
(a)What does Rebbi Elazar Amar Rebbi Oshaya say about a rich Tamei Mikdash who became poor after designating birds for his Korban?

(b)Which three things does Rav Huna b'rei de'Rav Yehoshua learn from Rebbi Elazar's ruling?

(c)We query Rebbi Elazar however, from a Beraisa. What does the Tana say about a case where ...

1. ... somebody designates a female lamb as a Korban Pesach?

2. ... that female lamb subsequently gives birth to a male V'lad? Why can the V'lad not be brought directly as a Korban Pesach?

(d)What does Rebbi Shimon say?


(a)Rebbi Elazar Amar Rebbi Oshaya rules that if a rich Tamei Mikdash became poor after designating birds for his Korban - he cannot now bring them as his Korban, due to the principle Ho'il ve'Nidcheh Yidacheh (once something is rejected, it cannot be reinstated).

(b)Rav Huna b'rei de'Rav Yehoshua learns from Rebbi Elazar's ruling that - Ba'alei-Chayim Nidachin, Dichuy Me'ikara Havi Dichuy and Kedushas Damim Madcheh (as Rebbi Yochanan learned on the previous Daf).

(c)We query Rebbi Elazar however, from a Beraisa, which rules that if ...

1. ... somebody designates a female lamb as a Korban Pesach - Tir'eh ad she'Tista'ev ve'Timacher, ve'Yavi be'Damehah Pesach.

2. ... that female lamb subsequently gives birth to a male V'lad - the same applies to the V'lad as to its mother. It cannot be brought directly as a Korban Pesach, seeing as it came from a rejected Kedushah.

(d)Rebbi Shimon says that - it can be brought directly as a Korban Pesach.


(a)What can we extrapolate from Rebbi Shimon?

(b)How do we then refute Rav Ukva bar Chama's proof from Rebbi Shimon that Ba'alei Chayim Einan Nidachin (a Kashya on Rebbi Elazar Amar Rebbi Oshaya)?

(c)We cite a Beraisa which discusses a case where one of the two goats on Yom Kipur dies. Assuming that it was the Sa'ir la'Azazel that died, what does Rebbi Shimon there say?

(d)What principle does Rebbi Shimon hold, besides Ein Ba'alei Chayim Nidachin?


(a)We can extrapolate from Rebbi Shimon that - Ein Ba'alei Chayim Nidachin.

(b)And we refute Rav Ukva bar Chama's proof from Rebbi Shimon that Ba'alei Chayim Einan Nidachin (a Kashya on Rebbi Elazar Amar Rebbi Oshaya) - by establishing the latter like the Rabbanan.

(c)We cite a Beraisa which discusses a case where one of the two goats on Yom Kipur dies. Assuming that it was the Sa'ir la'Azazel that died, Rebbi Shimon rules there that - one brings a second goat as a Sa'ir la'Azazel, and brings the first one as the Sa'ir la'Hashem (without new lots).

(d)Besides Ein Ba'alei Chayim Nidachin, Rebbi Shimon also holds - Hagralah Einah Me'akeves.


(a)Rav Shimi bar Ashi cites two Pesukim as the source for a ruling of Rav Chisda, one in Tazri'a "ve'Lakchah Sh'tei Sorim", the other in Acharei-Mos "ve'Asah ha'Kohen osam ... ". What does Rav Chisda learn from these two Pesukim?

(b)What are the ramifications of Rav Chisda's ruling?

(c)We query him however, from a Beraisa discussing the two goats on Yom Kipur. What does the Tana learn from the Pasuk in Acharei-Mos "ve'Asahu Chatas"?

(d)On what grounds would we otherwise have thought that Keri'as Shem (nomination) would suffice?


(a)Rav Shimi bar Ashi cites two Pesukim "ve'Lakchah Sh'tei Sorim" (in Tazri'a), and "ve'Asah ha'Kohen Osam ... " (in Acharei-Mos) from which Rav Chisda learns that - Kinin (the pair of birds that comprise most Korb'nos Of) are nominated (which one is the Chatas, and which one, the Olah) either by the owner, when he initially sets them aside, or by the Kohen when he proceeds to offer them up.

(b)The ramifications of Rav Chisda's ruling are - should the owner nominate them some time in between, his nomination is invalid.

(c)We query Rav Chisda however, from a Beraisa discussing the two goats on Yom Kipur, which learns from the Pasuk in Acharei-Mos "ve'Asahu Chatas" that - it is the Goral (the lots) that determine the status of the two goats, and not Keri'as Shem (nomination).

(d)We would otherwise have thought that Keri'as Shem would suffice - from a Kal va'Chomer from Kinin, where Goral is not effective, yet Keri'as Shem is.


(a)Why does the current D'rashah create a problem with Rav Chisda? What is the significance of 'Shem Dumya de'Goral?

(b)How do we therefore amend our understanding of 'Shem'?

(c)We query Rav Chisda again from another Beraisa, which discusses a Tamei Mikdash Ani who designated money for his Korban Of. What does the Tana require him to do, in the event that he becomes rich after nominating the money for the Chatas and for the Olah?

(d)What happens to the money of the Olas ha'Of? Why can he not add it to the Chatas money?

(e)What do we try to prove from there?


(a)The current D'rashah creates a problem with Rav Chisda, based on the S'vara that Shem Dumya de'Goral - just as Goral precludes Lekichas Ba'alim and Asiyas Kohen, so too, does Keri'as Shem.

(b)We therefore amend our understanding of Keri'as Shem - changing it - to the Keri'as Shem that takes place together with Lekichas Ba'alim and Asiyas Kohen (not independently, as we thought until now).

(c)We query Rav Chisda again from another Beraisa, which discusses a Tamei Mikdash Ani who designated money for his Korban Of. In the event that he becomes rich after nominating money for the Chatas and for the Olah - he uses the money of the Chatas for his Korban Chatas Beheimah, to which he adds money from his own pocket.

(d)The money of the Olas ha'Of goes - to Nedavah (towards the purchase of Olos Kayitz Mizbe'ach). He cannot add it to the Chatas money - since he already designated it as an Olah.

(e)We try to prove from there - that Keri'as Shem determines the status of Kinin (a Kashya on Rav Chisda).


(a)Rav Sheishes however, counters that, based on a statement of Rebbi Elazar Amar Rebbi Oshaya, the Beraisa anyway contains an error that must be rectified. Which error?

(b)So how does he rectify it, to satisfy ...

1. ... Rebbi Elazar?

2. ... Rav Chisda?

(c)Rebbi Chaga Amar Rebbi Yashiyah however, disagrees with Rebbi Elazar Amar Rebbi Oshaya. What does he say?

(d)So how will we amend the Beraisa according to him, to answer the Kashya on Rav Chisda (see Rabeinu Gershom)?


(a)Rav Sheishes however, counters that, based on the statement of Rebbi Elazar Amar Rebbi Oshaya that - a Tamei Mikdash Ashir, who brings the Korban of an Ani (which is the case in the Beraisa), is not Yotzei (as he is in the Beraisa).

(b)So, to satisfy ...

1. ... Rebbi Elazar, he amends the Beraisa to read (not 've'Amar [after becoming rich] Eilu le'Chatasi ... '. but) 'she'K'var Amar' (before he became rich).

2. ... to satisfy Rav Chisda - in exactly the same way, but with reference to the time when he initially set aside the money.

(c)Rebbi Chaga Amar Rebbi Yashiyah however, disagrees with Rebbi Elazar Amar Rebbi Oshaya. He holds that - a Tamei Mikdash Ashir who brings the Korban of an Ani is Yotzei.

(d)According to him, to answer the Kashya on Rav Chisda, we will amend the Beraisa to read - 've'Lakach ve'Amar', where he actually took the money and nominated it after he became rich.


(a)We query Rebbi Chaga Amar Rebbi Yashiyah from a Beraisa. What does the Tana there say about a Metzora ...

1. ... Ani who brings the Korban of an Ashir?

2. ... Ashir who brings the Korban of an Ani?

(b)How does Rebbi Chaga answer this Kashya? Why is Metzora different?

(c)Then why is a Metzora Ani who brings the Korban of a Metzora Ashir, Yotzei?

(d)What does the Beraisa that we cite in support of Rebbi Chagai's answer, learn from the word "Hu", in the Pasuk "ve'Im Dal Hu ve'Ein Yado Maseges"?


(a)We query Rebbi Chaga Amar Rebbi Yashiyah from a Beraisa, which rules that if a Metzora ...

1. ... Ani brings the Korban of an Ashir - he has fulfilled his obligation, but a Metzora ...

2. ... Ashir who brings the Korban of an Ani - has not.

(b)Rebbi Chaga answers that Metzora is different - because the Torah writes there "Zos Toras ha'Metzora", and "Zos" comes to preclude (a Metzora Ashir who brings the Korban of an Ani).

(c)Nevertheless, a Metzora Ani who brings the Korban of a Metzora Ashir is Yotzei - because the word "Toras", comes to include it.

(d)And the Beraisa that we cite in support of Rebbi Chagai's answer, learns from the word "Hu", in the Pasuk "ve'Im Dal Hu ve'Ein Yado Maseges" that - the D'rashah from "Zos" is confined to Metzora, and does not extend to a Tamei Mikdash Ashir who brings the Korban of an Ani.


(a)What does Rebbi Shimon in our Mishnah mean when he says that lambs always come before goats?

(b)What does he nevertheless learn from the Pasuk in Vayikra (in connection with the Chatas Yachid) "ve'Im Keves Yavi ... "?

(c)What similar observation does the Tana make based on the Pasuk ...

1. ... in Tazri'a (in connection with a Korban Yoledes) "Yonah O Tor le'Chatas"?

2. ... in Kedoshim "Ish Imo ve'Aviv Tira'u"?

(d)On what grounds ...

1. ... then, does Kibud Av take precedence over Kibud Eim (should the two clash)?

2. ... does Kavod ha'Rav take precedence over Kibud Av?


(a)When Rebbi Shimon in our Mishnah says that lambs always come before goats, he means that - in most cases in the Torah, "min ha'Kevasim" precedes "min ha'Izim".

(b)He nevertheless learns from the Pasuk in Vayikra (in connection with the Chatas Yachid) "ve'Im Keves Yavi ... " that - the two are really of equal importance (seeing as in this particular instance, the Torah first wrote "ve'Heivi Korbano Se'iras Izim").

(c)Similarly, the Tana observes that - although the Torah usually places "Tor" (a pigeon) before "ben Yonah" (a young dove), from the Pasuk ...

1. ... in Tazri'a (in connection with a Korban Yoledes) "Yonah O Tor le'Chatas", we can learn that the Torah considers them equal.

2. ... in Kedoshim "Ish Imo ve'Aviv Tira'u" that - the same is true with regard to honoring one's parents, since, even though in most cases, the Torah places "Av" before "Eim", here it reverses the order..

(d)Nevertheless ...

1. ... Kibud Av take precedence over Kibud Eim (should the two clash) - because one's mother is obligated to honor one's father (her husband, just as he is). And for the same reason ...

2. ... Kavod ha'Rav takes precedence over Kibud Av (although there, the Torah always places Kavod ha'Rav' first).



(a)The Beraisa lists four occasions on which the Azarah cried out (for better or for worse). It cried out for Chofni and Pinchas to be removed from the Azarah. Who were Chofni and Pinchas? What did they do wrong?

(b)The second cry was for Yochanan ben Nadvai Talmid of Pinka'i (Pinchas) to enter and fill his stomach with Kodshei Shamayim. The Tana relates how he used to eat four hundred Sa'ah of small birds just for dessert alone. What is the point of telling us that?

(c)The third of the Azarah of the Azarah's cries was for the gates to open to allow Yishmael ben Fi'abi to enter. What was he supposed to do there?


(a)The Beraisa lists four occasions on which the Azarah cried out (for better or for worse). It cried out for Chofni and Pinchas - sons of Eli ha'Kohen (Gadol) to be removed from the Azarah - for desecrating the Heichal (by making the women who had given birth wait before sacrificing their Kinin).

(b)The second cry was for Yochanan ben Nadvai Talmid of Pinka'i (Pinchas) to enter and fill his stomach with Kodshei Shamayim. The Tana relates how he used to eat four hundred Sa'ah of small birds (which were Chata'os ha'Of) just for dessert alone - to avoid their becoming Nosar (in which case they would have had to be burned).

(c)The third of the Azarah's cries was for the gates to open, to allow Yishmael ben Fi'abi to enter - to come and serve as Kohen Gadol.


(a)The fourth cry was for the gates to open and drive Yisachar Ish K'far Barka'i out. How does the Tana describe his attitude towards Kodshei Shamayim?

(b)Which dispute between Yanai Hamelech and Queen Alexandra Shalomis (also known as Sh'lomtzi'on ha'Malkah) was he called to arbitrate?

(c)Why did they call specifically him?

(d)What did he reply?


(a)The fourth cry was for the gates to open and drive Yisachar Ish K'far Barka'i out - because he despised Kodshei Shamayim in order to honor himself.

(b)The dispute between Yanai Hamelech and Queen Alexandra Shalomis (also known as Sh'lomtzi'on ha'Malkah) was - as to which is more tasty, lamb (the queen) or kid-goat (the king).

(c)They specifically asked him - because, in his capacity as Kohen Gadol (who was constantly bringing Korbanos), they assumed him to be the greatest expert in that field.

(d)He replied that - lamb must be tastier, because it (and not a kid-goat), was the Torah's choice for the Korban Tamid.


(a)What mistake did he make in presenting his reply?

(b)The King ordered his right hand to be cut off. What happened subsequently?

(c)What did Rav Yosef comment about the awesome outcome?


(a)His mistake in presenting his reply - was that he answered with an mocking wave of the hand in the direction of the king.

(b)The King ordered his right hand to be cut off - but he bribed the officer in charge to cut off his left hand instead. Upon hearing that, the king ordered his right hand to be cut off as well.

(c)Rav Yosef commented - 'Blessed be Hash-m who gave Yisachar Ish Barka'i his desert (or who punished him) in this world (rather than in the World to Come)'.


(a)Rav Ashi commented that Yisachar Ish Barka'i ought to have known better. Why is that?

(b)According to Ravina, he did not even know Chumash. Why is that?

(c)Rebbi Elazar Amar Rebbi Chanina states that Talmidei-Chachamim increase peace in the world. From which Pasuk in Yeshayah did he learn it?


(a)Rav Ashi comments that Yisachar Ish Barka'i ought to have known better - because we learned in our Mishnah that there is no difference between a lamb and a kid-goat.

(b)According to Ravina, he did not even know Chumash - because the Torah writes in Vayikra (in connection with the Korban Shelamim) "Im Kesev" ... "Im Eiz", to indicate that the two are equal (though it is not then clear why our Mishnah did not cite that Pasuk).

(c)Rebbi Elazar Amar Rebbi Chanina states that Talmidei-Chachamim increase peace in the world - as the Pasuk writes "ve'Chol Banayich Limudei Hash-m, ve'Rav Shalom Banayich" (Do not read "Banayich" [your children] but 'Bonayich' [your builders, with reference to the Talmidei-Chachamim]).

Hadran alach 'ha'Meivi Asham' u'Selika Lah Maseches Kerisus