The reference numbers below that appear in parentheses (e.g., TY #43) represent vessels or parts of the structure of the Beis ha'Mikdash. The labeling follows that of the diagram of the Tiferes Yisrael. This diagram, which has been included in a separate mailing and can also be found on our site (at, is printed both in the Tiferes Yisrael Mishnayos (Midos Chapter 2 or following Midos) and in Rav P. Kahati's Mishnayos (page 290, at the beginning of Midos).

[62a - 47 lines; 62b - 30 lines]

1)[line 1]îðéç àéîåøéï òì ôéñú äéãMENI'ACH EIMURIN AL PISAS HA'YAD- the Kohen places the Eimurim in the hands of the owner of the Korban. (The Eimurim consist of: 1. the layer of fat covering the stomachs; 2. all other fat attached to the stomachs; 3. the two kidneys; 4. the fat on the kidneys; 5. The Yoseres, which is either the diaphragm (RASHI, RADAK) or a lobe of the liver (RAV HAI GA'ON) (Vayikra 3:3-4).)

2)[line 1]åçæä åùå÷ òìéäïVA'CHAZEH VA'SHOK ALEIHEN- and the chest and the right hind leg on top of them

3)[line 3]îìåàéíMILU'IM

(a)The first seven days of the Avodah in the Mishkan in the desert were called "Shiv'as Yemei ha'Milu'im." The word "Milu'im" means "filling," and refers to the fact that during these days the status of the Kohanim as Divine servants was "filled," coming to its completion (RASHI to Vayikra 8:22). These seven days started on the 23rd of Adar and lasted until Rosh Chodesh Nisan, which was the eighth day.

(b)During the Yemei ha'Milu'im, the Kohanim and all of the parts and the utensils of the Mishkan were smeared with Shemen ha'Mishchah (see Background to Shekalim 16:6). Many Korbanos, called Korbanos ha'Milu'im, were offered (see below, (c)). Moshe Rabeinu officiated as the Kohen Gadol during these days, teaching the Avodah to Aharon and his sons. On each day, Moshe assembled and dissembled the Mishkan, until the eighth day, on which he left it standing. On that day, Aharon was officially appointed as the Kohen Gadol and the Shechinah descended to dwell permanently in the Mishkan (RASHI ibid. 9:23).

(c)On the eighth day, Aharon and his sons offered the same Korbanos as on each of the Shiv'asYemei ha'Milu'im. The Korbanos consisted of a bull as a Korban Chatas ha'Nisraf, a ram as an Olah, another ram as a Korban Shelamim and three types of Matzah: Chalos Matzos, Chalos Lechem Shemen and Rekikim (Vayikra 8:14-36, Menachos 78a). The Chanukas ha'Nesi'im also began on that day. The Nesi'im (princes) of each tribe offered inauguration sacrifices for the twelve days beginning with Rosh Chodesh Nisan (Bamidbar 7:1-88). Nachshon ben Aminadav of the tribe of Yehudah was the first Nasi to contribute the voluntary sacrifices that were offered along with the Milu'im sacrifices of the Kohanim.

4)[line 4]"ùÑåÉ÷ äÇúÌÀøåÌîÈä åÇçÂæÅä äÇúÌÀðåÌôÈä òÇì àÄùÑÌÅé äÇçÂìÈáÄéí éÈáÄéàåÌ ìÀäÈðÄéó úÌÀðåÌôÈä ...""SHOK HA'TERUMAH VA'CHAZEH HA'TENUFAH AL ISHEI HA'CHALAVIM YAVI'U L'HANIF TENUFAH ..."- "the right foreleg of the lifting and the chest of the waving upon the burnt offering of the fats shall be brought to be waved ..." (Vayikra 10:15)

5)[line 7]ääåà ãîééúé ìéä ëäï îáéú äîèáçééí åøîé ìéäHA'HU D'MAISI LEI KOHEN MI'BEIS HA'MITBECHAYIM V'RAMI LEI- that verse refers to the stage at which the Kohen brings the Eimurim, which are on top of the Chazeh and Shok, from the Beis ha'Mitbechayim (TY #44, The Butchering Chamber, where the slaughtered animals were hung in order to be skinned and cut up), and places them down on the hands of the owner of the Korban, at which point the Chazeh and Shok will be on top of the Eimurim

6)[line 8]"åÇéÌÈùÒÄéîåÌ àÆú äÇçÂìÈáÄéí òÇì äÆçÈæåÉú [åÇéÌÇ÷ÀèÅø äÇçÂìÈáÄéí äÇîÌÄæÀáÌÅçÈä.]""VA'YASIMU ES HA'CHALAVIM AL HE'CHAZOS [VA'YAKTER HA'CHALAVIM HA'MIZBECHAH.]"- "And they placed the fats on the chests [and they burned the fats upon the Mizbe'ach.]" (Vayikra 9:20) - This verse refers to the Korbenos Shelamim (a bull and a ram) of the community that were offered for the inauguration of the Mishkan. From that which their offering is referenced, it is clear that this verse does not describe the stage prior to Tenufah, and yet the fats are described as being upon the Chazeh v'Shok.

7)[line 11]"áÌÀøÈá òÈí äÇãÀøÇú îÆìÆêÀ ...""B'ROV AM HADRAS MELECH"- "With a multitude of people is the King glorified" (Mishlei 14:28)

8)[line 13]"åÀäÅðÄéó äÇëÌÉäÅï àÉúÈí òÇì ìÆçÆí äÇáÌÄëÌåÌøÄéí úÌÀðåÌôÈä ìÄôÀðÅé ä' òÇì ùÑÀðÅé ëÌÀáÈùÒÄéí ...""V'HENIF HA'KOHEN OSAM AL LECHEM HA'BIKURIM TENUFAH LIFNEI HASH-M AL SHENEI KEVASIM ..."- "And the Kohen shall wave [the Kivsei Atzeres] upon the first-offering loaves a waving before Hash-m upon the two sheep ..." (Vayikra 23:20).

9)[line 17]ðéùú÷ì äëúåáNISHTAKEL HA'KASUV- (lit. the verse is balanced) from the verse we may learn either that the Kevasim are on the Shtei ha'Lechem or that the Shtei ha'Lechem are on the Kevasim

10)[line 22]ìäåöéà ùáòäL'HOTZI SHIV'AH- to exclude the seven [sheep, mentioned in Vayikra 23:18, from Tenufah with the Shtei ha'Lechem]

11)[line 23]áéï éøëåúéäïBEIN YERECHOSEIHEN- between the thighs [of the two sheep as they lay upon their sides such that the Shtei ha'Lechem are upon the lower legs of the sheep, and the upper legs of the sheep are upon the Shtei ha'Lechem]

12)[line 31]"òì" áñîåê"AL" B'SAMUCH- the word "Al" (lit. on) in this instance means alongside

13)[line 31]"åÀðÈúÇúÌÈ òÇì äÇîÌÇòÂøÆëÆú ìÀáÉðÈä æÇëÌÈä ...""V'NASATA AL HA'MA'ARECHES LEVONAH ZAKAH ..."- "and you shall place pure Levonah on the stack [of Lechem ha'Panim] ..." (Vayikra 24:7).

14)[line 33]"... åÀñÇëÌÉúÈ òÇì äÈàÈøÉï àÆú äÇôÌÈøÉëÆú.""... V'SAKOSA AL HA'ARON ES HA'PAROCHES."- "... and you shall cover the Aron with the Paroches" (Shemos 40:3). The Aron ha'Kodesh was situated in the Kodesh ha'Kodashim section of the Mishkan. The Paroches was the curtain that hung at the entrance to the Kodesh ha'Kodashim. Even though the verse uses the word "Al," "on," to describe the relationship between the Paroches and the Aron, in reality it was not literally on it, but nearby.

15)[line 36]áîòøáà îúðå äëéB'MA'ARAVA MASNU HACHI- in Eretz Yisrael (lit. in the west) they teach thusly

16)[line 37]ëãé ìòöåø øåçåú øòåúKEDEI LA'ATZOR RUCHOS RA'OS- in order to halt harmful winds

17)[line 37]ëãé ìòöåø èììéí øòéíKEDEI LA'ATZOR TELALIM RA'IM- in order to halt harmful types of dew

18)[line 38]ùéøé îöåä îòëáéí àú äôåøòðåúSHEYAREI MITZVAH ME'AKVIM ES HA'PUR'ANUS- the dispensable, inessential "remnants" of a Mitzvah [that do not prevent atonement] prevent misfortune

19)[line 39]ãäà úðåôä ùéøé îöåä äéàD'HA TENUFAH SHEYAREI MITZVAH HI- seeing as Tenufah is one of the dispensable, inessential "remnants" of a Mitzvah (if it is not performed, it does not prevent atonement)

20a)[line 40]îîèé ìéäMAMTI LEI- he holds it out (away from himself)

b)[line 40]åîééúé ìéäU'MAISI LEI- he brings it back

21)[line 40]åîçåé äëéU'MECHAVEI HACHI- and he demonstrated it as described

22)[line 40]âéøà áòéðà ãùèðàGIRA B'EINA D'SITNA- this should be an arrow in the eye of the Satan, i.e. to stop him [from enticing us to sin] (RABBEINU GERSHOM), since he can see that he has no power to remove from us the yoke of the Mitzvos (RASHI to Sukah 38a)

23)[line 41]åìàå îéìúà äéàV'LAV MILSA HI- and it is not a proper thing to say

24)[line 41]ãàúé ìàúâøåéé áéäD'ASI L'ISGARUYEI VEI- it may lead to inciting the Satan against him

25a)[line 42]úðåôúï ëîåú ùäïTENUFASAN KEMOS SHE'HEN- the waving of the Kivsei Atzeres is performed on the entire body of the sheep, "as they are [when they were living]"

b)[line 42]áçæä åùå÷BA'CHAZEH VA'SHOK- the waving of the Kivsei Atzeres is performed only on the chest and the right hind leg of the sheep

26)[line 43]ãåï îéðä åîéðä ... ãåï îéðä åàå÷é áàúøäDON MINAH V'UKI B'ASRAH ... DON MINAH U'MINAH - How a Halachah Derived from one Subject is Applied to Another Subject

(a)Often, a Halachah will be applied from one subject in the Torah to another through a Gezeirah Shaveh or a Binyan Av. Tana'im disagree as to whether the Halachah should be applied within the parameters of similar Halachos already taught in the target subject (Don Minah v'Uki b'Asrah), or if the Halachah derived through the Gezeirah Shaveh or a Binyan Av should be applied within the parameters of its original subject (Don Minah u'Minah).

(b)In our Gemara, a Gezeirah Shaveh connects the subjects of Mes and Shichvas Zera. According to the opinion which maintains Don Minah v'Uki b'Asrah, it is possible to derive that vessels or utensils constructed of cloth or leather receive Tum'ah that lasts for seven days from a Mes as a result of this comparison. Although Shichvas Zera only causes such items to be Tamei until nightfall, once they are applied to the subject of Tum'as Mes they will follow the parameters of other items that receive Tum'ah from a Mes. According to the opinion which maintains Don Minah u'Minah, however, additional support is necessary to prove that such is the Halachah.


27a)[line 2]îä äúí ãáø ùîúðä ìëäïMAH HASAM DAVAR SHE'MATANAH LA'KOHEN- just as there [with regard to the Korban Shelamim of the individual, the portion that is waved is] the item that is a gift to the Kohen (i.e. the Chazeh va'Shok)

b)[line 3]àó äëà ãáø ùîúðä ìëäïAF HACHA DAVAR SHE'MATANAH LA'KOHEN- so, too, here [with regard to the Kovsei Atzeres, the portion that is waved is] the item that is a gift to the Kohen (i.e. the entire body of the Kivsei Atzeres)

28)[line 5]"ëÌÄé àÆú çÂæÅä äÇúÌÀðåÌôÈä åÀàÅú ùÑåÉ÷ äÇúÌÀøåÌîÈä ìÈ÷ÇçÀúÌÄé îÅàÅú áÌÀðÅé éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì îÄæÌÄáÀçÅé] ùÑÇìÀîÅéäÆí ...""[KI ES CHAZEH HA'TENUFAH V'ES SHOK HA'TERUMAH LAKACHTI ME'ES BNEI YISRAEL MI'ZIVCHEI] SHALMEIHEM ..."- "[For chest of the waving and the right hind leg of the lifting have I taken from Bnei Yisrael from] their Shelamim sacrifices ..." (Vayikra 7:34)

29)[line 19]"[åÀäÅðÄéó äÇëÌÉäÅï] àÉúÈí ...""[V'HENIF HA'KOHEN] OSAM ..."- "[And the Kohen shall wave] them (the Zivchei Shalmei Tzibur)" (Vayikra 23:20)

30)[line 24]âîéøé ùúé ñîéëåú áöáåøGEMIREI SHTEI SEMICHOS B'TZIBUR- we have learned through a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai that there are two communal offering that require Semichah (the Par He'elem Davar Shel Tzibur (see Background to Menachos 52:3) and (a) the Sa'ir ha'Mishtale'ach (see Background to Menachos 59:31) (RASHI); or (b) the Se'irei Avodah Zarah (see Background to Menachos 52:4) (SHITAH MEKUBETZES #6)

31)[line 28]"[... àÅú äÆçÈæÆä ìÀäÈðÄéó] àÉúåÉ [úÌÀðåÌôÈä ìÄôÀðÅé ä'.]""[... ES HE'CHAZEH L'HANIF] OSO [TENUFAH LIFNEI HASH-M.]"- "... the chest to wave] it (the Shalmei Yachid) [a waving before HaSh-m.]" (Vayikra 7:30)

32)[line 29]îðéó òì éãé ëåìíECHAD MENIF AL YEDEI CHULAM- one of them performs the Tenufah for all of them

33)[line 29]ëäï îðéó òì éãäKOHEN MENIF AL YADAH- the Kohen performs the Tenufah for her

34)[last line]îãéðú äéíMEDINAS HA'YAM- overseas