[28a - 49 lines; 28b - 31 lines]

1)[line 7]áîàé àå÷éîúà ëøáé àìéòæøB'MAI UKIMTA K'REBBI ELIEZER- how did you set up [our Mishnah] - like [the opinion of] Rebbi Eliezer

2)[line 8]äùåçè åäî÷áì åäîåìéê åäæåø÷HA'SHOCHET VEHA'MEKABEL VEHA'MOLICH VEHA'ZOREK

The offering of a Korban consists of four primary actions. These four Avodos are Shechitah (slaughtering), Kabalas ha'Dam (collecting the lifeblood of the Korban in a vessel), Holachah (bringing the blood to the Mizbe'ach) and Zerikah (dashing the blood upon the Mizbe'ach).

3)[line 16]áàìéä ùì âãéB'ALYAH SHEL GEDI- [the case is] the tail of a goat [which is not burned on the Mizbe'ach but is eaten]

4)[line 21]åàìå ùòåøåúéäï ëáùøïV'ELU SHE'OROSEIHEN KI'VESARAN- and these are the ones whose hides are [Metam'im] like their flesh (RASHI to Chulin 122a)

5)[line 23]ãøëéê îöèøóD'RACHICH MITZTAREF- since it (the hide of the tail) is soft, it joins [with flesh for the required quantity for Tum'ah]

6)[line 23]ìîùçäL'MASHCHAH- for prestige (Bamidbar 18:8)

7)[line 24]ìâãåìäL'GEDULAH- for greatness

8)[line 30]àéù àáéìéíISH AVILIM- a man from Avilim

9)[line 31]àéù ëôø òéëåñISH KEFAR ICHUS- a man from the village of Ichus

10)[line 32]òåø áéú äôøñåú áäîä ã÷äOR BEIS HA'PERASOS BEHEMAH DAKAH- the hide of the hooves of small animals

11)[line 36]áéú äáåùúBEIS HA'BOSHES- the hide of the genital area of a female animal


12)[line 2]ðåúøNOSAR

(a)Any meat of a Korban which remains after the time within which it may be eaten must be burned (Vayikra 19:6). One who intentionally leaves over any part of a Korban beyond the time when it must be eaten transgresses the prohibition of "Nosar" (leftover) (Vayikra 22:30; see Rambam Hilchos Pesulei ha'Mukdashin 18:9; Sefer ha'Chinuch #142, and Minchas Chinuch).

(b)One who eats at a k'Zayis of Nosar intentionally is liable to the punishment of Kares. If he did so unintentionally, then he must offer a Korban Chatas.

13)[line 7]áæ''áB'ZA''V- an acronym. The Pesul of Chutz li'Zemano shares with Nosar these two characteristics:

1.Zman - it is a time-related disqualification.

2.Bamah - it applies to Korbanos offered on a Bamah (see Background to Avodah Zarah 24:18).

14)[line 9]áî÷ã''ùB'MIKDASH- a mnemonic for the four characteristics that are shared by Korbanos invalidated by a thought of Chutz li'Zemano and those invalidated by a thought of Chutz li'Mekomo.

1.The Mem signifies Machshavah - intent.

2.The Kuf refers to Ketzas - a portion (one has intent to consume a portion of the Korban improperly).

3.The Dalet refers to Dam - blood (both thoughts which invalidate the Korban occur during one of the Avodos that involve the blood).

4.The Shin refers to Shelishi - the third day. In both cases, the second mention in the verse of "the third day" is superfluous since the Torah could have said merely, "If it will be consumed," and it would have been understood that the Torah is referring to the third day, which was mentioned previously.

15)[line 12]"åùøôú àú äðåúø áàù""V'SARAFTA ES HA'NOSAR BA'ESH"- "[And if any flesh or bread of the Milu'im sacrifices is left over until the (following) morning,] you shall burn the remnants in fire, [it shall not be eaten since it is holy]" (Shemos 29:34).

16)[line 15]ã÷øà àøéëàD'KERA ARICHA- that the long verse [refers to Chutz li'Mekomo]

17)[line 23]àëéìú àãíACHILAS ADAM- human consumption. (That is, this verse does not refer to one who actually consumes the meat of a Shelamim beyond its time, but rather to one who intends to consume the offering beyond its time.)

18)[line 24]àëéìú îæáçACHILAS MIZBE'ACH- consumption by the Mizbe'ach (i.e. the throwing the blood or burning the different parts of the Korban on the Mizbe'ach)

19a)[line 25]îôâìéïMEFAGLIN- (a) a Kohen who has intentions of Chutz li'Zemano ("Pigul" - see Background to Zevachim 26:22) when offering a Korban renders the Nesachim that are offered with it prohibited as Pigul as well (RASHI); (b) a Kohen who has intentions of Chutz li'Zemano about the blood of a Korban renders the flesh of the Korban prohibited as Pigul (TOSFOS Zevachim 98a, DH Mah Shelamim).

b)[line 25]åîúôâìéïU'MISPALGIN- (a) and the Korban itself, about which the Kohen had intentions of Chutz li'Zemano, becomes prohibited as Pigul (RASHI); (b) the flesh of the Korban, about which the Kohen had intentions of Chutz li'Zemano, becomes prohibited as Pigul (TOSFOS Zevachim 98a, DH Mah Shelamim).

20)[line 26]ëäøöàú ëùø ëï äøöàú ôñåìK'HARTZA'AS KASHER KEN HARTZA'AS PASUL

(a)A Korban receives the status of Pigul if at least one of the primary four Avodos of the Korban - Shechitah, Kabalah, Holachah, and Zerikah - has been performed with intent to eat the Korban after its allotted time (Machsheves Pigul). Therefore, one will not receive a penalty of Kares for consuming a Korban upon which there was a Machsheves Pigul until after the Zerikas ha'Dam.

(b)This is true, however, only if these four Avodos are otherwise performed properly. If one of these Avodos is performed with Machsheves Pigul while another is performed with a different disqualifying intention (Machsheves Pesul), one who consumes the Korban does not incur the punishment of Kares.

21)[line 29]òã ùé÷øéáå ëì îúéøéåAD SHE'YAKRIVU KOL MATIRAV- [the Korban is incomplete] until all of its Matirin are offered. A "Matir" is any part of a Korban which, when offered, permits a different part (such as the Zerikah of the blood of an animal Korban, which permits the Korban, or the Kometz of a Minchah offering, which permits the Minchah offering).