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1. fn 3 in hebrew chart 2. Footnote #3 in Hebrew Chart 3. רשד"ה בועל נדה

Allen Schuldenfrei asked:

Are you saying in footnote 3 that by Mishcav U'Moshav if a Zav lies down on the top mattress (and thereby obviously touching it)that that the top mattress only becomes a rishon letumah while the matttresses below it are tamei as an av hatumah. If that's what fn. 3 intended to say, I don't think that that is correct.

Allen Schuldenfrei, baltimore, maryland USA

The Kollel replies:

No, that was not the intention of the Chart. What was meant was that the Halachah of Tum'as Maga only applies to the first Mishkav, but the Halachah of Tum'as Mishkav applies not only to the first but to all of the Mishkavos. The latter makes the top Mishkav equal to all the others below it (and v.v.).

We will try to make that more clear in the Chart for the future. (See attached.)

Be well,

M. Kornfeld