ERUVIN 72 (10 Sivan) - Today's study material has been dedicated by Mrs. Rita Grunberger of Queens, N.Y., in loving memory of her husband, Reb Yitzchok Yakov (Irving) ben Eliyahu Grunberger. Irving Grunberger helped many people quietly in an unassuming manner and is dearly missed by all who knew him. His Yahrzeit is 10 Sivan.

[72a - 24 lines; 72b - 53 lines]

1a)[line 8]הלכהHALACHAH- we teach publicly that this ruling is to be followed

b)[line 8]מנהגMINHAG- the accepted custom; i.e. we tell an individual to follow this ruling, but it is not taught publicly

c)[line 9]נהגוNAHAGU- people on their own conduct themselves according to this ruling; i.e. we do not even tell an individual to follow this ruling, but neither do we rebuke someone who rules according to this opinion

2)[line 10]בטרקליןTERAKLIN- a large dining room; reception room

3)[line 15]במסיפסMESIFAS- (a) a low partition made of pieces of wood (RASHI); (b) a hollow wall with windows (ARUCH)

4)[line 19]במחיצות המגיעות לתקרהMECHITZOS HA'MAGI'OS LA'TIKRAH- that is, non-permanent partitions, such as curtains, which do not reach the ceiling (TOSFOS DH b'Mechitzos). Alternatively, partitions which were added after the building was built, and which were not part of the original building (that therefore do not reach the ceiling) (RASHI 72b DH Chadarim).


5)[line 1]רבי יהודה הסברREBBI YEHUDAH HA'SABAR- Rebbi Yehudah the Analytical (called such due to his sharpness)

6)[line 9]להך לישנא דאמר רב נחמן מחלוקת במסיפס תיובתאL'HACH LISHNA D'AMAR RAV NACHMAN MACHLOKES B'MESIFAS TEYUVTA- According to the one who understood the Machlokes between Beis Hillel and Beis Shamai to be only in a case of a Mesifas (see #3 above), Beis Hillel agrees that an Eruv is necessary once the Mechitzah reaches ten Tefachim (RASHI), or if there is a proper Mechitzah (ARUCH). According to the Beraisa of Rebbi Yehudah ha'Sabar, it is clear that Beis Hillel does not require an Eruv unless there are Mechitzos that reach the ceiling.

7)[line 22]ממשMAMASH- i.e. built as part of the original building (RASHI); permanent walls as opposed to curtains or the like (TOSFOS DH b'Mechitzos 72a)

8)[line 24]במה דברים אמורים...BA'MEH DEVARIM AMURIM...- The author of this Beraisa understands that even Beis Shamai agree that in the case of our Mishnah all of the inhabitants of the Teraklin are considered to be in one Reshus, and need not make an Eruv among themselves. The Machlokes concerns whether or not one of the members of a Chatzer (which is already joined together by an Eruv) may represent the others when that Chatzer joins with an Eruv positioned in another Chatzer, or (according to the second version) if another Chatzer joins with an Eruv positioned in their Chatzer.

9)[line 38]בבתיהםB'BATEIHEM- which are located in the same Chatzer as their father's

10)[line 40]מבטל את רשותוMEVATEL ES RESHUSO- [he must] nullify his Reshus [in order to carry in the Chatzer]

11)[line 41]במקוםאחרB 'MAKOM ACHER- that is, the house of one of the residents of the Chatzer other than one belonging to the father

12)[line 41]שאין עמהן דיורין בחצרSHE'EIN IMAHEN DIYURIN B'CHATZER- no one else who would need to join in an Eruv lives in the Chatzer

13)[line 44]במקבלי פרס שנוB'MEKABLEI PERAS SHANU- The brothers in our Mishnah do not actually eat in their father's house, but rather receive bread from him and bring it to their own homes to eat.

14a)[line 45]בית שערBEIS SHA'AR- a gateway that is enclosed by walls on all four sides and covered by a roof (MISHNAH BERURAH 370:1)

b)[line 45]אכסדרהACHSADRAH- an area that is covered by a roof and has no Mechitzos (RASHI 90b DH Achsadrah b'Vik'ah); an area that is covered by a roof and is enclosed on three of its sides (TOSFOS 25a DH Achsadrah b'Vik'ah).

c)[line 45]ומרפסתMIRPESES- (O.F. aledoir) a common balcony from which the residents of a second story go down by way of a ladder to the courtyard, and from there to a Reshus ha'Rabim

15)[line 46]בית התבןBEIS HA'TEVEN- a storage house for straw

16)[line 51]באושאUSHA- a city in the Galilee