SOTAH 13 (20 Nisan) - Today's Daf has been sponsored by Martin Fogel of Carlsbad, California, in memory of his father, Yaakov ben Shlomo Fogel, on the day of his Yahrzeit.

[13a - 56 lines; 13b - 48 lines]

1)[line 5]וטפחהV'TAFCHAH- and he [gently] slapped her

2)[line 8]"ויעל יוסף לקבר את אביו; ויעלו אתו כל עבדי פרעה זקני ביתו, וכל זקני ארץ מצרים. וכל בית יוסף ואחיו ובית אביו...""VA'YA'AL YOSEF LIKBOR ES AVIV, VA'YA'ALU ITO KOL AVDEI FAR'OH, ZIKNEI VEISO, V'CHOL ZIKNEI ERETZ MITZRAYIM. V'CHOL BEIS YOSEF V'ECHAV U'VEIS AVIV..."- "And Yosef went up to bury his father, and with him went up all of the servants of Pharaoh, the elders of his house, and all of the elders of the land of Egypt. And all of the house of Yosef, and his brothers, and his father's house..." (Bereishis 50:7-8).

3)[line 13]"ויבאו עד גורן האטד""VA'YAVO'U AD GOREN HA'ATAD"- "and they came to Goren ha'Atad" (the name of a place; lit. "the Threshing Floor of Thorns") (Bereishis 50:10).

4)[line 15]ובני קטורהBENEI KETURAH- the descendents of Avraham Avinu through his wife Keturah (Bereishis 25:1-5)

5)[line 21]דפיישD'FAYISH- that remains

6)[line 22]זבינתהZEVINTAH- you sold it [to Yakov]

7a)[line 22]בכירותאBECHEIRUSA- the [second, double] portion of the firstborn

b)[line 22]פשיטותאPESHITUSA- the standard portion that all heirs receive (including the firstborn)

8)[line 24]בכרכי היםKERAKEI HA'YAM- fortified port cities

9)[line 25]איגרתאIGARTA- the bill of sale

10)[line 26]דקליל כי איילתאD'KALIL KI AYALTA- who is light, fast as a doe

11)[line 26]"נפתלי אילה שלוחה הנותן אמרי שפר""NAFTALI AYALAH SHELUCHAH, HA'NOSEN IMREI SHAFER"- "Naftali is a doe let loose who delivers beautiful sayings" (Bereishis 49:21).

12)[line 28]ויקירן ליה אודניהV'YAKIRAN LEI UDNEI- (lit. and his ears were heavy) and he was deaf

13)[line 30]שקל קולפאSHAKAL KULFA- he took a club, mace (O.F. macugue)

14)[line 30]מחייה ארישיהMACHYEI A'REISHEI- he (Chushim) hit him (Esav) on his head

15)[line 30]נתרן עיניהNASRAN EINEI- his eyeballs fell out

16)[line 31]ואחיךV'ACHICH- and he smiled

17)[line 32]"ישמח צדיק כי חזה נקם פעמיו ירחץ בדם הרשע""YISMACH TZADIK KI CHAZAH NAKAM; PE'AMAV YIRCHATZ B'DAM HA'RASHA"- "The righteous one will be happy when he sees revenge; he will wash his feet in the blood of the wicked one" (Tehilim 58:11).

18)[line 33]"למה אשכל גם שניכם יום אחד""LAMAH ESHKAL GAM SHENEICHEM YOM ECHAD"- "Why should I be bereaved of both of you in one day?" (Bereishis 27:45).

19)[line 37]בביזהBIZAH- the booty [washed up from the Egyptians who drowned at Yam Suf]

20)[line 38]"חכם לב יקח מצות [ואויל שפתים ילבט]""CHACHAM LEV YIKACH MITZVOS, [VE'EVIL SEFASAYIM YILAVET]"- "The wise of heart will seize Mitzvos, [but the foolish one's lips will become weary]" (Mishlei 10:8) - The lips of the foolish one become weary talking about the Mitzvos that he will do; ultimately he does nothing (METZUDAS DAVID ibid.).

21)[line 44]ויצףV'TZAF- and floated

22)[line 45]"ויהי האחד מפיל הקורה ואת הברזל נפל אל המים [ויצעק ויאמר] אהא אדני והוא שאול. ויאמר איש הא-לקים אנה נפל ויראהו את המקום ויקצב עץ וישלך שמה ויצף הברזל""VA'YEHI HA'ECHAD MAPIL HA'KORAH V'ES HA'BARZEL NAFAL EL HA'MAYIM; [VA'YITZ'AK VA'YOMER,] 'AHAH, ADONI, V'HU SHA'UL!' VA'YOMER ISH HA'E-LOKIM, 'ANAH NAFAL?' VA'YAR'EHU ES HA'MAKOM, VA'YIKTZAV ETZ, VA'YASHLECH SHAMAH VA'YATZEF HA'BARZEL"- "It happened as one of them was felling a [tree to serve as a] beam that the iron [axe-head that he was using] fell into the water. [He cried out and said,] 'Woe, my master, it is borrowed (and I do not have the money to pay for it)!' The man of G-d asked him, 'Where did it fall?' and he showed him the place. He (Elisha) then cut a piece of wood and threw it there, and the iron [axe-head] floated up" (Melachim II 6:5-6).

23)[line 49]בקברניטKEVARNIT- a cavern for the burial of the dead

24)[line 53]נזדעזעNIZDA'AZE'A- shook, trembled


25)[line 17]שהנהיג עצמו ברבנותSHE'HINHIG ATZMO B'RABANUS- he behaved like a leader

26)[line 20]ופירעוU'FEIR'O- and he castrated him

27)[line 21]"רב לך""RAV LACH"- "... And HaSh-m said to me, 'Let it suffice you; [speak no more to Me of this matter!']" (Devarim 3:26) - This verse was HaSh-m's answer to Moshe Rabeinu's request to be permitted to enter Eretz Yisrael.

28)[line 22]"רב לכם""RAV LACHEM"- "... you take too much upon yourselves, you sons of Levi" (Bamidbar 16:7) - This verse was Moshe Rabeinu's castigation of Korach when he started a rebellion against Moshe and Aharon in the desert.

29)[line 23]סרבןSARVAN- one who refuses [to accept the decree of HaSh-m]

30)[line 24]לפום גמלא שיחנאL'FUM GAMLA SHICHANA- according to [the strength of] the camel is its burden; i.e. since Moshe Rabeinu was an extraordinary Tzadik, HaSh-m was very strict with him

31)[line 28]לא נס ליחהLO NAS LEICHO- his "moisture" (i.e. vigor) had not left him

32)[line 32]שבת של דיו זוגי היתהSHABBOS SHEL DEYU ZUGI HAYESAH- it was a Shabbos of two leaders (lit. two pairs). At the onset, Moshe Rabeinu was the leader, but the office was taken from him and given to Yehoshua.

33)[line 36]"וירא ראשית לו כי שם חלקת מחקק ספון""VA'YAR REISHIS LO KI SHAM CHELKAS MECHOKEK SAFUN..."- "He chose the first part for himself, because that is where the portion of the lawgiver was hidden..." (Devarim 33:21).

34)[line 37]ארבעה מיליןARBA'AH MILIN- four Milin (1 Mil = 2,000 Amos = approximately 960 or 1152 meters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions)

35)[line 40]"מי יקום לי עם מרעים מי יתיצב לי עם פועלי און""MI YAKUM LI IM MERE'IM; MI YISYATZEV LI IM PO'ALEI AVEN?"- "Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for me against the evildoers?" (Tehilim 94:15) - The Gemara attributes this verse to HaSh-m.

36)[line 41]"מי כהחכם ומי יודע פשר דבר; חכמת אדם תאיר פניו ועז פניו ישנא""MI KEHE'CHACHAM U'MI YODE'A PESHER DAVAR? CHOCHMAS ADAM TA'IR PANAV V'OZ PANAV YESHUNE"- "Who is like the wise man? And who knows the meaning of a matter? A man's wisdom makes his face shine, and the boldness of his face is changed" (Koheles 8:1).

37)[line 42]ורב נחמן אמרV'RAV NACHMAN AMAR- Rav Nachman said that HaSh-m dictated the last eight verses of the Torah to impress upon the world the great loss that Moshe's death caused to his generation (MAHARSHA)

38)[line 47]"ויקבר אותו בגיא בארץ מואב""VA'YIKBOR OSO BA'GAI B'ERETZ MOAV..."- "And He buried him in the depression in the land of Moav..." (Devarim 34:6).

39)[last line]מלכות הרשעהMALCHUS HA'RESHA'AH- the wicked kingdom, Rome