi'is has no Matirin, and a Mishnah teaches that Shevi'is forbids any amount b'Mino!" He said to them, "it was taught that Shevi'is [forbids any amount] b'Mino only for Bi'ur, but not for eating."

ìà îöé ìîéôøê (îèáì åééï) [ö"ì îééï - éùø åèåá áîðçåú ëá:] ðñê ãäúí ñáéøà ëøáðï ãëì àéñåøéï áèìéï àôé' îéï áîéðå


[Rabanan] could not ask from Yayin Nesech, for there they hold like Rabanan [of R. Yehudah], that all Isurim are Batel even Min b'Mino.

åä''ø éöç÷ äìáï úéøõ [äà ãéãéä] äà ãøáéä


Answer #2 (to Question (f) - Ri ha'Lavan): R. Yehudah taught one [teaching] according to his own opinion, and one according to his Rebbi;


Note: It seems that this is also Answer #3 to Question (a). The argument of R. Eliezer and R. Yehoshua is fine according to R. Yehudah himself, but not according to R. Gamliel, who holds that Min b'Mino forbids any amount. He must argue with his colleagues, R. Eliezer and R. Yehoshua.

ãääéà ãì÷îï ãàéï ãí îáèì ãí øáé éäåãä îùåí øáï âîìéàì ÷àîø ìä


The [Mishnah] below (78a) that says that blood is not Mevatel blood, R. Yehudah taught it in the name of R. Gamliel.

åäëé ðîé îùðé àáéé ì÷îï (ãó òè.)


Support: Abaye answers like this below (79a).

àáì (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã, öàï ÷ãùéí) ÷ùä ãøáà ôìéâ òìéä


Question: Rava argues with him!

åéù òåã ìôøù ääéà ãùðé ëåñåú ãäà ãàéï äçåìéï îñééòéï ìîéí ìáèì àú äúøåîä ìàå îùåí ãáîéðå áîùäå


Answer #3 (to Question c:1): The case of two cups, the Chulin [wine] does not help the water to be Mevatel the Terumah. This is not because b'Mino forbids any amount;

àìà îùåí ãäàé áàçã åîàä åäàé áùùéí åìäúáèì áùùéí ÷àîø ãìà îñééò ìéä ãëéåï ããéðå áîàä


Rather, it is because this (Terumah wine in Chulin wine) is Batel in 101, and this (Terumah wine in water) is Batel in 60. He says that [the Chulin wine] does not help to be Mevatel in 60, since its law is to be Mevatel in 100;

åëâåï ãìéëà îàä áéï äîéí åééï ùì çåìéï àáì äîéí øáéï òì äúøåîä ùùéí


The case is, between the water and Chulin wine [together] there is not 100 [times as much as the Terumah]. However, there is 60 times as much as water as Terumah;

ãàé ìàå àîøéðï ñì÷ àú îéðå ëîé ùàéðå äéä ðàñø äééï ùì çåìéï îùåí ãìéëà îàä åäéä äëì ðàñø ùàéï äîéí øáéí òì äçåìéï åòì äúøåîä áùùéí


If we would not say "remove Mino as if it were not", the Chulin wine would be forbidden because there is not 100 (to be Mevatel the Terumah), and everything would be forbidden, because the water is not 60 times as much as the Chulin and Terumah [wine together].


TOSFOS DH v'Nichbeshinhu d'Ninaidan...

úåñôåú ã"ä åðëáùéðäå ãðéðééãï...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses that this helps when they do not separate in front of us.)

åëâåï ùìà áôðéðå ôéøùå îî÷åí ÷áåò ãàé äéúä äôøéùä áôðéðå äéå àñåøéï ëàéìå ì÷çï áî÷åí ÷áéòåú


Explanation: The case is, they separate from the Kavu'a not in front of us, for if they separate in front of us, they would be forbidden as if they were taken from the Kavu'a place.

åëï îåëç áôø÷ ÷îà ãôñçéí (ãó è:) ãúùò öáåøéï ùì çîõ åàçú ùì îöä åàúà òëáø åù÷ì ãàîøé' ëì ÷áåò ëîçöä òì îçöä ãîé


Proof: This is proven in Pesachim (9b). If there were nine piles of Chametz and one of Matzah, and a mouse came and took (and we do not know from which), we say that every Kavu'a [Safek] is like an even Safek.

åáôø÷ âéã äðùä (çåìéï öä.) àîøé' âáé úùò çðåéåú áðîöà äìê àçø äøåá àôéìå ðîöà áéã òåáã ëåëáéí


And in Chulin (95a), we say about nine stores [in a city that sell Shechutah, and one sells Neveilah, if meat is] found, we follow the majority, even if it was found in a Nochri's hand;

åäééðå èòîà ãâáé öéáåøéï îééøé áãù÷ì òëáø ÷îï ùðåìã ìðå äñô÷ áî÷åí ÷áéòåú åìëê ÷àîø åðëáùéðäå ãðéðééãï ãëéåï ùéöàå îî÷åí ÷éáåòï àîøéðï îøåáà ôøéù


The reason is because regarding piles, we discuss when the mouse took in front of us. The Safek arose in a place of Kevi'us. (The entire pile was Isur, or it was all Heter.) Therefore, it says that we should force them to go away. Once they separate from their place of Kevi'us, we say that each that separates is (assumed to be) from the majority;

åäëé ðîé àîøéðï áôø÷ áúøà ãéåîà (ãó ôã:) âáé úùòä òëå''í åéùøàì àçã áéðéäï ãáàåúä çöø îô÷çéï åáçöø àçøú àéï îô÷çéï


We say similarly in Yoma (84b) regarding nine Nochrim and one Yisrael among them (and a house fell on one of them). If it was in that Chatzer, we excavate (to save him even on Shabbos, for it is like an even Safek. If one went to) another Chatzer (and a house fell on him, we assume that he is from the majority, and), we do not excavate.


TOSFOS DH Ela Amar Rava Mishum Kavu'a

úåñôåú ã"ä àìà àîø øáà îùåí ÷áåò

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is only mid'Rabanan.)

îãâæåø îùåí ÷áåò äéä ðøàä ãàé ù÷éì çã îï ä÷áåò àñåø îãàåøééúà åìà àîøé' îøåáà ôøéù ãëéåï ããáø çùåá äåà åìà áèì äéëà ãä''ì ÷áåò ëîçöä òì îçöä ãîé


Inference: Since they decreed due to Kavu'a, it seems that if he took one from the Kavu'a, it is forbidden mid'Oraisa, and we do not say that it separated from the majority, since it is important, and it is not Batel when it is Kavu'a. It is like an even Safek.

àáì à''à ìåîø ëï îãàîø øá áñîåê èáòú ùì òáåãú ëåëáéí ùðúòøáä áîàä èáòåú åðôìä àçú îäï ìéí äåúøå ëåìï


Rejection: We cannot say so, for Rav said below that if a ring of idolatry became mixed with 100 rings and one of them fell into the sea, all are permitted;

åîùîò ðîé ìãéãéä ãáîúðé' [ãðúòøáå] àçã áøéáåà åîéú çã îéðééäå àîøé' ãàéñåøà îéú åäùàø îåúøéï


It seems that he holds also that our Mishnah, in which one became mixed in 10,000 and one of them died, we say that the Isur died and the rest are permitted;

åàîàé àãøáä ãäéúø ðôì åîéú


Question: What is the reason? Just the contrary, we should say that [the rest are forbidden, lest a ring or animal of] Heter fell or died!

àìà äééðå èòîà ãä÷éìå îùåí ãîãàåøééúà áèìé áøåáà ãëì îéìé îãàåøééúà áøåáà áèìé ëéåï ãìà éãéò åàôéìå ùùä ãáøéí îàçø ùðúòøá åìà éãéò åëï úøåîä áèìä áàçã åîàä


Answer: Rather, the reason they were lenient is because mid'Oraisa they are Batel in a majority. Mid'Oraisa, everything is Batel in a majority, since it is not known (which is the Isur), and even the six matters, since it became mixed and it is not known, and similarly Terumah is Batel in 101.


Note: These last words of Tosfos connote that mid'Oraisa Terumah is Batel in 101. However, Tosfos elsewhere and almost all Meforshim say that the verse that teaches 101 is an Asmachta. Tosfos said "and similarly", which connotes that Terumah is like the six matters, which mid'Oraisa are Batel in a majority. He said that mid'Oraisa, everything is Batel in a majority! Most explain that Tosfos means that mid'Oraisa Terumah is Batel in a majority, and mid'Rabanan in 101.

åìà ùééê ëì ÷áåò àìà áãáø äéãåò ëâåï úùò çðåéåú åúùò öáåøéï åúùò öôøãòéí åúùò òëå''í ùääéúø åäàéñåø ùìäí éãåòéí áî÷åîí


"Everything fixed" applies only to something known, e.g. nine stores, nine piles [of Matzah], nine frogs (and a Sheretz), and nine Nochrim, in which the Heter and Isur are recognized in their places.


TOSFOS DH ba'Meh Devarim Amurim b'Kohen Nimlach v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä áîä ãáøéí àîåøéí áëäï ðîìê ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that this is not the text of the Mishnah.)

àéï îùðä æå ùðåéä ëê áîñëú ÷éðéí àìà ôø÷ àçã äåà ùîúçéì ëê å÷àé àëì îàé ãúðé ìòéì:


Observation: This Mishnah is not taught like this in Maseches Kinim. Rather, it is a Perek that begins so, and refers to everything taught above.