More Discussions for this daf
1. Atonement of a Korban Olah 2. Avon vs. Chet 3. Vidui on Leket Shichichah and Pei'ah
4. משום חולשא דכהן גדול

David Behrendt asked:

The gemara Yoma 36b states that the defining characteristic of "Avon" is that it's Zadon (willful). But assuming korbanos are only brought for sh'gagos (z'donos have a chiyuv kares), how do we understand the pasuk in Shemos 28.38 that refers to the "avon ha'kedoshim" that Bnei Yisrael will be makdish? (Shouldn't it have said "cheit ha'kedoshim"?)

Thanks in advance,

David Behrendt, Los Angeles, CA

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara in Pesachim 80b makes it clear that the verse you mentioned is not discussing the atonement offered by a Korban, but that offered by the Tzitz. And the Gemara explains that the Tzitz is indeed Meratzeh even for a sin of Tum'ah b'Mezid (i.e. if the blood of a Korban became Tamei, or was sprinkled b'Tum'ah, b'Mezid,s see Gemara there)s.

M. Kornfeld