[59a - 25 lines; 59b - 47 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 59b [line 36]:

The words "Amar Rav Yehudah Amar Rav Shmuel" אמר רב יהודה אמר רב שמואל

should be "Amar Rav Yehudah Amar Rav Sheshes" אמר רב יהודה אמר רב ששת

This is the Girsa of Rabeinu Chananel, Rif, Rashba and other Rishonim. It is also the Girsa of Dikdukei Sofrim #4. (The Girsa was changed according to the emendation of the Maharshal; however, the Girsa in the Maharshal was then changed to read "Rav Sheshes," and not "Rav Shmuel," in accordance with all of the above Rishonim.)

[2] Gemara 59b [line 44]:

The words "v'Amar Rebbi Zeira Lo Kashya" ואמר רבי זירא לא קשיא

should be "Amar Rebbi Zeira Lo Kashya" אמר רבי זירא לא קשיא

This is the Girsa of the Warsaw edition of the Shas and all other editions, except for the Vilna edition.

[3] Rashi 59b DH a'Avnet Shel Melachim ד"ה אאבנט של מלכים:

The words "Bnei Melachim Re'uyim Lo" בני מלכים ראוים לו

should be "Bnei Melachim u'Re'uyim Lo" בני מלכים וראוים לו

(This is the Girsa of Rashi on the Rif.)


1)[line 1]להקישוL'HAKISHO- to bang it (producing a sound)

2)[line 4]לגמע בו מים לתינוקL'GAME'A BO MAYIM L'TINOK- to give a child water to sip from it

3)[line 6]"אשר ישב עליו""ASHER YESHEV ALAV" - "that [the Zav] shall sit on" (Vayikra 15:4) (MIDRAS HA'ZAV)

(a)A Zav, whether he sees Zov two or three times, is an Av ha'Tum'ah. He can cause objects that are under him to become Avos ha'Tum'ah whether he touches them or not. The objects becomes Tamei Midras (lit. an object that is treaded upon), otherwise known as Mishkav or Moshav ha'Zav (or the Tachton, of a Zav). Any object (besides earthenware utensils and foods) may become a Mishkav or Moshav if it was made for lying or sitting upon.

(b)A person who is touching or carrying a Mishkav or Moshav is Metamei the clothes he is wearing and other utensils (except for earthenware utensils) that he may be touching. These items get the status of Rishon l'Tum'ah.

(c)Utensils or clothes which lie above the Zav also get the status of a Rishon l'Tum'ah, whether he touches them or not. These are called the Elyon of a Zav.

4)[line 6]כפהKAFAH- he turned over

5a)[line 6]סאהSE'AH - a container used for measuring a Se'ah

1 Se'ah = 6 Kavim

1 Kav = 4 Lugim

1 Log = 6 Beitzim

b)[line 7]תרקבTARKAV- a container used for measuring 3 Kavim (half of a Se'ah)

6)[line 11]ואין אומרים בטמא מת עמוד ונעשה מלאכתנוV'EIN OMRIM B'TAMEI MES, AMOD V'NA'ASEH MELACHTENU- We do not require a broken Keli to serve a purpose similar to its original purpose, in order for it to be Mekabel Tum'ah. (That is, even if, when broken, it is used for an entirely new purpose, it is still Tamei. See Insights.)

7)[line 14]איפוך קמייתאEIFUCH KAMAISA- switch the names of the Amora'im in the first Beraisa so that Rebbi Yochanan is the one who says that the object must still serve the purpose of a bell

8)[line 14]סנדל של בהמהSANDAL SHEL BEHEMAH- a animal's shoe (which is in the form of a receptacle for the animal's foot, unlike the horseshoes in our time)

9)[line 18]הקרבHA'KERAV- battle

10a)[line 19]קוציןKOTZIN- thorns

b)[line 19]הברקניםHA'BARKANIM- thistles

11)[line 20]דמאיסD'MA'IS- if it is dirty and disgusting to drink from

12)[line 21]דיקירD'YAKIR- if it is heavy


13)[line 10]כלילאKELILA- tiara, a decorative half-crown that a bride wears

14)[line 11]דאניסכאD'ANISKA- [a Kelila] made of cast metal

15)[line 12]דארוקתאD'ARUKTA- [a Kelila] made of a cloth band decorated with gold and precious stones

16)[line 21]אריכאARICHA- tall

17)[line 21]מטלעMATLA- and lame

18)[line 24]ברישאB'REISHA- at the head of the Yeshiva

19)[line 25]למיתב גביהL'MEISAV GABEI- to sit and learn with him

20)[line 30]מיכף הוה כייף ליהMEIKAF HAVAH KAYIF LEI- he was subordinate to him

21)[line 32]קא ניחא נפשיה דרביKA NAICHA NAFSHEI D'REBBI- when Rebbi passed away

22)[line 34]"ותגזר אומר...""V'SIGZAR OMER..."- "You shall also decree a thing and it shall be established for you, and the light shall shine upon your ways" (Iyov 22:28) - Elifaz ha'Teimani tells Iyov that if a person is righteous, he will have the opportunity to have all that he decrees come about. Chazal learn that this applies to all true Tzadikim.

23)[line 37]חדא מבואהCHADA MAVO'AH- one alleyway

24)[line 38]קמראKAMRA- an ornamental belt

25)[line 38]דארוקתאD'ARUKTA- [a Kamra] made of a cloth band decorated with gold and precious stones

26)[line 39]דאניסכאD'ANISKA- [a Kamra] made of cast metal

27)[line 40]עילוי המיינאILUYEI HEMYANA- on top of a belt

28)[line 41]רסוקאRISUKA- a wide cloak

29)[line 41]מפרחייתאMAFRACHYASA- (O.F. pendanz) strings to fasten a cloak

30)[line 42]נזמי האףNIZMEI HA'AF- nose-rings

31)[line 44]קטלאותKATLA'OS- chokers

32)[line 47]אלמוגALMOG- coral

33)[last line]עולOL- a yoke

34)[last line]סמלוניוSIMLONAV- pegs that are placed in a yoke at a distance of the width of the ox's neck. The yokes used at the time were straight beams, with pegs to keep them from slipping.