[119a - 47 lines; 119b - 56 lines]

1)[line 2]לא מזיגנאLO MAZIGNA- I do not lay

2)[line 7]אפניא דמעלי שבתאA'PANYA D'MA'ALEI SHABATA- towards evening of Erev Shabbos

3)[line 8]לביש מאניהLAVISH MANEI- donned his fine clothing

4)[line 10]תלת סאוי טחייTLAS SAVEI TECHAYEI- three Se'ah of [wafers] coated [with oil and honey]

5)[line 11]אסתירי פשיטיISTIREI PESHITEI- silver coins; the "common" (provincial) Sela, which is equal to 1/8 of the Sela Tzori, or half a Zuz

6)[line 12]משלים להו אצינורא דדשאMASHLIM LEHU A'TZINORA D'DASHA- (a) he deposited [the meat from the first shop] at the doorway [of his house] (so that he could return quickly to bring home the meat from the other shops), i.e. he did not even take the time to enter his house; (b) [even before the meat was delivered], he paid [the butchers] at their doors (i.e. he sent them payment for their bill)

7)[line 12]אשור הייאASHUR HAYA- (a) make haste!; prepare this meat quickly while I go to get the rest of the meat for Shabbos; (b) go on with your work quickly, so that you can return home and prepare for Shabbos!

8)[line 13]אתכתקא דשינאA'TACHTAKA D'SHEINA- (O.F. faldestol) on a folding seat made of ivory [Rashi also quotes the Girsa of Rabeinu Levi: D'SHAGA - of teak]

9)[line 13]ומושיף נוראU'MOSHIF NURA- and would fan the fire

10)[line 14]גונדאGUNDA- the name of a domestic overall used at work for the protection of one's clothes

11)[line 15]מחריך רישאMACHRICH REISHA- would scorch the head of an animal or burn off its hair, to prepare it for Shabbos

12)[line 15]מלח שיבוטאMALACH SHIBUTA- would salt a fish called Shibuta (possibly the mullet)

13)[line 16]גדיל פתילתאGADIL PESILTA- would twist wicks

14)[line 16]פרים סילקאPARIM SILKA- would mince beets

15)[line 17]מצלחי ציביMATZLECHEI TZIVEI- would chop wood into little pieces

16)[line 17]מצתת צתותיMETZATES TZETUSEI- would kindle the wood

17)[line 17]מכתף ועייל מכתף ונפיקMECHATEF V'AYIL MECHATEF V'NAFIK- would carry [burdens] on his shoulders in and out of his house

18)[line 18]מקלעין ליMEKAL'IN LI- I am visited by

19)[line 20]מוקיר שבי הוהMOKIR SHABEI HAVAH- was one who honored Shabbos

20)[line 21]כלדאיKALDA'EI- astrologers

21)[line 22]סייניהSAINEI- his hat

22)[line 23]אפרחיה זיקאAFRECHEI ZIKA- the wind blew it off

23)[line 24]מאן זבין כי השתאMAN ZAVIN KI HASHTA- who would buy it at this time?

24)[line 26]עיליתא דדינרי דדהבאILYASA D'DINREI D'DAHAVA- lofts full of golden coins (an exaggeration), i.e. a huge sum of money

25a)[line 26]דיזיף שבתאD'YAZIF SHABATA- that loans to Shabbos (by making expenditures for Shabbos)

b)[line 27]פרעיה שבתאPAR'EI SHABATA- Shabbos pays him back

26a)[line 33]קיתוניותKITONIYOS- flasks

b)[line 33]צלוחיותTZELOCHIYOS- bottles with a wide belly and a narrow neck

27)[line 36]קצבKATZAV- a butcher

28)[line 38]ריחו נודףREICHO NODEF- has such an appetizing smell (lit. its odor wafts)

29)[line 43]"[אם תשיב משבת רגלך עשות חפצך ביום קדשי וקראת לשבת ענג] לקדוש ה' מכובד וכבדתו [מעשות דרכיך ממצוא חפצך ודבר דבר]""[IM TASHIV MI'SHABBOS RAGLECHA, ASOS CHEFTZECHA B'YOM KODSHI, V'KARASA LA'SHABBOS ONEG,] LI'KEDOSH HASH-M MECHUBAD, V'CHIBADTO [ME'ASOS DERACHECHA, MI'METZO CHEFTZECHA V'DABER DAVAR.]" - "[If you will restrain your foot because it is Shabbos, refrain from accomplishing your own needs on My holy day; if you will proclaim the Shabbos a pleasure,] the holy day of HaSh-m an honor; if you will honor it [by not engaging in your own affairs, by not indulging in your own affairs and discussing matters that are forbidden (on Shabbos).]" (Yeshayah 58:13) (SHABBOS, THE KEY TO TESHUVAH)

See Background to Shabbos 113:21.

30)[line 44]במאי נישנייה?B'MAI NISHANYEI?- with what can we make it different from the weekdays?

31)[line 46]קיטאKAITA- the summer

b)[line 46]סיתואSISVA- the winter


32)[line 1]זוזיZUZEI- pairs

33)[line 23]חמיןCHAMIN- hot water

34)[line 23]מלוגמאMELUGMA- a remedy

35)[line 24]עיגלא תילתאIGLA TILTA- a third-grown calf (i.e. that has reached one-third of its full growth and is particularly tasty); alt. a calf which is a cow's third offspring which is well developed and fat

36)[line 25]כולייתאKULYESA- a kidney

37)[line 26]נשבוק כולייתא ממעלי שבתאNISHBOK KULYESA MI'MA'ALEI SHABATA- leave over a kidney from the calf that is slaughtered on Erev Shabbos

38)[line 26]כל העונה אמןKOL HA'ONEH AMEN- this statement is brought here because it deals with an action for which the person receives atonement even for the sin of idol worship, as explained below, and is similar in this respect to the Sugya above that deals with keeping Shabbos

39)[line 27]"בפרוע פרעות ...""BI'FRO'A PERA'OS ..."- "In times of tumultuous strife in Yisrael, when the people willingly offered themselves; praise the Lord!" (Shoftim 5:2) - The Gemara retranslates this verse homilletically as, "Strife and hardship is canceled in Yisrael because the people willingly praise the Lord."

40)[line 31]קל מלך נאמןKEL MELECH NE'EMAN- the Power who is a Faithful King

41)[line 35]"... ומשבתותי העלימו עיניהם""… UMI'SHABSOSAI HE'ELIMU EINEIHEM"- "... and they have hidden their eyes from My Shabbosos, and I am profaned among them." (Yechezkel 22:26)

42)[line 36]"והיה כנור ...""V'HAYAH KINOR ..."- "And the lyre, and the lute, and the tambourine, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts; but they do not regard the work of HaSh-m..." (Yeshayah 5:12) - By reciting Keri'as Shema, a person accepts upon himself the authority of HaSh-m, and consequently will regard His work in the world. Disregarding the work of HaSh-m can have devastating effects.

43)[line 41]שהושוו קטן וגדולSHE'HUSHVU KATAN V'GADOL- people of virtue were not respected any more than low individuals

44)[line 43]אילAYIL- a ram

45)[line 44]כבשו פניהםKAVSHU PENEIHEM- hid their faces

46)[line 49]הבלHEVEL- heat

47)[line 53]"שוטטו בחוצות ...""SHOTETU BA'CHUTZOS ..."- "Run to and fro through the streets of Yerushalayim, and see now, and know, and seek in its broad places, if you can find a man, if there is anyone that does justice, that seeks the truth; and I will pardon it." (Yirmeyahu 5:1)

48)[line 55]"כי יתפש ...""KI YISPOS ..."- "When a man shall take hold of his brother of the house of his father, saying, 'You have clothing, be our ruler; and let this ruin be under your hand.'" (Yeshayah 3:6)

49)[last line]דברים שבני אדם מתכסין בהן כשמלהDEVARIM SHE'BNEI ADAM MISKASIN BAHEN K'SIMLAH- words which cause people to hide themselves in their garments when they are asked if they know them