
TOSFOS DH Bein she'Ein Bahen Revi'is

úåñôåú ã"ä áéï ùàéï áäï øáéòéú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos defends the Havah Amina.)

ìîàé ã÷ñ''ã áìà ÷åãç éù úéîä ãâøò îðèéìú éãéí


Question: According to the Havah Amina that this is without Kode'ach, this is astounding, that it is worse (more lenient) than Netilas Yadayim! (Below (DH Kode'ach), Tosfos says that Kode'ach is to scoop water from the Kiyor. Sefas Emes asks that if so, even in the conclusion, Kidush is more lenient! He concludes that Tosfos asks according to Rashi, that Kode'ach is carving out in the Kiyor.)

åéù ìåîø ãðèéìú éãéí ðîé ëùéù áå øáéòéú ðåèìéï àôéìå ìùðéí åäëà áãäåä áéä øáéòéú îòé÷øà


Answer: Also Netilas Yadayim, when there is a Revi'is, we wash even for two people. Here, there was a Revi'is at the beginning.


TOSFOS DH v'Ha Mimenu Amar Rachmana

úåñôåú ã"ä åäà îîðå àîø øçîðà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that this is a challenge to the answer.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ ãàîúðéúéï (ôøéê) ãàîø ëì ëìé ùøú øàåééï ì÷ãù ôøéê


Explanation #1 (Rashi): He challenges our Mishnah, which says that all Klei Shares are proper for Kidush.

å÷ùä úé÷ùä ìéä îúðéúéï [ãéåîà] (ãó îâ:) ã÷úðé ãëäï âãåì î÷ãù á÷éúåï ùì æäá


Objection: He should challenge our Mishnah in Yoma (43b), which teaches that the Kohen Gadol is Mekadesh with a gold flask!

åðøàä ã÷àé àäà ãùðé á÷åãç îúåëå [åôøéê] åäà îîðå àîø øçîðà ãàéï ì÷ãù àôé' ÷åãç àìà àí ëï éäà ëîåäå ùéäà áå ëùéòåø


Explanation #2: He challenges the answer "he is Kode'ach (scoops) from it." The Torah said "from it." One may not be Mekadesh even if he is Kode'ach, unless [from what he is Mekadesh] is like it (the Kiyor), that it has a Shi'ur.


TOSFOS DH Kode'ach Mitocho

úåñôåú ã"ä ÷åãç îúåëå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains this unlike Rashi.)

ôé' ùðåèì îîéîéå áëìé ÷èï åëùéøä ì÷ãù ëéåï ãáàéï îëìé âãåì


Explanation #1: He takes from its water in a small Kli, and it is Kosher for Kidush, since it comes from a big Kli.

åëä''â ì÷îï àí ÷ãç áå øáéòéú îèáéìéï áå îçèéí åöðåøéåú ãîäëùéøåú ãî÷åä àúå


Support: We find like this below. If he took in [a Kli] a Revi'is [from a Mikveh], one may immerse in it needles and small forks, for it comes from the Hechsher of a Mikveh.

åá÷åðèøñ ìà ôéøù ëï


Explanation #2: Rashi did not explain like this. (Rather, Kode'ach is carving out in the wall, and puts a small Kli there. It is partially outside the Kiyor.)


TOSFOS DH Kal v'Chomer mi'Kano

úåñôåú ã"ä ÷''å îëðå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two explanations of where its opening was.)

îùîò ùéù ìå úåê åòùåé ëîéï úéáä ôøåöä ìîòìä åäëéåø éåùá òìéå


Explanation #1: This connotes that [the base] has an interior, and it is made like a box open on top, and the Kiyor rests on it.

åøù"é (äâää áâìéåï) ôé' ëòéï éåøä ëôåééä òì ôéä åðôçúå ùåìéä


Explanation #2: Rashi explained that it is Kosher a pot inverted on its opening, and its bottom is open.


TOSFOS DH li'Revi'is Eino Mashlim

úåñôåú ã"ä ìøáéòéú àéðå îùìéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that this is for Netilas Yadayim.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ ìøáéòéú ìðèéìú éãéí


Explanation #1 (Rashi): It cannot complete the Shi'ur of a Revi'is for Netilas Yadayim.

å÷öú úéîä åäéä ðøàä ìôøù ìøáéòéú äééðå ìäèáéì îçèéï åöðåøéåú ãáäëé îééøé áñåó ùîòúà


Question (and Explanation #2): This is somewhat astounding! It seems that a Revi'is is to immerse needles and small forks, for we discuss this at the end of our Sugya.

åîéäå ðøàä ëôéøåù ä÷åðè' ãáéîé ø''ì ëáø áèìå øáéòéú ãî÷åä ëãîåëç áðæéø áôø÷ ùìùä îéðéí (ãó ìç.)


Retraction: It seems that Rashi is correct, for in the days of Reish Lakish, they were already Mevatel a Revi'is from being a Mikveh, like is proven in Nazir (38a).


TOSFOS DH Lemi'utei Tit ha'Nidok

úåñôåú ã"ä ìîòåèé èéè äðãå÷

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that one may not immerse in the mud.)

àò''â ãîùìéí ìîé î÷åä àéï îèáéìéï áå ëãàîø áôø÷ ÷îà ãñåëä (ãó éè.) âáé àåéø îöèøó åàéï éùéðéí úçúéå


Explanation #1: Even though it completes the Shi'ur [of 40 Sa'im] of water for a Mikveh, one may not immerse [Kelim] in it, like it says in Sukah (19a) regarding "air joins [to the Shi'ur of a Sukah], but one may not sleep under it";

åôøéê îé àéëà îéãé ãàéäå ìà çæé åîöèøó å÷àîø èéè äðãå÷ éåëéç


[The Gemara] asks "do we find such a matter, that it is not proper, and it joins?", and it answers that loose mud is Yochi'ach.

åìà ëîå ùôéøù ùí á÷åðèøñ ãàò''â ãîùìéí ëãúðï áîñëú î÷åàåú ô''æ àìå îòìéï åìà ôåñìéï (äâäú äøù"ù) äùìâ åäáøã åèéè äðãå÷


Explanation #2 (Rashi in Sukah): Even though it completes, like a Mishnah in Mikva'os (7:1) teaches "the following complete [the Shi'ur of a Mikveh], and do not disqualify - snow, hail, loose mud..."

îëì î÷åí àí òùä î÷åä ùìí îèéè äðãå÷ ìà òìúä ìå èáéìä


Even so, if he made an entire Mikveh of loose mud, Tevilah in it is invalid.

ãìôéøåùå àéï æä éåëéç ãèéè äðãå÷ áùòä ùäåà îùìéí çæé ìèáéìä åìà ãîé [ìàåéø] ãàéï éùéðéí úçúéå àôé' áùòä ùäåà îùìéí


Rebuttal: According to this, [loose mud] is not Yochi'ach, for when it completes the Shi'ur, it is proper to immerse in it. It is unlike air, which one may not sleep under it, even when it completes [the Shi'ur of a Sukah]!

ìôéëê ðøàä [ãèéè äðãå÷ ðîé] àôé' áùòä ùîöèøó àéï îèáéìéï áå


Therefore it seems that also loose mud, even when it joins, one may not immerse in it.

åäëé úðï áîñëú î÷åàåú ô''á (î''é) î÷åä ùéù áå î' ñàä åèéè øáé àìéòæø àåîø îèáéìéï áîéí åàéï îèáéìéï áèéè øáé éäåùò àåîø áèéè åáîéí


Support: A Mishnah in Mikva'os (2:10) says that if a Mikveh has 40 Sa'im [of water] and mud, R. Eliezer says that one may immerse in the water, but not in the mud. R. Yehoshua says, one may immerse in the mud and in the water;

áàéæä èéè àîøå áèéè ùäîéí öôéï òì âáéå åàí äéå äîéí îöã àçã îåãä øáé éäåùò ùîèáéìéï áîéí åàéï îèáéìéï áèéè


Which mud does this discuss? It is mud that water floats on top of it. If the water was on one side, R. Yehoshua agrees that one immerses in the water, but not in the mud.

áàéæä èéè àîøå áèéè ùä÷ðä éåøã îàéìéå áúåëå ãáøé øáé îàéø øáé éäåãä àåîø î÷åí ùàéï ÷ðä äîãä òåîã


Which mud does this discuss? R. Meir says, it is mud into which a stick descends by itself. R. Yehudah says, it is a place where a measuring stick cannot stand;

àáà àìéòæø [áï ãéìàé] àåîø î÷åí ùäîù÷åìú éåøãú øáé àìéòæø àåîø äéåøã áôé çáéú


Aba Eliezer ben Dilai says, it is a place where a plumb line descends by itself. R. Eliezer says, it is what descends in the [narrow] opening of a barrel (it is too loose to seal it);

øáé ùîòåï àåîø äðëðñ (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) áùôåôøú äðåã øáé àìéòæø áøáé öãå÷ àåîø äðîãã áìåâ


R. Shimon, it is what enters the opening of a flask (a circle of diameter two fingers. This is bigger than the barrel that R. Eliezer discusses.) R. Eliezer b'R. Tzadok says, it is what is measured in a Log.

åäééðå èéè äðãå÷ ãñåëä (ãó éè:) ãàîø éåëéç [ãëùäèéè îöã à' îöèøó ìë''ò åàéï îèáéìéï áå]


Remark: This is the loose dirt of Sukah, which it says is Yochi'ach, that when the mud is on one side, all agree that it joins, but one may not immerse in it.


TOSFOS DH Afilu li'Revi'is

úåñôåú ã"ä àôéìå ìøáéòéú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Gemara in Chulin.)

ëàï ôé' á÷åðèøñ ãàîøéðï ôø÷ ëì äáùø (çåìéï ãó ÷å.) îéí ùðôñìå îùúééú áäîä áéï áëìéí áéï á÷ø÷ò ôñåìéï äà ìà ðôñìå ëùéøéí


Explanation #1 (Rashi, here): We say in Chulin (106a) that water that was spoiled too much for an animal to drink it, whether in Kelim or in the ground, it is Pasul [for Tevilah]. This implies that if it was not sullied, it is Kosher [even in Kelim]!

åàéðå ëï ãäúí úðéà áäãéà á÷ø÷ò ëùéøéí åôìéâé äúí áàôñ÷à ááú áéøúà àáì áî÷åîï ëùéøéï ìëåìé òìîà ãäà î÷åä ðéðäå (äâäú îæáç ëôøä)


Rebuttal (and Explanation #2): This is wrong. There, a Beraisa explicitly teaches "it is Kosher in the ground." They argue there when a narrow ditch interrupts, but in its place all agree that it is Kosher, for it is a Mikveh.

åäà ã÷àîø äëà àé àéï ôøä ùåçä åùåúä îîðå àôéìå ìî÷åä ðîé àéðå îùìéí


Implied question: It says here that if a cow would not bend and drink from it, it does not even complete a Mikveh!

ìà ÷ùéà îéãé ãäúí áîéí öìåìéí îééøé áìà èéè àìà ùäí ñøåçéí åðôñìå îùúééú áäîä


Answer: This is not difficult at all. There it discusses clear water without mud, but it is spoiled too much for an animal to drink it;

åäëà îééøé áîéí òáéí ùðôñìå òì éãé èéè äîòåøá áäï


Here it discusses thick water that was spoiled through mud mixed with it.

åéù úéîä îðà ìéä äàé ùéòåøà ãëì äðé úðàé ãîñëú î÷åàåú (ô''á) ìà îééøå áùúééú ôøä


Question: What is his source for this Shi'ur? All these Tana'im in Mikva'os (2:10) do not discuss what a cow drinks!


TOSFOS DH Nasan Se'ah Kosher

úåñôåú ã"ä ðúï ñàä ëùø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this refers to fruit juice, but not to Mayim She'uvim.)

áîé ôéøåú îééøé ëãôé' ôø÷ äòøì (éáîåú ãó ôá:)


Explanation: We discuss fruit juice, like I explained in Yevamos (82b).

àáì îéí ùàåáéï àôé' ëì äéåí ëåìå [ëùø ãøàùåï øàùåï] áèì


Distinction: However, Mayim She'uvim (it was in a Kli), even if he adds and removes the entire day, it is Kosher, for every amount is Batel when it falls in.

åéù úéîä ãâáé ÷øá åëøòéí ãøùéðï áîéí åìà áîæåâ åäëà âáé ëéåø ëúéá áîéí åîëùøéðï áîæåâ


Question: Regarding [rinsing] the innards and legs, we expound "ba'Mayim", and not in mixed [wine], and here regarding the Kiyor it is written "ba'Mayim", and we are Machshir mixed [wine]!


TOSFOS DH v'Ha Tana d'Vei Shmuel

úåñôåú ã"ä åäà úðà ãáé ùîåàì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos brings a Beraisa in Toras Kohanim similar to this.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ ìà éãòðà àäéëà ÷àé


Remark: Rashi said that he does not know where this was taught.

åîéäå áúåøú ëäðéí úðéà ëé äàé âåðà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) éëåì ùàðé îøáä àó îé úåúéï úìîåã ìåîø îéí îéí ùàéï ìäí ùí ìååé éöàå îé úåúéí ùéù ìäí ùí ìååé:


Reference: In Toras Kohanim, a Beraisa teaches similar to this. Perhaps I include even Mei Tutin (strawberry juice)? It says "Mayim" - water without an accompanying name. This excludes Mei Tutin, which has an accompanying name.



TOSFOS DH Yatz'u Mei Kiyor she'Yesh Lahem Shem Levai

úåñôåú ã"ä éöàå îé ëéåø ùéù ìäí ùí ìååé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies that this is considered Shem Levai.)

äà ãàîøéðï áñåëä (ãó éâ.) åáçåìéï (ãó ñá:) ëì ùðùúðä ùîå ÷åãí îúï úåøä åáàä úåøä åä÷ôéãä òìéå æäå ùí ìååé


Implied question: It says in Sukah (13a) and Chulin (62b) that anything whose name changed before Matan Torah, and the Torah was adamant about the name, this is Shem Levai!

ìà ÷ùéà îéãé ãëê ùîå îé ëéåø áùòú îúï úåøä


Answer: This is not difficult at all. It was called Mei Kiyor at the time of Matan Torah.



úåñôåú ã"ä òøì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two explanations why he did not circumcise.)

îôøù øáéðå ùìîä áëì î÷åí ùîúå àçéå îçîú îéìä


Explanation #1: Everywhere, Rashi explains that his brothers died due to Milah. (Therefore, he is exempt from Milah, for it is dangerous for him.)

åø''ú îôøù ãîåîø ìòøìåú å÷øé ìéä ìáå ìùîéí ìôé ùàéðå òåùä àìà îãàâú öòø äîéìä åáøéù äòøì (éáîåú ãó ò.) ôéøùúé


Explanation #2 (R. Tam): He flagrantly transgresses [remaining] uncircumcised. He is called "his heart is to Shamayim" because he does so only due to fear of the pain of Milah. I explained this in Yevamos (70a. In Chagigah 4b, Tosfos said that according to Rashi, such an Arel is not like a Tamei, for this is Ones.)


TOSFOS DH Mishum d'Ein Libo l'Shamayim

úåñôåú ã"ä îùåí ãàéï ìáå ìùîéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is even if he repented later.)

àôéìå ùá áùòú òáåãä àîøéðï áñåó îðçåú (ãó ÷è.) ãàéï ÷øáðå øéç ðéçåç


Explanation: Even if he repented at the time of Avodah, we say in Menachos (109a) that his Korban is not a pleasant smell;

åàò''â ãäùúà ìáå ìùîéí îúçéìä ìà äéä ìáå ìùîéí


Even though now his heart is to Shamayim, initially his heart was not to Shamayim.


TOSFOS DH Aval Tamei Mes

úåñôåú ã"ä àáì èîà îú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is only before his seventh day.)

ôéøåù ÷åãí ùáéòé îøöä àôé' á÷øáï éçéã òì éãé öéõ îúåê ùîøöä áöéáåø (äâäú áàøåú äîéí) áìà öéõ


Explanation: [A Tamei Mes Kohen] before the seventh day is Meratzeh even for a Korban Yachid through the Tzitz, because he is Meratzeh [for a Korban] Tzibur without the Tzitz.

åäà ãàîø òåï ä÷ãùéí åìà òåï î÷ãéùéí


Implied question: It says (23b) "Avon of the Kodshim, and not Avon of those who are Makdish [or of the Kohanim]"!

îå÷îéðï ìäå áèåîàú ùøõ


Answer: We establish this to discuss Tum'as Sheretz (which has no Heter b'Tzibur).

åëï ëì èåîàú îú ãùîòúéï äééðå ÷åãí ùáéòé ùìå


Explanation (cont.): Similarly, every Tum'as Mes of our Sugya is before his seventh day (for it has a Heter b'Tzibur);

àáì áùáéòé äééðå ëîå èîà ùøõ ãàéðå îøöä áéçéã ìôé ùùåçèéï åæåø÷éï òìéå


However, on his seventh day, he is like a [person] Tamei [due to also Sheretz. [The Tzitz] is not Meratzeh for [a Korban of] Yachid, since they slaughter and do Zerikah for him (there is no need, and therefore no Heter, to override Tum'ah);

åâí àéðå îøöä áöáåø èîà îú áùáéòé [ðîé] ìôé ùéëåìéï ìòùåú ò''é ùìåçéï èäåøéí åìàåøúà îöå àëìé äôñç áèäøä. áøåê


Also, there is no Ritzuy for Avodas Tzibur of a Tamei Mes on his seventh day, because they can do through Tahor Sheluchim, and at night they can eat Pesach b'Taharah. This is from R. Baruch.


TOSFOS DH Iy Hachi Tamei Sheretz Nami

úåñôåú ã"ä àé äëé èîà ùøõ ðîé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos defends our text.)

á÷åðèøñ ìà âøñ àé äëé


Alternative text: Rashi's text does not say "if so."

äâ"ä (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ãàôé' ìéú ìï îúåê ùîøöä ëå' îöé ìà÷ùåéé äê ôéøëà èîà ùøõ ìéøöé áöáåø î÷ì åçåîø îèîà îú


Comment - Explanation: Even if we do not hold that Mitoch (since) it is Meratzeh, we can ask this question that a Tamei Sheretz should be Meratzeh b'Tzibur from a Kal v'Chomer from a Tamei Mes.

åéù ìééùá àé äëé ã÷àîøú îúåê ùîøöä åëå' åéìôú éçéã áãéòáã îöáåø ìëúçéìä à''ë èîà ùøõ ðîé ìéøöé áéçéã ãäà îøöä äåà áöéáåø î÷''å ãèîà îú


Defense #1 (of our text): If it is like you said, Mitoch he is Meratzeh... and you learn an individual b'Di'eved from a Tzibur l'Chatchilah, if so also a Tamei Sheretz should be Meratzeh b'Tzibur from a Kal v'Chomer of a Tamei Mes;

àáì àé ìàå îúåê ìà äåä ÷ùéà îéãé ãàîéðà ãîúðé' ãôñìä èîà îééøé áéï áèîà îú áéï áèîà ùøõ


However, if not for Mitoch, it would not be difficult at all. I would say that our Mishnah, which disqualifies a Tamei, discusses both a Tamei Mes and a Tamei Sheretz.

åòåã éù ìôøù ëé ðîé àîøéðï îúåê äåä ìëå ìàå÷îé îúðé' áæá åîöåøò îé ùèåîàä éåöàú îâåôå àáì èîà îú åùøõ ìà ãîøöå áéçéã áãéòáã äåàéì åîøöå áöáåø ìëúçéìä åùøõ î÷ì åçåîø


Defense #2: Even if we say Mitoch, you should have established our Mishnah to discuss a Zav or Metzora - one whose Tum'ah leaves his body, but not a Tamei Mes or Sheretz. For them there is Ritzuy for an individual b'Di'eved, since they are Meratzeh b'Tzibur l'Chatchilah, and we learn Sheretz from a Kal v'Chomer;

åîùðé èîà ùøõ àéðå îøöä áöéáåø ìëúçéìä ùäøé îëôøéï ëîúëôøéï åáîúëôøéï èîàé ùøõ àéðï òåùéí ôñç áèåîàä ùäøé ùåçèéï åæåø÷éï òì èîà ùøõ


[The Gemara] answers that a Tamei Sheretz is not Meratzeh b'Tzibur l'Chatchilah, for Mechaprin (Kohanim, who atone) are like Miskaprin (owners of the Korban, who are Yotzei), and regarding Miskaprin, a Tamei Sheretz does not do Pesach b'Tum'ah, for we slaughter and do Zerikah for a Tamei Sheretz;

åëì ùàéï äéçéã ðãçä àéï öáåø òåùéï áèåîàä àìà ùåìçéï ùìåçéäï äèäåøéí åòåùéí ôñçéäï áùáéìí


Any case in which an individual is not Nidcheh, a Tzibur does not offer b'Tum'ah. Rather, they send Tahor Sheluchim, and they offer their Pesachim for them;

åà''ë àéëà ìîéôøê îä ìèîà îú ùëï îøöä áöáåø îä ùàéï ëï áèîà ùøõ òã ëàï (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) [äâä''ä]


If so, we can ask that you cannot learn from a Tamei Mes, for he is Meratzeh b'Tzibur, unlike a Tamei Sheretz. Until here is a comment.

åøáéðå úí âøñ àé äëé åîôøù ãáîåòãå àôé' áèåîàä äééðå áéï áîú áéï áùøõ áéï ãôñç áéï ãúîéã


Defense #3: R. Tam's text says "if so." He explains that '"b'Mo'ado", even b'Tum'ah', is both regarding Mes and Sheretz, both regarding Pesach and Tamid.

åäà ã÷àîøé æ÷ðé ãøåí ìà ùðå àìà èîà ùøõ àáì èîà îú îúåê ùîøöä áöáåø


Implied question: Why did Chachamim of the south say "this is only for a Tamei Sheretz, but a Tamei Mes, since he is Meratzeh b'Tzibur..."?

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Answer: It discusses Ritzuy of eating b'Tum'ah. I.e. since it is Meratzeh greatly, that the owner may eat it when he is Tamei, it is Meratzeh also for an individual who served b'Tum'as Mes;

àáì èîà ùøõ ðäé ãéù ìå øéöåé áöáåø ëâåï äéëà ãðèîàå äëäðéí àå äñëéðéí áùøõ ãòáãé áèåîàä ãáîåòãå àîø øçîðà åàôéìå áèåîàä åëì ùáéçéã ðãçä áöáåø òáãé áèåîàä


However, a Tamei Sheretz - granted, he has Ritzuy b'Tzibur, e.g. when the Kohanim or knives became Tamei through a Sheretz. They offer b'Tum'ah, for it says "b'Mo'ado", and even b'Tum'ah, and whenever an individual is Nidcheh, a Tzibur offers b'Tum'ah...

î''î àéï ìå øéöåé âãåì ëîå îú ãàéìå (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí) ðèîàå öáåø áùøõ àéï ìäí ìàëåì áèåîàä ëîå ùàîø ìáñåó


In any case, he does not have great Ritzuy like Mes, whereas if the Tzibur became Tamei through a Sheretz, they may not eat b'Tum'ah, like it says at the end (23b).

åôøéê àé äëé èîà ùøõ ðîé ëéåï ãàîøú ãáèåîàú îú îøöä áéçéã îèòí ãîøöä áöáåø ãàëìé áèåîàú îú


Defense #3 (cont.): [The Gemara] asks "if so, also a Tamei Sheretz - since you said that Tum'as Mes is Meratzeh for an individual, since they are Meratzeh b'Tzibur, that they eat b'Tum'as Mes...

à''ë èîà ùøõ ðîé á÷øáï éçéã ìéøöé î÷ì åçåîø îèîà îú ãéçéã


If so, also a Tamei Sheretz for an Korban Yachid should be Meratzeh from a Kal v'Chomer from a Tamei Mes of a Yachid!

åîùðé ÷ñáøé æ÷ðé ãøåí îëôøéï ôéøåù ãéçéã ëîúëôøéï ãèîà îú àéï èîà ùøõ ìà


[The Gemara] answers that Chachamim of the south hold that Mechaprin, i.e. an individual, is like Miskaprin - (there is Ritzuy for) Tamei Mes, but not Tamei Sheretz.

åàí úàîø åîð''ì ãáîåòãå àééøé àó áèåîàú ùøõ àé îîùîòåúà ãîåòãå àí ëï àôéìå æá åîöåøò


Question: What is the source that "b'Mo'ado" discusses even Tum'as Sheretz? If it is from the connotation of "Mo'ado", if so, even a Zav or Metzora [should be included]!

àé î÷ì åçåîø ãîú ùèòåï ùìéùé åùáéòé


Suggestion: It is a Kal v'Chomer from Mes, who requires [Haza'ah] on days three and seven.

îä ìèåîàú îú ùëï àéùúøàé ìàëåì áèåîàú áòìéí úàîø áùøõ ãàí ðèîàå áòìéí áùøõ ìà àëìé


Rejection: You cannot learn from Tum'as Mes, for there is a Heter for the owners to eat b'Tum'ah. You cannot learn to a Sheretz, for if the owners became Tamei through a Sheretz, they do not eat!

[åéù ìåîø ãäàé ãìà àëìé] ìàå îùåí çåîø ãùøõ àìà îùåí ãùåçèéï åæåø÷éï òìéå [åìà] àéôèø ìéä îôñç


Answer: This that [the owners] do not eat is not due to the stringency of a Sheretz, rather, because we slaughter and do Zerikah for him, and he is not exempted from Pesach;

åëä''â áîú áùáéòé ùìå àí äéå øåá öáåø èîàéí áùáéòé ùéëåìéí ìéèäø ìòøá ìà äåå àëìé áèåîàä


In such a case of a Mes on his seventh day, if most of the Tzibur were Tamei on the seventh day, that they can become Tahor at night, they would not eat b'Tum'ah.

å÷ùä ìôéøåù ø''ú ëé äéëé ãàîø îëôøéï ëîúëôøéí [ìîòåèé èåîàú ùøõ ãìà ìéøöé áéçéã] äëé ðîé ðéîà áöéáåø åãåå÷à èîà îú åìà èîà ùøõ


Question #1: According to R. Tam's Perush, just like [Chachamim of the south] say that Mechaprin are is like Miskaprin (to exclude Tum'as Sheretz, which is not Meratzeh for an individual, we should say so also for a Tzibur, also only Tamei Mes, but not Tamei Sheretz!

åàé îùåí ãàúé ÷ì åçåîø åîôé÷ îäé÷éùà


Suggestion: The Kal v'Chomer overrides the Hekesh! (This Dibur continues on the next Daf.)