
TOSFOS DH Nikvar bi'Chesuso...

úåñôåú ã"ä ð÷áø áëñåúå...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why in such cases there is no Rekev.)

ùðåçåú ìéùç÷ åìéëúù îàìéäï æäå îú ùàéï ìå ø÷á


Explanation: [Bricks] easily crumble by themselves. [A Mes buried with any of these things] has no Rekev.

åàôéìå ì÷ç àøáò àå çîù úøååãéï îï ø÷á ùìå ùáåãàé éù ëàï îìà úøååã îâåó äîú èäåø ëãàîøéðï áô' äîôìú (ðãä ëæ:) îä úçéìúå ãáø àçø ðòùä ìå âìâìéï


Even if one took four or five spoonfuls of its Rekev, that surely there is a spoonful from the Mes' body, it is Tahor, like it says in Nidah (27b) "just like at the beginning, something else is Galgalin (causes that it has no Rekev)..."

îùîò ãáäà ìéëà îàï ãôìéâ ùàí ðúòøá ãáø àçø òîå áúçéìúå àéðå îèîà.


Inference: No one argues about this. If something else was mixed with it at the beginning, [its Rekev] is not Metamei.


TOSFOS DH v'Nirkevu v'Amdu Al Malei Tarvad

úåñôåú ã"ä åðø÷áå åòîãå òì îìà úøååã

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we discuss this case.)

àçø ùàëìï òù åìà ðùàø áëì àçã àìà çöé úøååã åëéåï ùäéä ëì àçã éçéãé ëùð÷áøå éù ìäï ãéï ø÷á


Explanation: After moths consumed them, and only half a spoonful remained [from each Mes], since each was buried alone, they have the law of Rekev.

åéù úéîä ìîä ð÷è åòîãå òì îìà úøååã ø÷á àçã ùìà ðùúééø


Question: Why does it discuss when only a spoonful remained [and no more]?

åé"ì ãìøáåúà ð÷èéä [ãàôéìå] ëé àéï áùðéäí àìà úøååã àçã ãàéëà äùúà ø÷á îï äò÷á àô"ä äåé ùéòåø ëúøååã


Answer: It says so for a bigger Chidush. Even when only a spoonful remained from both of them [together], and now there is Rekev from the heel, even so, the Shi'ur is a spoonful.

ãì÷îï ôùèéðï îéðä áòéà ãø÷á äáà îï äò÷á îäå


Below, we resolve from this the question "Rekev from the heel - what is the law?

ãâí ìôé äãéçåé ùîòé' ãîú ãàø÷éá ëåìéä îéäà îöèøó ø÷á äò÷á ìùàø ø÷áåáéú ìúøååã.


Also according to the rejection, we learn that if a Mes totally decayed, Rekev from the heel joins with the other corrosion to a spoonful.


TOSFOS DH Ba'i Chizkiyah Se'aro ha'Omed Ligazez Mahu

úåñôåú ã"ä áòé çæ÷éä ùòøå äòåîã ìéâææ îäå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he asks whether or not it is considered connected to the Mes.)

îé äåé áùòú çéáåøéï ìîú (äâäú áøëú øàù) ëâæåæ ãîé åìà îèîà áîú àó áîçåáø ìîú


Explanation #1: [He asks whether hair destined to be cut] when it is connected to the Mes, is it as if it was cut, and it is not Metamei even when it is connected to the Mes;

àå ãìîà îèîà áòåãå îçåáø áå


Or, perhaps it is Metamei while it is still connected to it!

åéù îôøùéí ãìòðéï âìâìéï ÷à îéáòéà ìéä ëâæåæ ãîé åðòùä âìâìéï àå ìà


Explanation #2: Some say that we ask about Galgalin. Is it as if it was cut, and it becomes Galgalin, or not?

åîéäå [ëôé'] ÷îà îñúáøà ã÷àé àîúðéúéï ãëì ùáîú èîà.


Rejection: Presumably, Explanation #1 is correct, for [Chizkiyah's question] is brought regarding our Mishnah of "everything in a Mes is Tamei."


TOSFOS DH Rekev ha'Ba mi'Shenei Mesim Tamei

úåñôåú ã"ä ø÷á äáà îùðé îúéí èîà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the question.)

åìòéì àå÷îéä øáà ëâåï ùòåîã òì îìà úøååã ùìà ðùàø îùðéäí ëé àí îìà úøååã


Explanation: Above, Rava established this when a spoonful remained. There remained from both of them [together] only a spoonful;

åàé ñì÷à ãòúê äáà îï äò÷á ìà ëìåîø (ìà) ùàéðå îèîà æéì äëà ãìîà ãøê ò÷á ÷àúé ëìåîø ùîà éù áå îï äò÷á


If you think that what comes from the heel no, i.e. it is not Metamei, go here (consider Rekev from one of the Mesim) - perhaps it comes from the heel! I.e. perhaps there is in it (Rekev) from the heel.

åìäëé ð÷è ãìîà ùàéï áæä [åãàé] ãùîà îï äò÷á àëìï òù åæä äø÷á ðùàø îï ùàø äâåó,


It says "perhaps" because there is not Vadai [from the heel]. Perhaps moths ate what came, and the remaining Rekev is from the rest of the body.

äéëé ãîé, ëìåîø äéëé äåé [áòééï]


Explanation (cont.): [The Gemara asked] what is the case? I.e. what is the case we ask about?

åãàé àé ãàø÷éá ëåìéä îú åàúé ãøê ò÷á ä"ð ãéù ìå ø÷á ãáäëé îééøé äà ãúðé øá ðúï ëùðø÷á ëì äîú åðø÷á âí äò÷á ùéù áå ãéï ø÷á


Surely, if the entire Mes decayed and [perhaps some of the Rekev] comes from the heel, indeed, there is Rekev, for Rav Noson's Beraisa discusses this, when the entire Mes decayed, and also the heel. It has the law of Rekev;

àìà [áòééï] äéëà ãàø÷éá çã àáø äøâì åàúé ãøê äò÷á


Rather, we ask in any case when one limb decayed, i.e. the leg, and [the decay] came through the heel. (The entire Mes was buried, but only one limb decayed.)

ãàéëà ìîéîø ìôé ùàéï çéåú ááùø äò÷á [îéäø] ìäø÷éá áëé äàé âååðà ìà âîéøé ø÷á.


We can say that since there is no life in the flesh of the heel, it decayed quickly. In such a case, we have no tradition for the law of Rekev.



TOSFOS DH v'Sachya Nasha

úåñôåú ã"ä åñëéà ðùà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is after cooking the body.)

ôé' øù"é ìäùéø äùòø åùì÷å áîé èáøéà úçìä ÷åãí ùñëå áðùà ìäùéø ùòø äøàù åùòø äâåó ò"é ùñëå ðùà ðùøå (äùòø) ò÷øé äùòøåú


Explanation (Rashi): [Nasha] removes hair. They cooked the body in the hot spring of Teverya first, before anointing with Nasha to remove hair of the head and the rest of the body. Through anointing with Nasha, the roots of the hairs fell out;

ãàé ñëå îòé÷øà áðùà àëúé ùøùé äùòø äòåáøéí ãøê äòåø ìáùø ìà äéå òåã ðåùøéí îï äðùà îùåí ãùòø çìçåìé îúçìçì åîçåáø ìáùø äøàù ùúçú äòåø ëãàîøéðï áôø÷ äòåø åäøåèá (çåìéï ÷éè:)


Had they anointed beforehand with Nasha, the roots of the hairs that go through the skin would not fall out due to the Nasha, because hair penetrates, and it is connected to the flesh of the head under the skin, like we say in Chulin (119b).

åðøàä ãìà ñáøà äê ñåâéà äà ãàîø ìòéì ùòøå äòåîã ìéâææ îäå


Observation: This Sugya does not hold like we said above "hair that is destined to be cut, what is the law?"

îùîò ãàåúå ùàéðå òåîã ìéâææ ìà äåé âìâìéï


Inference: Hair that is not destined to be cut, it is not Galgalin.

åùîà ñ"ì ëøáä ãàîø âææ ùòøå äåé âìâìéï åìà âææ úéáòé ìéä áéï ùòåîã ìéâææ åáéï ùàéðå òåîã ìéâææ åòìä ÷àé.


Possibility: Perhaps [our Sugya] holds like Rabah, who said "if they cut his hair, it is Galgalin." If they did not cut it, he was unsure, whether or not it was destined to be cut. We refer to this (if it is Galgalin, what is the case in which there is Rekev?)


TOSFOS DH v'Lo Shechunas Kevaros

úåñôåú ã"ä åìà ùëåðú ÷áøåú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the reason for the law of a burial site.)

ì÷îï áôø÷ áúøà (ãó ñã:) àîøéðï îöà ùìùä îúéí àí éù áéï æä ìæä îàøáò àîåú òã ùîðä àîåú äøé æä ùëåðú ÷áøåú


Explanation: Below (64b), we say that if one found three Mesim, if there is between them from four Amos up to eight Amos, this is a burial site;

åáåã÷ äéîðå åìäìï ëé éù ìçåù ùîà éù ùí áéú ä÷áøåú


He checks from there and past, for we are concerned lest there is a cemetery there.

åàí îöà ùðéí ùìîéí åàçã çñø àéï æä ùëåðú ÷áøåú


If he found two complete [Mesim], and one deficient, this is not a burial site.

åöøéê òéåï ìîä àí èòí ùëåðú ÷áøåú îùåí çùùà ããéìîà äéä ùí áéú ä÷áøåú àó ëé àçã çñø ðîé ðéçåù


Question: This requires investigation why! If the reason for a burial site is due to concern that there was a cemetery there, even if one is deficient, we should be concerned!

åàí äåà äìëä ìîùä îñéðé îåèá.


Answer: If this is a tradition from Moshe from Sinai, this is fine.


TOSFOS DH Meisivei Lo Im Amarta b'Mes v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä îéúéáé ìà àí àîøú áîú ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the inference that a deficient Mes has Rekev.)

áîñ' òãéåú (ô"å î"â) úðï ìä ãàéôìâå òì ëæéú áùø [äôåøù] îï äàáø îï äçé


Explanation: In a Mishnah in Eduyos (6:3), they argue about a k'Zayis of flesh that separated from Ever Min ha'Chai;

ãàéëà ìîàï ãîèäø åàéëà ìîàï ãîèîà åéìéó ìä îáùø äôåøù îàáø îï äîú


One opinion is Metaher, and one opinion is Metamei. [The latter] learns from flesh that separated from Ever Min ha'Mes.

åîåúéá ìà àí àîøú áàáø îï äîú ùëï áîú éù áå ëîä çåîøåú øåá åøåáò åîìà úøååã,


[The other opinion] asks "you cannot learn from Ever Min ha'Mes, for it has several stringencies - the majority, a quarter, and a full spoonful."

áøåá ôéøåù øåá áðéï àå øåá îðéï åøåá øåáò ÷á òöîåú ãîèîà áàäì åëï îìà úøååã ø÷á îï äîú ùîèîà áàäì ëãúðé áàäìåú


"The majority" refers to the majority of the stature or the majority of the number. A quarter refers to a quarter Kav of bones, which is Metamei b'Ohel. Similarly, a full spoonful of Rekev of a Mes is Metamei b'Ohel, like it teaches in Ohalos.

åäéëé ãîé ãàéï ìå ø÷á ìçé ëîå ãàø÷éá çã àáø ãëååúä âáé îú àôé' àø÷éá çã àáø àí çúê äàáø îîðå éù ìå ø÷á


What is the case in which a living person does not have Rekev? One limb decayed. The corresponding case regarding a Mes, even if one limb decayed, [even] if the limb was cut off the Mes, it has Rekev. (Keren Orah - if it was not cut, this is not a deficient Mes! Rather, it was cut, and even if it was buried by itself, there is Rekev.)

åàîàé åäà îú çñø äåà


What is the reason? The Mes is deficient! (Rather, this shows that even a deficient Mes has Rekev.)

åîùðé îé ÷úðé äà îú


Explanation (cont.): We reject this. The Mishnah did not say "but a Mes [has Rekev in such a case]!"

äà ÷î"ì ùåí îú éù ìå ø÷á åáîú ùàéðå çñø ùåí çé àéï ìå ø÷á åëãàéúà ùçúê àáø îï äçé åðø÷á.


Rather, the Chidush is that some Mes has Rekev, i.e. a Mes that not deficient. No living person has Rekev, e.g. in a case that they cut a limb from a living person, and it decayed.