[60a - 41 lines; 60b - 29 lines]

1)[line 5]במגופפת עד עשר אמותMEGUFEFES AD ESER AMOS- the Mirpeses is separated from the Chatzer by a Mechitzah which is higher than ten Tefachim, except for the length where the ladder is placed, which is ten Amos wide

2)[line 6]איסתלוקי איסתלוק ליה מהכאISTALUKEI ISTALUK (LEI) LEHU ME'HACHA- they removed themselves from here (from this Chatzer)

3)[line 8]שרצפה בסולמותSHE'RETZAFAH B'SULAMOS- that was lined with ladders placed next to each other

4)[line 10]במעצרתאB'MA'ATZARTA- winepress

5)[line 17]בני קקונאיBENEI KAKUNA'EI- the people from Kurkunia, a city in Bavel

6)[line 18]דליערב לן מאתיןD'LI'ARAV LAN MASIN- to make an Eruv Chatzeiros for our city (which until now had been a public city and now had become private)

7)[line 18]וחזי דלא מצווח' עלה בבי מדרשאV'CHAZI D'LO METZAVCHA ALAH B'VEI MIDRASHA- and make sure that [the residents of Kakuna'i] do not shout about it in the Beis Midrash

8)[line 19]דפתיחי לנהראD'PESICHI L'NAHARA- that opened to the river (and not to the city)

9)[line 21]איעביד להו כוויI'AVUD LEHU KAVEI- I will make for them windows (that open onto the city)

10)[line 22]לא בעיLO BA'I- I do not have to

11)[line 23]ערסייתא ערסייתאARSEYASA ARSEYASA- each neighborhood by itself

12)[line 23]משום פירא דבי תוריMISHUM PEIRA D'VEI TOREI- because of the intervening ditches where date pits were stored as food for oxen

13)[line 26]בי תיבנאBEI TIVNA- a storehouse for straw

14)[line 26]ושויה שיור לפומבדיתאV'SHAVYAH SHIYUR L'PUMBEDISA- even though it obviously could not have been included in the Eruv, as nobody lived there

15)[line 30]והיא היתה שיורV'HI HAYESAH SHIYUR- it itself was used as a Shiyur and was left out of the Eruv of a neighboring large city

16)[line 32]גדולה נמי הויא שיור לקטנהGEDOLAH NAMI HAVYA SHIYUR LA'KETENAH- the large city is also a Shiyur for the small city of Chadashah

17)[line 35]חצר אחת סלקא דעתךCHATZER ACHAS SALKA DAITACH- i.e. how can a Chatzer with no house in it be considered the part of an Eruv which is left out?

18a)[line 36]גמראGEMARA- a tradition

b)[line 36]סבראSEVARA- a logical assumption

19)[line 37]גמרא גמור זמורתא תהאGEMARA GEMOR, ZEMORTA TEHEI- do you, Rav Yosef, mean to suggest that we should merely repeat what we learn (without delving into it); is it merely a song?!

20)[last line]בעיבורה של עירB'IBURAH SHEL IR- [in a house] within the outermost city limits (i.e. it is within 70 Amos and 4 Tefachim of the next closest house)


21)[line 1]מה שנשכר הוא מפסידMAH SHE'NISKAR HU MAFSID- that which he gains on the one side he loses on the other

22)[line 2]למזרח למזרח ביתו למערב למערב ביתוL'MIZRACH L'MIZRACH BEISO L'MA'ARAV L'MA'ARAV BEISO- the frame of reference in our Mishnah when determining east and west is relative to his house

23)[line 12]דקאי ביתיה באלכסונאD'KA'I BEISEI B'ALACHSONA- in relation to his Eruv, his house stands in a diagonal direction from where he is standing, e.g. his Eruv is placed 2000 Amos due west from where he is standing, whereas his house is located 3000 Amos to the southwest from where he is standing (and to the southeast of his Eruv)

24)[line 18]ומפסיד את כל העיר כולהU'MAFSID ES KOL HA'IR KULAH- he loses the distance on the far side of the city equivalent to the length of the city itself

25)[line 25]ומשלימין לו את השארU'MASHLIMIN LO ES HA'SHAR- and he continues to measure the rest of his 2000-Amah Techum on the far side of the city

26)[line 26]דברי נביאותDIVREI NEVI'US- words [that appear to have been] said through prophecy (since no explanation was given); i.e. a tradition from his Rebbi, as opposed to that which we have learned elsewhere

27)[line 28]תרוייהו תננהיTERAVAIHU TANANHI- we learned both of these laws in a Mishnah