
TOSFOS DH v'Hu Lo Yada...

úåñôåú ã"ä åäåà ìà éãò...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is even if there was only one piece there.)

á÷øà ãàùí úìåé ëúéá


Explanation: This is in the Parshah of Asham Taluy;

åòìä áéãå áùø çæéø ëâåï çúéëä àçú ñô÷ äéà ùì çìá åñô÷ äéà ùì ùåîï ãñ"ì ìú"÷ ãàùí úìåé àôéìå àçúéëä àçú îéçééá.


[It says] "and he ended up with pork", e.g. there was one piece. It is a Safek whether it is of Chelev. The first Tana holds that one is obligated to bring Asham Taluy even if there was [only] one piece (and perhaps there was no Isur here at all).


TOSFOS DH Isi ben Yehudah Omer...

úåñôåú ã"ä àéñé áï éäåãä àåîø..

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that he requires two pieces.)

åìà ôé' ÷øà ëãìòéì àìà ëâåï á' çúéëåú àçú ùì çìá åàçú ùì ùåîï


Explanation: He does not explain the verse like above. Rather, there were two pieces, one of Chelev and one of permitted fat.

ãñ"ì ìàéñé áï éäåãä ãìà îéçééá àùí úìåé àìà àçúéëä àçú îùúé çúéëåú.


Isi ben Yehudah holds that one is obligated Asham Taluy only in a case of one piece [of Vadai Isur] among two pieces [and it is not known which is the Isur].


TOSFOS DH Pesach Miha ka'Avid

úåñôåú ã"ä ôñç îéäà ÷òáéã

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with a source that Achilah Gasah is not called eating.)

îùîò ãàëéìä âñä ùîä àëéìä


Inference: Achilah Gasah (gorging oneself) is called eating.

å÷ùä ãáôø÷ áúøà ãéåîà (ãó ô:) ÷àîøé' äàåëì àëéìä âñä áéä"ë ôèåø ãìà ùîä àëéìä


Question: In Yoma (80b), we say that one who eats Achilah Gasah on Yom Kipur is exempt, for it is not called eating!

åàåîø ø"ú ãúøé òðééðé àëéìåú âñåú éù åääåà [ãéåîà] ëâåï ùðôùå ÷öä áàëéìä îøåá ùåáòå


Answer: There are two kinds of Achilah Gasah. In Yoma, the case is that eating is repulsive to him, because he is so satiated;

åäëà ùàéï ðôùå ÷öä àìà ùàéðå øòá ìàëåì ìúéàáåï.


Here, eating is not repulsive to him, just he is not hungry to eat with appetite.


TOSFOS DH l'Lot u'Shtei Benosav

úåñôåú ã"ä ììåè åùúé áðåúéå...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this was an Aveirah for Lot.)

åäééðå ëî"ã áôø÷ ã' îéúåú (ñðäãøéï ðç:) òåáã ëåëáéí àñåø ááúå


Explanation: This is like the opinion in Sanhedrin (58b) that a Nochri is forbidden to his daughter.

åàôéìå ìî"ã îåúø


Implied question: According to the opinion that he is permitted to his daughter, how can we answer?

ëáø ôéøùå [äàåîåú] îòöîï îòøéåú.


Answer: The Nochrim already separated themselves from Arayos. (Therefore, it is considered an Aveirah.)



TOSFOS DH uMidyanim ki'Vri'ach Armon

úåñôåú ã"ä åîãéðéí ëáøéç àøîåï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Drashah.)

ò"é øéá ùäéä áéï ìåè åáéï àáøäí ëãëúéá àì ðà úäé îøéáä åâøîä ìå îøéáä ìäôøã îàáøäí åò"é ëï ðëùì ááðåúéå


Explanation: Through the quarrel that was between Lot and Avraham, like it says "Al Na Tehi Merivah", and it caused him to separate from Avraham, and through this he stumbled with his daughters,

åðòùä ëáøéçéí ùðåòìéï àú äàøîåï ùàéï äçéöåðéí éëåìéï ìäéëðñ ìôðéí ëê ðòùå òîåðéí åîåàáéí ùàñåøéï ìáà á÷äì


[The quarrel] became like bolts that lock the castle, so outsiders cannot enter inside. So happened to Amon and Mo'av, that they are forbidden to enter (marry) into the Kahal (Yisre'elim).

åááøàùéú øáä ãøéù ìôé ùàñåøéï á÷äì ëèîàéí áòæøä (äâäú àäì îùä) .


Observation: In Bereishis Rabah, we expound "since they are forbidden to the Kahal like Teme'im [are forbidden to enter] the Azarah."


TOSFOS DH she'Mitoch she'Lo Lishmah Ba Lishmah

úåñôåú ã"ä ùîúåê ùìà ìùîä áà ìùîä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos distinguishes two kinds of Lo Lishmah.)

åà"ú åäà àîøéðï áòìîà (áøëåú ãó éæ.) äòåñ÷ áîöåä ùìà ìùîä ðåç ìå ùìà ðáøà


Question: We say elsewhere (Berachos 17a) that one who engages in a Mitzvah Lo Lishmah, it would have been better if he was never created!

åé"ì ãäúí îééøé ùòåñ÷ áúåøä ùìà ìùîä ì÷ôç àçøéí åäëà ÷àîø ùòåñ÷ áúåøä ùìà ìùîä ìäúâãø åì÷ðåú ùí.


Answer: There we discuss one who engages in Torah Lo Lishmah to confound others. Here we discuss one who engages in Torah Lo Lishmah for prestige and fame.


TOSFOS DH v'Ha Mis'hanya me'Aveirah

úåñôåú ã"ä åäà îúäðéà îòáéøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we ask only about her benefit.)

åðäé ðîé ãìà ÷ùä ìå úäøâ åìà úòáåø


Implied question: Why didn't we ask that she should have submitted to die, rather than transgress [Arayos]?

ëãàîøéðï ùéìäé ôø÷ áï ñåøø åîåøä (ñðäãøéï òã:) ãàñúø ÷ø÷ò òåìí äéúä


Answer: [The Gemara knew,] like we say in Sanhedrin (74b) that Esther [did not need to be Moser Nefesh to avoid Bi'ah with Achashverosh, because] she was totally passive [and the same applies to Ya'el].

î"î ìîä îùáçä äëúåá åäìà äéà ðäðéú îï äòáéøä


Explanation: Even so, we ask why the verse praises her. She benefited from the Aveirah!

åîùðé ìà äéúä ìä äðàä ãèåáúï ùì øùòéí øòä ãëúéá äùîø ìê îãáø òí éò÷á îèåá åòã øò


We answer that she did not benefit from it. The "good" that Resha'im do is bad, like it says "Hishamer Lecha mi'Daber Im Yakov mi'Tov v'Ad Ra."

åáôø÷ îöåú çìéöä (éáîåú ÷â:) îñé÷ áùìîà âáé ìáï ã÷îãëø ùí ãòáåãú ëåëáéí àìà âáé éòì îàé øòä


Citation (Yevamos 103b) Question: Granted, regarding Lavan, his "good" is bad, for [through talking,] he mentions the name of idolatry. What was bad about [Sisera's Bi'ah with] Ya'el?

åîùðé ãùãà áä æåäîà.


Citation (cont.) Answer: He inserted filth into her. (The Nachash cast filth into Chavah, and her descendants. At Sinai, Yisrael's filth was removed.)


TOSFOS DH Bas Beno Shel Eglon

úåñôåú ã"ä áú áðå ùì òâìåï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that she merely descended from Eglon.)

ìàå ãå÷à ð÷è áú áðå


Explanation: She was not truly the granddaughter [of Eglon].

åëï [áçì÷] (ñðäãøéï ÷ä:) ãàîø áúå ùì òâìåï ìàå ãå÷à àìà äøáä ãåøåú äéúä àçø òâìåï


Support: Also in Sanhedrin (105b) it says that she was the daughter of Eglon. This is not precise. Rather, she was many generations after Eglon.

ãàîø ôø÷ äçåìõ (éáîåú îç:) îôðé îä âøéí îòåðéí áæä"æ îôðé ùùéäå òöîï ìáà úçú ëðôé ùëéðä


Source - Citation (Yevamos 48b): Why are converts afflicted in this world? It is because they delayed coming under the wings of the Shechinah;

îàé ÷øà éùìí ä' ôòìê åúäé îùëåøúê ùìîä àùø áàú ìçñåú úçú ëðôéå


Citation (cont.): What verse do we learn from? "Yeshalem Hash-m Pa'alech u'Sehi Maskurtech Shleimah... Asher Bas Lachasos Tachas Kenafav."

îùîò ùäéúä øåú ÷èðä ëùðúâééøä


Inference: Rus was young (a minor) when she converted.

åäøé éù îòâìåï åòã àáöï éåúø îîàúéí ùðä åãå÷ åúùëç [åàîøé'] (á"á öà.) àáöï æä áåòæ


Observation: There are many generation from Eglon until Avtzan, more than 200 years. Check, and you will find so! We say in Bava Basra (91a) that Avtzan is Boaz;

åàé áúå ùì òâìåï äéúä à"ë ìà äéúä ÷èðä.


If she was truly the daughter of Eglon, she was not young! (If her father was very old, it is feasible that she was Eglon's granddaughter. However, since we find that in Sanhedrin she is called Eglon's daughter, and this is not precise, presumably also here, granddaughter is not precise.)