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1. Punctuating the last Rashi on Daf 18b 2. Pi Tikrah 3. Sukah on a porch

Isaiah Beilin asked:

Dear Kollel,

Can you discuss how "pi tikra" can make a mechitzah if gedoyim are bokim bo. I saw the penei yeshuah in Eruvin says that "gedoyim" is miderabanan" to answer this. but, it is obviously not a satisfactory solution.

Rabbi Beilin

The Kollel replies:

The first Ritva in the second Perek of Eruvin asks your question, and answers that Pi Tikrah is a different Halachah (l'Moshe mi'Sinai) and the Din of b'Ki'as Gedi'im does not apply to it. See also Meiri Shabbos 101 who gives a similar reply.

I have not seen the P'nei Yehoshua in Eruvin which you refer to, but the P'nei Yehoshua in Sukah 16a says that the Din of Gud Achis was said about Pi Tikrah, to teach us that Pi Tikrah does not have a problem of b'Ki'as Gedi'im. He adds that this is because Pi Tikrah closes the gap without a Mechitzah and therefore it does not mattter if there is b'Ki'as Gedi'im. However, where we try to say Gud Achis, we have a problem of b'Ki'as Gedi'im, since we want to say that the Mechitzah closes the gap.

Dov Freedman

Isaiah Beilin commented:

Let me add that Rashi explicitly relates pi tikra and gud achis. He does not see it as a "deles". And, as I said, he even disqualified bkias hachozer. (Not even a Rabim) so, how come in one case we have gedoyim and in another people. Even chovut romi is to rashi the same.

Your answer is good for those who differentiate.

The Kollel replies:

Obviously you are right. According to Rashi we are forced to answer like the Ritva, Me'iri and Penei Yehoshu'a cited in my original reply. According to Tosfos, however, the question does not even begin.

Dov Freedman