
WHICH SPECIES ARE OBLIGATED IN CHALAH? (Yerushalmi Chalah Perek 1 Halachah 4 Daf 8a)

úðé øáé éùîòàì áé ø' éåñé àîø îùåí àáéå àé æå äéà äîòéñä äðåúï çîéï ìúåê ÷îç. çìéèä ÷îç ìúåê çîéï.


(Beraisa - R. Yishmael bei R. Yosi, citing his father): What is Me'isah? He puts boiling water in flour. Chalitah is flour in boiling water.

àéúä çîé ðçìèä ëì öåøëä á"ù îçééáéï. ìà ðçìèä ëì öåøëä á"ù ôåèøéï.


Question: How is this? [Chalitah] cooks all that is needed, and Beis Shamai obligate. [Me'isah] does not cook all that is needed, and Beis Shamai exempt! (It was baked in a pan afterwards (R. SHLOMO SIRILIYO). If prior full cooking through water does not exempt from Chalah, all the more so partial cooking through water does not exempt! - PF)

ø' éåñé (ø' éñà - àäáú öéåï åéøåùìí îåç÷å, ò"ô ãôåñ ÷åùèðèéðà) áùí çæ÷éä áùí øáé çééä áùí øáé äåùòéà ùðé úìîéãéí ùðå àåúä.


(R. Yosi citing Chizkiyah citing R. Hoshayah): Two Talmidim taught [these two clauses; they disagree with each other].

[ãó éã òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ø' àéîé áùí ø' éåçðï òì äãáø äæä äìëúé àöì ø' äåùòéà øåáà ì÷éñøéï åàîø ìé ùðé úìîéãéí ùðå àåúä.


(R. Imi citing R. Yochanan): Regarding this matter I went to R. Hoshaya Ruba to Kisarin. He told me that two Talmidim taught them.

åçë"à ìà ëãáøé æä åìà ëãáøé æä àìà äðàôä áúðåø çééá. áàéìôñ åá÷ãéøä ôèåø.


Chachamim say, it is not like this opinion, and not like this. Rather, what is baked in an oven is liable; in a pan or pot is exempt.

àé æäå çìåè áøåø.


Question: What is clear Chalut (that is cooked all that is needed, and it is exempt)?

à"ø æòéøà ëì ùäàåø îäìê úçúéå.


Answer (R. Ze'ira): It is anything that the fire goes under it.

àîø øáé éåñé àôé' äàåø îäìê úçúéå îëéåï ùäåà òúéã ìòùåúå áö÷ çééá áçìä.


(R. Yosi): Even if the fire goes under it, if he intends to make a dough [and bake it], it is obligated in Chalah.

÷îç ÷ìé ùòùàå áö÷ çééá áçìä.


Parched flour that one made a dough - it is obligated in Chalah.

øáé éåñé áùí øáé éåçðï åäåà ùàôééï.


(R. Yosi citing R. Yochanan): This is if he [intended to] bake it.

çìåú úåãä åø÷é÷é ðæéø òùàï ìòöîå ôèåø ãëúéá [áîãáø èå ë] øàùéú òøéñåúéëí åìà ùì ä÷ãù.


Chalos Todah and Rekikim of a Nazir - if he made them for himself, they are exempt, for it says "Reishis Arisoseichem" (yours), and not of Hekdesh;

ìîëåø áùå÷ çééá. ìà áãòúå äãáø úìåé. áãòú äì÷åçåú äãáø úìåé ùîà [ö"ì ìà - äâø"à] éîöà äì÷åçåú åðèáìå îéã:


If he made them to sell in the market, they are obligated, for it does not depend on his intent. It depends on the buyer's intent. Perhaps he will not find a buyer, and they became Tevel immediately!