[32a - 39 lines; 32b - 49 lines]

1)[line 5]נפל תוראNAFAL TORA- if an ox falls to the ground

2)[line 6]חדד לסכינאCHADED L'SAKINA- sharpen the knife

3)[line 6]תפיש תירוס אמתאTAFISH TIROS AMSA- when the offenses of the maidservant increase

4)[line 7]בחד מחטרא ליהויB'CHAD MECHATRA LEHEVEI- one beating will take care of all of them (O.F. batedure, act of striking)

5)[line 8]שבקיה לרויאSHAVKEI L'RAVYA- leave a drunk alone

6)[line 8]מנפשיה נפילMI'NAFSHEI NAFIL- because he will fall on his own

7)[line 9]רעיא חגראRA'AYA CHAGRA- a lame shepherd

8)[line 9]עיזי ריהטןIZEI RIHATAN- and light-footed goats that run away from him

9)[line 9]אבב חוטרא מיליA'BAV CHUTRA MILEI- by the gate of the corral he will lash out at them

10)[line 10]אבי דרי חושבנאA'BEI DAREI CHUSHBENA- by the gate of the pen he will settle his accounts with them

11)[line 10]אבב חנואתאA'BAV CHENVASA- by the door of shops

12)[line 11]נפישי אחי ומרחמיNEFISHEI ACHEI U'MERACHAMEI- there are many brothers and friends

13)[line 11]אבב בזיוניA'BAV BIZYUNEI- at the gate of prisons

14)[line 11]גברי היכא מיבדקי?GAVREI HEICHA MIVDEKEI?- when are the actions of men checked?

15)[line 13]מבראMAVRA- a ferry

16)[line 13]מיפקיד ליה דינא עליהMIFKID LEI DINA ALEI- the Nochri will be judged for his sins

17)[line 15]בתרי אומיB'TREI UMEI- over two nations

18)[line 15]בדיקBADIK- check the boat

19)[line 17]מנכיןMENAKIN- they deduct

20)[line 18]יומא דשותאYOMA D'SHUSA- on a day with a very strong southern wind

21)[line 20]"כי יפול הנופל ממנו""KI YIPOL HA'NOFEL MIMENU"- "[When you build a new house, you must make a guardrail for your roof...] because the falling person will fall from it." (Devarim 22:8)

22)[line 23]מגלגלין זכות על ידי זכאי וחובה על ידי חייבMEGALGELIN ZECHUS AL YEDEI ZAKAI V'CHOVAH AL YEDEI CHAYAV- that a meritorious act is brought about by Heaven through a meritorious person and an iniquitous act through a guilty person

23)[line 24]התודהHISVADEH- confess

24)[line 25]סרדיוטSERADYOT- Roman or Greek officer

25)[line 25]קולרKOLAR- with a [Roman] prisoner's band or chain around the neck

26)[line 25]עלה למטה ונפלALAH LA'MITAH V'NAFAL- if he went to bed and fell sick

27)[line 26]גרדוםGARDOM- [Roman] executioner's scaffold

28)[line 27]פרקליטין גדוליםPERAKLITIN GEDOLIM- advocates, defenders

29)[line 29]"אם יש עליו... מרדת שחת מצאתי כפר""IM YESH ALAV... ME'REDES SHACHAS, MATZASI CHOFER"- "If he has an angel who defends him, one among a thousand, to declare his righteousness. Then He is gracious to him, and says, 'Deliver him from going down to the pit of destruction; I have found a ransom'" (Iyov 33:23-24) - The phrase, "One among a thousand," can refer to one angel among one thousand angels or one plea out of one thousand claims of one angel.

30)[line 35]ארנאARNA- "the chest"

31)[line 36]בית עםBEIS AM- meeting house of the people

32)[line 37]בדקי מיתהBIDKEI MISAH- Three actions of a woman are checked when her life is in danger. If she is found lacking in the laws of Nidah, Chalah, or lighting Shabbos candles, she may die.

33)[line 38]דבקי מיתהDIVKEI MISAH- Three actions of a woman which bring death upon (lit. attach death to) her before her time.

34)[last line]הלכות... תרומותHILCHOS... TERUMOS- (The word Terumos includes Chalah, which is why this statement is mentioned in our Sugya. See Rashi.)


35)[line 5]"אל תתן את פיך לחטיא...""AL TITEN ES PICHA LA'CHATI..."- "Do not let your mouth bring sin upon your flesh (your sons), and do not say before the messenger (the treasurer of Hekdesh) that it was a mistake; why should the Almighty be angry at your voice (your vow) and destroy the work of your hands?" (Koheles 5:5)

36)[line 13]"לשוא הכיתי את בניכם? מוסר לא לקחו""LA'SHAV HIKEISI ES BENEICHEM? MUSAR LO LAKACHU"- "Have I smitten your sons for no reason? [It is because] you did not learn discipline (the ways of the Torah)." (Yirmeyahu 2:30, according to Rashi and Metzudas David ibid.)

37)[line 27]"גם בכנפיך נמצאו דם נפשות אביונים נקיים""GAM BI'CHNAFAYICH NIMTZE'U, DAM NAFSHOS EVYONIM NEKIYIM"- "Also because of the corners of your garments (upon which you did not put Tzitzis), the blood of the innocent poor (young children) was found among you." (Yirmeyahu 2:34)

38)[line 29]עשו פתחים כמחתרתASU PESACHIM K'MACHTERES- they made their doorways like tunnels (which are exempt from the Mitzvah of Mezuzah since they do not have door-frames), even though the doorways had door-frames

39)[line 32]סימן שנא חלה תרומה נגזלת דינא שבועה שיפוכתא גילויא ונבלותאSIMAN SANEI CHALAH TERUMAH NIGZELES DINA SHEVU'AH SHIFUCHTA GILUYA V'NAVLUSA- This Siman (sign) is a memory device which hints at the next nine Sugyos that appear in the Gemara, regarding various sins and their consequences as recorded in the Torah.

1 ."SANEI" refers to "Sin'as Chinam" on line 33.

2."CHALAH" is on line 35.

3."TERUMAH" refers to "Bitul Terumos u'Ma'asros" on line 40.

4."NIGZELES" refers to "Gezel" on line 47.

5."DINA" refers to "Inuy ha'Din, v'Ivus ha'Din, v'Kilkul ha'Din, u'Vitul Torah," on Daf 33a line 5.

6."SHEVU'AH" refers to "Shevu'as Shav, u'Shevu'as Sheker, v'Chilul HaSh-m, v'Chilul Shabbos," on Daf 33a line 9.

7."SHIFUCHTA" refers to "Shefichus Damim" on Daf 33a line 15.

8."GILUYA" refers to "Giluy Arayos" on Daf 33a line 18.

9."NAVLUSA" refers to "Navlus ha'Peh" on Daf 33a line 24.

40)[line 34]מפלת נפליםMAPELES NEFALIM- miscarries

41)[line 35]מכונסMECHUNAS- storehouses of wine and oil

42)[line 35]מארה משתלחת בשעריםME'ERAH MISHTALACHAS B'SHE'ARIM- and the prices of wine and oil will go up (lit. a curse will be sent in the price rates)

43)[line 36]"אף אני...""AF ANI..."- "Even I will do the same to you; I will diminish you with feelings of sudden terror, along with consumption and fever, destroying your outlook and making life hopeless. You will plant your crop in vain, because your enemies will eat it" (Vayikra 26:16) - "I will diminish you" refers to the depletion of the storehouses of wine and oil. "Behalah" (feelings of sudden terror) is read "b'Chalah" - because of the sin of not separating Chalah or not giving it to the Kohen. "Destroying your outlook and making life hopeless" refers to the price rates of produce, which will be hit with run-away inflation.

44)[line 40]היוקר הוהHA'YOKER HAVAH- scarcity is permanent

45)[line 41]"ציה גם חום יגזלו מימי שלג שאול חטאו""TZIYAH GAM CHOM YIGZELU MEIMEI SHELEG, SHE'OL CHATA'U"- lit., "Drought and heat consume the snow waters; so does Gehinom consume those who have sinned" (Iyov 24:19); allegorically, "The commandments (Tziyah is related to Tzivuy, commandment) which apply when it is hot (Terumos and Ma'asros, which were not observed), steal the snow waters..."

46)[line 44]"הביאו את כל המעשר...""HAVI'U ES KOL HA'MA'ASER..."- "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so that there may be food in My house, and please test Me with it... if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and pour out for you blessing with no end." (Malachi 3:10)

47)[line 46]עד שיבלו שפתותיכם מלומר דיAD SHE'YIVLU SIFSOSEICHEM MI'LOMAR DAI- until your lips will wear out and weary from saying "enough"

48)[line 47]הגובאיHA'GOVAI- locusts

49)[line 48]"שמעו הדבר הזה פרות הבשן אשר בהר שומרון העושקות דלים הרוצצות אביונים""SHIM'U HA'DAVAR HA'ZEH PAROS HA'BASHAN ASHER B'HAR SHOMRON, HA'OSHKOS DALIM, HA'ROTZETZOS EVYONIM"- "Hear this word, you cows of Bashan, that are in the mountain of Shomron, who oppress the poor, who crush the needy" (Amos 4:1) - The "cows of Bashan" refer to: (a) the fat, wealthy upper class (TARGUM YONASAN); (b) the fat wives of government officials (RASHI)

50)[last line]נשי דמחוזאNASHEI D'MECHOZA- women of Mechoza