[81a - 50 lines; 81b - 42 lines]

1)[line 1]שכוסס שעוריםSHE'KOSES SE'ORIM- who chews uncooked grains of barley

2)[line 4]שזפיןSHIZFIN- (O.F. prunes) plums

3)[line 6]דמי עציםDEMEI ETZIM- the value of plums if they are used as firewood

4)[line 18]בהעלם אחדB'HE'ELEM ECHAD

A He'elem is a period of forgetfulness. If a person sins more than once (for example, if he ate two or more k'Zeisim of Chelev) in one He'elem, and later finds out that he has sinned, he only has to bring one Korban Chatas to atone for his sins.

5)[line 20]צירTZIR- fish brine

6)[line 20]מורייסMURYIS- brine, pickle containing fish-hash and sometimes wine


There is a Mitzvas Aseh for a person to extend the laws that pertain to Yom ha'Kipurim both before and after the actual day of Yom ha'Kipurim (Gemara 81b). The time that is added is known as Tosefes Yom ha'Kipurim. One is not Chayav Kares and does not transgress a Lav for violating the laws of Yom ha'Kipurim during this time period. The Gemara is presently clarifying the source for this.

8)[line 28]עיצומו של יוםITZUMO SHEL YOM- on Yom ha'Kipurim itself

9)[line 35]ודין הוא ומה מלאכה שנוהגתV'DIN HU, U'MA MELACHAH SHE'NOHEGES...- (this is the Tana's answer to his question of how we know that there is not Azharah for Tosfos Inuy)

10)[line 39]מופנהMUFNEH- it (the punishment that is written for Melachah) is free (i.e. it is not necessary for the understanding of the simple meaning of the verse or for any other Derashah, so it may be used to infer a Gezeirah Shavah)

11)[line 41]שלא הותר מכללוSHE'LO HUTAR MI'CHLALO- there is no exception to the general prohibition of Inuy; [however, there are exceptions to the general prohibition of Melachah (e.g. it is permitted to offer Korbanos in the Beis ha'Mikdash)]

12)[line 46]לאיי אפנויי מופנהLAI, AFNUYEI MUFNEH- indeed, the word "Etzem" is certainly free (for inferring a Gezeirah Shavah)

13)[line 49]משבת בראשיתMI'SHABBOS BEREISHIS- from Shabbos, which has been sanctified since creation


14)[line 12]מניין? תלמוד לומר תשבתו(YAMIM TOVIM) MINAYIN? TALMUD LOMAR, TISHBESU- (Rav Papa, who argues learns another Halachah from this verse, holds that Tosfos Melachah on Shabbos and Yom Tov is not mid'Oraisa - HAGAHOS RAV ELAZAR MOSHE HOROWITZ)

15)[line 23]כסKAS- if one chewed

16)[line 23]פלפליPILPELEI- peppercorns

17)[line 24]זנגבילאZANGEVILA- ginger

18a)[line 31]ברטיבתאB'RETIVTA- moist

b)[line 32]ביבישתאB'YABESHTA- dry

19)[line 32]הימלתאHIMALTA- (a) (O.F. letuarie) a medicinal porridge made of herbs and spices (such as ginger) mixed with honey (RASHI); (b) ginger (ARUCH)

20)[line 33]מבי הנדואיMI'BEI HINDEVA'EI- from India (Hindeva, or Hindeka, is normally translated as "India," as implied by Midrash Koheles Rabah 2:5 (where we find that exotic spices grew in "Hindiki") and Targum to Megilas Esther 1:1 (where India is referred to as "Hindiya Rabah"). This is indeed the way RASHI translates Hindeva in Avodah Zarah 16a DH b'Farzela. However, TARGUM YONASAN associates Hindeva with "Ethiopia" (see Targum Yonasan to Bereishis 2:11, 10:7, 25:18 and Divrei ha'Yamim I 1:9, where "Chavilah" is translated as "Hindevin" - according to the text of the Aruch, Erech Hinduy, or "Hindeka" according to our texts; Targum Yonasan to Yirmeyah 13:23 where "Kushi" is translated as "Hindeva'ah"; Targum Yonasan to Tzefanyah 3:10 where "Kush" is translated as "Hodu"). This is indeed the way Rashi translates Hindeva in Berachos 36b, Yoma 34b and 81b, and Kidushin 22b. It is possible that both India and a region of Ethiopia were known by the same name (Hindeva in Aramaic, or Hodu in Hebrew), as might be inferred from the Gemara in Megilah 11a.)

21)[line 34]עלי קניםALEI KANIM- (a) leaves of bulrushes; (b) leaves of sugar cane

22)[line 34]לולבי גפניםLULVEI GEFANIM- (O.F. vedile) tendrils; thin edible branches of the grapevine (RASHI Shabbos 81a)

23)[line 35]שלבלבוSHE'LAVLEVU- that sprouted

24)[line 38]חומץCHOMETZ- vinegar

25)[line 39]משיב את הנפשMESHIV ES HA'NEFESH- revive the spirits

26)[line 39]מבירי דנרשMI'BEIRAI D'NARASH- from the town of Beirai that is located near Narash, a town in Bavel

27)[line 40]מזגו ושתו חלאMAZGU V'SHASU CHALA- they diluted vinegar with water and drank it