PESACHIM 27 (3 Teves 5781) - Dedicated l'Iluy Nishas Leib ben Meier ha'Kohen Ehrmann, on his 1st Yahrzeit. Sponsored by his nephew, Ze'ev Rosenbaum.


THE CORRECT WAY TO DESTROY CHAMETZ (Cont'd) (Yerushalmi Halachah 1 Daf 12a)

תני עד שלא הגיע זמן ביעורו את מבערו בכל דבר. [דף יב עמוד ב] משהגיע זמן ביעורו את מבערו בשריפה. ואתיא כרבי יודה


Beraisa #1: Before the time of bi'ur arrives, one may destroy it in any way. Once the time of bi'ur arrives (that it becomes obligatory to destroy it), it must be destroyed through burning. This follows the opinion of R' Yehudah.

אית תניי תני עד שלא הגיע זמן ביעורו את מבערו בשריפה. משהגיע זמן ביעורו את מבערו בכל דבר ואתיא כרבנין


Beraisa #2: Before the time of bi'ur arrives, one must destroy it through burning. Once the time of bi'ur has arrived, one may destroy it in any way (rather than be limited in the way one may burn it, thereby possibly causing someone not to destroy it (see earlier 25-2(b)). This follows the opinion of Rabanan (Chachamim).

[דף טו עמוד א (עוז והדר)] ר' אומר תשביתו שאור מבתיכם דבר שהוא בל יראה ובל ימצא ואי זה זה בשריפה


Beraisa (Rebbi): "Destroy Se'or from your houses'' - in a way that prevents Bal Yera'eh and bal yematzei (the Chametz being visible/found) - this is achieved through burning.

רבי ירמיה בעי פטר חמור שהמית במה הוא מיתתו בעריפה או בסקילה


Query (R' Yirmiyah): If a firstborn donkey killed a person, how is it put to death - by breaking its neck or by stoning? (Any other animal that killed a person is stoned. On the other hand, if the owner of a firstborn donkey does not wish to redeem it, its neck is broken. It is unclear which of these deaths should be applied to the donkey that killed - should it be treated with the more stringent death of stoning because of the act that it did?)

רבי בנימין בר לוי שאל חלות תודה שנעשו נותר


Query (R' Binyamin bar Levi): (According to the Rabanan) Loaves of a Todah offering that became nosar (they were not eaten before their prescribed time limit)(How are they destroyed on Erev Pesach after the time of bi'ur - through burning like all other nosar, or in any way like all other Chametz?)

נימא אם נעשו נותר עד שלא הגיע זמן ביעורן את מבערן בכל דבר. משהגיע זמן ביעורן את מבערן בשריפה


Answer: If it became nosar before the time of bi'ur (that the mitzvah of burning nosar had already come), it is destroyed through burning; if it was after the time of bi'ur (that the mitzvah of destroying had already come), it is destroyed in any way. (Note: This sentence follows the text of the Korban ha'Edah).