More Discussions for this daf
1. Order of daily Avodah 2. Where did the Kohen Gadol wash his hands and feet 3. Nesachim
4. Tziruf of the iron sticks 5. Tosfos DH Hani Mili 6. Maleches Machsheves
7. Beis ha'Parvah 8. Kohen Gadol Changing Garments 9. ילמד של שחרית משל ערבית

Jeff Milrad asks:

Question when the kohem godol changed his garments and goes to go to mikvah each time is there an assistant that goes with him and is it the same one throughout yom Kippur for mikvah and changing and washing his hands and feet.

Jeff Milrad

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav.

It stands to reason that, out of Kavod for the Kohen Gadol, the Kohanim would not let him Go from one location to the other on his own. Hence the Mishnah tells us that, whenever he Toveled, they handed him his new set of clothes - either the Bigdei Zahav or the Bigdei Lavan; It also describes how that they brought him the various animals that he had to offer and how they brought him to the Mikvah to Tovel. Clearly, a group of Kohanim accompanied him wherever he went and assisted him wherever necessary. What difference does it make whether they were the same ones or not?

The only time we are told who accompanied him is when he went to the east of the Azarah to draw the lots of Sa'ir and Azazel, when the S'gan and the head of the current Beis-Av went with him, and there is no indication as to whether they also accompanied him on when he performed his other duties.

Bear in mind also, that the Kohanim who were in the Azarah had their own tasks to perform. I hope that I have answered your questions to your satisfaction.

Following my reply to your questions, I noticed that, according to an opinion cited by Rashi on Daf 39a DH 'Lamah S'gan mi'Yemino', the S'gan accompanied the Kohen Gadol constantly, in case the Kohen Gadol became Pasul, and he had to take over.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv.

Eliezer Chrysler