
ONE WHO ATTRIBUTED NEZIRUS TO A COW (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 2 Daf 6a)

îúðé' àîø àîøä ôøä æå äøéðé ðæéøä àí òåîãú àðé àîø äãìú äæä äøéðé ðæéø àí ðôúç àðé áéú ùîàé àåîøéí ðæéø


(Mishnah - Beis Shamai): If one said 'this cow said 'I will be a Nazir if I will get up' or 'this door said 'I will be a Nazir if I will be opened'', he is a Nazir;

åáéú äìì àåîøéí àéðå ðæéø


Beis Hillel say, he is not a Nazir.

àîø ø' éäåãä àó ëùàîøå áéú ùîàé ìà àîøå àìà áàåîø ôøä æå ÷øáï àí òåîãú äéà:


R. Yehudah says, Beis Shamai discuss only one who said 'this cow is a Korban if it will stand.'

âî' øàä òëå"í òåáø àîø øàå îä àîø äòëå"í äæä äøé æä ðæéø äåä ãîø îàçø ùàéï òëå"í ðåæøéï ðæéø


(Gemara): If one saw a Nochri pass, and said 'see what this Nochri said - he is (i.e. he accepted to be) a Nazir!' If [we find that indeed the Nochri] said so, since Nochrim do not vow to be Nezirim, [surely the Yisrael said so in order to accept Nezirus].

ìà àîø


Question: If [we find that] he did not say so [what is the law]?

ðùîòéðä îï äãà àîø àîøä ôøä æå ëìåí àîøú àìà îùåí ùäåöéà ðæéøåú îôéå åëà ùäåöéà ðæéøåú îúåê ôéå


Answer: We learn from [our Mishnah]. If one said 'this cow said... Did the cow say anything?! [Rather,] you must say that it is because he said 'Nezirus' with his mouth. And [also] here, [the Yisrael] said 'Nezirus' with his mouth (so he is a Nazir).

[ãó å òîåã á] øàä éùøàì òåáø àîø øàä îä àîø éùøàì æä ä"æ ðæéø ìà àîø îàçø ùéùøàì ðåæøéï ðæéø


If one (Ploni) saw a Yisrael pass, and said 'see what this Yisrael said - he is a Nazir'!' If [we find that] he did not say so, since Yisraelim vow to be Nezirim, [surely Ploni said so in order to accept Nezirus].

äåä ãîø àôéìå ëï ëðæéø àå àéðå àìà ëùåðä ãáøå


Question: If [we find that] he said so - [do we say that] even so, [Ploni accepted to be] like [him, i.e.] a Nazir? Or perhaps [Ploni] merely retells the Yisrael's words (but Ploni did not accept anything? We explained this like PNEI MOSHE.)

ëê àðé àåîø äéä ÷åøà áúåøä åäæëéø ðæéø (ðæé÷) [ö"ì ðæéø - ùééøé ÷øáï]


Answer: So I say - if one was reading in the Torah, and he mentioned Nazir, is he a Nazir?! (Surely he is not!)

àéù îäå ìäúôéù ìå ðæéøåú áìùåï àùä


Question: Can a man accept Nezirus in the feminine ('I am a Nezirah')?

úîï àîøéï äà ðæéøä àéòáø


Answer: There (in Bavel), they say 'a Nezirah is passing' [about a man. This shows that 'Nezirah' applies to even to a man.]

àùä îäå ìäúôéù ìä ðæéøåú áìùåï àéù


Question: Can a woman accept Nezirus in the masculine ('I am a Nazir')?

(ëå') à"ø éåñé ëì òöîå àéðå ÷øåé ðæéøåú àìà áìùåï àéù àéù àå àùä ëé éôìéà ìðãåø ðãø


Answer (R. Yosi): The entire [source in Torah for] Nezirus [includes women, and it] is only in the masculine - "Ish Oh Ishah Ki Yafli Lindor Neder [Nazir]"!

òã ùúòîåã äôøä òã ùúôúç äãìú


Question: [In our Mishnah, do Beis Shamai say that he is a Nazir - PNEI MOSHE] only if [the cow] gets up, and only if the door opens?

ðéùîòéðä îï äãà áéú ùîàé àåîøéí ëåìï ðæéøéï åáéú äìì àåîø àéðï ðæéøéï àìà îé ùìà ðú÷ééîå ãáøéå


Answer: We learn from the following [Mishnah. If six men saw a man, and each accepted Nezirus contingent on his identity, or contingent on whether or not these acceptances took effect,] Beis Shamai says, all of them are Nezirim (even though their conditions of acceptance are contradictory, for mistaken Hekdesh is Hekdesh). Beis Hillel say, only those whose words were not fulfilled are Nezirim.]

ëéðé îúðéúà îé ùðú÷ééîå ãáøéå ìùåï äôê äåà (îì"ä ãì"ä ÷áø"ú áø"ä îì"ä ãì"ä ÷áø"ú áø"ä) [ö"ì ãìà ÷áøú áøä - ãôåñ åéðéöéä]


The Mishnah means, [Beis Hillel say that] one whose words were fulfilled [is a Nazir. To prove their opinions, each man said, if it is unlike I hold, I am a Nazir;] this is a reversed expression, [like a woman who says] 'if not, she (a euphemism for herself) should bury her son.' (We explained like SEFER NIR.)

àôéìå (àîø) ìà òîãä ôøä àôéìå ìà ðôúç äãìú áéú ùîàé àåîø ðãåø ðæåø åáéú äìì àåîøéí àéðå ðãåø åðæåø:


Conclusion: Even if the cow did not get up, even if the door did not open, Beis Shamai says that he is Nadur [a vow forbids him to eat the cow] and a Nazir (like at the end of Halachah 1). Beis Hillel say, he is not Nadur and not a Nazir.