[92a - 27 lines; 92b - 10 lines]

1)[line 2]ומפצי ליהU'MEFATZEI LEI- and compensates him for it

2)[line 15]ומטלטלי דיתמי לבעל חוב לא משתעבדיU'METALTELEI D'YASMEI L'VA'AL CHOV LO MISHTA'ABDEI- (This Gemara holds like Rebbi Akiva, of the Mishnah on 84a, who says that a lender cannot collect from Metaltelim of Yesomim even if the lender gets the Metaltelim before they reach the hands of the Yesomim - TOSFOS 91b DH Re'uven.)


3)[line 7]דמפקת מיניה עלי הדרD'MAFKAS MINEI ALAI HADAR- that which you are taking away from him will fall back on me; i.e. I will have to repay him

4)[line 9]תרעומתTAR'OMES- bad feelings, grumbling