[157a - 58 lines; 157b - 10 lines]

1)[line 4]ערימת התבןAREIMAS HA'TEVEN- a pile of straw

2a)[line 5]ארזיARZEI- male cedars

b)[line 5]אשוחיASHUCHEI- (a) female cedars (RASHI); (b) cypresses (ARUCH); (c) fir trees (ARUCH)

3)[line 5]מוקצה מחמת חסרון כיסMUKTZAH MACHMAS CHISARON KIS

(a)MUKTZAH - see Background to Shabbos 156:49.

(b)MUKTZAH MACHMAS CHISARON KIS describes items that are easily ruined that a person sets aside not to be used except for their specific purpose. Included in this category are expensive items or tools of a trade. For such items, a person generally designates a place for them to remain throughout Shabbos.

4)[line 7]המדבריותHA'MIDBARIYOS- pasture animals

5)[line 8]הבייתותHA'BAYASOS- domestic animals

6)[line 14]ממוקצה מחמת מיאוסMUKTZAH MACHMAS MI'US

(a)MUKTZAH - see Background to Shabbos 156:49.

(b)MUKTZAH MACHMAS MI'US describes objects that are so disgusting (Mi'us) that people generally do not use them for their original use. Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Shimon argue as to their status on Shabbos. Rebbi Yehudah prohibits moving them while Rebbi Shimon permits moving and using them on Shabbos (since they can be used for some secondary minor purpose, such as covering a barrel).

7)[line 20]ממסר הגדולMASAR HA'GADOL- a large saw (used for cutting beams)

8)[line 20]ויתד של מחרישהYASED SHEL MACHAREISHAH- the spike of a plow (used for making furrows)

9)[line 21]מפירין נדריםMEFIRIN NEDARIM (HAFARAS NEDARIM)

(a)A man has the right to annul certain vows of his wife and his young daughter, as the Torah states in Bamidbar 30:6, 9, 13-14. He accomplishes this by stating, on the day that he hears the vow, "Mufar Lach" ("[the vow] is annulled for you"). There is an argument among the Tana'im whether the vow must be annulled before nightfall on the day the husband/father heard it, or before 24 hours pass from when he heard it (Nedarim 77a); the former is the Halachic opinion.

(b)A father may annul his daughter's vows while she is young, starting from the age at which her vows are valid (eleven years old) until she becomes a Bogeres (six months after she becomes a Na'arah by growing two pubic hairs). If the father marries her off before she becomes a Bogeres, during the period of Eirusin both the father and the husband, or "Arus," must annul the vows in order for the annulment to be effective. After the consummation of the marriage through Nisu'in, the husband may annul the vows by himself. The father no longer has rights over her vows after her marriage, even if she is divorced before becoming a Bogeres. Nobody may annul the vows of an unmarried mature woman. (She must have them revoked by a Beis Din; see next entry.)

10)[line 21]נשאלין לנדריםNISH'ALIN L'NEDARIM (HATARAS NEDARIM)

(a)When an adult makes a Neder (or designates Chalah, Terumah, or Kodshim) or Nezirus, and he regrets having made the Neder, he may have it revoked by a Beis Din of three (if they are not outstanding authorities) or a Yachid Mumcheh (an outstanding authority). The general method used is that Beis Din investigates whether the person would not have made the Neder in the first place had he been aware of a particular fact. This investigation provides the person with a "Pesach" (opening) with which the Beis Din can revoke the Neder.

(b)There is a Machlokes Rishonim as to the status of a Yachid Mumcheh. The RAN rules that he must be an outstanding Torah authority well versed in the laws of Nedarim. Others rule that in addition to the previous, the scholar must also have Semichah (RAMBAN, cited by the Ran in Nedarim 23a).

11)[line 22]פוקקין את המאורPOKEKIN ES HA'MA'OR- it is permitted to seal a skylight

12)[line 23]מודדין את המטליתMODEDIN ES HA'MATLIS- it is permitted to measure a cloth which first touched a dead Sheretz and then came in contact with Taharos, to determine whether it is at least three Etzba'os by three Etzba'os and was therefore Tamei and was Metamei the Taharos

13)[line 26]טפיחTAFI'ACH- a small earthenware pitcher used for drawing water from a well or spring

14)[line 26]המקידהHA'MEKEIDAH- a type of earthenware vessel

15)[line 27]גמיGEMI- a reed or bulrush

16)[line 27]גיגיתGIGIS- a barrel

17)[line 39]מעת לעתME'ES L'ES- for a period of 24 hours

18)[line 55]אזדקיקו ליה רבנןIZDEKIKU LEI RABANAN- the Chachamim attended [to his vow]

19)[last line]הילקטי קטנהHILKETI KETANAH- a small path between two houses. See Insights


20)[line 6]אוונא דמיאAVNA D'MAYA- a bathtub of water

21)[line 7]קא משח ליהKA MASHACH LEI- he was measuring it