
TUM'AS LEIDAH FOR SPECIAL CASES (Yerushalmi Perek 3 Halachah 2 Daf 10a)

åàéï éãåò úùá ìæëø åìð÷éáä ãáøé øáé îàéø åçëîéí àåîøéí ëì ùàéï áå îöåøú äàãí àéðå ååìã.


(Mishnah - R. Meir): If we do not know the gender, she sits for [the stringencies of Yoledes] Zachar and Nekevah. Chachamim say, non-human forms are not considered children.

ëì äï ãúðéðï úùá ìæëø åìð÷éáä é"ã èîàéí åë"å èäåøéï ðåúðéï òìéä çåîøé æëø åçåîøé ð÷éáä


Wherever it says that she sits for Zachar and Nekevah, she has 14 days of Tum'ah, and 26 Tehorim (Dam Tohar). We give to her the stringencies of a male and a female.

äãà ãúéîø ìáéúä àáì ìèäøåú úùá ìð÷éáä


Limitation: (In our Mishnah, Chachamim say, non-human forms are not considered children, i.e. she is not a Yoledes.) This is for her husband, but for Taharos, she sits for Nekevah. (We explained this like PANIM ME'IROS.)


Note: PANIM ME'IROS explained that this refers to Chachamim, because we are always more stringent about Taharos than for her husband. If so, surely We must say that 'she sits for Nekevah' means that she is considered Tamei for two weeks, but we do not give to her the leniency of Dam Tohar (PF).

àîø øáé çðéðä áøéä ãøáé àáäå èòîà ãøáé îàéø îôðé ùëúåá áäï éöéøä ëàãí [áøàùéú á æ] åééöø ä' àìäéí àú äàãí òôø îï äàãîä.


Opinion #1 (R. Chaninah brei d'R. Avahu): R. Meir's reason is because "Yetzirah" is written about [Behemos, Chayos and birds], like it says about man - "va'Yitzer Hash-m Elokim Es ha'Adam Afar Min ha'Adamah."

øáé àîé áòé îôðé ùëúåá áäï éöéøä ááäîä [ùí éè] åééöø ä' àìäéí îï äàãîä ëì çéú äùãä (åëì) [ö"ì åàú ëì] òåó äùîéí


Question (R. Ami): Is it because "Yetzirah" is written about Behemos - "va'Yitzer Hash-m Elokim Min ha'Adamah Kol Chayas ha'Sadeh v'Es Kol Ohf ha'Shamayim"?

åäà ëúéá [òîåñ ã éâ] ëé äðä éåöø äøéí åáåøà øåç îòúä äôéìä ãîåú äø úäà èîàä ìéãä


It is written "Ki Hinei Yotzer Harim u'Vorei Ru'ach" - if so, one who was Mapeles the form of a mountain should be Tamei like a Yoledes!

ùðééà äéà ùàéï ëúéá áäï éöéøä îúçéìú áøééúå ùì òåìí


Answer: There is different, for "Yetzirah" is not written about [mountains] from the initial creation of the world.

øáé éñà áùí øáé éåçðï îôðé ùñå÷øéï ìôðéäï ëàãí


Opinion #2 (R. Yosah citing R. Yochanan): [R. Meir's reason is] because [animals and birds] look forwards, like man.

àáà áø áø çðä áùí øáé éåçðï îôðé ùîäìëéï ìôðéäï ëàãí


Opinion #3 (Aba bar bar Chanah citing R. Yochanan): It is because they walk forwards, like man.

äúéá øáé áåï áø çééä åäúðéðï ùâìâì òéðå òâåì ëùì àãí äåé îåí äåà


Question (R. Bun bar Chiyah - Mishnah): If the eye [of an animal] is round, like a man's, this is a blemish. (This shows that their eyes are different!)

àîø øáé éåñé îä úðéðï ñå÷øéï îä úðéðï îäìëéï îàé ëãåï âìâìé àãí òâåìéï åâìâìé áäîä àøåëéï


Answer (R. Yosi): We learned (those opinions said) that they look forwards or walk forwards. What is difficult if man's eyes are round, and animals' eyes are long?!

àîø øáé éåñé áé øáé áåï áàãí ìáï øáä òì äùçåø åááäîä ùçåø øáä òì äìáï.


(R. Yosi bei R. Bun): In man, there is more white [in the eye] than black. In animals, there is more black than white.

øáé çâéé àîø øáé çððéä çáøéï ãøáðéï î÷ùé ìä òì ãøáé îàéø äôéìä ãîåú òåøá òåîã áøàù äã÷ì åàåîø ìå áà åçìåõ àå ééáí


(R. Chagai citing R. Chananyah): The colleagues of Rabanan asked, according to R. Meir, if she was Mapeles the form of a raven [and it flew, and it is] standing on top of a date tree, [will you say that it is human,] and he says to him 'come, do Chalitzah or Yibum'?!

àîø ìéä øáé îðà òã ãàú î÷ùé ìä òì ãøáé îàéø ÷ùéúä òì ãøáðï


Objection (R. Mana): Rather than challenging R. Meir, challenge Rabanan!

ãîø øáé éñà áùí øáé éåçðï ëåìå àãí åôðéå áäîä àéðå ååìã ëåìå áäîä åôðéå àãí ååìã äåà


(R. Yosa citing R. Yochanan): [If a fetus is] entirely human, just its face is like an animal, it is not a child. If it is entirely animal, just its face is like a human, it is a child.

ëåìå àãí åôðéå áäîä òåîã å÷åøà áúåøä åàåîøéí ìå áåà ìùçèê


When he is entirely human, just his face is like an animal, he is standing and reading in the Torah - will we tell him 'come, and we will slaughter you [for you are an animal]'?!

ëåìå áäîä åôðéå àãí òåîã åçåøù áùãä åàåîøéí ìå áåà åçìåõ àå ééáí


When he is entirely animal, just his face is human, he is standing and plowing in the field - will we tell him 'come, do Chalitzah or Yibum'?! (Rather, the Tana'im discuss only Tum'as Yoledes. Surely the child will not live.)

åàîø ø' éñà áùí øáé éåçðï ìà ñåó ãáø ëì äñéîðéï àìà àôéìå àçã îï äñéîðéï


(R. Yosa citing R. Yochanan): Not only if all of the Simanim [on the face are human], rather, even if one of the Simanim [is human, it is a child].


Note: The Gemara now brings the teaching concerning which R. Yosah said so.

åàéìå äï äñéîðéï äîöç åäâáéðéï åäòéï åäàåæï åäìñú åäçåèí åäæ÷ï åâåîåú äæ÷ï


These are the Simanim - the forehead, eyebrows, eye, ear, jaw, nose, beard, and pores [from which come out hairs] of the beard.

åàîø øáé éñà áùí øáé éåçðï ìà ñåó ãáø ëì äñéîðéï àìà àôéìå àçã îï äñéîðéï


(R. Yosa citing R. Yochanan): Not only if all of the Simanim, rather, even one of the Simanim.