[97a - 49 lines; 97b - 49 lines]

1)[line 25]הדרינתאHADRANISA- a swindler, a woman who sells property and afterwards reclaims it on a mortgage held by herself

2)[line 33]בצורתאBATZORTA- (lit. a famine) a sudden rise in prices due to a drastic decrease in the supply of foodstuffs

3)[line 34]לאפדנייהוL'APADNAIHU- to their houses (lit. their mansions)

4)[line 37]דארבא בעקולי הוהD'ARBA B'IKULEI HAVAH- that the boat [with the wheat] was [delayed] (a) in the coves and inlets of the river [at the river's edge] (ARUCH); (b) [because of the sudden rise in the water level, and was] making its way through a meandrous route (RASHI)

5)[line 39]נמצאת מכשילן לעתיד לבאNIMTZEISA MACHSHILAN L'ASID LAVO- the result will be that you will create an obstacle for the people in the future [because they will be afraid to buy the properties]


6)[line 2]משום חינאMISHUM CHINA- (a) in order for men to find grace [in the eyes of women so that the women will agree to marry them] (RASHI); (b) [the Rabanan decreed that an Arusah who becomes a widow can sell property without Beis Din in order to collect her Kesuvah] i. in order for women to agree to serve their husbands and to find favor in the eyes of their husbands (ARUCH, citing the Rabbis of Magenza); ii. since she only collects the main amount of the Kesuvah (Maneh or Masayim) and not the Tosefes and she is in desperate need of the money in order to find favor in the eyes of prospective grooms (ARUCH, citing RABEINU CHANANEL)

7)[line 27]שירשתה בתה או אחותהSHE'YARASHTAH BITAH O ACHOSAH- that is, if we make the daughter or sister sell property through Beis Din (in order to collect the Kesuvah), they will think that even a wife can only collect her Kesuvah by selling property in Beis Din, and they will refrain from marrying due to the difficulty of collecting the Kesuvah in the eventuality of a divorce. (Based on Rashi)

8)[line 36]אפותיקיAPOTIKI

A person may designate one of his pieces of land or possessions as security for a loan that he received or a debt that he owes without placing it in the possession of the creditor. This creates a Shibud, or lien, on the object, such that if the debt is not otherwise repaid, the creditor can collect his debt from the security. Such a security is called an "Apotiki" (this is a contraction of "Apo Tehei Ka'i" - "from this shall the collection be").