[24a - 42 lines; 24b - 42 lines]

1)[line 8]"כי כה אמר ה', חנם נמכרתם; [ולא בכסף תגאלו]. כי כה אמר ה' א-לקים, מצרים ירד עמי בראשנה [לגור שם; ואשור באפס עשקו]. ועתה מה לי פה נאם ה'...""KI CHOH AMAR HASH-M: CHINAM NIMKARTEM; [V'LO B'CHESEF TIGA'ELU]. KI CHOH AMAR HASH-M E-LOKIM: MITZRAYIM YARAD AMI BA'RISHONAH [LA'GUR SHAM; V'ASHUR B'EFES ASHAKO]. V'ATAH MAH LI POH, NE'UM HASH-M..." - "For so says HaSh-m: You were sold free of charge, [and you will not be redeemed for a price]. For so says HaSh-m E-lokim: You went down to Egypt initially [to sojourn there, but Ashur attacked you for no reason]. And now (with regard to Galus Edom), why do I leave them here, says HaSh-m; [because My people were taken free of charge? Their rulers glorify themselves, so says HaSh-m, and constantly all day My name is blasphemed]" (Yeshayah 52:3-5) (GALUS MITZRAYIM, GALUS ASHUR, AND GALUS EDOM)

(a)RASHI on the verse explains that the Navi is drawing a distinction between Galus Mitzrayim and Galus Ashur (Sancheriv) on the one hand, and Galus Edom on the other.

(b)HaSh-m came to terms with Galus Mitzrayim, considering that at least Yisrael owed the Egyptians something after having spent many years as their guests (despite the ill treatment) and had been sustained by them. This was not true of Ashur (and Bavel, the RADAK adds), but those two exiles had not lasted long. He could, however, come to terms with Galus Edom who have given Yisrael nothing and yet they have subjugated them for close to 2,000 years. That is why HaSh-m goes on to complain about Edom's conceited boasts and His defiled Name, and swears that Yisrael will soon get to know Him when He takes them out of Galus. For when Mashi'ach comes, there will be peace, goodness, and salvation.

(c)The Gemara in Sukah (52b) interprets the last verse as HaSh-m's expression of regret that He ever created Galus.

(d)The Gemara in Sanhedrin (97b) explains the first of the above verses to mean that if you went into Galus on account of Avodah Zarah (which is called "Chinam"), then you will go free when you do Teshuvah and good deeds (which are called "Kesef").

2)[line 30]פוחחPOCHE'ACH- one who is barelegged (RASHI); alternatively, one whose shirt is torn such that in many places his skin is exposed (TOSFOS, RAN), or his arms and shoulders are exposed (RIF)

3)[line 36]דאתי לאינצוייD'ASI L'INTZUYEI- they will come to fight


4)[line 9]באבנתא דליבא תליאB'AVNESA D'LIBA TALYA- it depends on the understanding of the heart (and need not be said audibly)

5)[line 19]הפחתיןPECHASIN- pits

6a)[line 20]הקוציןKOTZIM- thorns

b)[line 20]הברקניןBARKANIN- thistles

7)[line 21]סטיסSETIS- (O.F. krug - Rashi Shabbos 89b) a red dye made from safflower

8)[line 23]ידיו בוהקניותYADAV BOHAKANIYOS- his hands are (O.F. lintilos) freckled (with white patches)

9)[line 24]עקומותAKUMOS- bent

10)[line 24]עקושותAKUSHOS- bent to the sides

11)[line 24]חיפניCHAIFANI- one from Chaifah (such people did not pronounce the letters properly)

12)[line 24]ובשיניBAISHANI- one from Beis Shan (such people did not pronounce the letters properly)

13)[line 26]טבעוניןTIV'ONIN- one from Tiv'on (such people did not pronounce the letters properly). Tiv'on was a village built in the lower Galilee towards the end of the second Temple period and which lasted a few hundred years after the destruction of the Temple. Its ruins lie north of the present day road connecting Haifa with Nazareth, near today's Tiv'on and near the ancient Beis She'arim.

14)[line 28]דעבי קלךAVI KOLEICH- your voice is thick

15)[line 30]זבלגןZEVALGAN- one whose eyes tear

16)[line 32]בשיבבותיהB'SHIVEVUSEI- in the neighborhood

17)[line 35]דש בעירו הוהDASH B'IRO HAVAH- he was well-known in the city (so people were used to him)

18)[line 39]העושה תפלתו עגולהHA'OSEH TEFILASO AGULAH- one who makes his Tefilin (singular; here, it refers to the Tefilin that are placed on the head) round

19)[line 41]בית אונקליBEIS UNKELI- sleeve

20)[line 41]דרך החיצוניםDERECH HA'CHITZONIM- way of outsiders (those who go outside the directives of Chachamim)

21)[last line]בתפרן ובאלכסונןB'TAFRAN UV'ALACHSONAN- in their sewing and in their diagonal

22)[last line]דעבידא כי אמגוזאD'AVIDA KI AMGUZA- it was made like (the shape of) a nut