More Discussions for this daf
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7. במקדש שני. מי הוו כרובים

tuvya marcus asks:

i remember there was an earlier mention of the cohen being burned by fire from under the lishkas haeitzim in Yoma.

i thought it was earlier in Yoma, but i cannot find it.

am i mistaken? is there an earlier mention in this maseches?

tuvya marcus, Jerusalem, Israel

The Kollel replies:

Perhaps you are referring to the mention of the Lishkas Dir ha'Eitzim mentioned on 16a.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose

David Retter comments:

I think R' Tuvya is referring to the Gemorah in Shekalim, Daf 15b, in the Yerushalmi. It is, in reality, the first Mishnah in the 6th Perek of Shekalim. The Mishnah doesn't say how the Cohen passed away. The Braisa quoted in the Gemorah (Yerushalmi) on Daf 15b adds some additional details to the story, including that the petirah was due to fire.