[55a - 53 lines; 55b - 38 lines]

1)[line 40]בהוייתה תהאB'HAVAYASAH TEHEI- she shall remain as she is (prohibited to her brother-in-law)

2)[line 41]בהעלם אחתB'HE'ELEM ACHAS

(a)A He'elem is a period of forgetfulness. If a person sins repeatedly (for example, if he ate two or more k'Zeisim of Chelev) in one He'elem, and later finds out that he has sinned, he only has to bring one Korban Chatas to atone for his sins. However, if a person sins two different types of sins in one He'elem, he has to bring a separate Korban Chatas for each sin.

(b)The Torah writes in Kedoshim (20:17) that having relations with one's sister is punishable with Kares, a fact that is already known from the general Chiyuv Kares for all of the Arayos in Acharei Mos (Vayikra 18:29). As such, the Kares of Achoso is a "Davar she'Hayah bi'Chlal v'Yatza Min ha'Chlal l'Lamed" (see Background to Yevamos 7:2), one of the thirteen methods that Chazal use for extracting Halachos from the verses of the Torah. The verse teaches that if a person transgresses, b'Shogeg, more than one type of Giluy Arayos in one He'elem (for example, if he lives with his sister and his father's sister), he is Chayav for each of the Arayos a separate Korban Chatas. Two Arayos are considered different types of sins, and not repetitions of the same sin.

3)[line 43]לחלקL'CHALEK- to differentiate between all of the actions so that each one will be Mechayav a separate Korban

4)[line 44]"ערירים יהיו""ARIRIM YIHEYU"- "they shall be childless" (Vayikra 20:21)



(a)According to Rebbi Akiva (Kerisus 11a), a Shifchah Charufah is a woman who is half Shifchah (maidservant) and half free (e.g. she was owned by two partners and freed by one of them) who is Mekudeshes to a Jewish slave. Since she is half Shifchah her Kidushin is not complete, and if a man has relations with her they do not incur the death penalty. Rather, the man brings a Korban "Asham Shifchah Charufah," whether he sinned b'Mezid or b'Shogeg, and the Shifchah is punished with Malkus.

(b)Other Tana'im (ibid.) define Shifchah Charufah as a full-fledged Shifchah who is married to either a Jewish slave (Rebbi Yishmael, see Rashi here) or a gentile slave (Acherim).

6)[line 7]בסוטהB'SOTAH (SOTAH)

(a)A Sotah is a woman who is suspected of committing adultery because she was warned by her husband not to seclude herself with a certain man and she violated the warning. The process of warning her in front of witnesses is called Kinuy. The witnesses who see her seclude herself with the suspected adulterer are called Eidei Setirah. The time of seclusion must be at least for the time that it takes to roast an egg and swallow it. The woman is forbidden to her husband until she drinks Mei Sotah (see (c), below).

(b)The husband must bring his wife to the Beis ha'Mikdash, along with a sacrifice consisting of 1/10 of an Eifah (approx. 2 quarts) of barley meal as a Minchah offering. The Kohen reads Parshas Sotah, the portion of the Torah describing the curses with which a Sotah is cursed, out loud (in any language that the Sotah understands) and makes the Sotah swear that she has been faithful to her husband.

(c)An earthenware jug is then filled with half a Lug of water from the Kiyor, and dirt from the floor of the Azarah is placed on top of the water. Parshas Sotah (that contains numerous appearances of HaSh-m's name) is written on parchment and then immersed in the water, causing the ink to dissolve. The Sotah afterwards drinks from the water. If she was unfaithful to her husband and had been defiled, the water would enter her body and poison her, causing her belly to swell out and her thigh to rupture. If she were faithful to her husband, she would remain unharmed and would become pregnant (Bamidbar 5:11-31). In times when there is no Mei Sotah such as in the present day, she must be divorced and does not receive her Kesuvah.

7)[line 8]למשמש מתL'MESHAMESH MES- without an erection

8)[line 10]משמש מתMESHAMESH MESAH- to have relations with a corpse

9)[line 15]לשקינא להL'SHE'KINEI LAH (SHE'KINEI LAH)

See entry #6, above. Our Gemara explores various cases where the husband's warning not to seclude herself with a certain man came because he suspected them of a specific type of action.

10)[line 17]דרך אבריםDERECH EIVARIM- fondling

11)[line 28]ביאת המירוקBI'AS HA'MIRUK- (a) relations that lead to a discharge (RASHI); (b) complete relations (TOSFOS)

12)[line 32]שקראיSHAKRAI- a liar