PESACHIM 6-10 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the sixth Yahrzeit of her father, Reb Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rebbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study, which was so important to him, during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.

[8a - 46 lines; 8b - 43 lines]

1)[line 8]שהעורביןORVIN- ravens

2)[line 9]באכסדרהACHSADRAH- an area that is covered by a roof and has no Mechitzos (RASHI Eruvin 90b DH Achsadrah b'Vik'ah); an area that is covered by a roof and is enclosed on three of its sides (TOSFOS Eruvin 25a DH Achsadrah b'Vik'ah). Sunlight streams in through the open sides.

3)[line 10]לארובה דבחדרARUBAH DEB'CHEDER- a skylight in a room

4)[line 11]לבהדי ארובהLEB'HADI ARUBAH- opposite the skylight (i.e. the area lit up by the light coming through skylight)

5)[line 13]"ונוגה...""V'NOGAH..."- "And it will be as bright as the light; rays [of light] from His hand to him, and there [will be revealed] his hidden might" (Chabakuk 3:4).

6)[line 14]למה צדיקים דומין בפני שכינה...L'MAH TZADIKIM DOMIN BIFNEI SHECHINAH...- Upon the description of a righteous individual being lit up by the light emanating from HaSh-m, Rava comments that a Tzadik is compared to a candle, and HaSh-m to a torch. From this we clearly see that the light of a torch is greater than that of a candle.

7)[line 20]בעיתBA'IS- he is afraid (that he might burn down the house, and therefore he will not pay enough attention to the Bedikah)

8)[line 21]משך נהוראMASHACH NEHORA- its flame burns evenly and gives off a steady light

9)[line 21]מיקטף איקטופיMIKTAF IKTUFEI- its flame jumps unevenly

10)[line 24]היציעYATZI'A- (O.F. apentiz) a construction at the rear of or alongside a house with a low sloping roof; a lean-to

11)[line 24]המגדלMIGDAL- a cabinet

12)[line 24]ורפת בקרREFES BAKAR- a cattle barn

13)[line 25]ולוליןLULIN- chicken coops

14)[line 25]ומתבןMASBEN- a shed used to store straw

15)[line 26]החולקת בתוך הביתHA'CHOLEKES B'SOCH HA'BAYIS- [which is placed such] that [it] partitions the house [into rooms] (a bed was normally used for such a purpose, but the same ruling would apply to any piece of furniture)

16)[line 27]ומפסקתU'MAFSEKES- and it is raised [above the ground on legs]

17a)[line 32]בעילאי ובתתאיB'ILA'EI UV'SATA'EI- with [holes] high [enough] and with [holes] low [enough that one does not normally store objects in them]

b)[line 33]במיצעיMITZ'EI- holes located in the middle (that is, at a height comfortable to use for storage)

18a)[line 33]דמידליאD'MIDALYA- the bed is raised [high enough off the ground that it is easy to use the space underneath for storage]

b)[line 33]דמיתתאיD'MISATA'EI- the bed is low [to the ground such that it is difficult to use the space underneath for storage]

19)[line 35]במסתפקB'MISTAPEK- with [a wine-cellar] from which one supplies [his table with wine at mealtimes, and there is therefore reason to suspect that a servant went there while holding a piece of bread]

20)[line 35]יש קבע לאכילהYESH KEVA LA'ACHILAH- there is a set amount to how much people eat [at a meal]

21)[line 36]שכרSHECHAR- beer

22)[line 37]בי דגיםBEI DAGIM- a storage room for fish

23)[line 38]הא ברברביHA B'RAVREVI- that [which Rav Chisda did not require a Bedikah was because he was dealing] with large [fish, which people consume a set amount of per meal]

24)[line 39]בי מילחיBEI MILCHEI- a storage room for salt

25)[line 39]ובי קיריBEI KIREI- a storage room for wax

26)[line 39]בי ציביBEI TZIVEI- a storage room for firewood

27)[line 41]עקרבAKRAV- a scorpion

28)[line 42]דנפלD'NAFAL- that [the building] fell down

29)[line 43]מפולתMAPOLES- debris from a collapsed structure

30)[line 44]כשהכלב יכול לחפש אחריוKESHEHA'KELEV YACHOL L'CHAPES ACHARAV- [the Chametz is located within the debris close enough to the surface] that a dog could sniff it out. The Gemara (31b) explains that this is within three Tefachim of the surface of the pile of rubble.


31)[line 6]סכנת כשפיםSAKANAS KESHAFIM- the danger of [the Nochri suspecting the Jew of performing] witchcraft [and then retaliating]

32)[line 11]היכא דשכיח היזיקא שאניHEICHA D'SHECHI'ACH HEZEIKA SHANI- (Earlier, when discussing the possibility of being stung by a scorpion while searching for Chametz under a pile of rubble, the Gemara did not suggest this answer. Apparently it is not very common for scorpions to be under rubble, and for them to sting while there - CHOK YAKOV, OC 433)

33)[line 14]בני בי רבBNEI BEI RAV- Yeshiva students who still require a Rebbi

34)[line 14]דדיירי בבאגאD'DAIREI B'VAGA- who live in villages on a plain [(O.F. chanpagne) a plain]

35)[line 14]מהו למיתי קדמא וחשוכאMAHU L'MEISEI KADMA V'CHASHOCHA- may they come [to Yeshiva] early [in the morning, before dawn,] and when it is dark [after nightfall]?

36)[line 15]ניתו עלי ועל צואריNEISU ALAI V'AL TZAV'ARI- lit. let them come on me and my neck; that is, I take responsibility for their safe arrival

37)[line 15]ניזיל מאיNEIZIL MAI- what [about] going back [to their lodgings at those times]?

38)[line 15]"ולא יחמוד איש את ארצך""V'LO YACHMOD ISH ES ARTZECHA"- The Torah promises in this verse (Shemos 34:24) that no harm will come to the possessions of one who leaves them behind in order to fulfill the Mitzvah of Aliyah l'Regel (going up to the Beis ha'Mikdash during the three festivals).

39)[line 18]באפרAFAR- pasture-ground, meadow

40)[line 19]מנקרתMENAKERES- pecks

41)[line 20]בני אדם שאין דרכן לזוקBNEI ADAM SHE'EIN DARKAN LIZOK- the members of his family who remained at home (MAHARAM)

42)[line 23]בהליכה למה ליB'HALICHAH LAMAH LI- why is it necessary to prove from a verse that he will not be damaged while on his way to do a Mitzvah?

43)[line 24]מפני מה אין פירות גינוסרMIPNEI MAH EIN PEIROS GINOSAR- It is not clear why the Gemara mentions this here. The MAHARSHA explains that the reason given by the Gemara for this is similar to the reason why one who does not own land is not obligated in Aliyah l'Regel; since he cannot go to Yerushalayim "to rejoice in the fruit of the land that HaSh-m gave him," his journey to Yerushalayim will necessarily be "she'Lo Lishma." Alternatively, perhaps the Torah did not want people to have ulterior motives for journeying to Yerushalayim since, if such reasons exist, people may come to travel there only for the ulterior motive and not at all with the intention of fulfilling a Mitzvah. Since their purpose in traveling does not include a Mitzvah, the members of their household who remain behind will not be protected by the merit of the Mitzvah, as is evident from the previous Gemara. (M. KORNFELD)

44)[line 25]פירות גינוסרPEIROS GINOSAR- the very sweet fruits that grow in the region of the Kineret, known for its special climate and bounty of superb fruits; Ginosar is an acronym for Ganei Sarim (prince's gardens; BEREISHIS RABAH ch. 98)

45)[line 27]חמי טבריאCHAMEI TEVERYA- the hot springs of Tiberias

46)[line 33]שתי שורות שאמרו מן הארץ ועד שמי קורהSHTEI SHUROS SHE'AMRU MIN HA'ARETZ V'AD SHMEI KORAH- the two "rows" mentioned [by Beis Shamai refer to all of the barrels facing one who enters the cellar] from the floor all the way until the ceiling [as well as to the layer of barrels behind them]. Barrels in a wine cellar are assumed to be stacked one on top of the other, in rows extending from one side of the room to the other, and from the floor to the ceiling.

47)[line 34]כמין גאםKEMIN GAM- in the shape of a Gamma, the third letter of the Greek alphabet (which looks like an inverted "L"); i.e. all of the barrels facing the wall with the door, as well as all of the barrels of the topmost layer.

48)[line 39]ועליונהELYONAH- the uppermost, frontmost row of barrels

49)[line 41]תתאי דתתייתאTATA'EI D'TATYASA- the lower of the lower rows, i.e. those rows below the second row from the ceiling

50)[line 42]גוייאתא דגוייאתאGAVAYASA D'GAVAYASA- the innermost of the inner rows, i.e. those rows behind the second row from the front