

[דף א עמוד ב] כתבו על דבר שהוא איסור הנאה


If a Get was written on a material from which one may not gain benefit...

תני ר' חגין מעשה בא לפני רבי ואמר הרי זו מגורשת


Beraisa (R. Chagin): Such a case once came before Rebbi and he ruled that she was divorced.

ר''א אמר אינה מגורשת


R. Elazar: She is not divorced.

אמר ר' זעירא הויין רבנין פליגין מן דאמר אינה מקודשת אינה מגורשת ומן דמר מקודשת מגורשת


R. Zeirah: The Rabbis disagreed over whether the dispute between Rebbi and R. Elazar applies also to a marriage document, that the one who says she is not married would say that she is not divorced and the one who says that she is married would say that she is divorced.

חברייה אמרין לחומרין


The Chevraya said that we are stringent (that there is no dispute over marriage).

רבי יוסי בעא מהו לחומרין


Question (R. Yosi): What is meant by the term 'stringent'? (Do we say that Rebbi and R. Elazar agree that she is married and R. Elazar is stringent to say that she is not divorced; or alternatively they both hold that she is not married and Rebbi is stringent to say that she is divorced...?)

אינה מקודשת מגורשת היינו לחומרין


Option #1: She is not married and she is not divorced.

אילו אינה מגורשת מקודשת היינו לחומרין


Option #2: She is not divorced and she is married.

[דף ג עמוד א] מהו כדון


Question: What is the Halachah?

רבנין דקיסרין בשם רבי יעקב בר אחא מאן דאמר מגורשת (מקודשת) איסור הנייה מדבריהם


Rabbanan of Kisarin citing R. Yaakov bar Acha: There is no disagreement - the opinion that says that she is married refers to when he betrothed her using a document from which it was only Rabbinically prohibited to gain benefit.

ומן דמר אינה (מגורשת) מקודשת איסור הנייה מדבר תורה הא באיסור הנייה מדבריהם מקודשת


And the opinion that says that she is not married refers to when he betrothed her using a document from which there was a Torah prohibition to gain benefit. However, if it had only been Rabbinically prohibited, she would have been married.

אין תימר כן לית הדא פליגא על רב


Question: If you say this (that if the document was only Rabbinically prohibited, the Torah marriage takes effect), you are disagreeing with Rav...

דרב אמר דברי רבי מאיר המקדש בחמץ משש שעות ולמעלן לא עשה ולא כלום


Rav: R. Meir says that if a man betrothed a woman using leaven after the sixth hour on Erev Pesach, he has done nothing.

[אמר רב הונא ויאות אלו חטים קורטבניות במדבר דלמא טבן אינון במועדא כלום וחמץ משש שעות וכו']


Support for Rav (R. Huna): If one would marry a woman on Pesach using Kortavnian wheat (that grows in the desert, which is only Rabbinically considered Chametz since it is inedible) has he done anything at all?! (In both of these cases the prohibition is only Rabbinic.)] (Note: The Korban HaEidah inserts this sentence into the text from the parallel sugya in Yerushalmi Pesachim 4b)

תמן בגופו קידש (וחמץ משש שעות ולמעלן טב הוא כלום) ברם הכא בתניים שבו קידש


Answer to question in (h): There, he married her with the item itself (using the method of betrothal with money) so it is essential that the item has some monetary value; but here, he is marrying her with the contents written in the document.

מעתה אפי' באיסור הנייה דבר תורה תהא מקודשת מה בינה לשטר שאינו יפה שוה פרוטה


Question: If so, he should also be able to marry her using a document from which there is a Torah prohibition to gain benefit! How is it different from a document that is worth less than a Perutah?

תמן אינו ראוי להשלים עליו ברם הכא ראוי הוא להשלים עליו ברם הכא ראוי הוא להשלים עליו


Answer: When there is a Torah prohibition to gain benefit, the document cannot even contribute towards having a total value of a Perutah; here, a document that is worth less than a Perutah can contribute towards having a total value of a Perutah.