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Joshua Goot asked:

the artscroll on amud bet of p. 29 says the following:

"Shulchan Aruch (orach chaim 649:5, based on Ran) rules that in the Diaspora one should attempt on the second day to find a lulav that would be valid on the first day. If none is available, one should take a lulav that meets the standard required on the other days, but should not recite the blessing over it." my question is why are you not allowed to recite the blessing over it according to the shulchan aruch? thank you so much for your help.

Joshua Goot, New Jersey, USA

The Kollel replies:

Dear Joshua,

The second day is Yomtov on a Rabanan level and should be similar to the first day (like not doing Melachah). But concerning Lulav, after the first day, it is only d'Rabanan so the Chachamim said if nothing better is to be found take a Lulav that is good for the later days but don't make a Berachah since it is not good enough for the first day.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner